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Off to the Mall I go (Zodiac)

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 23:39
by CharlotteC
Charlie smirked as she played with Morpheus, teasing him with a little feather that he soon grabbed and began to tear to pieces. "Little dude, we need to talk about you're habit of ruining your toys." She said in a teasing tone as she glanced over to his toy box that was filled mostly with ruined toys that he still loved to tear to shreds as well as other toys that he was playing with from time to time.

"You know, i think I'll go get you more things to play with little man." She said to him, bopping him playfully on the nose to which he tried to swipe at her finger. He had learned that claws weren't needed when swiping at her, she would let him catch her. But today she didn't. She leaned down and kissed his forehead before she turned and grabbed her coat off of the bar stool as well as her keys.

Down in the lobby she was contemplating where she wanted to go, leaning against the wall for a moment before she remembered that almost literally across the street was a mall. Honeymead mall to be exact. She smirked and decided to run over to it, it's not like it was that far off.

When she entered the place she gave her head a slight shake. Recently she had picked up a strange power, she could pick up the wifi signals all around her. It was quite an interesting thing, being able to hack from the middle of no where. Even as she slowly made her way through the mall, glancing around at all the stores, she was trying to shake off the connection. Fun as it was to hack at the drop of a hat, it was slightly annoying to have the signal always buzzing somewhere in the back of her mind.

Charlie was walking around when she glanced into the window of one store and recognized one of the people in it, it was the lady that she had got Morpheus from. She pulled out her phone, glancing at the picture that made up her lock screen and smirked before she pushed the door open and walked in. If nothing else, she would once again thank the lady for letting her take the kitten, though there was still that slight unease that she had because the woman had been part of a death squad that came over her. However, she took a deep breath, needed or not and shook off the fear, concentrating on the good things.

Re: Off to the Mall I go (Zodiac)

Posted: 15 Apr 2014, 04:33
by Zodiac
"Now see? Unlike Stone Cold over there, you never give me a problem with this."

The girl gently pushed on the pad of the cat's foot, causing her claws to extend so she could clip the tips of them. Ginny sat patiently on the counter as her owner continued to give her a manicure of sorts.

"Jenn did not need you scratching her like that," Zodiac frowned as the tip of another nail was snipped away.


"I don't want to hear it." The girl looked over her shoulder to the break room where her assistant was cleaning and wrapping the back of her hand. "Is it bad?"

"Nah, I've had worse," Jennifer gave a small smile.

"What did you do to set her off like that?" Zodiac offered her familiar a couple of tuna treats for behaving before starting on her back feet. It was not uncommon for the cat to get angry, but there had to be a reason for it.

"All I did was stop her from jumping on the back of that one...person, that was here. All the signs were going she was not happy and ready to do some damage." Jennifer came back to the front and watched her employer finish up.

"Oh. Her. Now it makes sense." A final snip and the girl picked up the large Maine Coon and cuddled it in her arms. "You best be apologizing to Jenn. Biting that ***** would have made you sick for days."

Ginny face nuzzled the mystic for a moment before turning into Jennifer's hand and accepting her pets as well. "So, we all still friends here? If you want to have that looked at, go. I'll send a blank check with you for them idiots."

"I think we all good. I used some of that pain killer you brew up and some triple antibiotics. If it's still bad tomorrow then I will go."

"Fair enough." Zodiac sat the cat back on the counter.

"She always been like that?" The girl asked as Zodiac gave the cat a few more treats.

"Me and this lady have been together for a long time. And trust me, you could be standing in front of the Pearly Gates themselves ready to walk in and if she is yowling and ready to fight? She knows something you don't. I learned to trust her and take cues from her when it comes to people and situations." Zodiac folded the clippers and was putting them back into her purse as the door chimes rang. Ginny looked dup at once and was suddenly animated. Not a fight or flight reaction, but one of curiosity. Meowing and demanding attention of the customer who had entered.

"Good evening. Welcome to Pandora's." Jennifer began. "And how can we help you?"

"Well, I think first things are first," Zodiac projected her thoughts so both could hear them. "Miss Ginny here wants an answer to the same question I do. How is her son doing and why have we not seen or heard from you sooner than this?" she eyed the girl while trying to get a feel of her state of mind and aura. "She gave her blessings for you to take him, but that does not mean you get to shut us out of things. We want updates, humorous moments, baby pictures, woman." The gypsy smiled as she laughed in silence, but her laughter echoed softly in their minds.

Re: Off to the Mall I go (Zodiac)

Posted: 17 Apr 2014, 23:42
by CharlotteC
As she stepped in the door she was immediately greeted by one of the women she recognized from the night that she picked up little Morpheus and smiled politely to the woman. However, before she could answer her mind was being bombarded with questions and inquires. That was something that she would never get used to, even though Eskoph said that she would be able to do such things with enough time and practice. Charlie looked back to the woman that actually spoke to her "Actually, I came here to see your boss." She said as she pointed to the woman and the cat. Then she glanced down at the woman's hand and smiled a little more, she could smell the blood but thankfully, having just ate, she wasn't bothered by it. "My roommate gets the scratching post treatment as well."

Then Charlie moved up to the woman and the cat, offering her hand to Ginny for a smell. She knew better than to just start petting an animal before it had had a time to tell if you were friend or foe. Plus there was the fact that she was sure her hand smelled like Ginny's son so that would give her a sense of things. "Actually, I was just planning on doing that. And I am sorry that it has taken this long to do so, I get wrapped up in making my scripts." She said and pulled out her phone, she unlocked it and then turned the phone around so that the woman could see a picture of little Morpheus laying on his little hammock on his back, little legs splayed out as her wallpaper to her phone.

"I do have more pictures and stories, but I don't think I can help you out with the women." She said with a soft laugh and then turned her phone a little so she could open up her photo album app. The latest picture in that was Morpheus laying on her sleeping thrall's face. "He apparently likes sleeping more on faces than he does in his own little castle." She said with a soft laugh.

Re: Off to the Mall I go (Zodiac)

Posted: 18 Apr 2014, 13:36
by Zodiac
"This?" Jennifer held up her injured hand. "More like keeping her majesty there from bringing a lawsuit down on our heads." The door chimes rang again, and the woman excused herself as she went to greet the newcomer.

"She does get a tad excitable at times," the mystic agreed. "Actually that applies to both Ginny and her." Zodiac watched Charlotte as she allowed Ginny to reacquaint herself with the woman. "Ginny Jr. is running around here somewhere as well. Frazzing up a storm, so if you feel something nail your ankles it's probably him."

It was the story of all their new states of existence. Anyone with fangs who told her they were perpetually bored and had nothing to do just wasn't trying was the gypsy's opinion. She had done some scripting herself occasionally and knew it could be somewhat tedious at best.

She squealed like a child at the first picture she saw. "May I?" she asked as her thoughts reached out and began cause the phone to flip through the photos of the kitten. Smiling and laughing at the various shots. "Think you misunderstood when I said 'woman'. Is a silly expression a few friends and I use. Example: Where is my coffee, woman? AWWW! Lookey!" She cooed at another picture.

A quick glance to be sure Jennifer had things in hand and she returned her attentions to her guest.
"You should see some of the places I have found Miss Thing here crashed out in over the years. Heads, boobs, butts, sinks, bookcases, boxes, kitchen pans, wine racks, plants. I could go on for hours on that one. I do have some cat supplies for sale here," she gestured at the small selection off set from one of the counters. "But judging by your pictures, you really have all the bases covered I think. Except for a tank, and no I do not mean a fish tank."

Re: Off to the Mall I go (Zodiac)

Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 07:07
by CharlotteC
Charlie gave a soft laugh and a nod to the woman as she was warned as to what a knock to her ankles might be. She glanced around and then lifted one hand up to push her hair behind her ears, trying to listen for the thing, but her tracking skills were seriously lacking so she shook of her thoughts and smiled, willingly letting the woman have control of her phone so that she could flip through all the pictures. And there were quite a few of them because at least three or four times a day she was taking a new picture of Morpheus.

"Ah yes, I forgot about that, I'm from a rather small town in Maine, a lot of the people there are older than dirt so certain fads sort of buzz me." She said with a laugh before she continued to watch as the woman continued to go through the pictures. There was one of Morpheus sitting on her open laptop, his little paws on the keys themselves, typing god knows what on god knows where. It made her smirk a bit.

The next thing the Zodiac said made her delicate brows knit together for a moment, her eyes shifting from her phone to the woman for a moment. "A tank?" That was a new one to her "Though, it's funny you mention a fish tank. I have one of those that I won in a fishing contest. I found him like this once..." she said as she reached forward to tap her phone and back out so that there were thumbnails of the images and then selected one. "Even in his sleep he was trying to get dinner." She said, the image showed Morpheus with his little paw in the fish tank, he was sleeping on the light that was built into the cover of the tank.

"That or it proves that even cats find fishing completely boring." She said with a laugh, moving her hand and allowing the woman to look through more of the images. "Some how though, the fish I have are rather smart because i haven't picked a body out of the water yet." She said with a light laugh.

Re: Off to the Mall I go (Zodiac)

Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 19:00
by Zodiac
The mystic glanced around herself looking for the streak of black lightening that occasionally darted about and surprised friends, guests and customers at random. Ginny was laying totally relaxed on the counter top, which was a good sign. If 'Junior' was up and ready for cat games, she would be tense herself now.

"And how do you know the little guy was not sending e-mail?" she asked the girl with a totally straight face as she gestured at Ginny. "Some former associates of mine could tell you about her and her apparent plans for world domination and such. Perhaps Morpheus was sending in his updates. Is probably spying on you and yours and gathering information." Zodiac nodded. "And they all report back to her. Personally I am ready for the rule of Queen Ginny myself. I mean, she can't screw things up anymore than the rest of us have, right?"

She listened to the run down of the cat's adventures with fishing. "I guess it depends on the cat. I have been down to the docks a couple times and gotten basically crap. She walks up, starts dipping her paws in and hooking them one after another. However, she never bothers my home tanks. She will sit on the counter there by our store one and try to give the fish heart attacks by the sheer will of her gaze sometimes." the girl finally laughed.

"But this is what I meant by a tank." Zodiac pulled a three ring binder from under the counter and flipped through the pages. "Is cute as all to catch pictures of a kitten playing in. I think Ginny stopped playing in hers when she realized it wasn't real." She turned the binder and showed her a picture.


"Jennifer saw this joke on line so we made a few of them for fun." she explained. "I sell them so cheap it isn't even funny. Now a couple enterprising souls got real creative with theirs." She stopped and showed a second image.


"Decorated and painted it up. If I did this, the price would go way up." Zodiac walked to the area she kept pet supplies and pulled one of the cardboard tanks from under the display and handed it to Charlie. "Take it home. Is a gift for the little guy. I admit, it doesn't do anything, but it's funny as hell seeing a kitty playing tank commander."

Re: Off to the Mall I go (Zodiac)

Posted: 05 May 2014, 23:17
by CharlotteC
Charlie had to laugh at the idea that Morpheus was sending e-mails to his mother, that they were working together with the other kittens on a ploy for world domination. She started to think that she should have named her little wicked kitten 'The Brain' and with that thought she couldn't help but mentally hum the theme to 'Pinky and the Brain'. "Well to that I can agree, I don't think anyone could screw the world up more than it already is, from here all we can go is up." She said with a soft laugh then listening to what the woman had to say about Ginny and talents at fishing at the dock as well as scaring the fish here in the store. Charlie smirked a little at that idea, she was sure that Morpheus would be the same way.

Then Zodiac pulled out a binder with photos in it and when she saw the cat in a little tank made out of cardboard she once again was laughing, it was a rather cute thing to see and then she had begun to plan things in her head. She could almost see the tank in her head, what she would need to change, to add to it. "Well cats are exceptionally smart, and they get bored easily, as I'm sure you well know." She said before looking at the joke that was pointed out to her, her eyes lifted to spot where the woman was in the store before her chocolate eyes returned to Zodiac.

The woman then pulled out a little card board tank and Charlie smiled widely to Zodiac, reaching out to pull the little tank closer to her and turning it this way and that, being able to see it in person allowed her to see what would really need to be tweaked. She then lifted her eyes to Zodiac and smiled a bit on the wicked side to her. "You know, I think Ginny will be envying her son soon enough." She teased as she turned her eyes onto the cat and then back to her guardian. "I am getting quite talented with mechanics, putting all kinds of things together, especially for one of my personal hobbies. I could do better than just a paint job." She said with a soft laugh, and ran her hand over the tank a little.

"I could make this operational. To a point. I don't think I could get it firing off anything really flammable, but getting it to move around and perhaps shoot out one of his little toys for him."
She said, once again beginning to once again turn and look at the different things. "Some real wheels, or maybe just stick a RC cars parts to the underside of the tank." She said with a bit of a smile.

Re: Off to the Mall I go (Zodiac)

Posted: 06 May 2014, 11:49
by Zodiac
Her eyes widened a bit as Charlotte began to go on about a cannon shooting cat toys and radio controlled movements.

"Would you like a job?" she laughed. "Oh my goddess. If you could make something like that, I am sure I could sell the hell out of them. Maybe make formula racers and we can have a kitty derby. Talladega Nights with Tails."

As if sensing some new form of mischief was being born, the younger Ginny appeared around the corner and watched the pair debating. Her sharp eyes snapping about inspecting the room at random as she searched for amusement. She was bored. The owl had gotten wise to her tricks and attempts to scale its cage in stealth and 'play' (the last time, the kitten retreated with several pecked toes for its problems as well as a healthy peck on top of her head). The snakes were either too boring or too aggressive, and the fish were too well guarded. That left the humans and 'mother' to amuse herself with. 'Mom' could be worse than the owl and the snakes combined at times, so she began to scale up the people.

"Seriously? There is always a market for new cat toys. They get bored so easy as it is, so people will snatch up anything to keep them happy and entertained." Zodiac pressed her point as Ginny Jr crouched down and wiggled her backside a bit before launching herself like a rocket. She landed on the glass counter top between the two women and slid right into the side of her sleeping parent. Ginny herself shot up awake and hissed, her paws suddenly a blur as she delivered a combination of blows fast enough to do a pro boxer proud. The kitten tried to backpedal on the glass counter to avoid the paw strikes but could find no purchase on the slick surface. Her parent arched and fuzzed up as she hissed her annoyance at being wakened so rudely, leaving Ginny Jr to look up at the vampires with a perfect 'What did I do?' expression on her furry face.

"She does that a lot," Zodiac giggled as one hand rubbed the kitten's head playfully while the other sought to calm down the other cat.

Re: Off to the Mall I go (Zodiac)

Posted: 18 May 2014, 09:01
by CharlotteC
Charlie laughed out, the sound more like the soft pealing of bells as it danced around the room. "I have one actually, but thanks for the offer." She said as she looked back at the little tank and gave another soft laugh at the idea of a little race track for cats. "I don't know if I would want to trust cats behind the wheel of something powered by jet fuel." She said with a teasing tone as she looked at the sleeping Ginny and then looking around for the smaller one that Zodiac had kept. "Then again, we could probably make them little boats and play battleship with them too." She teased before looking back over at the kitten for a moment.

"Have you seen that new toy out? Plays with their hunting instincts, a round like rug with a motor under it and a little mouse attached to a rod, it spins around in random patterns to mimic a mouse running and hiding. Cute little thing." She said and then jumped a little as the kitten jumped onto the counter and ran into her mother. The scene was amusing, there was no way someone couldn't find the image of the two cats and what was going on amusing and adorable.

Charlie once again held her hand out, this time to the kitten so that she could get a smell on her as well. "Cats, never a dull moment with them around." She said with a soft laugh before gently rubbing her hand against the kitten. "If I'm able to get everything all set up with the tank though I will let you know." She said and then thought for a moment, "I'm not big on cats being allowed outdoors. Goes against everything I believe, they are too small and this place is too cold most days. That said, since you would like to see little Morpheus, do you have a little cat harness I could use, cages are too bulky and usually mean bad things to cats as i'm sure you know." She said, still rubbing the kitten a little.

"That way I could bring him to see his mother and sister from time to time." She added, knowing that all three of them would want to see how her kitten was growing.

Re: Off to the Mall I go (Zodiac)

Posted: 19 May 2014, 01:24
by Zodiac
Yeah, the girl was right. It would have to be more of a kitten thing where the 'cars' could be kept simply battery powered, but being so young the concept of moving about with out them being able to do anything about it would lead to 'drivers' suddenly abandoning their vehicles in the middle of the race. Having fun with them was one thing, but not at the cost of traumatizing them in the process. Now the boats would be different. Possibly the same issues but if the sea battle was done in a kiddie pool there would be less chance of the furry Admirals being injured. Ginny seemed to have little issues with diving in the water when the mood suited her, but would her offspring?

"Oh yes, I have seen those. Had one briefly," she replied to Charlie's statement about the hunting toy. "Miss Thing here destroyed it in a day." She stroked Ginny absently.

"Now that I can help you with," She held up a finger and went back to the display and returned with a harness and lead. "I know the label says dog harness on it, but I have found these far more durable and secure. Cat harnesses are made to look elegant and pretty, but when you consider Morpheus is half Maine Coon, he is going to get big and have a lot of muscle to contend with. C'mere, Junior." she tapped the glass surface of the showcase to get the kitten's attention. Zodiac demonstrated how the harness just slipped on their front legs like a sleeveless coat and the twin Velcro straps below to secure it, then clipped the lead to the built in point on the collar of the 'jacket'.

"The Velcro assures you that they can't twist about and work it apart so easily. Plus being a heavier make, it lasts longer. Now as for Ginny? I gave up. No matter what I put on her she seems to find the way to get out of it and as far as keeping her inside? That's a laugh. Sometimes I think she just phases through the walls. Can have this whole place locked up total. She wants outside? Guess where you will find her." The mystic explained while 'Junior' did an amazing job of demonstrating the harness by flopping on her side and yawning.

"Got a color preference?"