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Rules & Regulations [Mora]

Posted: 07 Sep 2014, 12:33
by Olive
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Mora: We are family.

Mora was in a good mood. Her moss orbs seemed to twinkle with something, something Mora hadn’t shown in a long time; Life. Mora was happy. Daradasi was growing becoming something, being moulded into a ball of activity. The childer she had now were active, training - actually making an effort whilst her previous additions did not, it was different money was pouring out of her bank account and oozing into theirs. She didnt mind. She enjoyed having something to spend her money on besides relics.

I got all my sisters with me.

The telepath was sitting in the Crypt, the flames from the forge warmed the left side of her face as she watched them whipping from side to side. Fire was always a pretty thing to Mora as closed her eyes and began to channel inspiration to those she held dear to her, Olive, Judas, Tate, and most of her childer, the ones that did not sleep.

Olive: She felt the inspiration flow into her like a river of lava, oozing slowly at first then engulfing her very core in a flame of bursting energy, and suddenly she was pounding away at the gun parts that were more and more easier to modify these days. Every once in a while she would find that her skill sets had shifted - that she was good at some things but not always at them all - though she was always good at breaking and entering. Pang! Pang! Pang! The metal hammer methodically hit the molten hot gun piece over and over, until she was finally satisfied with the result, and she finally moved to set it to the cooling table off to the side.

Picking up a part from the table, she moved to press it into another, then a third, until finally she was holding a completed gun in her hands. The best that she had made up to date, by far, and she admired it for a moment, wondering how exactly she was able to make that one then and not before. It had to be that inspiration she knew was coming from her sire, so she pulled herself up and moved to exit the forge, looking around the crypt for her. Spotting Mora over by the altar, she smiled and strolled over. “Sireee. Check it out.” She handed the woman the gun she had made, proud of it. “Thanks to your inspiration.”

Mora: Mora had been far too busy in that brief moment focusing on inspiration, her eyelids closed as she focused - harder and harder until everyone that she held dear had been given some form of inspiration. It was what she did, whenever the sun set she would attempt to inspire those around her. When she opened her eyes they fell upon a happy, bouncy woman. Her lips widened, forming a large smile that touched each of her ears as she canted her head blonde hair falling on her shoulders. She outstretched her hands taking the gun from the woman and admired it.

Her fingers touched the newly melded metal as she ‘oo’ed’ and ‘ahh’ed’ as she fell in love with the gun. “It’s beautiful.” She said, the gun was truly wonderful, but would it hit it’s mark she wondered. Though she dared not to ask Olive, this was her work - and Olive was hella’ good with a gun. “Does it have a name?” Mora had a thing about naming things in her possession, weapons included.

Olive: She shook her head. “No name. Its just a rapid fire Uzi.” She shrugged, watching her sire admire the work. “So… there’s been a lot going on… how many new guns should I be looking at making and holding on to?” She couldnt help but ask, curiosity dashing her eyes as they glanced up and focused on Mora’s. She remembered not a year ago when Mora had sired her, that it had only been her and Josslin really, that the family hadnt been but three people. Now it was larger, and growing. Olive couldnt help but notice.

Mora: If the vampire could flush a hot pink, she would have - but due to the lack of circulation going on, she didn’t nor did anyone else notice. She simply smiled at her fire haired companion, her best friend - and her daughter. “There has been much going on.” She said with a shrug of her shoulders. “Lots.” She said with a playful elbow to the ribs, being careful to avoid the wound she knew resided there.

“You know me Olive. I can’t help but.. save.” She told her with a shrug of her shoulder, but that smile never left her lips. How could it, she had a brilliant boyfriend - his family was her own family, as well as her own family being hers. They were growing together it drew butterflies into the pit of her stomach. “Can’t stand to see pain.” She said, with a faint laugh.

Olive: She jumped and shoved playfully at her sire when the woman elbowed her slightly, giving a sharp laugh as she batted the elbow away. “Yeah yeah.” She grinned, “Course. Dont think I have forgotten the night you turned me, ya know.” She snickered slightly. It was true that Olive still had the carmello bar in her freezer over in the misfit fort apartment that she shared with Cree. She fleetingly wondered how the woman was doing, but pushed the thought aside as she focused more on the person in front of her.

“I like seeing it grow. But you know, with new people comes new attitudes to the mixing pot. Im thinking some ground rules need to be laid down.” She pursed her lips to the side then, crossing her arms lightly over her chest.

Mora: Mora found herself nodding. She hadn’t forgotten the night she had sired Olive either, it was one of the most memorable things even when her mind was wiped, and she had forgotten alot of things, Olive had been a constant one of the few things she did remember fully. A smile grew wider as she nodded once more.

“Rules.” She said. “Yes.” She paused. “I hate ordering people about.” She said lamely, she hated seeing people fighting too. She wasn’t the stern type, she didn’t think it was within her personality to be stern. That was where Judas would come in. The fight between Judas and Lucid, had made her sad.

Olive: She laughed then, giving a nod. She knew Mora didnt particularly like to lay down the law, and boss people around. In fact, she couldn’t remember a time when the woman had actually told her to do something. Sure, she had asked, but she hadnt ever really said specifically that Olive had to do anything. Well, Olive figured it was time this had changed.

“Without rules what you have come to nurture will fall apart.” She informed her, rocking slightly back on her heels. “I mean sure, I don’t like it any more than you do - but I also don’t want a repeat of what just happened.”

Mora: “Bah Humbug.” She uttered the words leaving her lips slowly. She was one who hated to lay down the law. It was true though, the very thing she nurtured and mothered had a risk of falling apart if she didn’t lay down the rules. As usual, her childe was right. Damn woman. She nodded her head then, golden hair bouncing on her shoulders.

“I know.” She said, her voice almost like a whine. She knew it. Olive knew it, there needed to be stability, and order. Mora was not the right person to give it, she was too kind, too motherly too nice.

Olive: Olive pursed her lips to the side. Mora wouldnt be able to do it. She knew the woman wouldnt have the resolve to do it. She sighed, huffing loudly. “ALright, I guess we should figure out what they are first.” She moved to sit next t the woman, pulling her phone out as she tapped against the giant screen. “I think first and foremost it should be noted that we are in Judas’ home.” She shrugged, that was important, right? Maybe if people knew that coming into it, they would show a bit more respect.

“He didnt have to let us all up in here.” She scratched idly at her jawline then.

Mora: It was true, they lived within Judas’s crypt there was only a small handful at first, then the family grew and expanded. It was Mora’s fault really, her dire need to save people to make them like her - give them a home, a family somewhere to belong and out of the terrors of the world. She nodded, Olive had always been the more rational one, the one to bring thought to Mora’s brain when she needed it the most.

Re: Rules & Regulations [Mora]

Posted: 07 Sep 2014, 12:54
by Mora
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Mora: “Yes, Judas took us in.” She said, it was fitting that she lived with her other half, that their small family actually became a family. “He didn’t have too.” She said rubbing at her own jawline as well. She thought for a moment. “I wish there was some people could see eye to eye, yanno?” She said to her firecracker.

Olive: She typed into her phone then; ”Rule 1: Treat Judas’ home with respect. It is a place we have been invited into; you do not own the rights to be here. They have been given to you by him, and can be revoked just as quickly.” She read it back to Mora, glancing over at the woman. “Yeah?” She hoped that was decent enough, nd not overly rude in its description. But she also couldnt help but feeling like the rules needed to be strict, and couldnt leave room for interpretation.

They’d be too easily broken. She shifted, bringing one chuck-covered foot up to rest against her knee. “I think respect is obvious… so that should be rule two?”

Mora: “I agree.” She said as she heard the woman repeating the rule she had just written down, her eyes slowly focused on the woman’s handwriting it was so cursive and neat, Mora’s handwriting was messy. Heaven forbid anyone see her writing but her. That **** was secretive. The rules needed to be understood from the get go. Respect for rule number two was obvious. She agreed mentally.

“No attacking others within the Crypt should be another, being nice to family members - getting along in general.” She said with a shrug of her shoulders. “People don’t see eye to eye, but people need to give the other a chance - there needs to be some mutual ground somewhere. “ She pinched the bridge of her nose as she thought.

Olive: She kept typing then, nodding slowly as she did, sucking in her bottom lip and chewing on it in thought as she tried to word it correctly. ”Rule 2: Respect within the Crypt is mandatory - as well as on Crownet. There will be zero tolerance for disrespect. This includes but is not limited to verbal, physical and emotional attacks. The family home should be a safe place.” She smiled at this, her teeth capturing her lip as it pulled taunt from being caught while smiling.

“Right. And rule three... ‘Punishments will be handed out on a case by case basis.’ Yeah? That sum it up?” She looked over at Mora, “I mean, of course you reserve the right to add more or whatever - this is just the basics. But I think its good timing to have them.”

Mora: All Mora was doing was nodding her head, Olive was making good suggestions and wording it perfectly and possibly more precise than she could ever do it, her little firecracker was more hip than she. Punishment. She moved her lips from side to side, mulling over the word. She didn’t like the word, it was violent. “Where applicable.” She added to the woman. “Never resort to violence, if you mean Punishment as in violence.” Her moss green orbs twinkled with understanding.

“There isn’t many rules to give, we do not control them - as long as they abide by the family rules and the Masquerade.” She shook her head, she had already sired one childe - before he met his death whom of which was a trouble maker
Olive: She frowned. “I dont like it any more than you do, but there has to be repercussions for breaking these rules. You know, otherwise they wouldn’t be strong rules… or are these just guidelines?” She asked with a brow raised, staring at her sire and those bright green moss colored orbs. She was asking, sure, but she knew that in order for the rules to work they had to be set in stone and not waver-able.

Mora: Mora gave in, with a slight nod of her head. “Yes, Yes, Yes, I suppose you are right dear.” She sighed, it was long and dragged out. “Punishments will be handed out, when the situation has been looked at, to assess the severity of the Punishment in question.” She smiled then, mentally telling herself this was for the best this would prevent disorder.

Olive: “Sire… you just said what I have typed in like, twice as many words.” She laughed, jutting her elbow into the womans side before she copied the text and tapped more on her phone, taking it to the email inbox folder. “You’ll need to be the one to post it anyways, so look over it and edit it what-have-you.” She said waving a hand, then tappin some more before hitting send. “There, it should be in your inbox.” She smiled then leaning to put her chin on the woman’s shoulder and stare at her up close and personal. “Im proud of you, you know.”

Mora: Nodded her head slowly, those blonde bands of hers bouncing yet again on her shoulder. “I know.” She said in response to posting it up, she would have to though it could be either her or Judas, but she’d post it up because Olive wanted her to post it up. “I probably won’t edit it, we - well you, wrote it didn’t you?” The Telepath laughed and nodded her head again, the smile appearing on her lips. The email was sent to her inbox, she could easily access it from her mind and read it over but right now she chose not to. “Thank you.” She told the woman, leaning forward and planting a kiss to the woman’s cheek affectionately.

Olive: She scrunched her nose up and squeezed her eyes shut before laughing, wrapping her arms around the woman in a hug though not a tight one. “Goofball.” She said gently before letting her go, and jumping up. “You up for round of paintball?” She smirked then, looking at the lockers off to the side that she had installed not two weeks earlier when the lineage had started growing. “I bet you can’t take me.” She put her hand up waving a finger at the woman, “But no powers.” Heading to the lockers, she threw hers open and pulled out the paintballing equipment. “And not here, either. I dont wanna hear it from Judas.” She laughed.

Mora: The hug was welcomed, it was always welcomed from Olive. She returned it quickly, kissing the woman’s cheek again before they both withdrew. Olive wanted to dump paint on her sire. She raised an eyebrow. It had been a long time since she had fired a paintball gun, she had no reason too now she did. She had one somewhere. Somewhere.

“I bet I can.” She chimed in with a coy smile. She began to move to the lockers, not sure which one was hers - she never paid attention of the location, not until her eyes found a paintball gun and ammo next to it. She plucked it out and grinned, loading it. “I don’t need powers to beat you.” She said oh-so-sweetly.

Olive: She laughed, clearly having a brilliant idea that would help her sire forget about the fight between Lucid and Judas; at least that had been her intention. She’d let her sire shoot paint balls at her all day if thats what it would take to make the woman happier. Olive would have to have a talk with Lucid later, introduce herself better, maybe ask him what was up and how she could help. Anything to help, anything to make the situation less volatile. She grinned, putting on her gear and handing Mora a set of sleek goggles.

“Just in case.” She nodded, putting hers on and resting them atop her head. They split her mohawk it two, and she knew she looked funny, but that only intrigued her. “Maybe I’ll wear these more often. What do ya think?” She struck a pose then, hand to her hip and the other holding her gun perched on the other with her hips slightly leaned forwards and her back bending back. She laughed then, shaking her head, slinging the gun over her shoulder and heading for the fade portal he had helped Judas install a couple months back.

Mora: She laughed, she actually full belly laughed when she saw Olive strike a pose with the goggles atop her head, her caught the goggles Olive threw at her and laughed some more, throwing the paintball gun on top of her shoulder. Funny that, how a gun would fit so easily against her shoulder blade. “You should wear them more often, really bring out your dorky appeal.” She said it with such love, and affection towards her firecracker and followed the woman to the fade portal. She would beat Olive at this little paintball fun, but knowing them they would get in trouble somehow, it was how it went with those two - they were trouble makers. Mora would get herself so engulfed with paint she would tome home and hug Judas, just to see his reaction to the paint, that would be stained on his clothes. She grinned at the thought and submerged herself into the fade portal, to go kick Olive’s ***.