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Re-Education [Habren Ashe, Mircea, and Madison]

Posted: 27 Nov 2013, 00:18
by Domenic (DELETED 4971)
This roleplay is a continuation of the evening of the Rogue Vampire thread
The term 'mayhaps' isn't one that he's really heard before not in casual conversation anyway. They do indeed talk different from himself and Madison, some sort of old means of communication, yet they don't seem like they could look a day over their early twenties. All new is the feeling in his gut that he gets around the three of them, especially the dark haired woman. Every so often his eyes move from the other male and then her again, his eyes looking back to the woman that saved him from the bounty hunter by looking over his shoulder. This process is slow, but he is sure that he will never keep his eyes on one person for too long. The extended invitation to Madison lifts whatever remnant or worry he had left for the crazy 'people' that could be out hunting, he assumes, both of them. Finally he makes a step to the door accepting that he is going to be leaving it soon. His eyes make a full circuit through the people present curious if everyone is ready to go, though the one named 'Habren' seems to be noticing that their departure should be swift rather than delayed.

Earlier the woman before him, his (the word is still new to him so it takes a moment to make the connection) sire has stated that she wanted a moment to explain what she thinks had happened. At the start of the whole incident Madison went on about how negatively she thought about the person that 'abandoned' him. Yet here is Habren talking about trying to explain that abandonment. Who his he to pass judgment on someone that is a part of a culture that until today he knew only one thing about. The one thing was simple and predatory: need to feed. If she could give him any more information even the slightest bit more with the help of what Madison has already told him, there is room for forgiveness in his heart. Do I still have a heart?, the thought passes through his mind and he pushes it away. Of course he still has one. She, Habren, seems so heartfelt that there is no reason not to at least give her the benefit of the doubt and offer her the chance to explain. Standing next to the threshold of the door he stands in wait for someone to take point, as he has no idea where they're going.

“Where exactly are we headed to?” He knows a bit of the city, the districts and some of the streets. The curiosity and anxiousness to get to where they are going is getting to him. Outside the air is cool coming through the open door invading the space of the warm trailer. The question he asked he realized could have sounded rude or suspicious, “Just wondering, asking to get a basic idea.” His right foot moves in the direction of the door but his body makes not headway, just eager to get moving.