Investing (Shan)
Posted: 01 Oct 2014, 00:56
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Nyla: She’d searched all of Harper Rock. Once. Twice. Three times. She’d lost count. Top to bottom. She’d gone searched the wilderness that surrounded, seeming almost not to care when the fae had found her. Sometimes they even seemed familiar, like she’d seen them before, but those thoughts were so far down on her list of priorities they were squashed down just after creation. There had to be a sign. There had to be something. She’d finish a search, find her way back home to clean up and pass out on her bed, possibly remembering to charge her phone, and then she’d be back out to look again.
It was routine now. Auto pilot worthy routine. Even the feeling of the fae taking their piece of her was becoming an almost natural thing. Still, she found no sign of the ones she sought and with each sweep she became more and more frantic, the darkness that lingered so close to her at every point pulsating closer and closer to the soul she wasn’t even entirely sure existed anymore.
It was another failed search. She was dragging *** back to her trailer, the thought process to use her tome completely gone. She was covered in bite marks and claw marks, though the skin beneath them was riddled with scar tissue that made it almost hard to tell the new from the old. It was something that would possibly upset her after she finally got her head back on straight, but for now she was a woman on a mission. Mission impossible maybe.
She paid no attention to her surroundings as she made her way towards the half bath that they used to clean up, not wanting to get all of her grime all over the ones that the thralls used for their everyday human necessities.
Shan: Rolling, twisting, falling. Flying. Diving, sinking, rolling. Shan’s dream was as vivid as the real thing, if it were possible to do such things, flying high above skyscrapers and diving into the ocean to sink to the very depths. Pressure. The pressure was still there when she sat straight up, expelling the stale air out of her lungs with one exasperated sigh. How long had she been asleep? Reaching to grasp her phone from the edge of the nightstand she shifted until she was sitting more upright, her other hand pushing loose strands to tuck them back behind her ears one at a time as she turned her phone on and squinted at it. Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes was all she had managed to get, and she grumbled to herself before shoving out of bed and slipping into a pair of comfortable grey sweat pants and a dark green wife beater tee.
Sitting on the edge of the bed she slid her finger up the phone, it glowing in her hand as she began to troll through the messages. A couple of women needing a ride home that made her chuckle under her breath - she was in no condition last night to do anything of the sort. The nights events swirled in her head and she shook it to read through the texts from her thrall next. Seraphine was either sitting on the couch upstairs, or out doing what she was supposed to be doing - intel. She was supposed to be trailing her marked victims and giving Shan information on them. She composed a message to Seraphine just as she heard someone come down the hall, though the person was way too light on their feet to be her thrall. That woman stomped around like an elephant.
Shan deduced it was probably either Nyla or Zelda, though the more that she sat there thinking about it the more she realized that she hadn't seen Zelda for quite some time now. She pursed her lips to the side - that was unusual for Sparky. Sure, she went weeks at a time sometimes before saying anything, but Shan also usually came across the woman in the sewers from time to time and in hindsight, she hadn’t recently. She got up and slid over to the door, opening it and heading into the hallway there as she reached up and pulled her hair back. She caught a glimpse of the woman heading into the bathroom; Nyla? What was the woman doing, and why was she all kinds of dirty? Shan knew the woman wasn't the type to go tromping through the sewers, and getting dirty, let alone killing the naked hunters and paladins down there.
Stopping in the doorway, she continued to put her hair up and pull it back as she spoke to Nyla. “Hey Ny. Long night?” She asked curiously, red hues surveying the woman and her dirty attire with an accusatory eyebrow raised. It wasn't normal for Nyla to look like this. To look so disheveled and unkept. Shan furrowed her brows at her then, trying to figure out what was wrong without having to ask. Sure, she couldn't figure out why she cared exactly, but she chalked it up to curiosity and finally settled her shoulder against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest and her hair successfully tied back.
Nyla: The words were unexpected, causing the blonde to stop her movement almost jerkily. She was unsure what to do, the words breaking the ability of her auto-pilot. Her hand went up to the elastic band that was still almost keeping her hair up in a ponytail, her lengthened nails digging into it and pulling it slowly out of her hair, along with several twigs and pieces of hair that were yanked out with the action. She turned around, just as the stupid thing was fully out of her hair, dropping it to the floor as her dark eyes met those of her housemate.
“I can’t find them… They’re just gone…” The words lacked everything. The voice was Nyla’s, but it was empty of the vital aspect of her voice that made it distinctly hers. She hadn’t mentioned it to anyone yet, the issue that was bogging down her mind. It made the emptiness almost seem to expand inside of her to actually vocalize it, even if Shan wouldn’t understand what she meant. She’d said it out loud.
They weren’t the first to leave without a trace. At least the first had sent that e-mail, the one she still hadn’t brought herself to delete. At least she knew he had left of his own accord. But where were they? Where was her notes from them? She trembled slightly, wanting to finish her routine. Shower. Sleep for days. Get up and search again.
Shan: The way Nyla was moving was like the woman was a zombie, really. Slow and robot like, as if she already knew exactly what she was going to do next, but was unsure of how she was going to do it. Shan studied her, the way she moved, the way she pulled her hair down and just how dirty it actually was. Then the words came, and Shan really couldn't help but to think that she was listening to a robot talking. They were lacking. There was something important missing from them, some kind of vigor from them that was Nyla’s, some form of emotion to them that Nyla exhibited. She pursed her lips to the side, staring then into Nyla’s darkened hues. Who was this person seemingly lost? Surely it wasn't Nyla.
She raised a calculating eyebrow at the monotone words though, blinking once before letting her head fall to the side to rest against the door frame as well. Who? Had Nyla been out searching for someone all night? Shan smirked a little, her night had been way more eventful and even fun, in her opinion. But Nyla wasnt asking her opinion, not right now, clearly not asking her to compare her night. Nyla was searching, and Shan could only deduce it was for Zelda. Thinking about it, she hadn't seen Solara around either, for even longer than Zelda. Weird. She drew her tongue out over her bottom lip and shrugged.
“Im sure they are around. You on the other hand, look like hell.” She nodded once towards the woman in front of her, as if to tell her to clean herself up. Shan thought to move into the bathroom and help the woman, but she figured if Nyla needed the help she would tell her.
Nyla: The blonde just stared. The cycle had been broken and she couldn’t seem to make herself get back to it. She was never supposed to turn around, she was supposed to have just undressed on the way to the shower, stood there until she felt mostly clean, picked up the clothes on her way to her room and then flopped face first onto her bed until she finally awoke again.
One of her hands moved to the bottom hem of her shirt as if to start to remove it, but it just hovered there strangely. Her nails were long; too long, with dirt caked under them from rooting around in the wilderness. Her head shook though, filthy blonde locks shaking in front of her as she did so. “I’ve looked. And looked. And looked.” She had to bite her lip to keep herself from saying it again. “I keep looking.” She couldn’t stop. Even standing there explaining it to Shan made her want to screw the shower and go back to her search, but she knew she needed to be clean for searching the city. It was the only reason she’d been coming back at all in between searches.
Shan: Eyebrows raised once more at Nyla, who was acting all kinds of strange. It was like the woman was unable to be anything short of empty. Shan suddenly knew exactly what Nyla was feeling, and she could only imagine the way the Allurist was handling it. Damn role reversal. She thought, reaching up to scratch a manicured nail at her earlobe. I’m blumbering over emotions in the middle of a kill, and she’s the one groping around in the empty darkness. What I would kill to have that back… But that wasn't the issue, no, the issue was that Nyla apparently needed help and couldn't see that enough to ask for her to.
Shan sighed and shook her head against the door jam, pushing off it and stepping into the bathroom. She felt… sorry, for Nyla, in that moment, the way a person feels sorry for the last pup of the litter that got left behind. She reached up and placed one hand awkwardly on the woman’s shoulder, her other hand reaching to free the twigs and leaves from the woman's hair as she smiled at Nyla. “It’ll be fine. They probably just went on vacation or something.” Sure, that was plausible.
Nyla: Her head nodded even though she didn’t really believe it. They were gone. She had failed them. Cursed them to live this life and then failed to protect them from whatever it was that had taken them. Her head bowed under the guilt of it before she shook it again, a few stray bits of debris falling to the floor as she did so. Finally, her hands moved to the bottom of her shirt again, lifting it over her head as she turned to go turn on the shower. She didn’t bother with the cold, just turning the tap for hot water as the shirt she’d been wearing dropped from her grasp.
There were gnawing and claw marks all along her sides and stomach from fae and beasts who had gotten the better of her during her searches. She barely felt them besides knowing that they were there. The ones that hadn’t quite healed yet were caked with filth - it was a good thing she was a vampire and was unlikely to contract a disease or infection.
Shan: She almost laughed at how empty Nyla seemed in that very moment. It was so sadly pathetic, that to Shan it was almost poetically funny. She shook her head and smiled, doing her best to calm the frantic wild thing in front of her. It was like Nyla was taking on a persona, and Shan knew that the woman wasn't like herself. She smirked. “Hey, you know, didn't we tie our last sparring match?” She threw that out there, trying to get the womans mind off the fact that she couldn't find people that she had grown so emotionally attached to.
Shan blinked, staring at Nyla, entirely unsure herself how Nyla would react to the random fact, and even more unsure of how she could snap the fireball that was Nyla back to the reality. Maybe the woman just needed to hear the truth. She bit into her lower lip, digging her fang in a little before she spoke, “You know immortality serves the unattached much better.” She turned her head to look at the other woman, staring at the womans face and studying it. It was something she had learned in the shadow realm, so for Shan it was simply a cold hard truth that made her immortality a gift in her eyes.
Nyla: She didn’t answer the other woman right away, instead she pushed the jeans that were practically falling off on their own anyway down and stepped under the scalding spray. The gasp that came out of her was the most emotion she’d shown yet since coming back home. The skin that was hit by the spray turned a nasty red almost immediately from the touch, but the blonde barely moved. She didn’t reach for soap or anything to aid the water, simply standing underneath the spray and moving so new areas could come into contact with it.
It didn’t take long before her entire body was that nasty red colour, though it wouldn’t last long, the skin already slowly starting to heal the slight burns. Once the water ran off of her completely clear she turned the tap back off and stepped out, letting the water drip onto the floor as she did. “Does it?” She tilted her head to the side, eyeing the woman she’d come to see as her closest friend. There was even that night it had become something else, though in the flurry of dread that followed she hadn’t been able to fully process her feelings about that.
“Have you no attachments, Shan? None at all? Is there no one that you would grieve should you all of a sudden find them gone without a trace?” Despite the words, there was no hurt in the blonde’s voice. It wasn’t quite the same monotone it had been, but the question was asked as if it had no bearing at all on the woman.
Nyla: She’d searched all of Harper Rock. Once. Twice. Three times. She’d lost count. Top to bottom. She’d gone searched the wilderness that surrounded, seeming almost not to care when the fae had found her. Sometimes they even seemed familiar, like she’d seen them before, but those thoughts were so far down on her list of priorities they were squashed down just after creation. There had to be a sign. There had to be something. She’d finish a search, find her way back home to clean up and pass out on her bed, possibly remembering to charge her phone, and then she’d be back out to look again.
It was routine now. Auto pilot worthy routine. Even the feeling of the fae taking their piece of her was becoming an almost natural thing. Still, she found no sign of the ones she sought and with each sweep she became more and more frantic, the darkness that lingered so close to her at every point pulsating closer and closer to the soul she wasn’t even entirely sure existed anymore.
It was another failed search. She was dragging *** back to her trailer, the thought process to use her tome completely gone. She was covered in bite marks and claw marks, though the skin beneath them was riddled with scar tissue that made it almost hard to tell the new from the old. It was something that would possibly upset her after she finally got her head back on straight, but for now she was a woman on a mission. Mission impossible maybe.
She paid no attention to her surroundings as she made her way towards the half bath that they used to clean up, not wanting to get all of her grime all over the ones that the thralls used for their everyday human necessities.
Shan: Rolling, twisting, falling. Flying. Diving, sinking, rolling. Shan’s dream was as vivid as the real thing, if it were possible to do such things, flying high above skyscrapers and diving into the ocean to sink to the very depths. Pressure. The pressure was still there when she sat straight up, expelling the stale air out of her lungs with one exasperated sigh. How long had she been asleep? Reaching to grasp her phone from the edge of the nightstand she shifted until she was sitting more upright, her other hand pushing loose strands to tuck them back behind her ears one at a time as she turned her phone on and squinted at it. Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes was all she had managed to get, and she grumbled to herself before shoving out of bed and slipping into a pair of comfortable grey sweat pants and a dark green wife beater tee.
Sitting on the edge of the bed she slid her finger up the phone, it glowing in her hand as she began to troll through the messages. A couple of women needing a ride home that made her chuckle under her breath - she was in no condition last night to do anything of the sort. The nights events swirled in her head and she shook it to read through the texts from her thrall next. Seraphine was either sitting on the couch upstairs, or out doing what she was supposed to be doing - intel. She was supposed to be trailing her marked victims and giving Shan information on them. She composed a message to Seraphine just as she heard someone come down the hall, though the person was way too light on their feet to be her thrall. That woman stomped around like an elephant.
Shan deduced it was probably either Nyla or Zelda, though the more that she sat there thinking about it the more she realized that she hadn't seen Zelda for quite some time now. She pursed her lips to the side - that was unusual for Sparky. Sure, she went weeks at a time sometimes before saying anything, but Shan also usually came across the woman in the sewers from time to time and in hindsight, she hadn’t recently. She got up and slid over to the door, opening it and heading into the hallway there as she reached up and pulled her hair back. She caught a glimpse of the woman heading into the bathroom; Nyla? What was the woman doing, and why was she all kinds of dirty? Shan knew the woman wasn't the type to go tromping through the sewers, and getting dirty, let alone killing the naked hunters and paladins down there.
Stopping in the doorway, she continued to put her hair up and pull it back as she spoke to Nyla. “Hey Ny. Long night?” She asked curiously, red hues surveying the woman and her dirty attire with an accusatory eyebrow raised. It wasn't normal for Nyla to look like this. To look so disheveled and unkept. Shan furrowed her brows at her then, trying to figure out what was wrong without having to ask. Sure, she couldn't figure out why she cared exactly, but she chalked it up to curiosity and finally settled her shoulder against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest and her hair successfully tied back.
Nyla: The words were unexpected, causing the blonde to stop her movement almost jerkily. She was unsure what to do, the words breaking the ability of her auto-pilot. Her hand went up to the elastic band that was still almost keeping her hair up in a ponytail, her lengthened nails digging into it and pulling it slowly out of her hair, along with several twigs and pieces of hair that were yanked out with the action. She turned around, just as the stupid thing was fully out of her hair, dropping it to the floor as her dark eyes met those of her housemate.
“I can’t find them… They’re just gone…” The words lacked everything. The voice was Nyla’s, but it was empty of the vital aspect of her voice that made it distinctly hers. She hadn’t mentioned it to anyone yet, the issue that was bogging down her mind. It made the emptiness almost seem to expand inside of her to actually vocalize it, even if Shan wouldn’t understand what she meant. She’d said it out loud.
They weren’t the first to leave without a trace. At least the first had sent that e-mail, the one she still hadn’t brought herself to delete. At least she knew he had left of his own accord. But where were they? Where was her notes from them? She trembled slightly, wanting to finish her routine. Shower. Sleep for days. Get up and search again.
Shan: The way Nyla was moving was like the woman was a zombie, really. Slow and robot like, as if she already knew exactly what she was going to do next, but was unsure of how she was going to do it. Shan studied her, the way she moved, the way she pulled her hair down and just how dirty it actually was. Then the words came, and Shan really couldn't help but to think that she was listening to a robot talking. They were lacking. There was something important missing from them, some kind of vigor from them that was Nyla’s, some form of emotion to them that Nyla exhibited. She pursed her lips to the side, staring then into Nyla’s darkened hues. Who was this person seemingly lost? Surely it wasn't Nyla.
She raised a calculating eyebrow at the monotone words though, blinking once before letting her head fall to the side to rest against the door frame as well. Who? Had Nyla been out searching for someone all night? Shan smirked a little, her night had been way more eventful and even fun, in her opinion. But Nyla wasnt asking her opinion, not right now, clearly not asking her to compare her night. Nyla was searching, and Shan could only deduce it was for Zelda. Thinking about it, she hadn't seen Solara around either, for even longer than Zelda. Weird. She drew her tongue out over her bottom lip and shrugged.
“Im sure they are around. You on the other hand, look like hell.” She nodded once towards the woman in front of her, as if to tell her to clean herself up. Shan thought to move into the bathroom and help the woman, but she figured if Nyla needed the help she would tell her.
Nyla: The blonde just stared. The cycle had been broken and she couldn’t seem to make herself get back to it. She was never supposed to turn around, she was supposed to have just undressed on the way to the shower, stood there until she felt mostly clean, picked up the clothes on her way to her room and then flopped face first onto her bed until she finally awoke again.
One of her hands moved to the bottom hem of her shirt as if to start to remove it, but it just hovered there strangely. Her nails were long; too long, with dirt caked under them from rooting around in the wilderness. Her head shook though, filthy blonde locks shaking in front of her as she did so. “I’ve looked. And looked. And looked.” She had to bite her lip to keep herself from saying it again. “I keep looking.” She couldn’t stop. Even standing there explaining it to Shan made her want to screw the shower and go back to her search, but she knew she needed to be clean for searching the city. It was the only reason she’d been coming back at all in between searches.
Shan: Eyebrows raised once more at Nyla, who was acting all kinds of strange. It was like the woman was unable to be anything short of empty. Shan suddenly knew exactly what Nyla was feeling, and she could only imagine the way the Allurist was handling it. Damn role reversal. She thought, reaching up to scratch a manicured nail at her earlobe. I’m blumbering over emotions in the middle of a kill, and she’s the one groping around in the empty darkness. What I would kill to have that back… But that wasn't the issue, no, the issue was that Nyla apparently needed help and couldn't see that enough to ask for her to.
Shan sighed and shook her head against the door jam, pushing off it and stepping into the bathroom. She felt… sorry, for Nyla, in that moment, the way a person feels sorry for the last pup of the litter that got left behind. She reached up and placed one hand awkwardly on the woman’s shoulder, her other hand reaching to free the twigs and leaves from the woman's hair as she smiled at Nyla. “It’ll be fine. They probably just went on vacation or something.” Sure, that was plausible.
Nyla: Her head nodded even though she didn’t really believe it. They were gone. She had failed them. Cursed them to live this life and then failed to protect them from whatever it was that had taken them. Her head bowed under the guilt of it before she shook it again, a few stray bits of debris falling to the floor as she did so. Finally, her hands moved to the bottom of her shirt again, lifting it over her head as she turned to go turn on the shower. She didn’t bother with the cold, just turning the tap for hot water as the shirt she’d been wearing dropped from her grasp.
There were gnawing and claw marks all along her sides and stomach from fae and beasts who had gotten the better of her during her searches. She barely felt them besides knowing that they were there. The ones that hadn’t quite healed yet were caked with filth - it was a good thing she was a vampire and was unlikely to contract a disease or infection.
Shan: She almost laughed at how empty Nyla seemed in that very moment. It was so sadly pathetic, that to Shan it was almost poetically funny. She shook her head and smiled, doing her best to calm the frantic wild thing in front of her. It was like Nyla was taking on a persona, and Shan knew that the woman wasn't like herself. She smirked. “Hey, you know, didn't we tie our last sparring match?” She threw that out there, trying to get the womans mind off the fact that she couldn't find people that she had grown so emotionally attached to.
Shan blinked, staring at Nyla, entirely unsure herself how Nyla would react to the random fact, and even more unsure of how she could snap the fireball that was Nyla back to the reality. Maybe the woman just needed to hear the truth. She bit into her lower lip, digging her fang in a little before she spoke, “You know immortality serves the unattached much better.” She turned her head to look at the other woman, staring at the womans face and studying it. It was something she had learned in the shadow realm, so for Shan it was simply a cold hard truth that made her immortality a gift in her eyes.
Nyla: She didn’t answer the other woman right away, instead she pushed the jeans that were practically falling off on their own anyway down and stepped under the scalding spray. The gasp that came out of her was the most emotion she’d shown yet since coming back home. The skin that was hit by the spray turned a nasty red almost immediately from the touch, but the blonde barely moved. She didn’t reach for soap or anything to aid the water, simply standing underneath the spray and moving so new areas could come into contact with it.
It didn’t take long before her entire body was that nasty red colour, though it wouldn’t last long, the skin already slowly starting to heal the slight burns. Once the water ran off of her completely clear she turned the tap back off and stepped out, letting the water drip onto the floor as she did. “Does it?” She tilted her head to the side, eyeing the woman she’d come to see as her closest friend. There was even that night it had become something else, though in the flurry of dread that followed she hadn’t been able to fully process her feelings about that.
“Have you no attachments, Shan? None at all? Is there no one that you would grieve should you all of a sudden find them gone without a trace?” Despite the words, there was no hurt in the blonde’s voice. It wasn’t quite the same monotone it had been, but the question was asked as if it had no bearing at all on the woman.