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Any [Human] Volunteers?

Posted: 28 Jun 2014, 00:08
by Aly
Though this may seem out of the blue to some, I've been toying with the idea for a while of making use of one of Aly's roleplay curses. Now, I'm looking for a human, whether it be a blood thief, paladin, sorcerer or even a human with a dislike of vampires, to potentially discuss with me a toxin...I'll keep it to that as there are a plethora of ways this plotline could go.

Also, I realize that this may sound extraordinarily vague, but it's more that I'd like to discuss things one-on-one with interested parties. It could remain solidly roleplay or (with permission) the consequences and fallout that comes with this idea could be played out on grid.

Feel free to write me via PM on this account, or to catch me on yahoo (alycia_monique) to discuss. If you've questions you'd like answered, you can post them here and I'll address them privately.