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The..... war? Of..... slaughter? (( Open ))

Posted: 11 Nov 2013, 16:43
by Robert Pratt
OOC - Open to anyone who's being attacked or doing the attacking. Write up your death. Write up your attacks. Write up any mischief or help you're providing. Lets just write and have some fun with this. :)
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Robert Pratt: joins Phone Call 928337
Liam Goodryke: joins Phone Call 928337
Liam Goodryke: makes tapping noises inside Roberts head "this thing turned on?"
Robert Pratt: Robert blinked and looked around for the tapping noise and then spoke out loud. "Hello?"

Liam Goodryke: laughed "Light upon you!"

Robert Pratt: He was really confused and looking all around him. "Liam? That you? Where are you?"

Liam Goodryke: "Shadow Realm. Me and Jez. Went down swinging. 3rd times a charm, Tyt got us both inside the necro."

Robert Pratt: "Oh...." He frowned and sighed. "Yeh, I think it's only Madison and Zen left from 5th. And then there's me. Doing my random thing. On my own"

Liam Goodryke: "Enver gone now too? What about Kira?"

Robert Pratt: "Yeh, Every got him. ****** left where he was, where I'd locked him in! I didn't know Kira was fifth. Can you check her memories?"

Liam Goodryke: “I can try. Kira has not yet been attacked today"

Robert Pratt: "Today?!"

Liam Goodryke: "let me check again for the past. Not a single attack against Kira. Let me check that arsehole coward Zen."

Robert Pratt: "Wait, back up. What about Zen?"

Liam Goodryke: "He refuses to declare war on Tytonidae, doesn't understand we are already at war. I just checked his memories and there is nothing. I guess he has no brain."

Robert Pratt: He chuckled and shook his head. "I see. Well, I did say he was a **** choice for second. But in some eyes - anything is better than me I guess."

Liam Goodryke: "But still, they killed us both inside the Necropolis. Side by side. Funny thing is, when Jez died, it looked like she somehow dragged Velveteen with her in to the shadow realm. Because Velveteen vanished too. I bet you wish you hadn't of threatened quit last year if I had taken charge like Hariasa wanted me to now."

Robert Pratt: "I did that to Every the first time she killed me. I told you; they are the Dark's minions and are at one with the shadows of Muga's realm. It's just further proof! And there was no threat of quit - I did quit."

Liam Goodryke: "Not when I was there first time. I never took charge. Wish I had though."

Robert Pratt: "I wouldn't have followed you then. You were a dick who hadn't found the Light."

Re: The..... war? Of..... slaughter? (( Open ))

Posted: 11 Nov 2013, 17:03
by Liam Goodryke
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Liam Goodryke: "Neither had you, if I recall. Hell, I'm not sure you were even a vampire yet."

Robert Pratt: "Yes I had and yes I was"

Liam Goodryke: "No I'm pretty sure you were still a blood thief. I called you out on not attacking with us, and you said it was hard since you hadn't been sired yet."

Robert Pratt: "Rubbish. I knew nothing of vampires until I was one, after Pi murdered me and I found out on my own what I was."

Liam Goodryke: "So you are saying everything you told us about being a blood thief was ********?"

Robert Pratt: "No. I was a blood thief before I was murdered. It was only after I was murdered that I knew about vampires."

Liam Goodryke: "Robert, you can't be a blood thief without ingesting vampire blood."

Robert Pratt: "Of course I can be. And how would you know what I was and wasn't, as well as how our structure and group worked?"

Liam Goodryke: "I reached out to them, and Jezebel is a donor to one. You forget, Batman was an ally of mine and I was a donor to him. I know from what you told us in 5C. I took you at your word."

Robert Pratt: "I'm not sure what that's got to do with my past"

Liam Goodryke: "Irrelevant. It was meant more as a joke than anything."

Robert Pratt: "Sorry - you can probably sense the headaches and stress I'm feeling right now. Burden curses, curses and those spirit curses have all been bombarding me"

Liam Goodryke: "I do apologise. I shall leave you be for now my friend. I will speak to you soon though>"

Robert Pratt: "You take care of yourself down there. Stay away from Muga, keep to your senses and hunt those spirits. If I can - I'll do what I can to help you. Don't return until that spiritual wound has gone though. I fear this is not the end!"

Liam Goodryke: We are all together down here. Killian, Jez, Char, me, everyone. Sticking together. Jez is planning to shadow craft to draw all the spirits she can

Robert Pratt: "Well, she won't have enough power to sort everyone out. You'll need to hunt as well"

Liam Goodryke: I know. Oria will be down here I imagine at some point anyway, I should leave you be Robert. Speak to you soon” Ends the link

Re: The..... war? Of..... slaughter? (( Open ))

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 01:06
by Every
Night of 11/10/2013
It had surprised her when grabbing her combat pistol had felt almost second nature, the small brunette raising the weapon without hesitation and firing several shots into Enver’s skull and when his head exploded in a bloody mush, it was both a moment of relief and disappointment that it had ended. Her hazel eyes watched as the man’s body turned to ash, a wince crossing across her features as she exhaled quietly and the wound in her chest protested angrily against the action.

Before the wind could disperse it all, she crouched - becoming aware of a second angry gunshot only adding to her annoyance - to look through his clothing for anything worth looting (and, eventually returning after either damaging them in some fashion or making them useless). A gunshot caught her off guard and for a second, Every considered that Enver had gone back on his word, and as she felt the bullet bite into her thigh, she hissed angrily.

“It was Madison, Miss Every.”

Her wraith had been standing nearby, observing for her during the entire episode. Minutes. That hadn’t been a coincidence, and as she closed her eyes to see what Cypriana was seeing, she took note of a remotely familiar wraith before pressing down on the newest wound. ‘That’ll be another one to the list.’ She thought bitterly, breaking the connection as she reopened her eyes to continue her chore. 'Interfering with a duel. Always a wonderful thing to know people suck.’

A fedora. His Blackberry. Car keys.

She pursed her lips, searching for more as she tested her leg by putting weight into it with the crouch before giving another hiss through her teeth. A string of profanity in Spanish and finding cigars, and a zippo later, Every collected her ‘trophies’ if one could call them that before sticking the smaller things into the hat so she wouldn’t lose them. Digging into her pocket, Every felt around for her tome as she went through the fight in her head.

Enver, admittedly, didn’t have a chance.

Oh well. At least he died with honor, and she had fun.

Returning to the Eyrie, she made her way upstairs to where she had last seen her sire and faction mates with a small smile dancing across her pale lips. Each step made her cringe, when she flinched in the elevator it caused the gunshot wound in her chest to make her whimper before she leaned into the railing lightly and picked up Enver’s Blackberry.

Skimming through the messages, she paused on one in particular as she lifted an eyebrow and took a mental note with a small chuckle escaping past her lips.
Enver Marshall II wrote:Zen, you are a ******* idiot! We are being killed. We are in a war.
“Seems like he’s got more of a temper than I’d thought. Thing itself is more like a massacre, though, not much of a war.” Every spoke quietly to herself, shaking her head before she logged out of CrowNet. Logging into hers, she then began to type Enver’s obit.
Every wrote:Enver Marshall II - Duel accepted. Good luck on your decision to leave 5th Column, Enver. You fought excellently, kept your word and I look forward to your next email.
Logging out afterwards, and proceeding to delete the cookies so there would be no chance of someone hacking into her account, Every took a sharp intake of breath from the sensation of the ride jolting to it’s end, the female was about ready to summon spirits to remove at least one of the wounds - but not before satisfying the need to feed.

However, Every had one thing to do before any of that and as she found her friends and family where she’d left them, she spoke out loud enough for them to hear the rare amount of cheer in her voice:

“Enver’s dead.”
OOC wrote:Permission granted by Enver’s player to use the quote!

Re: The..... war? Of..... slaughter? (( Open ))

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 03:59
by Enver Marshall II
He had given Hannah a list of instructions a few minutes before his "duel." He knew she would do the best she could while he was away, because truth was, Enver knew he was going to die in the duel. He was pretty wounded and with each passing hour, he knew they'd find him, port him out of his hiding place and put her at risk. It didn't bode well with the guy. He didn't like putting other people at risk for the things he did. So he ended it before things got too out of control for either of them.

Being dead didn't bother him.
He'd been killed before for stupid reasons, or some ******** Tytonidae made up just to seem like they were doing the right thing. Like he'd help a paladin, who was attacking and trying to kill his ex-wife. When they mobbed him for an inspire, he had almost died. Then when they mobbed him again, for doing nothing but doing what they did, he was under attack again. Was he in Fifth Column? That'd never been a secret. But the guy hadn't done much of anything. He had ran his businesses and spent the better part of a month with Keara and did very few things to upset the system of Tytonidae. But, that was the way things went in the city; everyone just sat there and took it like a bunch of schmucks.

The first hour of his death hadn't phased him. It rarely did.
What did phase him was the piss poor excuse of a second in command, Zen. The reason he had left a place that accepted his ideals and him for almost two years now. With almost everyone dead, Enver couldn't even stage an overtake properly, because if he could, Zen would be out of Fifth so ******* fast, his head would be spinning. In his blind rage, Enver had attacked a few people in fifth column and took off, attacking more spirits he didn't know. He didn't give a ****. He hoped Killian got the ******* message. He would when the guy got out of the shadow realm and noticed Enver gone. No way was he working for or with Zen. Ever. The people dying around the guy were his friends, something Zen didn't give a rats *** about. "**** him." Enver scowled as he lunged at another spirit, jabbed his fists through her and left her with a bigger wound then when she got in here. However long ago that was.

As he was kicking, punching and ripping into other spirits, a voice he hadn't heard in a while filled his head. Enver wasn't even sure the voice was real because he hadn't heard from the guy in months. "Yeah, I'll be giving someone hell!" He muttered and scowled before he fleeted off in a blur as he saw something pass his way. Another assault on someone he didn't know and Enver was starting to feel, calmer. Or, he thought he was. Until SHE entered his mind. "Of course I'm ******* coming back!" Enver zipped past another member of fifth, as he talked to himself, irritated that he hadn't learned some telepath tricks before he got in here.

And this continued for hours, maybe even days. The song she sang in his head tipped the guy over the edge. Why was she doing this to him? Guilting him? Did she think he had a bats chance in hell of waiting it out? Didn't she think, or know that he missed her and already felt guilty? He wanted to strangle her. Her seemingly innocent and sometimes naive nature frustrated him at times, as much as it captivated the male. But at least he knew one thing. She was still alive and untouched, and that little piece of information lightened his mood a little.

Re: The..... war? Of..... slaughter? (( Open ))

Posted: 14 Nov 2013, 18:31
by Kira
November 13th..

Kira just left the hospital, still laughing over making sure that Anemoi had to stay there longer. He was out of her hair for awhile. Back to what she had been doing before he started blowing up her phone about bringing him clothes.

She hurried to the back of the house, replacing the one trap that would hurt her as well if she dared to move around. She had already made that mistake once, burned herself. She suppose that's what they called a blonde moment. She swore she had put down something else but no, it was something that went off no matter what.

She pulled her hair back, taking in a steady breath to settle herself before calling the demi-fae. She knew this ritual all too well now but before she get halfway done, her phone went off. Alerting her of Shan going into her temple. Then to one of the hiding places. She knew that was not just a stroll around the place, that was a tell they were looking for her. She wasn't sure why however. No one besides those in 5th knew she was 5th. She closed her eyes, maybe she could be mistaken. Maybe they wanted to look around further, but going through the trouble of using a power to see a space that wasn't finished yet?

Kira opened her eyes again, trying to focus on the ritual. But her phone alerted her again...they were here. She could do nothing more than to wait, her powers were spent. She wanted to see them go through the rows of traps she had about to get to her. Come for her, you better damn well believe she was going to make them work for it.

But again...why? Why were the Owl Turds after her? She really didn't speak on CrowNet, it was mostly bunch of bitchy whiny people, Owl Turds saying ****, killed another, killed another, for no damn reason. She was next..? Did they have traitor in 5th? Or had they took her attacking that one vampire as her trying to cripple it?

Kira had been known to go after bounties in the past. She killed her own childe, who disappeared completely afterwards, because of a bounty. The thing would have died anyway, by their hand. But it was better for family to do it. So how would they know that she was not after to kill it? It was in her nature to kill first. She wanted to kill Bill as well, but she was forced to promise David she wouldn't. Otherwise, yes she did cripple it but only because they would have come, and Bill would have died. The only way to save him from being killed was to cripple him. Otherwise, yes she would have killed him. He wanted her dead after all.

As she was teleported, and she looked around at those sent to kill her.
Micah says: "Arent you cute."
Kira was sure he meant it in a condescending way, she would tell him that later once she could mind message again. She was sure it was because she was fighting back, fighting back on a losing battle. But she was a warrior to the end, she would go down fighting or it wouldn't be a honorable death at all. Not that this was an honorable death. Many against one. ******* cowards. But she knew that about them for a long time.

So another reason for her death maybe, Micah. Maybe he was still pissy about her helping Lexy out that one time, instead of helping to kill her. She didn't believe in that death, and not because it was her friend. She would have laughed at the bounty no matter who it was. It wasn't worth the time, when a few killed creatures it would be under Crow's radar.

Those were all the reasons she could think of, none completely made sense. Some events happened long ago, to kill her now would be stupid. But they were the bullies of the playground. They didn't need a reason to kill someone. Whatever crawled up their ***, they just did it.

It was really a blur though, her death. Kira lashed out at anyone she could. The oddest thing happened though, right as she was dying. She went to attack a human, a thrall most likely. No blood was spilled but Kira felt that spiritual power, that power needed to bring herself back to the 'living' without a wound hindering her.

But how could that happen? Was her own spirit really that bad ***? Maybe Warrior had helped her...well she rather believed the goddess helped over that thing. She couldn't think on it much however. The killing blow was another heart wound, always the heart. Why was it always the heart?

Kira slumped to the ground, not able to feel her own body. Part of it was good that way, not feeling the pain. But the pain was the only thing that would keep her mind off the emotions she was feeling now. If she had a body, she could have dug her nails into her hands, try to take her mind off it There wasn't anything she could do now. All the emotions that had been locked away, came rushing at her all at once.

David shooting holes in the temple...that sadness that he would do such a thing to her. She cared about that temple a lot and he did that just to get her attention. The confusion and mixed feelings she had towards Anemoi. Being killed for no good reason...

Kira hugged herself the best she could, and just screamed.

Re: The..... war? Of..... slaughter? (( Open ))

Posted: 28 Nov 2013, 21:38
by Robert Pratt
The call had come through to him in the realm of shadows from Liam, telling him that Lofyn was being attacked. He'd made his apologies and left Charlotte, hoping to return to her again once he'd done as he needed to. He dragged his body from the shadows, holding onto that link that kept him tethered to the world and his body. He felt a rushing of air going by him, and a lurching of his stomach, before there was a cold and clamminess around him. The shadows swirled and formed around him, recreating his body in it's nakedness. He didn't even think, he just called to Lux and envisioned Lofyn before him and there she was, appearing before him as a bloody mess. She seemed unconscious as he caught her in his arms after she'd appeared, and holding her to his body, he carefully and tenderly lifted her up and cradled her in his arms. Once she was secured and safe, he set off at a run while trying not to think of how it would look. His naked self, carrying a bloody and bleeding woman, with limbs missing, through the streets.

He wrapped them in shadows, trying to hide them from the staring eyes of the humans as he ran. His brain whirred, trying to think about where to take her - however he was very, very aware of the fact that he was exhausted and weakening with every step. He finally had her in a bed, her wounds all tended to as best he could, her clothes changed and everything clean and bandaged. He set up traps all around her to offer her a little more protection - but he knew that if she were found, then they'd offer little protection. And having tended to her, he knew that one blow and she'd be gone. To be honest, he didn't know if saving her had been the right thing to do, or whether it was simply prolonging the pain and suffering before the inevitable. Perhaps he would have to ask her the next time their paths crossed. He wished he could help her more, replenish some of the blood she'd lost - but he wasn't able to or strong enough at that point. He'd used all he had to get to Charlotte and to get back, then to save Lofyn and hide them through the streets.

He let himself out, and made his way across town and just hoped that she would be comfortable for however long she lasted for. He knew - without a shadow of a doubt - that he would now be on their list, even if he'd not been there before. However, there seemed to be too many people being killed, people who didn't have bounties. Obits not being posted. Something was.... amiss. It was like he was missing some vital piece of information that would make everything make sense. Those in Tyt weren't known for simply killing without reason, not usually. They always had a reason, and it was usually an obvious one or one that was voiced or hinted at. This time, they were being remarkably quiet and tight lipped on everything, and that didn't sit right with him and made something within him knot and curl with disquiet.

He made his way to a ritual table after retrieving all of his supplies from the drawers and shelves of his usual table. He didn't have any offensive powers, certainly not any that could be cast from afar, and he thanked the goddess for that fact. However, he had the means, the ability, the knowledge and skill to utilise the powers of the demi so that he could command them at will. The first two demis were summoned and set to work immediately, one to block the wraiths and human servants of the vampires from entering where he was, the second to lock the place down so that the vampires themselves couldn't get in either. With that done, he was able to relax a little and think things over.

A notebook was in his hand and a pencil was in the other as he made notes. There were the usual suspects of course, the Tyt names who were there front and centre in everything and they were noted first. Then, sending an email to Liam he waited until he got the response back he'd asked for. A list of all those dead and who had had a hand in killing them. He pulled himself to his feet and began his work. One by one every single name that had been involved in the death of an innocent was targeted and a demi sent to weaken their resolve. It wasn't much, but by hell it made him feel better and made him grin.

That old and familiar feeling crept over him, something he'd not felt for months upon months. It was a taste for the power, a taste for the violence and the control. Rituals. They were like a drug to him and he was hooked on them, unable to temper himself or resist them. He was doing good work with them, he was hurting the evil minions of Muga and inconveniencing them. Their wraiths were banished to the depths from whence they'd come. Blood was taken from their bodies. Hundreds of demis were sent to burden them with images and thoughts that varied from one to the next. Zodiac in particular was sent images of him in swimwear, and with every demi sent, the swimwear became smaller and smaller until it reached mankini and then **** sock levels. He tried to tailor each thought to the person it was being sent to so that it would have the greatest effect. He waited an hour or so, then tried to send another demi to everyone - so that every time they moved, there would be a demi there whispering in their ear or putting a picture in their heads. Then there were the demis sent to friends to boost them, help them, cheer them on. Everything he had and owned was thrown to the demis to force them to do his will.

He collected blankets from around the place and set up what looked like a nest, right at the foot of the table. He wasn't leaving his table for love nor money, because he had work to be done. Every waking moment was spent commanding the demis. He used them to lock places down. To open places up. To cast veils on an area. He stopped violence and he blocked their seeker powers. He sent boosts to those who were dead to revitalise them and help them. And when he grew hungry, he 'called for takeout' by using his powers and calling to a nearby human so that they came to him to be fed upon. Robert was lost, dishevelled, unwashed. He didn't move from his spot and even found himself standing there cackling with the power he wielded. His hair - what little was left - stood on end and the looks on the faces of the humans sent to him with supplies were ignored. Because he did not give a ****, he was having fun and had refound his obsession and addiction. He was like some mad scientist or nutty professor, hidden and locked away with his monsters, cackling like a loon at his successes and screaming at his failures with a cry of such desolation that it would chill you to the bone.

Demis were flying back and forth, sent out by him and sent to him by them. It was like a game and a challenge. He didn't move so he could only be sent the one demi per person, per day. However, they were moving around and so he was able to send them multiples. One after the other, over and over again. Every day he would wake to find himself sluggish, weaker than normal, but that just tickled him pink - because it made the casting of the normally easy rituals that much more of a challenge. Each time the demi bowed and headed off to complete his commands, a thrill ran through him akin to sexual arousal.

This, was the most fun, he'd had, in forever.