OOC NOTE wrote:This is an impact thread. Please keep that in mind when joining. There is no posting order, and you are encouraged to roll the in game dice when roleplaying an action in this thread. Thanks!
Standing on the corner just across the street from the Wickbridge station, Saige grinned to herself as she looked down at the stack of flyers she had in her hands. Roughly one hundred neatly stacked papers in her hands, of varying colors and designs that she had spent some time on earlier in the evening. She glanced down to her box that was sitting there on the sidewalk next to her, another five hundred or so flyers piled in it neatly, alongside a matching "Vote Bancroft!" sweatshirt that Saige had made the day prior at Razzle Dazzle Threads for Mora to wear while they were campaigning. She was wearing a matching one, with a button attached to it that she had picked up from the campaign offices of the Bancroft party that read "BANCROFT" in bright lime letters against a black background. On the other side opposite of the button she wore a simple "My Name Is:" tag, having written on it in matching blue sharpie: "Saige" to fill the empty white space and allow others to call her by name if they so chose.FLYERS wrote:<-->
Sure, there wasnt a plethora of people around at this time, the sun already having set almost two hours ago, but there were still plenty making their way through the station with a destination in mind; some going home, some going out. Not hesitating, Saige started handing out the flyers one at a time to anyone who walked by her, flaking the paper off the pile and handing them out fast enough. "Hello there, vote Bancroft." She would say, following up each flyer being handed out with a genuine smile and sometimes even a giggle.
She never looked down, never lost eye contact with those who gave it. Her warm inviting blue eyes stuck to theirs like water on a sponge, and Saige couldnt help but to feel immediately like she was making a difference. Here and there someone would stop, and actually read the flyer while standing right there, and she would wait there patiently while they did so, in case they had any questions. She was proud of her flyers, and proud of the work she was doing, so much so that she stood behind it with everything she had. Including her business, who was named on the flyers. Mora's businesses were named too, and the woman had previously agreed to meet Saige at this very spot, and so she stuck to her post and made sure to not wander too far from her box of campaign supplies.
For about twenty minutes or so she stood there, passing out her stack of flyers, and even picking up the ones people had tossed immediately to the ground. She was not okay with littering the fine world they were living in! Sure her flyers were works of art, as naturally anything she made was, but that did not mean she liked the thought of her art polluting the planet she was inhabiting. Keeping up with the flow from the trains, Saige kept up her smile and continued to be as friendly and as calm as she possibly could with the passer-by's; which for Saige was the most anyone could expect from someone so kind and patient.