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I bugged it Again :\ [c]

Posted: 16 Aug 2013, 03:08
by Momento
0h 0m ago: Velveteen killed you in a skirmish attack!
You are now stuck in the shadow realm
until you can find a way back to the realm of the living.

You attack Velveteen, and force them to the ground, tearing into them with your bare hands.
You took 1 anima from them.

Re: I bugged it Again :\

Posted: 16 Aug 2013, 04:22
by Alexandrea
OOoooo! It's back! The "Jonah" bug! :D I blame him, I really do... :D

And dang! :( sorry Mome is a dead thing agains! :(

Re: I bugged it Again :\

Posted: 16 Aug 2013, 04:23
by Momento
<< I suspect its far from the last time lol.

Re: I bugged it Again :\

Posted: 16 Aug 2013, 04:26
by Alexandrea
I hear ya! >.< Ghouls night out for our gals when she gets back!