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Character Limit

Posted: 14 Aug 2014, 16:38
by Elizabeth
So far we've had a limit of 4 living characters per household, with dead characters not counting towards this total. However, this is going to be updated quite soon, so this is your heads up.

The new limit will still be 4 living characters, but you'll only be able to have 1 active dead character. All other characters you have stored away will need to be both dead AND inactive, or you'll get the cheat warning screen. By "inactive" we mean in vacation mode, which happens after 3 days.

Additionally, soon we are updating the forum to stop inactive accounts posting roleplay. This is because inactive characters go invisible and untouchable (OOC) on the grid.
Hi! I has some questions.
First, what's going to happen to the accounts that have childer under them and are inactive or deaded? Say, I have 8 accounts (I don't!) and say 4 are realmed atm with active childre. What happens then? Are they just going to be locked, or?
Because I've heard some people have 8-10 accounts and most/all have childre, so how are you going to do away with those accounts? Does that make sense?

Also, for clarification. I'll admit I have 5 accounts. One is dead atm. Does the rule mean I can only have 4 with one in the sr, or 4 plus 1 in the sr? I'd like to know so I'm not cheating and know if I have to make arrangements to purge one.



Re: Character Limit

Posted: 14 Aug 2014, 16:45
by Robert Pratt
You're only allowed one active dead charrie?

So if all your charrie's are sent to the SR at once, you have to choose one to get out, then another, then another and then the last one? So the last one will have been in there a month because of this new rule?

Re: Character Limit

Posted: 14 Aug 2014, 16:46
by Elizabeth
that was actually my next question too.


Re: Character Limit

Posted: 14 Aug 2014, 16:54
by Alexandrea
I bet he means in addition to the the four living... so if you don't have more than four active living characters on grid, you can prob., have two dead? Also I'm willing to bet that no vampire with childer will be purged, just you'll get buzzed if you're switching between too many accounts.

Re: Character Limit

Posted: 14 Aug 2014, 16:55
by Mora
Alexandrea wrote:I bet he means in addition to the the four living... so if you don't have more than four active living characters on grid, you can prob., have two dead? Also I'm willing to bet that no vampire with childer will be purged, just you'll get buzzed if you're switching between too many accounts.

Re: Character Limit

Posted: 14 Aug 2014, 16:59
by Mooncalf
Becca, I think you've misunderstood. The system will stay the same, mostly. In the example you gave, the childer don't matter, but neither are the accounts locked, exactly. The player will just be unable to move any characters until they only have a max active of 4 alive and 1 dead. The inactive characters aren't locked, and they are NOT deleted (unless they are purged by the inactivity code of course). The player of those characters will be able to bring them out of hibernation any time they want, as long as they send another character into the SR and make them inactive.

Jen, the one dead character limit only comes into play if you have 5 active characters, one or more of whom are dead. If all your characters died at once, you'd still have the same number of active characters. It just checks to see if you have 5 active, and if so it makes sure that at least one of those is dead. So basically, it only lets you have 5 characters if at least 1 is dead. 6 will never be allowed. I think that's the simplest way of saying it, but Natasha might explain better.

For those who are going to see this as a character limit increase: it's actually the reverse. Up until now there was no limit on the number of dead and active characters you could have.

Re: Character Limit

Posted: 14 Aug 2014, 17:01
by Elizabeth
But I'd like to know for sure. Because while I have five, if I have to choose, it's going to be the one that gets the least amount of rp or interaction on grid/rp as well. Only makes sense, and I sure don't want to get pinged for cheating.


Oh, so my five is okay then? Since one is always dead? I'm not sure how this changes anything.
Even if I have 8, with 4 dead, I'm not seeing the difference?

Re: Character Limit

Posted: 14 Aug 2014, 17:03
by Mooncalf
I'll try to explain better, actually:

1 active character = fine, no matter what
2 active characters = fine, no matter what
3 active characters = fine, no matter what
4 active characters = fine, no matter what
5 active characters = only possible if one of these 5 is dead.
6 active characters (alive or dead) = not allowed.

Re: Character Limit

Posted: 14 Aug 2014, 17:06
by Elizabeth
But say I have 8.
and I had 4 alive and not moved any in the sr for months.
then I move number 5. But decide later on, nah number 5 sucks, no one linked to them cares they are gone or w/e, so no thanks. I can't move number 6, 7 or 8 because I moved 5?

Make sense?
NOT THAT I HAVE 8. these are hypothetical scenarios and something people who have more than 5 might ask.

Re: Character Limit

Posted: 14 Aug 2014, 17:07
by Jonah
My understanding:

You are allowed to have a maximum of 4 characters active on the main grid.

You are allowed to have a maximum of 5 characters active across the main grid and the Shadow Realm.

Inactive characters can be accessed and moved by allowing one of the 5 to fall in to inactive status.

An inactive account can no longer post to the forums, whether they are in the SR or not.

My question is does a character that is alive but in vaca mode count towards your totals?