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UPDATE: Hacking Raids

Posted: 14 Jan 2014, 20:25
by Mooncalf
Hacking "raids" now appear in the city. In fact, there's one going on right now.

They work very much like stealth raids. There are 6 "floors" (in this case, connected systems), which get harder as you go up, and there's a relic to be gained through information found on the final system. They are very hard, but there are 4 types of hacking raids so far, which range from kinda tough, to insanely difficult. Naturally, the better relics can be found through the harder hacks, and yep, these are 4 entirely new relics.

You also gain experience points per hack, at a lower rate compared to stealth raids, simply because B&E takes more energy. Remember that each new system will cost you 4 energy, and if you have less than 24 energy, you can't even start a hacking raid.

We are going to leave all the details up to you guys to figure out for yourselves! Because we're feeling evil today. We will just give you these following tips:

1 - You need to unlock admin nodes before travelling to the next system.
2 - Use the command "connect (admin)" to connect to the next system.
3 - Hacking raids give you less moves to start with, and your moves do not replenish as you move to the next system. Yes, this makes getting through 6 systems very tough. We know. ;)

Please ask any questions you have, but we can't promise to answer them. We think it's more fun if the community works out the details. Please also report any bugs you see ASAP. Thanks!