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On frail wings of Sanity. [Journal]

Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 05:30
by Enigma
Monday, August 1st, 2011.

I am Drayden.. And this will be my journal. I have no idea why I am here, or how I got here, but it has quickly become my home. Isabella Drake has opened herself to me so quickly. She is a kind woman, I sort of feel horrible for how I spoke to her upon meting her. Why am I so guarded? I don't understand alot at first - but if you're patient, I am very intelligent. Why I am defending myself to this journal, I have not a clue.. I think I'm partially insane.

Moving on. I have yet to actually meet my sire, regan. He has left me notes and he is quite rude. I am not sure how this relationship is going to play out. I am not one who takes kindly to that sort of thing.. Though he did apologize for it on a later day. It still concerns me and leaves me wondering...

Tonight I became a sire to a young woman by the name of Alina. She is quite precious from what I had witnessed from our short encounter. I am sure we will have a wonderful relationship.

--This leads me to my biggest concern... A partner. This journal is the most I have reached out since finding myself in this city. I don't understand how I am suppose to meet anyone.. I have alot of doubts hidden deep inside myself. Alot of fears aswell. I can't bring myself to even admit them to you; my journal. Though, I will say I just want to find love and not feel like its a 'job' that I have to work at everyday.. As a human, I remember how traumatizing that socialization was for a young man. *mentally writhes* Such a horrible experience..

Enough of that. What's this weakness that seems to be showing? Humanity at its worst. Aren't these traits EVER going to go away? This mind of mine needs a rest..

Re: On frail wings of Sanity. [Journal]

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 19:03
by Enigma
Sunday - August 7th, 2011.

The past week has been good. I have acquired more powers and skills. I have become familiar with my sire. For what seemed to be a rocky start, he seems to me; to be a good man. I adore my grand siress & Great-Grandsiress aswell. They have been helping me significantly. If it weren't for them, I am sure I would be frying in the sun.

-New Additions: Alina and Gorejes. Two daughters. We'll see how long they last, I have little faith in Alina. Gorejes, we will see.

Besides all that.. It has been a quiet week... Besides accidently making the bounty list.. & Still having not met anyone for any particular 'love interest'.. That's a cold area.

Re: On frail wings of Sanity. [Journal]

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 21:48
by Enigma
Monday - Auust 8th, 2011.

Quite possibly falling for someone I shouldn't be.. Can't quite help myself, for I will never learn that what is not mine, is off limits; for what I want is normally mine for the taking. Selfish? I s'pose so.. But I haven't the faintest of ideas how to cope with the diverse feelings and urges like some.. Eh..

Re: On frail wings of Sanity. [Journal]

Posted: 11 Aug 2011, 17:07
by Enigma
Thursday - August 11th, 2011.

My childe Alina is Dead. So be it.. She was not smart enough to stay out of the sun..

On another note.. People need to trust me.

That is all.

Re: On frail wings of Sanity. [Journal]

Posted: 23 Nov 2011, 19:08
by Enigma
Electronic Update:
You are dead! Your spirit has been sent to the shadow realm.
It is impossible to navigate while in the this black void.
To escape the shadow realm, you will need to drain 10 anima from spirits or
the shades of other vampires. Then you will need to find a "door" back to physical reality.
  • Current Wounds:
    Wound: Bullet wound (gut)
    Given by: HUMAN

    Wound: Bullet wound (gut)
    Given by: HUMAN

    Wound: Sliced gut
    Given by: Elizabeth

    Wound: Gunshot (groin)
    Given by: Colette Sartre

    Wound: Stabbed heart
    Given by: Jacinthe

    Wound: Gunshot (gut)
    Given by: Leroy

    Wound: Sliced arm
    Given by: Lisa McNally

    Wound: Gunshot (head)
    Given by: Etienne

    Wound: Death Wound
    Given by: Etienne

Re: On frail wings of Sanity. [Journal]

Posted: 25 Nov 2011, 19:25
by Enigma
I have escaped the shadow realm in 3 days.

You are currently outside, standing at 10, 10, Thornside Park.

That was an adventure I will never want to endure again.. Thank you to Regan and Jade for keeping my head clear and keeping me going to get out when i was just going to rot away there in the shadows.. I appreciate you both.. Now time to heal.

Re: On frail wings of Sanity. [Journal]

Posted: 27 Nov 2011, 02:43
by Enigma
Saturday. November 26th, 2011.

&it was her voice that got me through..
&it was his strength that carried me..

Re: On frail wings of Sanity. [Journal]

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 17:08
by Enigma
Thursday - December 1st, 2011.

Things are getting hectic. I feel like an outcast. I sit here every night and fight my inner demons; debating whether or not to go or to stay.. I don't know anymore. I wish there was something more to hold me here.. Or keep me mildly sane, I could work with that.. Eh.. Just a shot in the dark.

Re: On frail wings of Sanity. [Journal]

Posted: 10 Dec 2011, 19:15
by Enigma
Saturday - December 10th, 2011.

And so it begins... Tug here, pull there.. Yank, yank, yank - POP!
Yeah, that's my body, my mind, my soul.. In this silent war.

Re: On frail wings of Sanity. [Journal]

Posted: 11 Dec 2011, 22:59
by Enigma
Sunday - December 11th, 2011.

So placing that 'want ad' in the crownet turned out pretty good. I made alot od new friends, and one in particular. Unfortunately, she seems to have been proven right with the attachment bit. It happens though.

In the recent passing days, alot has happened. I dropped the 'Drake' name from my lineage,
and have been accepted into Sangue by the saucy Scorpia.
Mmf.. That woman.

I'm sorry Noble Drake's. I do not stand for what you all do.
Regan, Isabella. I will still be here for you. Always.