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Archive Forum (Attn. Roleplayers)

Posted: 01 Mar 2014, 17:45
by Mooncalf
The size of the forum database is getting to be a problem for many reasons, and is suspected to be the cause of a few recent forum bugs. With that in mind, this post is an early notice to all forum users that soon an archive forum will be created within a couple of weeks.

The archive forum will retain all roleplay posts from the start of time, so don't worry, you will not lose any stories or roleplay threads. It will also archive many OOC posts for much longer, without slowing the forum down or causing any issues. There will be a link to the archive forum at the top of the page. Please note, you will not be able to post new posts in the archive forum; it will be just for reading purposes.

Here on the main, active forum, threads will be removed (transferred to the archive) if they have had no posts in them for 6 months. This will not include stickies or journals, but everything else will be archived. This archiving process will happen every couple of months.

We're telling you this now so that you have a chance to make older roleplay threads active again by posting in them. If you haven't posted in a roleplay thread for 6 months, but you do have plans to post in it again soon, you are advised to post in it soon, or you will lose the chance to do so. Please note, all such threads will still be readable on the archive forum, but you won't be able to continue those stories.

Please do not bump roleplay threads with non-roleplay. Only posts in threads with actual roleplay if you wish the thread to remain active once the archive forum goes up.