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What makes a familly? (Yue'Shi/The Misfits/& Invited)

Posted: 14 Apr 2014, 22:31
by Wolffyn
She had waited a few extra days to leave the Shadow Realm, one of the other Misfits had been killed just after her and although David wasn't Wolffyn's favorite member of the family? He was family. Besides, he had a lot more character than a lot of others in Harper Rock. He might have a very strange idea of what was funny but when he had an *** whomping coming to him, he took it like a man. It was also the first time he had been in the Shadow Realm, so Wolffyn gave him some tips on the place and helped him out with a few spirits before she split.

Coming back to the so called 'real' world was almost a let down. She was still pissed off but being angry was just too exhausting. The last time that coward who called himself her sire had gotten his friends to kill her, Wolffyn had cursed him repeatedly. This time she had a better idea. She hurried home to Lunar Lake and left a note on the family board saying she was back. Serenity was busy at the computer so after a quick exchange of hugs, Wolffyn excused herself to go to her room and rest. But before heading upstairs, she briefly explained to her friend what she had in mind and the Necromancer agreed to try to help if she could.

A few days passed and between the two of them they had managed to build up Wolffyn's bank account to be able to cover any fees required and it was only a matter of finding someone with the right tome to do the ritual. There was no question in Wolffyn's mind that she was making the right decision. She didn't remember being turned or any of her life before that, save for a few glimpses that popped into her head all too infrequently. Her first clear memories were waking up alone with no idea where she was, who she was or even what she was. Living in the sewers and hiding from the 'others' for months until Serenity had taken her in and given her a family.

Her own so called 'sire' had not been around at all from the very start. She knew who he was when they crossed paths in the the city but he acted like he had no idea who she was and never said a word to her. Over a year passed before they actually spoke and then he was all full of himself and how she had to learn more self control. Not that he bothered to try to teach her any, he had never bothered to teach her a damn thing.

Wolffyn hated to admit it but she knew as much as she despised Blake he had been correct that she needed better self control. Her temper had caused her a lot of trouble and her impatience was what had landed her on the violations list. In such a hurry to get someplace, she had remembered to start running in a safe place but neglected to put her brakes on before ending up in front of a building surrounded by humans and other vampires.

But the trash talk that came out of that jackasses on crownet was what really ticked her off, however. It wasn't bad enough that no matter how many times that she had begged him for information about the night he had turned her, that he kept putting off answering her... like the truth was just a carrot he could dangle in front of her and tease her with; he had the nerve on top of that to make it sound like he had actually made an effort to teach her something. When he hadn't done a ******* damn thing for her.

And Wolffyn was convinced that with all the precautions she had taken before she had been hunted down and killed that Ty would not ever have been able to find her if it hadn't been for Blake casting the ritual of 'call to blood' over and over and over again...

And then when he finally had the nerve to show his own face and not just send his friends to attack her? Wolffyn had tried to duel him... and the coward had run away. She had to laugh. Despite being almost out of blood and having more wounds than she could count, her big bad sire had run away from her like a little girl. His refusing to duel her one on one in the past to settle their differences suddenly made sense.

Sitting on the sofa with her computer in her lap, a chewing on her slipper made Wolffyn look down. She was expecting to see her own Winnie at her feet. But it was Serenity's demon dog, Sethos. With a sigh, Wolffyn ignored the little beast's growls and just pulled her feet up and out of the slippers and then tucked them under herself on the couch. The dog could have the slippers if he wanted them, she was too drained to battle over something so trivial. She bent over her laptop, searching crownet. She knew she had read something someplace at some point about a childer/sire bond severing. She just had to find that newly freed vampire and ask them about it.

Re: What makes a familly? (Yue'Shi/The Misfits/& Invited)

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 15:06
by David (DELETED 2182)
Of late David hadn't bothered to many people. He thought he might have a new friend, he wasn't exactly sure yet. He had gotten in touch with Seren to search for Gambat (something she apparently had been more than happy to do - perhaps to happy to do). His adopted family had his back, it was just to bad that Kira couldn't have his back, that she was so bent on changing him. Yeah David still ******* loved her, he likely would always love her, he hated it. First true love, sucks ***. That was the only thought that went through his mind as he came to the Moonlight Estates. Hopefully, Seren could find his brother, he would hate to think he had no blood at all and he really could use the man to help him figure out how to get over Kira (hopefully).

He knew right away that Seren would likely be at a computer, she was either reading some damn book, cutting into people (which he would NOT be getting into the middle of) or doing **** on the computer. If not Seren in that area of the house, either Minnie (Wolffyn's new kid), Red Riding Hood, Odin or at least one of the dogs (or the two cats whose names he had no idea what they were) would be there. He was pretty damn sure Jarrett had nothing to do with any of them anymore, he never saw the man other than at work and even then the man kept to himself since Alexandrea. Maybe that should of been David's first clue... or maybe Gambat was the first clue. He sighed as his mind was filled with a woman who hated his guts and everything he was.

Red hair caught his attention, he wasn't sure whose red-hair but as he only new a few (and he was pretty damn sure Nix would NOT be here) he guessed it was one of the Hoods. He soon realized it was Wolffyn and he grinned, as he folded his hands on top of her head, "I'd sit in your lap and you could smack me around for it but the way your nose is in that screen, I'd half expect ya switched bodies with Seren." It meant he wasn't going to be able to get any idea where his brother was at this time.

"So Red Riding Hood shall I make sure you are who you are?" He couldn't help but grin as he leaned close, "Want to go Twerking with me?"

Re: What makes a familly? (Yue'Shi/The Misfits/& Invited)

Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 00:13
by Wolffyn
So engrossed in what she was doing, Wolffyn didn't even bother to look up when she heard footsteps. The scent was familiar, one of the family. It wasn't until she felt his hands on her hair that she realized just who's scent. With a sigh, she pushed David's hands away and stood up, glaring up at him with sparks flying out of her green eyes.

"I've told you before. Hands off. Or I'll cut them off." She grinned for a quick moment then, she couldn't help it. As annoying as the man could be, he did make her laugh. Wiping the smile off her face, Wolffyn folded her arms across her chest and stared up at the taller man doing her best to look cross and appear intimidating.

"Still questioning who I am? Or shall I get out my sword and use it to convince you?"

A slight frown on her face, she narrowed her eyes and tilted her head to one side.

"What the hell is 'twerking'? Does it involve killing anything?" Wolffyn grinned again then, her face lighting up at the idea of stabbing things. Her mission searching crownet on leads for a ritualist to assist her, momentarily forgotten.

Re: What makes a familly? (Yue'Shi/The Misfits/& Invited)

Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 05:56
by David (DELETED 2182)
David held his hands up in defense, "Temper Temper" he shook his head some before sitting on the back of the couch just in time as a small mouth reached out almost taken a bite out of his ankle. He slammed his other foot down aiming to kill the rat dog of Serenity. Yet it was gone "Damn rat" he muttered before looking back at Wolffyn.

How couls she not know about twerking? "Only likely to give a heart attack to an old man." He replied to her question choosing to not even comment about the sword slicing was to soon. "Show you another time." David looked down partly to make sure the rat stayed under the couch and partly to not look at her. "Kira isn't here is she? " He wasn't ready to be near her. She broke his heart one to many times. He'd never been with Papa though if she hadn't had all those others. Wind most of all had set him over the edge and now he wondered how many others to his one. His at least never hurt anyone. Hers hurt Alexandrea and Kira and still she wanted him. Wanted the man who in part played a role that got Drusilla and herself removed.

Shaking his head he sighed he needed to make sure he still had Gambat at least. He had to have at least one blood member in his family. He loved Andras but he was adopted and not exactly the same. Might be why even Wolffyn had taken Blake's betrayal so hard. "You gonna talk to him? Blake I mean?"

Re: What makes a familly? (Yue'Shi/The Misfits/& Invited)

Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 02:42
by Serenity
She was still getting used to the idea that Luffy was fighting, not just fighting but killing. The spirits of the dead that she would see would blur and mix with the living that would be there, it had made it hard to tell who was who and tonight, she had mistaken a living person for a dead person and a dead person for a living one. Luck for her she had pretended to be on the phone during the time, which was just due to the fact she had thought it had looked more 'important' if she wore one of those ear pieces... something she honestly didn't like but figured the 'character' she played would have.

Luffy of course had won and she had slipped the winning into his bank account yet again as she went to check with Prince. Prince was searching for Gambat, through the catacombs, the sewers, all the public places either of them could think of that had fighting going on. Gambat was strong, he knew how to fight, and those places gathered people like flies, but he hadn't been seen yet again. She chew her lower lip she knew Prince was rather tired, as tired as she felt. “Tomorrow Prince, we shall have you go to his businesses... perhaps he's in one of those places

Prince sighed heavily as he floated, she slightly wished she could float but she would want to be able to touch the ground, not being able to touch the ground would be far to awful to image. “Yes. Of course Buns. Yet don't you think, darling that perhaps he's left the city? Or worse...

Her eyes narrowed as she stared at her Wraith, “He is not gone.” she snapped before teleporting herself just outside of the wilderness. Prince would have to float himself home but she figured he wouldn't tonight as she opened the door, she slammed the door, anger falling off of her as she stomped towards the stairs. She paused only when she heard David's voice. “You better not be here to play any of your games” she was not in the mood to find out that he was messing with Wolffyn, “I will lock you out of this place so you NEVER come back if that's your plan tonight” she snapped.

She knew she was having a bad night, she was snapping, she wasn't exactly yelling but still she might had well been doing just that. It wasn't David's fault of course, but she didn't want to think that Gambat was dead, or gone from the city for good. She cared to much for the man and there weren't many in this city she could honestly say she loved and cared about.

It was at that moment that Sethos slid out from under the couch, grabbing one of Wolffyn slipper which he shook like he had caught some wild game and then brought it to her, dropping it at her feet, his tail wagging and as he looked up at her. “Oh Sethos...” she mused softly as she picked him up. Baset appeared at the top of the stairs just out of her reach, “hello sweetness” she said towards the feline who simply swished her tail back and forth as she watched Wolffyn and David, paying her no mind.

Sorry... didn't mean... to be so rude... welcome David” she made her way towards Wolffyn to give her a hug but Sethos growled as she leaned forward, and then aimed for Wolffyn face, "Aww somebody wants a hug, from someone, don't you Sethos" she said kissing the dog on the forehead before holding him out, his teeth showing, but not a single growl echo from his throat, "Do you want to hold him?" a normal person would see that the dog didn't like anyone outside of his own, but she wasn't exactly normal when it came to the dog who she just assumed, was the nicest most sweetest canine in the world.

Re: What makes a familly? (Yue'Shi/The Misfits/& Invited)

Posted: 04 May 2014, 06:15
by Wolffyn
Wolffyn scowled at David as he calming intoned; "Temper, temper." Mainly his softly soften words pissed her off because he was right. She knew that her temper was her greatest weakness and she had been trying hard to gain control over it. So far, she wasn't having a lot of success.

As much as Wolffyn hated to admit it, she had gotten pretty fond of the weird 'wiggle man' and she busted out in a real heartfelt laugh when the man tried to stomp Serenity's little demon dog to death. Wiping tears of laughter off of her face, Wolffyn gave David a wink and a smile as she said; "Better not let Seren catch you trying that."

The mood passed quickly however, as after offering Wolffyn a very unhelpful answer to what twerking was, he brought up his ex-wife, Kira.

Wolffyn didn't know what to make of that situation but decided her opinion didn't matter. Both were family and both would have Wolffyn's support if the wanted it. No judgements. But she knew David was hurting and understood why he was asking if the blonde warrior woman was around.

"It's okay, David." She said quietly; "I haven't seen her here in a long while. And if she was around, I'd let you know. I'm sure it's probably too soon to be able to just make small talk and act like it's all water under the bridge and all that jazz..."

She almost made a move to comfort the man as he shook his head with a stressed out look on his face, she could understand the hurt and confusion of thinking you are something special with someone, only to have them treat you like you meant nothing at all to them. Like Jonah had with her...

But before Wolffyn could make any attempted at showing David some kindness and understanding? His pissed her off again, bringing up the worst name he could bring up. Her craphead sire, Blake.

"NO! I will not ever speak to him ever again!!! Why the hell would you even ask me that???"

No sooner had the harsh words left Wolffyn's mouth when the door opened and Serenity came in. She also seemed in a pretty foul mood and lashed into David before even saying hello.

Well weren't the three of them a cheerful happy go lucky bunch...

As annoying as David could be, Wolffyn's temper had cooled as quickly as it had heated and she placed a gentle hand on the arm of her friend and benefactress.

"It's okay, Seren. David wasn't bothering me at all. We were just talking."

The healer picked up the demon dog, Sethos, and cooed at the little monster but for some reason the beast had an immediate calming effect of the woman who apologized and then welcomed David into her home.

Wolffyn had just started to relax when Serenity shoved Sethos into her face and unbelievably asked Wolffyn to hug the demon dog. Once again, Wolffyn looked at her friend and questioned the woman's sanity.

"Do I want to hold him??" She asked incredulous about the dog that had eaten more pairs of Wolffyn's slippers that she could count. "You're kidding right? That little monster would rather eat my face off than for me to hold him..."

Re: What makes a familly? (Yue'Shi/The Misfits/& Invited)

Posted: 06 May 2014, 11:35
by David (DELETED 2182)
David gave a small nod of his head, he knew that Wolffyn would of informed him. His eyes trailed towards the couch where the Rat Dog of Serenity's had disappeared, slightly wondering if he could somehow steal the creature and let it run loose in Kira's home. Shouldn't be to hard to get that information after all. He scratched his cheek some as he took a deep breath and sighed, he knew Wolffyn was right though, if Serenity came in and saw him trying to kill her Rat then he likely will be pretty badly beaten up for it... not that he was exactly sure what Serenity would do to him, but he heard a bit about what happened in her lab... and he was pretty damn sure he didn't want to end up down there.

“Temper, Temper” he said shaking his head as she snapped at him. “Look. Not trying cause problems but ya know, he did sire ya.” he said looking down at his feet as he frowned some. “You can't change that fact. I can't change who turned me... can't change nothing that happened in these last two years. No point in trying ya know?” he looked at her slightly, “****, if we could go back and change ****, we would right?” he would never had become a damn vampire that was for sure, he would of stayed human and blind to what was ******* going on out there. Would never had dug, would of dropped it like he should have.

“Blake, don't know him. He's your sire, surely ya have something that ya can hold onto? If not... well” he supposed it wouldn't be fun to be betrayed by them, “Ya get used to the hurt...” but maybe she didn't want too. “Forget it.” he said simply shaking his head. “Just maybe talking might help... is all... maybe the thought of losing you, will change his mind.” Course he wasn't sure exactly how close they were either so what did he know.

David flinched as Serenity snapped at him, he held his tongue, he had tried to kill her Rat not to long ago, the same rat that was in her arms being held and loved on. “Gross” as Wolffyn was offered he couldn't help but grin, “He'll help you learn how to wiggle I bet. Give him a bit KISS too” He laughed more as Wolffyn clearly had no desire to be all friendly with that Rat. “Come on now Wolffyn, don't be shy, give him a big hug and kiss” he said puckering up.