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UPDATE: Flee Mode

Posted: 14 Jan 2014, 15:41
by Mooncalf
A new mode is now available to everyone, called flee mode.

This mode gives you a chance of fleeing from the area after a skirmish attempt, in the same way it's possible to flee from a battle to the death. After being attacked, you have a 25-50% chance to flee (depending on your dexterity VS the opponent's). After you flee, you will be transported to a random public building in the city, and your flee mode will remain active.

You can set flee mode on the index page side-panel drop down, under "mode". Your flee mode gets cancelled when you move. You should also be aware that flee mode will cost you 1.5 energy per hour.

The update was made with realism in mind, as simply standing around after being shot in the arm isn't too smart, if you are trying to avoid being killed.