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An Angel she's not (Habs)

Posted: 14 Mar 2014, 01:03
by Ishani-Snow (DELETED 2525)
Ishani-Snow with just days before her birthday that she shared with Nimrod. Nimrod was of course much older than she was, he was more winkled and gray and hairy but she figured all boys that didn't looked like Setne were hairy. Though Nimrod was old, he was not as old as Father Alexander and as Nimrod didn't know his age and Ishani-Snow grandmother had always stated that a lady was able to be any age she wished, she figured it must be true for boys as well. In the end Nimrod would be turning eight years old with her. Only she was never to reach her eight birthday, at least not really.

Her blue eyes scanned the fence area, thrown the crack, she knew she had to be fast and quick because there were angels who liked to lurk on this side of the fence. Angels who seemed to spend all their time fighting the lesser demons, not that she could fault them, she spent time fighting them too. The other side of the fence looked clear and so she took several steps back and jumped over the large fence that blocked part of the city off.

Dusting her dress off she began to walk down the street, mindless of the cars that went by, and the dark man in the corner asking only certain people if they wanted to sell there blood or if they wanted to learn the ways of becoming a Blood Thief, he would be gone on the morrow and while she didn't really like them she had grown used to them with Nimrod and Setne both being Blood Thieves.

“What to do?” she said putting her hands in her coat pocket feeling her prizes within, she had gather some ears and she was going to make a necklace of them, she had made a lot of them. Grandmother said she couldn't watch the Walking Dead anymore because of it but still she kept coming back with ears and Grandmother kept tossing them away. Course Grandmother just assumed she was digging it out of the trash but that wasn't the case at all.

A cop walked by given her a glance before calling out to her and she ran down the street before he could say anything right into the arms of another cop, she kicked and screamed and bit and he smacked her hard across the face, with such a blow that he lost his hold and she ran off again. “Grandmother is going to be upset...” she muttered as she held the side of her face.

“Gonna have to find me Mike or Father Alexander.” she didn't want to backtrack though so she thought she would try Robert Pratt's weird place but that was to far away. Besides she didn't think Father Alexander was a member, and she wasn't sure Nimrod could steal powers from Harry Potter people. Fustration took a hold of her, before she turned and stmop back towards the cop who had hit her.

It was not hard for someone her size and built to get behind him, but that wouldn't be much fun. She shoved her hands in her pockets once more. She would stab him alright, she smiled as sweetly as she could up at his back. “Hey mister, I found something”

The man turned around and she stared hard at his nose that seemed to small for his face with ears that seemed to big for his head and beady little eyes. She was pretty sure he was tallest person she ever saw, so she figured he must be a giant. A cop that was a giant that worked with angels. She pulled out the ear and held it out to him. “See?”

His held out his hand but she didn't raise it any higher making him have to bend down to see what was in her hand. She had no time to watch and see if he had any look of horror as she pulled her other hand out of her pocket and with the small knife and all her force stabbed him in the right eye. He didn't even cry out as he fell to the ground. Pulling the knife out she stared at the blood and then began to cut off his oversized ear before shoving that in her pocket and leaving the one she had offered him in it's place.

She felt a little better but not by much. She knew exactly what she should do then, she had a nice collection of toys she had bought and no one had questioned her because she had bought them all Nimrod's name. Only they had always been shipped to her house. Grandmother never said anything about it because Nimrod was 'special'

Still she hadn't given them to Nimrod like she had been told to do so, they belong to her afterall. Making her way instead of veil towers she sneaked into her apartment, grandmother was still asleep on the chair and grandfather had the tv so loud he didn't even notice that she had been missing. Making her way to her bedroom she opened her closet, one side of the wall was filled with all sorts of pretty dresses and outfits that a lot of adults seemed to wear only these were all glittered and sparkled and when she wore them she was suppose to stand just so and smiled very pretty, and wave her hand. On the top were rows of crowns. A years worth, Grandmother had taken her all over the place, so she could earn money and she had earned money and prizes but she lost too. Grandmother wasn't happy when she lost always trying to assure her that she was the prettiest little girl and that next time she would have to do this or that to assure a win.

The other side of the closet had play cloths, shirts and dresses. Things that a normal girl would wear only they were all in shades of blue, with just peaks of pink or purple mixed in. She moved towards the back of the closet on that side, towards the small hidden apartment that Grandfather was suppose to had sealed so she wouldn't get hurt and pried it open inside it was filled with things. Silver pens for Pocket, things she was sure Auntie Kitty might like, things that Alexandera would likely want for her traps and other things. She wasn't sure what The Lady would like at the time she had set aside a corpse of something she wasn't exactly sure, but it was dead and little and she had one herself and she thought it was cool so perhaps she would as well if she ever found the woman she would be sure to give it to her, it wasn't something you sent in the mail.

Moving things aside she grabbed another box and began to dig through them, sensor alarms where boring, cameras were boring other than the ones that could blow up sometimes. She dangled some bear traps around her neck careful to not let them snap and some poison darts were shoved into her pocket as she pulled out the piece that shot them out. Then she put them all carefully back and made her way back outside into the cold night. She figure it would be fun to set some traps... but she wasn't exactly sure yet where she would put them.

Re: An Angel she's not (Habs)

Posted: 18 Apr 2014, 03:06
by Habren Ashe
The witch had found herself more often than not, of late, closeted away from the smoggy air and boisterous, dirty streets. Some nights, so happily ensconced in their remote little cabin with her Mircea and away from everything were they that she forgot to feed, to train, to do much of anything that required going back. And, as she found herself sidling through the darkened place on her way to loosen up tired muscles and play with a den of gangsters tucked away in an abandoned building, this became increasingly obvious. Familiar sights sent a jolt through the woman, things that had become part of her existence, though they were muted with the many months away. She had forgotten a lot of things, it would seem, and as the pair stayed out of the City itself and their phones remained silent, it was easy to let it all slip away. Like the river waters through her fingers, time was meaningless.

At first, in those early nights spent topside once more, it had been all she could think of, the many many years spent in the darkness like a knife that cut too sharply - her penance for her feral beginnings was seemingly to walk the realm alone and apart from her male. But now... with but three gone by, soul-deep wounds had slowly begun to heal and the mistakes of their modern lives had become naught but a distant distaste at the back of her throat. It was easy to convince herself that they weren't really needed, after all. Easy to simply exist, happily and together, without a lick of regret or guilt attached to it. She told herself they would be there if called but... they were never called.

Habren wrinkled her nose as she drew a deep breath of the evening air; it was so different to the freshness she had grown accustomed to. But tonight, Mircea had whispered in her ear about a raid - one where they could play and chase one another across several floors, build some strength and perhaps replenish their stocks as a small boon for their trouble. It had been too long since they spilled blood, he had teased, and so she had sent him on ahead with a soft kiss while she took her time and made doubly sure she was prepared, in her own cautious way. Weapons checked, re-checked and checked again, the woman was soon on her way out and into the night.

As Habren finally made her way toward the place Mircea had designated, she went to cloak herself in the ethers before something - or rather, someone - caught her eye. A frown furrowed her brow. It had been quite some time since she'd seen the young lass she knew as Snow, and here she was again. Wandering out, late at night, no coat to be seen and trailing what looked to be a variety of traps. Nothing any child - no matter how advanced - should be doing at such an hour.

"My dear child... whatever are you doing out here?" Before she could stop herself, the words were out and she was sauntering over to the young human, all thoughts of the raid forgotten by now.

Re: An Angel she's not (Habs)

Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 22:47
by Ishani-Snow (DELETED 2525)
Ishani-Snow had not see Habren Ashe in a very long time. That did not change her expression betraying her excitement at seeing the woman. So much so that the girl could barely hold still from wanting to wrap her arms around her, the only thing that kept her from doing so, were the traps that were danging from her small body. Still her feet danced from one foot to another as if she might run around in circles at any moment, screaming that she found “The Lady” but unlike most little girls she had complete control, or most control over such behavior.

“Hello Lady!” her eyes darted up and down, she had learned that some demons could take on the form of others but she was pretty sure no one would ever be able to take The Lady's face, after all outside of her Daddy, and Auntie Kitty no one was as strong as them. No one could ever hurt those three, she was completely positive of it and in the future she would be even stronger than them something else she was completely positive about.

She tilted her head slightly as she thought about how to best answer the question about what she was doing outside, at this time of night, and after a few moments she grinned up at the woman, putting her hands on her hips “I'm playing duh” she turned on her heel so she was facing sidewise before placing a finger against her mouth, “I'll tell you a little secret, but ya can't tell no body else.” she didn't wait to see if her Lady would agree or not, she had complete faith in the woman, blind faith perhaps but complete faith regardless.

“I'm gonna put these up” she said pulling up one of the dart shooting traps up for her to see. “See, this one shoots out darts, that make even demons sick... well... if it hits them. They always seem to miss...” she lowered her voice clearly disappointed by this fact. “I'm gonna set up in some really busy place though... just... dunno where yet. I was hoping to look for some information about one of those places with a lot of people... that have these things called relics... never seen no relic but they sometimes have toys just laying around.” she began to go on, not even catching her breath. “I bring a bag with me, and I fill it up and then I gotta drag it home. It's SOOOOO heavy, Lady. They have guns that are almost as big as my head!” she nodded her head wildly, “and huge swords as tall as me!” she held a hand up above her head to make her point as she stood on her toes. “They got big heavy blocks too and if you get there before anyone else, they got traps and if you aren't careful they can hurt you and then I gotta run and have Father Alexander or Mike heal me...” she paused for a moment.

“You don't know do you? Haven't told you!” she fought jumping up and down, “I got Potter Powers!” she beamed.

Re: An Angel she's not (Habs)

Posted: 08 Nov 2014, 16:37
by Habren Ashe
The wee one was a veritable ball of excitement: a proper mix of beautiful chaos, less than perfect judgment, and too much intelligence for years so young. But it was lovely to be missed, and by the small child who had stolen away a piece of her heart, no less.

There wasn't much of a maternal instinct to be found in the vampire, but there was certainly a measure of pragmatism and practicality that had her brow furrowing as Snow spoke of setting poison traps before babbling on about the nests to be found - Habren assumed she spoke of the fights to be had beneath the catacombs - and the weapons to be found there. No matter how desensitized to such things, it did not seem to Habren that prolonged exposure to such places would be good for the child. And certainly not the weapons. And these other two she spoke of; surely they had to have some sense to keep her from such evils?

"Darling girl," she said in a sweet tone meant just for the child, with a soft, gentle smile to go with the words, "How good it is to see you again. Mayhaps you should give those heavy things to me...for now. We can set them somewhere later," she said, her thoughts drifting to the husband surely already hard at work slaying what creatures could be found. The last thing she wanted was some harm to come to him at the hands of this small girl. With luck, if she got the child talking, she might forget all about the hair-trigger items she carried.

The witch crouched low, now face-to-face with Snow, keeping the same smile firm to her lips. "Now then. Has anyone taught you how to properly handle these weapons you speak of, my dear? And I wish to hear more of these powers... what have you learned?"

Habren worked to keep the concern off of her face, keeping her features neutral and curious. It was ominous news, and she had to wonder who in their right mind would teach a young girl such things in the first place. By the sounds of things, she had been taught and then turned upon the City, allowed to run amok without so much as a helping, guiding hand to go with her. If it was true, if Snow was playing with weaponry and traps now as well as mastering the more supernatural abilities that the humans seemed to be learning in droves these nights, then someone needed to take the helm with her. At the very least, she had to learn how and when to wield them, and of course, to control them. Lest some great harm befall her, and Habren wasn't willing to stand back and let things come to that.