An unlikely happenstance (Domenic)
Posted: 24 Mar 2014, 07:44
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Serendipity: *Serendipity had finally healed from most of her wounds. They were massive and extensive. She had no choice but to use her powers to heal the one that that stupid smart *** Paladin that no one could really understand had given her in the raid building earlier that evening. That wasn't going to heal for a long while on its own. A run in the wilderness was just what she needed. After all, she needed to be away. Just her and her thoughts. She kissed Janoric's cheek, who was against a random wall in the raid building and then, quietly slipped out, unnoticed. After she was out, she looked around, seeing there were no humans and she activated celerity and headed for the woods. Inside, she gave a quick look about and then, stripped down, tossing her clothing in a pile by a nearby tree for safe keeping and, then she shifted and began her run through the wilderness. Just her and nature. The perfect night*
Domenic: The male has been four-legged mammal for hours now, red-tinted fur running through the snow of the wilderness. Around him are other wolves, native to the area, and he doesn't sense any of them are as he is. Most of his mundane items are in an abandoned building somewhere. His head moves around, somewhere in the middle of the pack, sniffing the air and ground for a trace of animal. He's not honestly sure if this is the same pack he's hunted with before, just knows that they're one that he's managed to fight his way into. The moon, bright above him in the cloudless sky glows down and radiates against the white snow.
Serendipity: *she continued to run, chasing after random bunnies that were silly enough to poke their head out from their little burrows to see what the noise and commotion was about. Suddenly, she crouched down as she caught the scent of something. The smell was strong. Another animal close by. Not the same as any of the forest animals she was used to. Bigger game now. Stronger. Not a bear. She was used to that. What could this be? She quietly followed her nose towards the smell*
Domenic: From the underbrush, something with darker fur than any of the wolves around him, darker fur than the bears in the area. He has to know what it is, because it's confusing him. As he draws closer, the others of the pack behind him in a formation that seems to be fanning out. The only one that follows closer is what Domenic assumes to be the alpha, who he doesn't want to challenge, being that he's humanoid for about twenty percent of his conscious day. The fur is darker, black even, and now that he can see it he starts to back step. Panthers aren't native, and even more dangerous than the mountain lions in the area. More he steps back, and gives a gentle yelp of a bark.
Serendipity: *Seren continued to stalk closer and closer. She was way too curious for her own good. Now, as they light shown through from the night sky, she was able to get a glance of it. A wolf. Her mind thought a moment. Wolves around here were pretty common and yet, this one smelled as none of the others had before. Why? Was it another shifter, out playing in the night as she was? Had to be, right? But who? She didn't know the others in the cities forms. She had never really taken the time to find out. Now, she secretly cursed herself for it. She knew for certain that it wasn't her Lizzie. Lizzie was a cheetah. This was no cheetah, nor a Lizzie. That was really the only one that she knew for certain so still, she stalked closer until she heard the bark. She stopped and popped her head up, tilting it to the side as she eyes the scared little wolf*
Domenic: Not scared, not worried, just confused and would rather not get tangled up with something that is managing to survive in a climate that is far cooler than what it is used to. Panthers generally live in near-tropical and tropical climates, yet here this one is in what some would call temperate, maybe even tundra. Turning around he moves back to the pack and then runs them off. He loses them for a moment, assuming they have found a meal and aren't following him back to this site. In full almost gallop like run, he comes back and from the right flank of the animal. Atop a log on a hill, he looks down at the dark-furred creature in the snow. His form isn't native to Canada either. The red wolf is really only seen in the Carolina's of the United States, but to most, a wolf is a wolf. Just like a panther is a panther, and they shouldn't be out in the open in Canada like this.
Serendipity: *she watched as he ran off and then, she sighed and plopped her rear end down on the ground. Cold, yes. Did it bother her? Not in the least. She was used to it after all. She wondered where it had ran off too. She was terribly curious as to where it had gone. She wanted to know who it was. Maybe, it was someone she would be able to run with. That could have been fun. She liked the solitude but sometimes, it would be nice to chase rabbits and squirrels with someone. Have fun. Run and play. She had just laid down, almost in a pout with her big head atop those massive paws when she caught it. The scent was back. Her head popped up again and she growled out of instinct and looked around. There, atop of the hill it stood. She pushed herself up and stood there, looking. Who could it be?*
Domenic: A growl leaves the creature beneath him, still not realizing that it's another vampire. It hasn't even occurred to him yet that there could be others like him. He knows so little of vampire powers and, really teachings. As he looks down at the panther, he makes his way down the hillside and to the clearing where she was. He begins to pace around her, almost as if he were the hunter and her the prey; however, he knows that if she were to attack the panther would win. He'd have to celerity away. In fact, he tests the creature's attention span, by using celerity to move a half-circle around her. He ends up behind here, when he used to be just in front of her.
Serendipity: *She carefully watched him now as he made his way down and then, he began to circle her. She inwardly chuckled at this. If this was an intimidation tactic, in this form, she wasn't the least bit scared at all. He continued to pace and yet, she still couldn't get a read as to whom it was. Nothing gave it away, not even the scent. As soon as he activated his power of celerity and moved around her, she took a seat and smirked before she looked back towards him and spoke into his mind* Killers have that power..... Interesting.
Domenic: Paw up, in mid-step, his paw comes back down and he stops. A voice in his mind and he only knows of one other vampire that can do that. He tilts his head to the side, confused, mimicking other animals of the form that he has. He almost wants to change back, but wouldn't want this vampire, even if it is her, to see his nude form at the moment. As he looks at the panther, just sitting there. His tail curls back against his body. How could he speak back. Can she read his mind? He tries, thinking back a reply, though isn't sure if it works.
Serendipity: *after a moment, she finally turned around, facing him and then took a seat. Her head lowered to the ground and she looked up at him after a moment. She wanted him to understand, even though she could rip him apart at a moments notice, she had no such intention. Then, she rose back up and sat there, thinking. It was obvious he wasn't someone that had accessed the telepathic abilities as of yet so.... how were they to communicate? She blinked a few times and then, she began to walk over to where there was some dirt, hoping he would follow. Animals had claws after all and humans and vampires had brains. Together, words could be made. She let her panther like nails extend and, in a patch of dirt she found, her nail scraped* Hello!
Domenic: It takes his eyes a moment to adjust as he comes over, focusing in on the dirt. Though his scent and hearing are enhanced, it's almost as if his sight takes a back seat to the other two senses at a time. He looks at the word the erases it with his paw. "Domenic", quick and too the point, as he's sure that is where this conversation is going. He prepares to celerity away should he have to. His paw goes back to the spot before his hind legs.
Serendipity: *she watched as he came over. Thank goodness. This would go a lot easier if he was cooperating. She watched as he erased it and moved his paw in the dirt, writing. She tilted her head as she read the word. That was her sons name, though spelled quite different. She thought and thought as she sat there, tail swishing from side to side. Did she know a Domenic? Had she even heard of him? Nothing came to mind and so, she looked at him and nice* Nice to meet you. I'm Serendipity. *she commented and then blinked before speaking again* Its obvious you don't posses the power I do and so, this is going to be a very difficult conversation to have this way. Would you happen to have clothing somewhere and we can shift back and meet properly or would you just like to stop the conversation here and run off? *she asked, not trying to be rude but she couldn't imagine that it would be a very productive conversation this way*
Domenic: She has a point, writing out every single little word that he wants to tell her would only make this go even slower than it should. Serendipity, he's not even sure he's heard that name before and he wouldn't have met her even if he had. He spends more of his time out here and in abandoned buildings than he does anywhere else. He has keys to a few places, but they're rather out of the way. He thinks and writes: 'meet here, 10 minute'. Then looks at her, starting to take a few steps back. That is unless she has a better place in mind. He knows of a few places in the city.
Serendipity: *she watched him, wondering what he was thinking and wishing now, she could read thoughts. She definitely couldn't read someones facial expressions when they were shifted. She was completely at a loss, until, he wrote in the dirt, She gave a nod of her head and watched as he backed away a bit before she stood and then her long and lengthy body began to retreat towards where her clothing was. She continued to look back at him as she moved for a moment and then, she took off, running through the woods, back to the tree to change and get dressed. She was curious. Hoping to not get shot again. She was really tired of getting shot lately but, Seren was a social creature and as of late, she had very few friends. Making another wasn't a bad thing.*
Domenic: Domenic uses the power of celerity to make his way back to the abandoned building to get his things. Quickly he puts his clothes on and then takes his bag from the doorway. The men and women that are here, homeless sleeping under rags, he looks at them. He should find more meat for them tonight, but could do it later and cook it before they woke up. He eyes around the room before using his power to celerity back to the same spot where he left the panther named 'serendipity'. He thinks he remembers a movie from the late eighties or early nineties with that title.
Serendipity: *she arrived at the tree towards the edge of the forest and looked around. No one seemed to be in sight and she didn't smell anyone so, she shifted. Quickly, she threw her clothes back on and as she got her shoes back on, she hit her celerity and made her way back. close to the place where they were supposed to meet. There was a tree close by and she stood behind it, staring. He arrived and she watched him for a moment, looking. He didn't have a weapon in hand so that was a plus. She decided there was no danger at the moment and then, wandered out and into the clearing, standing a few steps back* Hello Domenic.
Domenic: The voice catches his ear and then he turns to face her from whatever direction he was looking to before. The dark hair about her shoulders, the height. He looks her up and down, "You must be Serendipity." He, hopes that the woman is who he had met before. He thinks back to the moment where he found out that he was a vampire. The matter of that night, when he was being hunted for his transgression against the masquerade. He's not sure, but he feels like this one wouldn't hunt him. Coming close he nods his head, "And yes. Hello. It's nice to meet you." Domenic looks her over again. His flannel shirt is kind of loose above his blue jeans and boots.
Serendipity: *she smiled and gave a soft nod to him as he spoke to her about her name* I am. *she commented softly as her eyes scanned the new one in front of him. Untrustworthy? Yes. As of late she was, though that was probably due to the 12 bullets her son had to pull from her only a few days prior. Those bullets had also come from loved ones, 10 of them anyway. She watched him move closer and tensed a bit, though she continued to smile, immediately setting her mind on pacifying him, if the need arose. She would pacify him and then celerity away. A perfect plan..... And then the thought hit her that really pissed her off. She could have hit Mome OR Lizzie with it and saved herself A LOT of pain. She huffed at herself and shook her head before she realized she was in company. Her eyes met his again and she spoke* Sorry. Cussing myself for an earlier event I just had a realization about. *she smiled sweetly to relax him* So.... what were you doing out here?
Domenic: He wasn't really worried or scared to begin with, at the moment he's more concerned with the fact that she doesn't have a weapon and she's the first vampire he's seen since the night that doesn't have one. He thought that he was the only one that didn't pack heat everywhere he went. Sure he has one in his bag, but it's unloaded and on safe. He only uses his weapons when he feels that he must in order to keep himself protected. "I'm out here enjoying the evening, looking for a meal.."
Serendipity: *she watched him carefully. She knew her powers well and tried her hardest to keep her emotions in check so it was easier to use her powers if needed. As he spoke, she nodded her head in understanding for a brief moment and then, she blinked* Wait.... what? *she tilted her head* I'm.... confused. Are you able to eat food? Like..... an Allurist because really, I know you're a vampire. I can smell that easily enough/. Could smell that from a mile away.....
Domenic: "I.. Feed from the animals that I hunt as a wolf." He states this rather calmly, not feeling bad about being an animal in a way, now that he has accepted it. he's sure that he doesn't want to harm humans or really feed from them. "If I could eat, I would, but I cannot." He states this and then calmly starts to move toward her, his arms are crossed over his chest sort of. He's the path of a killer, yet has the temper and demeanor of wise man.
Serendipity: *she listened to him, better understanding now and nodded her head gently* I see now. *she commented and kept both eyes on him sharply as he moved closer to her. She blinked and then tilted her head as she spoke* There are things called blood packs to you know? Or.... there are willing humans in the city that we have. For example, Raksha is someone that is human and lives with me. Shes more than willing to donate any of her blood anyone needs if I ask her. You don't Have to eat the animals..... unless you like to.
Domenic: "I would prefer to feed from animals than from humans. I've always eaten the meat of animals, so why not transpose that to their blood as a vampire?" He asks her, not sure if she'll understand that it's more of a moral thing than anything else. He, finally, stands close to her and then leans to a tree. "Besides, i could never ask someone else to give away something that has their own being and DNA in it. It's something important and precious... With too little of it someone could die." He doesn't even remember his turning, just remembers the times he would starve himself. He can't for his life remember his own death.
Serendipity: *she blinked a moment to his words and thought* Blood bags though do not hurt animals nor humans. Its blood packs from hospitals and such. No one is harms, including animals. *she tilted her head. Seren was a huge animal lover and though she would never condemn anyone for the food practice that he was having, she was a bit sad by it, thinking of all those helpless animals. *she thought about his words a moment about the DNA and how precious it was and then blinked, shaking her head as she looked at the male that was close to her now* True but at the same time, you cant ask an animal for their permission but they are just as important. They are living creatures that you hunt for food when it is no longer necessary. Just a thought *she commented gently and still, in a soft tone. She wasn't looking to start a fight nor a debate, just handing out an option*
Domenic: The woman before him has a point and he listens to her. "While I understand your sentiments, I do.. these animals that I feed from are going to be hunted by wolves anyway. The wolves don't really notice that I'm feeding on blood and not meat, it's just one less mouth they have to feed." He states and then looks around the wilderness. "It's not like I go out and slaughter animals for the fun of it. I just hunt with the wolves, feed and if there' anything left, cook it for the homeless.
Serendipity: *she frowned a tad. She knew what he was saying made sense. It did. Still, it didn't make her feel any better about the way he was living. Animals were precious creatures and needed to be treated as such and yet, it didn't seem like that was the case at all here. Still, she would again, never condemn anyone for their lifestyle choice so, she chose to drop the subject* Alright. I concede. Another topic to discuss, maybe?
Domenic: "Sure anything... Perhaps some info on you?" He's not entirely impartial to the fact that he feeds from humans. If the woman could help him understand the possibility that feeding from bags is better. Perhaps feeding from other vampires. He's hasn't even learned that is an option yet. He's still trying to figure out everything that there is to know about being a vampire. "How long have you been... one of what we are." The word vampire is still foreign to him.
Serendipity: *she blinked to the fact that he wanted to know more about her. She wasn't used to that anymore. She sighed a bit and then sat down against the tree and thought a moment before looking up as he spoke again. What would he ask? What would he want to know? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea now. After all, she wasn't into over sharing at the moment. She was okay with the fact that he asked a specific question though and so, she answered it* Almost 3 years now. *she commented softly* Isabella, my Sire, turned me 3 years ago next month. My choice. *she added in there and shrugged a bit* You?
Domenic: "Apparently about the same amount of time. I've lived for most of that time confused. I would starve myself of blood, because I thought my cravings were crazy, then become incredibly hungry and feed from humans", this is part of the reason he doesn't want to anymore. "I suffered many burns... one day some 'Crow' put twenty thousand on my head." He states in answer to her question taking a seat next to her. His feet draw in the snow.
Serendipity: *she blinked as she listened to his tale. A frown on her face before she shook her head and sighed* That's a terrible story. *she frowned a bit more* Who is the one that made you? Didn't they teach you anything, Domenic?
Domenic: "My sire", the word is still funny to him as he says it, "told me a few months ago that I was an accident." He looks to the woman, kicking the snow a little before bringing his feet back beneath him. "Accident that she didn't know existed, really. But since she told me that I've only seen her one other time." Truth is he knows very little about what is going on in his life at the moment.
Serendipity: *Well, this was just unacceptable she thought as she listened to the mans words. She sighed and then shook her head towards him as she watched his feet go back under him* So, what you need is to be adopted into another family. A family that can teach you the ways of this city. How things are supposed to be. That kind of thing. *she looked towards him* And nothing is a mistake. Everything happens for a reason. Always remember that.
Domenic: "Well I'm not sure If being adopted would be okay.. at least not like that. Even though I'm not quite sure what you mean." He looks back to his boots, the black and dark brown on them. "I do need to learn though and I haven't seen Habren in a while." He shrugs a little bit for a second and crosses his hands over his lap.
Serendipity: *And there is was. Her eyes rolled heavily to the name of the one that had turned him and then turned him away. That shouldn't have been -that- much of a surprise to her, and it wasn't. She shook her head and then sighed* Well, there are not too many in the city that are willing to teach people without them being in their family as teaching takes a lot of time and effort. You get close to the person and in turn, close to their family so.... *she shrugged a bit* Just something to think on. An idea of sorts, I guess. I know several people in the city. *she said, moving her legs to sit Indian style*
Serendipity: *Serendipity had finally healed from most of her wounds. They were massive and extensive. She had no choice but to use her powers to heal the one that that stupid smart *** Paladin that no one could really understand had given her in the raid building earlier that evening. That wasn't going to heal for a long while on its own. A run in the wilderness was just what she needed. After all, she needed to be away. Just her and her thoughts. She kissed Janoric's cheek, who was against a random wall in the raid building and then, quietly slipped out, unnoticed. After she was out, she looked around, seeing there were no humans and she activated celerity and headed for the woods. Inside, she gave a quick look about and then, stripped down, tossing her clothing in a pile by a nearby tree for safe keeping and, then she shifted and began her run through the wilderness. Just her and nature. The perfect night*
Domenic: The male has been four-legged mammal for hours now, red-tinted fur running through the snow of the wilderness. Around him are other wolves, native to the area, and he doesn't sense any of them are as he is. Most of his mundane items are in an abandoned building somewhere. His head moves around, somewhere in the middle of the pack, sniffing the air and ground for a trace of animal. He's not honestly sure if this is the same pack he's hunted with before, just knows that they're one that he's managed to fight his way into. The moon, bright above him in the cloudless sky glows down and radiates against the white snow.
Serendipity: *she continued to run, chasing after random bunnies that were silly enough to poke their head out from their little burrows to see what the noise and commotion was about. Suddenly, she crouched down as she caught the scent of something. The smell was strong. Another animal close by. Not the same as any of the forest animals she was used to. Bigger game now. Stronger. Not a bear. She was used to that. What could this be? She quietly followed her nose towards the smell*
Domenic: From the underbrush, something with darker fur than any of the wolves around him, darker fur than the bears in the area. He has to know what it is, because it's confusing him. As he draws closer, the others of the pack behind him in a formation that seems to be fanning out. The only one that follows closer is what Domenic assumes to be the alpha, who he doesn't want to challenge, being that he's humanoid for about twenty percent of his conscious day. The fur is darker, black even, and now that he can see it he starts to back step. Panthers aren't native, and even more dangerous than the mountain lions in the area. More he steps back, and gives a gentle yelp of a bark.
Serendipity: *Seren continued to stalk closer and closer. She was way too curious for her own good. Now, as they light shown through from the night sky, she was able to get a glance of it. A wolf. Her mind thought a moment. Wolves around here were pretty common and yet, this one smelled as none of the others had before. Why? Was it another shifter, out playing in the night as she was? Had to be, right? But who? She didn't know the others in the cities forms. She had never really taken the time to find out. Now, she secretly cursed herself for it. She knew for certain that it wasn't her Lizzie. Lizzie was a cheetah. This was no cheetah, nor a Lizzie. That was really the only one that she knew for certain so still, she stalked closer until she heard the bark. She stopped and popped her head up, tilting it to the side as she eyes the scared little wolf*
Domenic: Not scared, not worried, just confused and would rather not get tangled up with something that is managing to survive in a climate that is far cooler than what it is used to. Panthers generally live in near-tropical and tropical climates, yet here this one is in what some would call temperate, maybe even tundra. Turning around he moves back to the pack and then runs them off. He loses them for a moment, assuming they have found a meal and aren't following him back to this site. In full almost gallop like run, he comes back and from the right flank of the animal. Atop a log on a hill, he looks down at the dark-furred creature in the snow. His form isn't native to Canada either. The red wolf is really only seen in the Carolina's of the United States, but to most, a wolf is a wolf. Just like a panther is a panther, and they shouldn't be out in the open in Canada like this.
Serendipity: *she watched as he ran off and then, she sighed and plopped her rear end down on the ground. Cold, yes. Did it bother her? Not in the least. She was used to it after all. She wondered where it had ran off too. She was terribly curious as to where it had gone. She wanted to know who it was. Maybe, it was someone she would be able to run with. That could have been fun. She liked the solitude but sometimes, it would be nice to chase rabbits and squirrels with someone. Have fun. Run and play. She had just laid down, almost in a pout with her big head atop those massive paws when she caught it. The scent was back. Her head popped up again and she growled out of instinct and looked around. There, atop of the hill it stood. She pushed herself up and stood there, looking. Who could it be?*
Domenic: A growl leaves the creature beneath him, still not realizing that it's another vampire. It hasn't even occurred to him yet that there could be others like him. He knows so little of vampire powers and, really teachings. As he looks down at the panther, he makes his way down the hillside and to the clearing where she was. He begins to pace around her, almost as if he were the hunter and her the prey; however, he knows that if she were to attack the panther would win. He'd have to celerity away. In fact, he tests the creature's attention span, by using celerity to move a half-circle around her. He ends up behind here, when he used to be just in front of her.
Serendipity: *She carefully watched him now as he made his way down and then, he began to circle her. She inwardly chuckled at this. If this was an intimidation tactic, in this form, she wasn't the least bit scared at all. He continued to pace and yet, she still couldn't get a read as to whom it was. Nothing gave it away, not even the scent. As soon as he activated his power of celerity and moved around her, she took a seat and smirked before she looked back towards him and spoke into his mind* Killers have that power..... Interesting.
Domenic: Paw up, in mid-step, his paw comes back down and he stops. A voice in his mind and he only knows of one other vampire that can do that. He tilts his head to the side, confused, mimicking other animals of the form that he has. He almost wants to change back, but wouldn't want this vampire, even if it is her, to see his nude form at the moment. As he looks at the panther, just sitting there. His tail curls back against his body. How could he speak back. Can she read his mind? He tries, thinking back a reply, though isn't sure if it works.
Serendipity: *after a moment, she finally turned around, facing him and then took a seat. Her head lowered to the ground and she looked up at him after a moment. She wanted him to understand, even though she could rip him apart at a moments notice, she had no such intention. Then, she rose back up and sat there, thinking. It was obvious he wasn't someone that had accessed the telepathic abilities as of yet so.... how were they to communicate? She blinked a few times and then, she began to walk over to where there was some dirt, hoping he would follow. Animals had claws after all and humans and vampires had brains. Together, words could be made. She let her panther like nails extend and, in a patch of dirt she found, her nail scraped* Hello!
Domenic: It takes his eyes a moment to adjust as he comes over, focusing in on the dirt. Though his scent and hearing are enhanced, it's almost as if his sight takes a back seat to the other two senses at a time. He looks at the word the erases it with his paw. "Domenic", quick and too the point, as he's sure that is where this conversation is going. He prepares to celerity away should he have to. His paw goes back to the spot before his hind legs.
Serendipity: *she watched as he came over. Thank goodness. This would go a lot easier if he was cooperating. She watched as he erased it and moved his paw in the dirt, writing. She tilted her head as she read the word. That was her sons name, though spelled quite different. She thought and thought as she sat there, tail swishing from side to side. Did she know a Domenic? Had she even heard of him? Nothing came to mind and so, she looked at him and nice* Nice to meet you. I'm Serendipity. *she commented and then blinked before speaking again* Its obvious you don't posses the power I do and so, this is going to be a very difficult conversation to have this way. Would you happen to have clothing somewhere and we can shift back and meet properly or would you just like to stop the conversation here and run off? *she asked, not trying to be rude but she couldn't imagine that it would be a very productive conversation this way*
Domenic: She has a point, writing out every single little word that he wants to tell her would only make this go even slower than it should. Serendipity, he's not even sure he's heard that name before and he wouldn't have met her even if he had. He spends more of his time out here and in abandoned buildings than he does anywhere else. He has keys to a few places, but they're rather out of the way. He thinks and writes: 'meet here, 10 minute'. Then looks at her, starting to take a few steps back. That is unless she has a better place in mind. He knows of a few places in the city.
Serendipity: *she watched him, wondering what he was thinking and wishing now, she could read thoughts. She definitely couldn't read someones facial expressions when they were shifted. She was completely at a loss, until, he wrote in the dirt, She gave a nod of her head and watched as he backed away a bit before she stood and then her long and lengthy body began to retreat towards where her clothing was. She continued to look back at him as she moved for a moment and then, she took off, running through the woods, back to the tree to change and get dressed. She was curious. Hoping to not get shot again. She was really tired of getting shot lately but, Seren was a social creature and as of late, she had very few friends. Making another wasn't a bad thing.*
Domenic: Domenic uses the power of celerity to make his way back to the abandoned building to get his things. Quickly he puts his clothes on and then takes his bag from the doorway. The men and women that are here, homeless sleeping under rags, he looks at them. He should find more meat for them tonight, but could do it later and cook it before they woke up. He eyes around the room before using his power to celerity back to the same spot where he left the panther named 'serendipity'. He thinks he remembers a movie from the late eighties or early nineties with that title.
Serendipity: *she arrived at the tree towards the edge of the forest and looked around. No one seemed to be in sight and she didn't smell anyone so, she shifted. Quickly, she threw her clothes back on and as she got her shoes back on, she hit her celerity and made her way back. close to the place where they were supposed to meet. There was a tree close by and she stood behind it, staring. He arrived and she watched him for a moment, looking. He didn't have a weapon in hand so that was a plus. She decided there was no danger at the moment and then, wandered out and into the clearing, standing a few steps back* Hello Domenic.
Domenic: The voice catches his ear and then he turns to face her from whatever direction he was looking to before. The dark hair about her shoulders, the height. He looks her up and down, "You must be Serendipity." He, hopes that the woman is who he had met before. He thinks back to the moment where he found out that he was a vampire. The matter of that night, when he was being hunted for his transgression against the masquerade. He's not sure, but he feels like this one wouldn't hunt him. Coming close he nods his head, "And yes. Hello. It's nice to meet you." Domenic looks her over again. His flannel shirt is kind of loose above his blue jeans and boots.
Serendipity: *she smiled and gave a soft nod to him as he spoke to her about her name* I am. *she commented softly as her eyes scanned the new one in front of him. Untrustworthy? Yes. As of late she was, though that was probably due to the 12 bullets her son had to pull from her only a few days prior. Those bullets had also come from loved ones, 10 of them anyway. She watched him move closer and tensed a bit, though she continued to smile, immediately setting her mind on pacifying him, if the need arose. She would pacify him and then celerity away. A perfect plan..... And then the thought hit her that really pissed her off. She could have hit Mome OR Lizzie with it and saved herself A LOT of pain. She huffed at herself and shook her head before she realized she was in company. Her eyes met his again and she spoke* Sorry. Cussing myself for an earlier event I just had a realization about. *she smiled sweetly to relax him* So.... what were you doing out here?
Domenic: He wasn't really worried or scared to begin with, at the moment he's more concerned with the fact that she doesn't have a weapon and she's the first vampire he's seen since the night that doesn't have one. He thought that he was the only one that didn't pack heat everywhere he went. Sure he has one in his bag, but it's unloaded and on safe. He only uses his weapons when he feels that he must in order to keep himself protected. "I'm out here enjoying the evening, looking for a meal.."
Serendipity: *she watched him carefully. She knew her powers well and tried her hardest to keep her emotions in check so it was easier to use her powers if needed. As he spoke, she nodded her head in understanding for a brief moment and then, she blinked* Wait.... what? *she tilted her head* I'm.... confused. Are you able to eat food? Like..... an Allurist because really, I know you're a vampire. I can smell that easily enough/. Could smell that from a mile away.....
Domenic: "I.. Feed from the animals that I hunt as a wolf." He states this rather calmly, not feeling bad about being an animal in a way, now that he has accepted it. he's sure that he doesn't want to harm humans or really feed from them. "If I could eat, I would, but I cannot." He states this and then calmly starts to move toward her, his arms are crossed over his chest sort of. He's the path of a killer, yet has the temper and demeanor of wise man.
Serendipity: *she listened to him, better understanding now and nodded her head gently* I see now. *she commented and kept both eyes on him sharply as he moved closer to her. She blinked and then tilted her head as she spoke* There are things called blood packs to you know? Or.... there are willing humans in the city that we have. For example, Raksha is someone that is human and lives with me. Shes more than willing to donate any of her blood anyone needs if I ask her. You don't Have to eat the animals..... unless you like to.
Domenic: "I would prefer to feed from animals than from humans. I've always eaten the meat of animals, so why not transpose that to their blood as a vampire?" He asks her, not sure if she'll understand that it's more of a moral thing than anything else. He, finally, stands close to her and then leans to a tree. "Besides, i could never ask someone else to give away something that has their own being and DNA in it. It's something important and precious... With too little of it someone could die." He doesn't even remember his turning, just remembers the times he would starve himself. He can't for his life remember his own death.
Serendipity: *she blinked a moment to his words and thought* Blood bags though do not hurt animals nor humans. Its blood packs from hospitals and such. No one is harms, including animals. *she tilted her head. Seren was a huge animal lover and though she would never condemn anyone for the food practice that he was having, she was a bit sad by it, thinking of all those helpless animals. *she thought about his words a moment about the DNA and how precious it was and then blinked, shaking her head as she looked at the male that was close to her now* True but at the same time, you cant ask an animal for their permission but they are just as important. They are living creatures that you hunt for food when it is no longer necessary. Just a thought *she commented gently and still, in a soft tone. She wasn't looking to start a fight nor a debate, just handing out an option*
Domenic: The woman before him has a point and he listens to her. "While I understand your sentiments, I do.. these animals that I feed from are going to be hunted by wolves anyway. The wolves don't really notice that I'm feeding on blood and not meat, it's just one less mouth they have to feed." He states and then looks around the wilderness. "It's not like I go out and slaughter animals for the fun of it. I just hunt with the wolves, feed and if there' anything left, cook it for the homeless.
Serendipity: *she frowned a tad. She knew what he was saying made sense. It did. Still, it didn't make her feel any better about the way he was living. Animals were precious creatures and needed to be treated as such and yet, it didn't seem like that was the case at all here. Still, she would again, never condemn anyone for their lifestyle choice so, she chose to drop the subject* Alright. I concede. Another topic to discuss, maybe?
Domenic: "Sure anything... Perhaps some info on you?" He's not entirely impartial to the fact that he feeds from humans. If the woman could help him understand the possibility that feeding from bags is better. Perhaps feeding from other vampires. He's hasn't even learned that is an option yet. He's still trying to figure out everything that there is to know about being a vampire. "How long have you been... one of what we are." The word vampire is still foreign to him.
Serendipity: *she blinked to the fact that he wanted to know more about her. She wasn't used to that anymore. She sighed a bit and then sat down against the tree and thought a moment before looking up as he spoke again. What would he ask? What would he want to know? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea now. After all, she wasn't into over sharing at the moment. She was okay with the fact that he asked a specific question though and so, she answered it* Almost 3 years now. *she commented softly* Isabella, my Sire, turned me 3 years ago next month. My choice. *she added in there and shrugged a bit* You?
Domenic: "Apparently about the same amount of time. I've lived for most of that time confused. I would starve myself of blood, because I thought my cravings were crazy, then become incredibly hungry and feed from humans", this is part of the reason he doesn't want to anymore. "I suffered many burns... one day some 'Crow' put twenty thousand on my head." He states in answer to her question taking a seat next to her. His feet draw in the snow.
Serendipity: *she blinked as she listened to his tale. A frown on her face before she shook her head and sighed* That's a terrible story. *she frowned a bit more* Who is the one that made you? Didn't they teach you anything, Domenic?
Domenic: "My sire", the word is still funny to him as he says it, "told me a few months ago that I was an accident." He looks to the woman, kicking the snow a little before bringing his feet back beneath him. "Accident that she didn't know existed, really. But since she told me that I've only seen her one other time." Truth is he knows very little about what is going on in his life at the moment.
Serendipity: *Well, this was just unacceptable she thought as she listened to the mans words. She sighed and then shook her head towards him as she watched his feet go back under him* So, what you need is to be adopted into another family. A family that can teach you the ways of this city. How things are supposed to be. That kind of thing. *she looked towards him* And nothing is a mistake. Everything happens for a reason. Always remember that.
Domenic: "Well I'm not sure If being adopted would be okay.. at least not like that. Even though I'm not quite sure what you mean." He looks back to his boots, the black and dark brown on them. "I do need to learn though and I haven't seen Habren in a while." He shrugs a little bit for a second and crosses his hands over his lap.
Serendipity: *And there is was. Her eyes rolled heavily to the name of the one that had turned him and then turned him away. That shouldn't have been -that- much of a surprise to her, and it wasn't. She shook her head and then sighed* Well, there are not too many in the city that are willing to teach people without them being in their family as teaching takes a lot of time and effort. You get close to the person and in turn, close to their family so.... *she shrugged a bit* Just something to think on. An idea of sorts, I guess. I know several people in the city. *she said, moving her legs to sit Indian style*