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Candidate Dirt Sent To Media

Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 01:33
by Killian
Hackers find dirt on the candidates. A lot of it is being sent to the media. Well, radio stations report on some news-worthy events, especially local ones. These would be fun little blurbs to RP, and for me (Killian) to actually talk about during radio shows. But, to do it, I'd need numbers for the instances that people found stuff. And if people wanted to give me random ideas, like Gilbert having dabbled in witchcraft in college and having a brother that still practices it or something, that'd be epic.

In fact, I'm going to use that one if someone says that they found info on Gilbert! Bwahahahahaha!

Re: Candidate Dirt Sent To Media

Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 01:51
by Phoenix
Jorogumo Foundation, thought to be backing Spencer, is rumored to be conducting illegal pain tolerance experiments on newborns.

Re: Candidate Dirt Sent To Media

Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 01:57
by Killian
Oooh, I likey.