Violin (Bartimas)
Posted: 10 Aug 2014, 05:06
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
* Ursula Wolfe sat in the middle of the Buddhist Temple, eyes closed, silent as death, the only thing that made her appear alive was the fact that she was breathing. In... out... in... out. Her hands rested on her thighs, her legs crossed Indian Style. Though she wasn't Buddhist, this place was quiet and allowed her to center herself.
* Bartimas there would come a soft tapping sound of a cane skittering across the ground directly in front of a set of feet. Glancing over towards the sound, one might see one of the caretakers for the temple escorting a young blind man into the building. The young man is escorted into the entrance, and after a few moments, is passed what looks like a small bit of money and a plain sandwich, which the young, worn man starts to eat almost immediately -d-
* Ursula Wolfe opened one eye at the sound of the tapping. Her head turned slightly to the sound and then as her other eye opened, she spotted the male. This was getting crazy. Either this man was stalking her, despite being blind as a bat, or the gods were trying to tell her something. At that thought, she lifted her eyes to the ceiling, slouching a little where she sat as she thought to herself 'If ever there was a time I wish I could hear your plans directly from the horses mouth...' Then she slowly eased up off the floor, reaching down to pick up her sword and then attaching it to her waist. It was at that time that she moved with the silence of a breath of air, being sure to stay at a distance from some of the plants so that they didn't begin to wilt. "Now I know you have to be stalking me, dude." She said in a quiet voice so that she didn't disturb the others within the temple.
* Bartimas pauses at the soft sound of the woman's words hitting him, and he lifts his head, gazing up and towards her with those plain white bandages covering his eyes. He frowns slightly, saying "Miss, I have no clue how we keep encountering one another.... But I do have to say it is a bit surprising to me at least..." He shakes his head, managing a rueful sort of smile before he says gently "I am rather incapable of stalking anyone you see..." -d-
* Ursula Wolfe gave a slight huff but said nothing, if only he knew what this city was capable of. She licked her lips as she stared at him for a moment, eyeing his vein but then took a breath as she noticed her shadow shaking its head. "Surprising is a bit of an understatement. Out of curiosity and I mean not to sound rude at the moment, but why do you where bandages over your eyes instead of just, I don't know glasses like most the blind do?"
* Bartimas smiles gently, before he pauses at her words. After a long moment, he says gently enough "To be honest, I can not say what other blind people wear, for obvious reasons.." He pauses, shaking his head a moment before leaning back in his seated position, hands resting on his lap now as he says quietly "I wear these bandages because that is what i always have worn" -d-
* Ursula Wolfe blinked for a moment "The people that raised you, the ones that taught you to play - they didn't think about how weird it was that they left you in bandages instead of glasses?"
* Bartimas 's voice is gentle as he says "Bandages don't fall off... And bandages over the eyes leaves little doubt, doesn't it? You look at me, and immediately know my vision is impaired... But if i sat about, looking straight ahead in sunglasses, you might not know.." -d-
* Ursula Wolfe snorted a little "In truth, I might not care. But usually when a person is wearing dark glasses that cover their eyes completely, that usually means that they are blind. By wearing bandages, not only do you say that you are an easy mark to so many others but it also means that you are looking for people to pity you."
* Bartimas smiles gently and says "I honestly wouldn't know what real visual cues people use for identifying blind people. I wrap my eyes because I have always done so.." He turns his gaze up towards her gently, saying "An easy mark?" in a soft tone -d-
* Ursula Wolfe nodded "Very easy, you can't see who could bump into you, or if someone was to come at you with a weapon. In this city that could be extremely dangerous, this whole city is dangerous." She was was dangerous.
* Bartimas sighs quietly and says "I don't need to see who bumps into me. What do I have that people could steal? An old violin? People do not rob homeless people, Miss.." He sighs slightly, saying after a moment "I... Do thank you for your concern though" -d-
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow "You would be wrong there, people in this city would and do rob anyone and everyone they could. Have you not noticed missing money?" She asked and then looked at the violin "And an old violin could be very expensive. A Stradivarius comes to mind."
* Bartimas laughs gently and says "Missing money? I do not have much money to begin with if you notice.." He sighs slightly before he says "As of yet i have not had problems with the violin.." he touches it gently now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe smirked What was that you said last night about hard work?" She said in a teasing tone and then glanced to the violin "In this city, it is best to be sure of things before you tempt the fates."
* Bartimas tilts his head and says "Hard work, and attention to detail..." He murmurs almost softly, before turning his blind gaze up towards her, her teasing tone bringing just a bit of a smile onto his face now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe nodded "Mmmmhmmmm. How long have you been in this city?"
* Bartimas pauses and then says "Two weeks.." In a quiet tone, saying "A trucker dropped me off at the entrance.." He pauses, then sighs, murmuring "Unsavory reputation this place has, yes... But.." He shakes his head gently now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe 's brows rose to her hairline "And what reputation is that, sir?"
* Bartimas murmurs "A place of darkness... Where the sun never quite rises, and where no street is safe once the sun goes down..."
* Ursula Wolfe let out a loud laugh that echoed musically against the walls of the temple before she shook her head "Oh, sir... That could be said of all cities, especially those in the United States. Gangsters, Thieves... they all run in the night more than they do the day."
* Bartimas laughs gently and says "Fair enough I suppose, Miss... Fair enough.." He sighs, his expression turning sad for a moment before he murmurs "You make a point of approaching me each time we encounter... Why is that?" -d-
* Ursula Wolfe snorted a little "You make a point of showing up in every place that I come to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city."
* Bartimas laughs and says "I don't enjoy the hustle anymore than you i think.." He shakes his head a moment before he relaxes in place now
* Ursula Wolfe lets out a soft laugh "Well then, I do believe you came to the right place. However, I just wish I knew why you decided to show up everywhere that I have been in the last week. If I see you wandering down beneath the streets then I'm going to start wondering if you are really blind."
* Bartimas laughs and says "Why would i go into sewers?" in a quiet tone now as he shifts his weight a moment, saying after a long pause "I hope i do not find myself underground I think..." _d-
* Ursula Wolfe laughed a little "You would be shocked the reasons people go down there. For the most part I go down there because it's a good way to get around, aside from the trains."
* Bartimas after a moment smiles and says "Fair enough i suppose.." He after a moment manages to clear his throat, before he says "Why do I have a strange vibe about you whenever we talk?" in a quieter tone now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe frowned but was glad he couldn't see it "What do you mean 'strange vibe'?"
* Bartimas murmurs "As if you are eyeing me as if I was... How did you put it, A mark?" in a very quiet tone, the young man sitting still, blind gaze upon her now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe laughed "Quite the imagination you have there, sir." dinner was more like it.
* Bartimas smiles faintly and says "I wish it was just my imagination..." in a softer tone now before he leans back, exhaling slightly now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow "Oh?"
* Bartimas nods slightly, before he sighs heavily, saying "It is a vibe i suppose, nothing more.." He manages a wry smile now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe laughs a little "I'm not the sweetest thing in this city, that much is true. But I won't bite." Tonight anyways.
* Bartimas snorts and says "Is this where I am supposed to make a joke like 'Wont bite hard anyways'?" before he grins slightly, a wry smile forming on his lips -d-
* Ursula Wolfe laughed "Oh no, If I bite, I'll take a chunk out of you." She said with a wicked gleam in her eyes, licking her lips again.
* Bartimas snorts and says "My point stands about entendre then I think.." He shakes his head slightly, managing a faint smile before he murmurs "That implies you think im delicious?" in an amused tone
* Ursula Wolfe laughed "It just means that I don't take it easy on people. There's no point in coddling."
* Bartimas smiles gently and says "Sure it does.." as he allows another faint smile to form onto his lips now
* Ursula Wolfe arches a brow "You doubt me?"
* Bartimas smiles and says "Life isn't easy..." in a soft tone before he says "One was attempting a joke Miss...."
* Ursula Wolfe snorts a little "Well then, good to know you believe me." She said with a soft laugh.
* Bartimas chuckles and says "Well, i suppose I should believe you, you do know better about yourself then I.." he smiles now
* Ursula Wolfe smirked and crossed her arms over her chest "Damn Right I do"
* Bartimas chuckles and says "Well then..." to himself before he says "Now what then, Miss?"
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow again "What then?"
* Bartimas chuckles "Isn't this where you vanish off once again, as we have spoken for a whole thirty minutes or more, if my timing is right?"
* Ursula Wolfe snorted a little "If you want me too I'm quite capable and willing to do so. After all, I don't think I will be mediating again tonight."
* Bartimas shrugs slightly before he says "Well, what would you like to do then?" he nods to himself a moment before straightening his spine slightly now
* Ursula Wolfe smirked, she was getting to the point that she just wanted to drain him dry and leave him laying in the middle of the temple, but of course with other humans around, that would be a very dangerous decision. "What would I like to do?"
* Bartimas smiles and says gently "Perhaps I should impose on my newfound friend for a meal?" in a gentle tone, his blind face lifting upwards slightly to face towards her now
* Ursula Wolfe smirked "Well, if you don't mind Chinese, there is a restaurant just down the street from here."
* Bartimas chuckles gently and says "Sure... Why not?" as he stands up, his hand reaching out, grasping for his cane, resting it in his hand now as he smiles
* Ursula Wolfe smiled a little more and then started for the door, her heels clicking against the wood floor as she walked.
* Bartimas comments gently enough "Might I ask your name, Miss?" in a quieter tone
* Ursula Wolfe arched a brow as she opened the door for him and looked at him for a moment "Ursula... but I usually just go by Ursa. And you are, sir?"
* Bartimas says after a moment "My name is Bartimas..." in a quiet tone, his smile warm as his cane taps across the floor in front of his feet -d-
* Ursula Wolfe nodded as she let him pass and then let the door close behind them, the street before them was open, lit by street lamps, but quiet. This street, being so close to the Quarantine Zone was always quiet, this whole block tend to give human's the heebee geebees. "Pleasure." She said as she moved to walk beside him but made sure that she was far enough away that he wouldn't be able to touch her.
* Bartimas says quietly "Might I ask..." he turns his head slightly, saying 'What do you do in this city..." he smiles gently, saying "It is a pleasure to meet you as well.." as he nods to her slightly now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe smirked "I am a sales associate at the Triple Moon. It's sort of an Occult shop."
* Bartimas nods lightly, saying gently "Where is this chinese place?" in a gentle tone, pausing in the street as he rests his hands on his cane quietly now
* Ursula Wolfe glanced down the street, it was only one more block, she could smell the foul food from here. It was tempting though to just grab the guy and pull him into the dark alley between them where cameras wouldn't see her as she surrounded them in shadows and then drained him dry.
* Bartimas says quietly "Well then..." he inhales, saying after a moment "I suppose miss Ursa.... I should say above all else, Thank you.." as he sighs a moment now, hesitating -d-
* Ursula Wolfe blinked for a moment "Hmmm? Sorry... I tend to zone out. It's just another block." She said, glancing away from his neck and turning her gaze to the restaurant sign. "What are you thanking me for exactly?"
* Bartimas says after a moment "For not taking advantage of my blindness and trying to steal something from me or worse.." He sighs slightly, shaking his head for a moment now
* Ursula Wolfe laughed softly "I'm not a very good thief."
* Bartimas chuckles and says gently in reply "So then... Shall we keep going?" as he nods to the woman slightly, managing a wry bit of a smile now
* Ursula Wolfe laughed "Yeah." She said as she continued to walk towards the chinese place and then pushed open the door when they got to it, causing the little bell to ring.
* Bartimas smiles as he follows along with her inside, his smile wry as he says "Small little place..." in a softer tone now
* Ursula Wolfe nodded "That it is." She said looking at what had to be a 15x20 foot room, a few chairs and tables dotted about, the kitchen taking up a good portion of it and hidden by a wall. "Very."
* Bartimas lets her lead him to a chair and table, sitting down carefully as he murmurs "I am not often in a resturant..." in a soft tone
* Ursula Wolfe glanced to the people and motioned over one of them to serve them. "That's a pity." She said before the young Chinese woman asked "Get you Drink?" Ursa nodded "Water for me and..." she glanced over to Bartimas.
* Bartimas murmurs "Water...." in a gentle tone, managing a wry little smile as he murmurs pleasantly "Should I call this a date and start making flirtatious statements?" in a gentle tone -d-
* Ursula Wolfe laughed a little as the little woman walked away "Feel free to flirt all you want but I'm happily taken so it would be in vain. This isn't a date, this is helping out someone that needs it."
* Bartimas smiles and says "One is allowed to make jokes, aren't I?" before he flashes a warm smile, leaning back in his seat as he idly rubs his cane, saying softly "It is strange how it is the taken young ladies who come up to me to speak... Over single.." his smile is warmer, more playful now
* Ursula Wolfe snorted and shook her head "Perhaps it's because the singles just want to play with your bow." She teased.
* Bartimas laughs and says "You mean only taken young ladies want to interact with a gentle soul like me?" he smiles, distantly this time, sighing heavily a moment now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe laughed "No, I'm sure there are some single ladies that would, but then a lot of people in this city don't really pay attention to street performers."
* Bartimas smiles fondly, and says "I dont always look so ratty I could say.." He sighs and says "The only thing i really wish in this world is to be happy. That is not a lofty goal is it? All i seek, is the ability to smile, and enjoy life... Be happy, be loved.." He sighs, heavily, leaning back in his chair now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe nodded "No, those are not lofty at all, in fact i'm sure many want that." She said just as the little woman came back and said "You ready order now?"
* Bartimas smiles gently and says "I suppose it would be too much to ask to find someone to love a street performer eh?" before he sighs, heavily, his head shaking before he turns slightly to the little woman. HIs voice is gentle, quiet in fact, as he orders hot and sour soup, and dumplings -d-
* Ursula Wolfe smiled as she shook her head, not wanting to order anything. It would just waste food anyways. "It's not too much to ask, but if you continue to look, you're not likely to find it. Love comes when least expect it."
* Bartimas laughs and says "I fortunately, cant 'look' for love, if you catch my drift.." his fingers lift, brushing his temple, near the bandaged over eyes, before he says quietly enough "Not ordering anything?"
* Ursula Wolfe laughed and nodded "It seems you can't, but it does sound like you are trying to sniff it out." She said as the woman came back a moment later with Bartimas’ food.
* Bartimas smiles softly and says "Thank you for the meal, Ursa..." in a soft tone, as he carefully reaches out, aligning things in front of him just so before he smiles slowly to himself and begins to eat -d-
* Ursula Wolfe nodded as she watched him "Don't worry about it. My Karma could use the boost in the right direction." She said with a soft laugh and then leaned back, watching him a bit more.
* Bartimas chuckles slightly at her words, carefully eating, taking a great deal of care with his food, she would notice, his chewing careful and slow, clearly relishing the hot food -d-
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow for a moment "Where are you from originally?"
* Bartimas after a moment says "A small town in the midwest..." He sighs and says "I was an orphan, and blind... So one of the neighbors watched over me.." He trails off now
* Ursula Wolfe relaxed back in her chair as she listened "Interesting, is that where the couple that introduced you to the violin live or lived?"
* Bartimas nods slightly in reply, finishing his dumplings soon enough and starting to work on the soup. He murmurs quietly "I forgot how intense food can taste sometimes.." as he smiles wryly -d-
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow "How long has it been, side from earlier, that you ate?"
* Bartimas pauses, then says after a long pause "There is a restaurant that feeds me on the weekends if i play from their back room so the people in the sitting room can hear.." he trails off, saying "I ran out of their food two days ago” -d-
* Ursula Wolfe blinked "You know, there is a place i see mentioned online sometimes, I believe it's called Solace. I hear it helps people out when they need it."
* Bartimas tilts his head and says quietly "I... Can manage.." He says after a long pause, saying "i’d rather not impose on any one for any length of time"
* Ursula Wolfe shrugged "Well if you need the help, just ask for the place. I'm sure someone around here knows about it." She said as she leaned back a little more in her seat.
* Bartimas nods slightly as he carefully finishes what is left of his food, setting aside the utensils carefully before sitting back, stretching in place with a yawn now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe smirked a bit as she watched him, at the same time the little woman came to collect his dishes as well as refill their waters. "Food Comatose?" She teased.
* Bartimas chuckles and says "I suppose so.." as he takes another sip of water. He leans back quietly now in turn, his hands guiding his cane up to rest it across his lap, his smile warm
* Ursula Wolfe smiled as the woman came back and went to set the check down, instead Ursa just handed the lady her credit card without looking at the bill. "Well then, perhaps you should be on your way to a place where you can get some sleep. There are hotels, motels and like I said that place Solace might know where you can get some sleep out of the weather."
* Bartimas smiles gently and says in reply "I can just go back to where i have been sleeping... I am content to do that.." as he nods to her slightly, his hands idly rubbing the surface of his cane before he manages a wry smile at the other now
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow "And where is that, out of curiosity?"
* Bartimas hesitates and then says "I'd rather not say"
* Ursula Wolfe laughs softly and nods "Clever"
* Bartimas laughs gently and says "How so?"
* Ursula Wolfe laughs again "Because it keeps you safe from the people of this city."
* Bartimas nods slightly
* Ursula Wolfe smirks "lots of monsters running around this city, and like I said, you are a very easy target."
* Bartimas smiles gently and says "I am aware.." He sighs, and shakes his head, standing up slowly and stretching now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow "Oh really now? And how is that?"
* Bartimas lifts his head and says "If people are willing to steal from a homeless person who has nothing really anyways.." He nods to her slightly
* Ursula Wolfe gave a little laugh "This is quite true."
* Bartimas smiles gently at her now
* Ursula Wolfe sighed a little as she looked at him "We may have to call it a night soon, my job will be starting soon."
* Bartimas tilts his head and says gently "Job?" before he nods slightly, saying "Allright.." in a soft tone
* Ursula Wolfe smirked "The sales job I told you about earlier. I work Graveyard." She said with another slight smirk at the irony of that term in relation to herself.
* Bartimas nods slightly, saying "You will be heading out then yes?" as he manages a wry little smile, saying "It was a pleasant night, to have food, company... " he smiles warmer at the other now
* Ursula Wolfe stood as she looked at him "Indeed, I will be heading out. I have to be at work before dawn." She said as she picked up her card that the little lady had left on their table. She signed the receipt and then took the copy for herself.
* Bartimas nods and stands up, his hand resting on his cane as he says to her gently enough now "Well.. Thank you very kindly... I hope to see you again.." He smiles faintly at her, stepping towards the door alongside her now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe smiled and laughed a little "Hard to see me when you're blind." She pointed out, opening the door for him.
* Bartimas laughs and says "Well... Fair enough.." as he steps through the door, his cane tapping back and forth before his feet as he walks out, pausing to half turn to her before saying gently "It was fun"
* Ursula Wolfe smiled "Indeed it was. I'm glad you liked your meal. I have a feeling we'll be bumping into each other again."
* Bartimas smiles gently at her and then says "Because we seem incapable of not?"
* Ursula Wolfe laughed "because the fates seem to enjoy us doing such"
* Bartimas nods slightly and says with a warm smile "One does as always, wish the people who i enjoyed the company of so much, where available, romantically..."
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow and then laughed softly "Well, I am sorry about that. But I can be a great friend." She said with another laugh. "But for now I need to go." She added on.
* Bartimas laughs gently and says "Well... Is this where i say goodbye for the night?" in a gentle tone now
* Ursula Wolfe nodded "indeed. You take care." She said, waiting for him to get going.
* Bartimas quietly turns and begins to tap his way down the street, his cane sliding back and forth in front of his feet while he carefully walks -d-
* Ursula Wolfe watched as he started to walk away then she began to follow him, her steps silent, not making a single sound as she moved closer but made sure to stay down wind of him.
* Bartimas there would come a soft tapping sound of a cane skittering across the ground directly in front of a set of feet. Glancing over towards the sound, one might see one of the caretakers for the temple escorting a young blind man into the building. The young man is escorted into the entrance, and after a few moments, is passed what looks like a small bit of money and a plain sandwich, which the young, worn man starts to eat almost immediately -d-
* Ursula Wolfe opened one eye at the sound of the tapping. Her head turned slightly to the sound and then as her other eye opened, she spotted the male. This was getting crazy. Either this man was stalking her, despite being blind as a bat, or the gods were trying to tell her something. At that thought, she lifted her eyes to the ceiling, slouching a little where she sat as she thought to herself 'If ever there was a time I wish I could hear your plans directly from the horses mouth...' Then she slowly eased up off the floor, reaching down to pick up her sword and then attaching it to her waist. It was at that time that she moved with the silence of a breath of air, being sure to stay at a distance from some of the plants so that they didn't begin to wilt. "Now I know you have to be stalking me, dude." She said in a quiet voice so that she didn't disturb the others within the temple.
* Bartimas pauses at the soft sound of the woman's words hitting him, and he lifts his head, gazing up and towards her with those plain white bandages covering his eyes. He frowns slightly, saying "Miss, I have no clue how we keep encountering one another.... But I do have to say it is a bit surprising to me at least..." He shakes his head, managing a rueful sort of smile before he says gently "I am rather incapable of stalking anyone you see..." -d-
* Ursula Wolfe gave a slight huff but said nothing, if only he knew what this city was capable of. She licked her lips as she stared at him for a moment, eyeing his vein but then took a breath as she noticed her shadow shaking its head. "Surprising is a bit of an understatement. Out of curiosity and I mean not to sound rude at the moment, but why do you where bandages over your eyes instead of just, I don't know glasses like most the blind do?"
* Bartimas smiles gently, before he pauses at her words. After a long moment, he says gently enough "To be honest, I can not say what other blind people wear, for obvious reasons.." He pauses, shaking his head a moment before leaning back in his seated position, hands resting on his lap now as he says quietly "I wear these bandages because that is what i always have worn" -d-
* Ursula Wolfe blinked for a moment "The people that raised you, the ones that taught you to play - they didn't think about how weird it was that they left you in bandages instead of glasses?"
* Bartimas 's voice is gentle as he says "Bandages don't fall off... And bandages over the eyes leaves little doubt, doesn't it? You look at me, and immediately know my vision is impaired... But if i sat about, looking straight ahead in sunglasses, you might not know.." -d-
* Ursula Wolfe snorted a little "In truth, I might not care. But usually when a person is wearing dark glasses that cover their eyes completely, that usually means that they are blind. By wearing bandages, not only do you say that you are an easy mark to so many others but it also means that you are looking for people to pity you."
* Bartimas smiles gently and says "I honestly wouldn't know what real visual cues people use for identifying blind people. I wrap my eyes because I have always done so.." He turns his gaze up towards her gently, saying "An easy mark?" in a soft tone -d-
* Ursula Wolfe nodded "Very easy, you can't see who could bump into you, or if someone was to come at you with a weapon. In this city that could be extremely dangerous, this whole city is dangerous." She was was dangerous.
* Bartimas sighs quietly and says "I don't need to see who bumps into me. What do I have that people could steal? An old violin? People do not rob homeless people, Miss.." He sighs slightly, saying after a moment "I... Do thank you for your concern though" -d-
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow "You would be wrong there, people in this city would and do rob anyone and everyone they could. Have you not noticed missing money?" She asked and then looked at the violin "And an old violin could be very expensive. A Stradivarius comes to mind."
* Bartimas laughs gently and says "Missing money? I do not have much money to begin with if you notice.." He sighs slightly before he says "As of yet i have not had problems with the violin.." he touches it gently now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe smirked What was that you said last night about hard work?" She said in a teasing tone and then glanced to the violin "In this city, it is best to be sure of things before you tempt the fates."
* Bartimas tilts his head and says "Hard work, and attention to detail..." He murmurs almost softly, before turning his blind gaze up towards her, her teasing tone bringing just a bit of a smile onto his face now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe nodded "Mmmmhmmmm. How long have you been in this city?"
* Bartimas pauses and then says "Two weeks.." In a quiet tone, saying "A trucker dropped me off at the entrance.." He pauses, then sighs, murmuring "Unsavory reputation this place has, yes... But.." He shakes his head gently now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe 's brows rose to her hairline "And what reputation is that, sir?"
* Bartimas murmurs "A place of darkness... Where the sun never quite rises, and where no street is safe once the sun goes down..."
* Ursula Wolfe let out a loud laugh that echoed musically against the walls of the temple before she shook her head "Oh, sir... That could be said of all cities, especially those in the United States. Gangsters, Thieves... they all run in the night more than they do the day."
* Bartimas laughs gently and says "Fair enough I suppose, Miss... Fair enough.." He sighs, his expression turning sad for a moment before he murmurs "You make a point of approaching me each time we encounter... Why is that?" -d-
* Ursula Wolfe snorted a little "You make a point of showing up in every place that I come to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city."
* Bartimas laughs and says "I don't enjoy the hustle anymore than you i think.." He shakes his head a moment before he relaxes in place now
* Ursula Wolfe lets out a soft laugh "Well then, I do believe you came to the right place. However, I just wish I knew why you decided to show up everywhere that I have been in the last week. If I see you wandering down beneath the streets then I'm going to start wondering if you are really blind."
* Bartimas laughs and says "Why would i go into sewers?" in a quiet tone now as he shifts his weight a moment, saying after a long pause "I hope i do not find myself underground I think..." _d-
* Ursula Wolfe laughed a little "You would be shocked the reasons people go down there. For the most part I go down there because it's a good way to get around, aside from the trains."
* Bartimas after a moment smiles and says "Fair enough i suppose.." He after a moment manages to clear his throat, before he says "Why do I have a strange vibe about you whenever we talk?" in a quieter tone now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe frowned but was glad he couldn't see it "What do you mean 'strange vibe'?"
* Bartimas murmurs "As if you are eyeing me as if I was... How did you put it, A mark?" in a very quiet tone, the young man sitting still, blind gaze upon her now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe laughed "Quite the imagination you have there, sir." dinner was more like it.
* Bartimas smiles faintly and says "I wish it was just my imagination..." in a softer tone now before he leans back, exhaling slightly now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow "Oh?"
* Bartimas nods slightly, before he sighs heavily, saying "It is a vibe i suppose, nothing more.." He manages a wry smile now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe laughs a little "I'm not the sweetest thing in this city, that much is true. But I won't bite." Tonight anyways.
* Bartimas snorts and says "Is this where I am supposed to make a joke like 'Wont bite hard anyways'?" before he grins slightly, a wry smile forming on his lips -d-
* Ursula Wolfe laughed "Oh no, If I bite, I'll take a chunk out of you." She said with a wicked gleam in her eyes, licking her lips again.
* Bartimas snorts and says "My point stands about entendre then I think.." He shakes his head slightly, managing a faint smile before he murmurs "That implies you think im delicious?" in an amused tone
* Ursula Wolfe laughed "It just means that I don't take it easy on people. There's no point in coddling."
* Bartimas smiles gently and says "Sure it does.." as he allows another faint smile to form onto his lips now
* Ursula Wolfe arches a brow "You doubt me?"
* Bartimas smiles and says "Life isn't easy..." in a soft tone before he says "One was attempting a joke Miss...."
* Ursula Wolfe snorts a little "Well then, good to know you believe me." She said with a soft laugh.
* Bartimas chuckles and says "Well, i suppose I should believe you, you do know better about yourself then I.." he smiles now
* Ursula Wolfe smirked and crossed her arms over her chest "Damn Right I do"
* Bartimas chuckles and says "Well then..." to himself before he says "Now what then, Miss?"
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow again "What then?"
* Bartimas chuckles "Isn't this where you vanish off once again, as we have spoken for a whole thirty minutes or more, if my timing is right?"
* Ursula Wolfe snorted a little "If you want me too I'm quite capable and willing to do so. After all, I don't think I will be mediating again tonight."
* Bartimas shrugs slightly before he says "Well, what would you like to do then?" he nods to himself a moment before straightening his spine slightly now
* Ursula Wolfe smirked, she was getting to the point that she just wanted to drain him dry and leave him laying in the middle of the temple, but of course with other humans around, that would be a very dangerous decision. "What would I like to do?"
* Bartimas smiles and says gently "Perhaps I should impose on my newfound friend for a meal?" in a gentle tone, his blind face lifting upwards slightly to face towards her now
* Ursula Wolfe smirked "Well, if you don't mind Chinese, there is a restaurant just down the street from here."
* Bartimas chuckles gently and says "Sure... Why not?" as he stands up, his hand reaching out, grasping for his cane, resting it in his hand now as he smiles
* Ursula Wolfe smiled a little more and then started for the door, her heels clicking against the wood floor as she walked.
* Bartimas comments gently enough "Might I ask your name, Miss?" in a quieter tone
* Ursula Wolfe arched a brow as she opened the door for him and looked at him for a moment "Ursula... but I usually just go by Ursa. And you are, sir?"
* Bartimas says after a moment "My name is Bartimas..." in a quiet tone, his smile warm as his cane taps across the floor in front of his feet -d-
* Ursula Wolfe nodded as she let him pass and then let the door close behind them, the street before them was open, lit by street lamps, but quiet. This street, being so close to the Quarantine Zone was always quiet, this whole block tend to give human's the heebee geebees. "Pleasure." She said as she moved to walk beside him but made sure that she was far enough away that he wouldn't be able to touch her.
* Bartimas says quietly "Might I ask..." he turns his head slightly, saying 'What do you do in this city..." he smiles gently, saying "It is a pleasure to meet you as well.." as he nods to her slightly now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe smirked "I am a sales associate at the Triple Moon. It's sort of an Occult shop."
* Bartimas nods lightly, saying gently "Where is this chinese place?" in a gentle tone, pausing in the street as he rests his hands on his cane quietly now
* Ursula Wolfe glanced down the street, it was only one more block, she could smell the foul food from here. It was tempting though to just grab the guy and pull him into the dark alley between them where cameras wouldn't see her as she surrounded them in shadows and then drained him dry.
* Bartimas says quietly "Well then..." he inhales, saying after a moment "I suppose miss Ursa.... I should say above all else, Thank you.." as he sighs a moment now, hesitating -d-
* Ursula Wolfe blinked for a moment "Hmmm? Sorry... I tend to zone out. It's just another block." She said, glancing away from his neck and turning her gaze to the restaurant sign. "What are you thanking me for exactly?"
* Bartimas says after a moment "For not taking advantage of my blindness and trying to steal something from me or worse.." He sighs slightly, shaking his head for a moment now
* Ursula Wolfe laughed softly "I'm not a very good thief."
* Bartimas chuckles and says gently in reply "So then... Shall we keep going?" as he nods to the woman slightly, managing a wry bit of a smile now
* Ursula Wolfe laughed "Yeah." She said as she continued to walk towards the chinese place and then pushed open the door when they got to it, causing the little bell to ring.
* Bartimas smiles as he follows along with her inside, his smile wry as he says "Small little place..." in a softer tone now
* Ursula Wolfe nodded "That it is." She said looking at what had to be a 15x20 foot room, a few chairs and tables dotted about, the kitchen taking up a good portion of it and hidden by a wall. "Very."
* Bartimas lets her lead him to a chair and table, sitting down carefully as he murmurs "I am not often in a resturant..." in a soft tone
* Ursula Wolfe glanced to the people and motioned over one of them to serve them. "That's a pity." She said before the young Chinese woman asked "Get you Drink?" Ursa nodded "Water for me and..." she glanced over to Bartimas.
* Bartimas murmurs "Water...." in a gentle tone, managing a wry little smile as he murmurs pleasantly "Should I call this a date and start making flirtatious statements?" in a gentle tone -d-
* Ursula Wolfe laughed a little as the little woman walked away "Feel free to flirt all you want but I'm happily taken so it would be in vain. This isn't a date, this is helping out someone that needs it."
* Bartimas smiles and says "One is allowed to make jokes, aren't I?" before he flashes a warm smile, leaning back in his seat as he idly rubs his cane, saying softly "It is strange how it is the taken young ladies who come up to me to speak... Over single.." his smile is warmer, more playful now
* Ursula Wolfe snorted and shook her head "Perhaps it's because the singles just want to play with your bow." She teased.
* Bartimas laughs and says "You mean only taken young ladies want to interact with a gentle soul like me?" he smiles, distantly this time, sighing heavily a moment now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe laughed "No, I'm sure there are some single ladies that would, but then a lot of people in this city don't really pay attention to street performers."
* Bartimas smiles fondly, and says "I dont always look so ratty I could say.." He sighs and says "The only thing i really wish in this world is to be happy. That is not a lofty goal is it? All i seek, is the ability to smile, and enjoy life... Be happy, be loved.." He sighs, heavily, leaning back in his chair now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe nodded "No, those are not lofty at all, in fact i'm sure many want that." She said just as the little woman came back and said "You ready order now?"
* Bartimas smiles gently and says "I suppose it would be too much to ask to find someone to love a street performer eh?" before he sighs, heavily, his head shaking before he turns slightly to the little woman. HIs voice is gentle, quiet in fact, as he orders hot and sour soup, and dumplings -d-
* Ursula Wolfe smiled as she shook her head, not wanting to order anything. It would just waste food anyways. "It's not too much to ask, but if you continue to look, you're not likely to find it. Love comes when least expect it."
* Bartimas laughs and says "I fortunately, cant 'look' for love, if you catch my drift.." his fingers lift, brushing his temple, near the bandaged over eyes, before he says quietly enough "Not ordering anything?"
* Ursula Wolfe laughed and nodded "It seems you can't, but it does sound like you are trying to sniff it out." She said as the woman came back a moment later with Bartimas’ food.
* Bartimas smiles softly and says "Thank you for the meal, Ursa..." in a soft tone, as he carefully reaches out, aligning things in front of him just so before he smiles slowly to himself and begins to eat -d-
* Ursula Wolfe nodded as she watched him "Don't worry about it. My Karma could use the boost in the right direction." She said with a soft laugh and then leaned back, watching him a bit more.
* Bartimas chuckles slightly at her words, carefully eating, taking a great deal of care with his food, she would notice, his chewing careful and slow, clearly relishing the hot food -d-
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow for a moment "Where are you from originally?"
* Bartimas after a moment says "A small town in the midwest..." He sighs and says "I was an orphan, and blind... So one of the neighbors watched over me.." He trails off now
* Ursula Wolfe relaxed back in her chair as she listened "Interesting, is that where the couple that introduced you to the violin live or lived?"
* Bartimas nods slightly in reply, finishing his dumplings soon enough and starting to work on the soup. He murmurs quietly "I forgot how intense food can taste sometimes.." as he smiles wryly -d-
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow "How long has it been, side from earlier, that you ate?"
* Bartimas pauses, then says after a long pause "There is a restaurant that feeds me on the weekends if i play from their back room so the people in the sitting room can hear.." he trails off, saying "I ran out of their food two days ago” -d-
* Ursula Wolfe blinked "You know, there is a place i see mentioned online sometimes, I believe it's called Solace. I hear it helps people out when they need it."
* Bartimas tilts his head and says quietly "I... Can manage.." He says after a long pause, saying "i’d rather not impose on any one for any length of time"
* Ursula Wolfe shrugged "Well if you need the help, just ask for the place. I'm sure someone around here knows about it." She said as she leaned back a little more in her seat.
* Bartimas nods slightly as he carefully finishes what is left of his food, setting aside the utensils carefully before sitting back, stretching in place with a yawn now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe smirked a bit as she watched him, at the same time the little woman came to collect his dishes as well as refill their waters. "Food Comatose?" She teased.
* Bartimas chuckles and says "I suppose so.." as he takes another sip of water. He leans back quietly now in turn, his hands guiding his cane up to rest it across his lap, his smile warm
* Ursula Wolfe smiled as the woman came back and went to set the check down, instead Ursa just handed the lady her credit card without looking at the bill. "Well then, perhaps you should be on your way to a place where you can get some sleep. There are hotels, motels and like I said that place Solace might know where you can get some sleep out of the weather."
* Bartimas smiles gently and says in reply "I can just go back to where i have been sleeping... I am content to do that.." as he nods to her slightly, his hands idly rubbing the surface of his cane before he manages a wry smile at the other now
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow "And where is that, out of curiosity?"
* Bartimas hesitates and then says "I'd rather not say"
* Ursula Wolfe laughs softly and nods "Clever"
* Bartimas laughs gently and says "How so?"
* Ursula Wolfe laughs again "Because it keeps you safe from the people of this city."
* Bartimas nods slightly
* Ursula Wolfe smirks "lots of monsters running around this city, and like I said, you are a very easy target."
* Bartimas smiles gently and says "I am aware.." He sighs, and shakes his head, standing up slowly and stretching now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow "Oh really now? And how is that?"
* Bartimas lifts his head and says "If people are willing to steal from a homeless person who has nothing really anyways.." He nods to her slightly
* Ursula Wolfe gave a little laugh "This is quite true."
* Bartimas smiles gently at her now
* Ursula Wolfe sighed a little as she looked at him "We may have to call it a night soon, my job will be starting soon."
* Bartimas tilts his head and says gently "Job?" before he nods slightly, saying "Allright.." in a soft tone
* Ursula Wolfe smirked "The sales job I told you about earlier. I work Graveyard." She said with another slight smirk at the irony of that term in relation to herself.
* Bartimas nods slightly, saying "You will be heading out then yes?" as he manages a wry little smile, saying "It was a pleasant night, to have food, company... " he smiles warmer at the other now
* Ursula Wolfe stood as she looked at him "Indeed, I will be heading out. I have to be at work before dawn." She said as she picked up her card that the little lady had left on their table. She signed the receipt and then took the copy for herself.
* Bartimas nods and stands up, his hand resting on his cane as he says to her gently enough now "Well.. Thank you very kindly... I hope to see you again.." He smiles faintly at her, stepping towards the door alongside her now -d-
* Ursula Wolfe smiled and laughed a little "Hard to see me when you're blind." She pointed out, opening the door for him.
* Bartimas laughs and says "Well... Fair enough.." as he steps through the door, his cane tapping back and forth before his feet as he walks out, pausing to half turn to her before saying gently "It was fun"
* Ursula Wolfe smiled "Indeed it was. I'm glad you liked your meal. I have a feeling we'll be bumping into each other again."
* Bartimas smiles gently at her and then says "Because we seem incapable of not?"
* Ursula Wolfe laughed "because the fates seem to enjoy us doing such"
* Bartimas nods slightly and says with a warm smile "One does as always, wish the people who i enjoyed the company of so much, where available, romantically..."
* Ursula Wolfe arched her brow and then laughed softly "Well, I am sorry about that. But I can be a great friend." She said with another laugh. "But for now I need to go." She added on.
* Bartimas laughs gently and says "Well... Is this where i say goodbye for the night?" in a gentle tone now
* Ursula Wolfe nodded "indeed. You take care." She said, waiting for him to get going.
* Bartimas quietly turns and begins to tap his way down the street, his cane sliding back and forth in front of his feet while he carefully walks -d-
* Ursula Wolfe watched as he started to walk away then she began to follow him, her steps silent, not making a single sound as she moved closer but made sure to stay down wind of him.