Though, with a smirk, I realise that some women might beg to differ.
Banishing all thoughts of women and the particular fun I might be able to have with them—those that I could track down and call upon for that specific brand of fun--I want instead to test myself. I want to go somewhere where no one knows me. Where no one will judge me. And I want to test it. Can I just start talking again as if it were something I'd been doing all my life? I go to the cafe near Larch Court. I have a house at Larch Court, but I haven't been there so long that the locals know me, or my habits. I step into the Corner Cafe; it's quiet inside, some kind of radio station playing over the speakers, a couple of people in a booth by the window. I approach the counter. I clear my throat. The woman behind the counter - old and tired looking - stares at me expectantly. I swallow - smoothing the way for the words to come out. I open my mouth. My tongue flops around like a dead fish, my throat contracting, and then tightening. Tongue on the roof of my mouth I manage only to pronounce the 'C' of 'Can'.
"Can I help you?" the woman behind the counter asks, for a second time. She has interrupted the slow process of the first word uttered in public for twelve years or so. My lips shut tight. I cant my head to the side. I lick my lips. Why am I doing this? It's a momentous occasion, and I'm wasting it on this dire old woman. I shake my head, and shrug my shoulders. I exit the warmth of the shop and shove my hands into my pockets.
I stand on the sidewalk, blowing cold air from my lungs. Well, ****. This is going to be harder than had previously occurred to me--and I have no idea what it is that's stopping me. I stare up at the sky, teeth worrying at the inside of my lip. If only the few stray stars could give me an answer. If only Jordan could come back, and enlighten me with his creepy kid wisdom. I assume, at this stage, that it has been my subconscious pushing me along, forcing those walls to come tumbling down. And I figure it is my subconscious that will take it that one step further, when the time is right.