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pieces of insanity

Posted: 15 Nov 2013, 22:39
by Tate
OOC wrote:I'll be alternating between roleplays and journal entries here, just trying to keep everything in one place.
Her temple still throbbed as she walked through the city sewers away from the entrance near her apartment, her hand pressed to the recently washed side of her head where underneath a black beanie, the wound given by a Tytonidae member was almost completely healed. Despite that, as she lowered her hand a moment later once the sensation ceased, her strength had yet to return back to normal. It was strange, but she didn’t particularly mind. She could still do her job as security anyway. Tate had already fed, but the urge still remained at the back of her throat and without bothering to look for another person to satisfy her thirst, she tugged her hooded sweatshirt up while moving.


She pressed the button on the flashlight she brought with her, scanning over the path as she searched for her bag full of ritual items; she had thought her bounty was low enough - $700 for a first time offender? Her bounty hadn’t been on the list when she went to sleep and Tate frowned as she remembered her words to her sire. “I’m going to kill ferals, got a bit of a bounty.” And with a shake of her head, the ginger continued to search as her lips pressed together. Whatever happened after that, she didn’t remember anything other than waking up in a place void of color when a man she knew from DC had ripped into her body with his hands after he made her even more tired. The memories flickered through her mind every now and then.

As she was attacked, Tate had reached for her pistol only to find that it was gone, and when she had tried to shift into her animal form, she found that it was impossible. Her hands trembled, she had opened her mouth to call him a dick, but the pain from the wounds littering her body caused her to fall silent while she curled up into a ball and just sat there for a while feeling violated, and for the first time in a while, alone. Cai’s arrival had created confusion and sadness, especially when he apologized to her. She had shook her head - it wasn’t his fault and she told him so. She felt that she had disappointed him.

Melisande’s arrival had been one of relief, but also sadness. Her best friend had left her for the Shadow Realm? Was Alicia there? Tate waited for Cai to depart and quietly knew she’d see him again sometime soon, and then moved to try to talk to her friend, find something out… until she caught sight of the first spirit and she had walked away after saying that she missed the other woman. Sometime later, Tate was able to return to the city and she had gone straight to look for her sire. And afterwards, she had searched some of the sewers in search of her bag before falling asleep on a park bench. Thank god for Daywalker.

When her foot connected with a rotting corpse, she regained her balance before kicking at the dead, naked man. “*****.” He had no head, likely taken for one of the rituals that she had been practicing with against that one guy. Parker. Stepping over the body, Tate reached up to readjust her beanie and gave a roll of her eyes before she stepped forward and continued on in her way, pausing as she found the messenger bag and heaved a sigh of relief. “At least something has gone my way.” She muttered, kneeling down to collect the bag before heaving it over her shoulder.

And nearly toppling over.

“Holy ****!”

The weight of the bag itself caused Tate to stumble and she felt her eyebrows pinch together from annoyance. “Since when did the damn thing get so heavy?” She asked, not expecting an answer and rolling her eyes when she got one from Alicia’s familiar voice. “Since you died.” Why was she there now, and when Tate was in the Shadow Realm, not bother her there? “Isn’t there a place like heaven where you need to be?” Or Hell. At this point, Tate didn’t particularly care where her friend would go, so long as she stopped bugging her.