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I'm Currently Playing...

Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 14:45
by Mooncalf
Yes, I'm a video game fanatic. What do you expect from a games developer?

This is a thread for anyone who has found a new game and wants to tell everyone how cool it is, or everyone who is playing an old game and just wants to gush about how the old games were way better. You can also post screenshots here or yap about your roleplay characters or post videos or whatever.

Re: I'm Currently Playing...

Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 14:48
by Mooncalf
I'm currently playing Mount and Blade: Warband. It's like Sid Meier's Pirates meets Total War meets Dynasty Warriors. You're just some medieval dude, and you do whatever the hell you like.

The graphics are pretty damn awful, but damnit, this game is addictive. I fully expect to spend hundreds of hours raising armies, jousting in tourneys, and courting really really ugly maidens with bad poetry.

Re: I'm Currently Playing...

Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 20:29
by Kamikaze
Mooncalf wrote:...this game is addictive...
Addictive, as in... the Lego games addicting? >.>

Re: I'm Currently Playing...

Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 21:53
by Pi dArtois

I like that farm game, Hay Day. It's probably the only game I actively play, and I'm so inattentive the frequency might be twice a week-ish. Sometimes I play Candy Crush if someone in my family makes me, to send them lives. Sometimes I play a Mahjong App.

Re: I'm Currently Playing...

Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 22:04
by Lancaster
I don't have a PC that's capable of running any PC games.

Just bought Beyond Two Souls the other week, though. It's pretty amazeballs. You kind of get to decide the personality of the main character by deciding how she chooses to respond to things, but having only played the game once I'm not sure whether her responses actually lead to different outcomes or not. Other than that it feels like a game that follows a particular plot, and you just have to go along with it. You can't veer away from it. But for once it's an interesting plot and it's keeping me sucked in.

You can swap back and forth between one player and two, too. Which is kind of cool. Haven't played it with two people yet.

Re: I'm Currently Playing...

Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 22:29
by Mora
I play several games. I'm a gaming fanatic when I have some free time and just want to unwind and without a writing muse, I'll play my Xbox 360. I'm not rich enough for a ONE.

But the game I'm currently replaying is Oblivion, whilst playing Skyrim every now and again. But personally, I prefer Oblivion, it was the first RPG game I played, before moving onto Fable. Oblivion's storyline is amazing. WAY more interesting than Skyrim. Same guilds, dark brotherhood, thieves guild, mage guild and the added one, the arena.

I love the old graphics, and the old style gameplay. I've even bought every bit of DLC for it.

Love Love Love. <3

Re: I'm Currently Playing...

Posted: 24 Jan 2014, 03:25
by Madison
I'm currently playing Dungeons and Dragons..... 4.0 though, blegh

For my Computer Simulation and Gaming Design course, we get to play 4-5 weeks of 4.0 for people who haven't played before to get a feel on how it all works. Then we get split into teams and we have to design new races, classes and deities which we get to spend the last portion of the class playing in a campaign. Teachers pick a victor for best design and winning team gets bragging rights. I'm one of 2 people who have played before so he and I got the lucky task of co-DM'ing a group of 8. We did character creation today.

This weekend though is Global Game Jam! Global Game Jam is done by the IGDA (International Game Developers Association.) Basically groups all across the world are given a subject and have 48 hours to build a game based off that topic. Not exactly playing a game but by the time it's over, I may have something to share that can be played that I helped code! Pretty exciting stuffs :D

Re: I'm Currently Playing...

Posted: 25 Jan 2014, 19:06
by Reganleif
this game on facebook called Odd Socks . Such a great way to de-stress!

I know its not a video game, just being silly.

Re: I'm Currently Playing...

Posted: 25 Jan 2014, 19:40
by Catherine Nilson
Starbound, and Assassin's Creed 2. Never played any of the assassin's creed games before except the one with Connor, so don't spoil me.

Re: I'm Currently Playing...

Posted: 25 Jan 2014, 20:14
by Axel Rosen
I'm playing Final Fantasy XIV, Neverwinter Nights (the old non-mmo version), Star Wars: The Old Republic, replaying both Kingdom Hearts (hoping they release the third one). Tabletop I am playing: Dungeons and Dragons (4.0), Mutants and Masterminds (super hero game), Rogue Trader (set in the 40k universe), and of course Warhammer (miniature war game).

I have no real social life...