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Nimmy's Ramblings
Posted: 04 Sep 2012, 06:54
by Nimrod
I'm more tests and drugs. I don't remember exactly what happened that night that a group of us got out while all chaos broke loose. I woke up somewhere else, was so hungry...annoying beeping, wires hooked up to me. Sure not like before however. Ended up at a bank, showing my rear to all there. Met a man named Robert. He got me food and offered shelter. While this city holds a lot of evil, there is still some good.
(Might be more to come as the thread goes on)
Re: Nimmy's Ramblings
Posted: 14 Sep 2012, 06:02
by Nimrod
Tried going to DragonBunny lady's place but her place had evil being problems, not safe.
Woke up very weak. Not sure how I got there. Evil beings at work...don't think it aliens.
Gave DB Lady's place another try, they put up cameras. Not too found of them but felt safer.
She gave me milk and cookies, made me very happy.
Later I spent time with the fishes. Water was nice but the fish went to sleep. One jumped out of the water, gave it CPR, it is now sleeping with the rest.
I waited to dry off before leaving, haven't been to the bank in some time.
Re: Nimmy's Ramblings
Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 08:51
by Nimrod
Been awhile.
Have learned about vampires. Robbie one, so many here. I think I am only human in They talk about light a lot. Sort of strange for vampies.
Santa did not bring candy at bank. Robbie moved me from bank to keep safe. Tried going to the one place, ended back where I started again. No reason why. Maybe alien that time. Robbie said Santa brought my candy elsewhere. Promised more candy if I go. So I go.
Lots lots of candy. Chocolate on phone. Phone needs bath. They said not to give phone bath. Baths are good though. Not hosed down like nutter house...haven't had bath in awhile, might need one.
I take bath with phone so it won't be scared. It won't light up now. Must be sleeping.
Re: Nimmy's Ramblings
Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 05:08
by Nimrod
Nimrod was out, trying to find another store to find some candy. He ended up walking into a place that was like an old west movie. He pulled the sweater around his neck more uncomfortably. He wasn’t going to find candy here but still he moved in further to look around.
“Psst..” there was a strange looking guy trying to get his attention. Nimrod moved closer, wondering what he wanted. “For 10,000…I’ll give you something to make you stronger.”
“Stronger?” Nimrod whispered, there were bad vampies out there. Everyone else seemed to be changing to protect others. Windy had those marks now, he still didn’t like him but Alex said not to glare at him. Then Tiny, he was different too. Was this what he did? “No…I-I just interested in candy.”
The man stared at him, “This is way better than candy.” He replied with a grin.
Nimrod shifted from one foot to the other, what could be better than candy. “I’ll be back.” He said. He went across the street to the bank, this one didn’t know him like the other one. He hurried back with the money and handed it over to the odd man.
“Good. Now we should get away from people..” he said, waving Nimrod to follow him and they went to an empty area.
“Why is that? What’s supposed to be better than candy?” Nimrod asked.
The man turned around, he had a tube of red liquid in it. “You got to drink this.” He said.
Nimrod stared, “What…what is it?” he asked
“Vampire blood.” The odd man said.
Nimrod’s eyes widen, “C-Can I have my money back?” he asked.
“No refunds.” The man said, he grabbed Nimrod by the arm and pulled him close, wrapping his arm around his neck and grabbed his jaw. He poured the dark liquid in Nimrod’s mouth. Nimrod tried to struggle but the man was stronger than him. He started to cough and he was released. What was going to happen to him now?
Nimrod backed away, still trying to process what this meant. He ran from the building, back to the bank and the plants he liked. He fell asleep, curled up behind the plants.
The next night, he was starting to crave the vampire blood. Like he needed it. He looked out behind the plants, but how would he get vampie blood? He only knew a few. He sighed softly and got into his stash of candy to try to distract himself.
Re: Nimmy's Ramblings
Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 05:38
by Nimrod
This whole blood thing was still rather odd but Nimmy was enjoying the powers he got afterwards, these were from a blonde he didn’t know all that well but she was nice. Hardest part was figuring out what ones he had gotten. He stared at the busy street, he wanted on the other side. He didn’t want to get ran over. He frowned, this was taking forever, he wanted to get to his stash of candy. Without thinking about much else, he was up in the air and landed on the other side on top of a dumpster. Thank goodness the lid was closed or he’d have to find somewhere to take a shower. “Oo, I like Superman but I leap.” He said, wasn’t he the one that leap tall buildings in a single bound or was that someone else? Why would Superman need to leap anyway, he could fly.
He shrugged and ran off, before he knew it he became a blur and about ran into the bank. His eyes widened. “Now I’m like the flash!” he said. He jumped up and down.
The Next Night
Nimmy fed from another blonde that he named Angel Pillow, she was soft to curl up on. Though she seemed to not like it but she did take care of him when he was sick. Setne fed on her too but that’s because he was friends with someone she knew. So now he was trying to figure out what powers he had now. He went into the store and saw some candy he wanted. He picked it up, “I want this candy, give me candy. Discount?” he said, doing a little dance. The worker just gave him the candy and said no charge. Nimmy skipped out of the store, eating the candy as he went. He wondered what else he could do. He went straight to finding Snow to see if he could get her to be nice to him, which also seemed to work, she ordered someone to give him candy. He could get use to this.
Re: Nimmy's Ramblings
Posted: 05 Sep 2013, 10:35
by Nimrod
Nimrod had gotten tired of one lady at the bank, she was so mean. So he had left but when he went in to get more candy, he ended up making the shop owner his thrall. He had no idea why the man now did what he said. Which lead to the man going out and taking swings at the mean lady.
He went to the one place he did know he’d be safe, which then led to Robbie showing up, worried about him as usual. Robbie gave him a phone though, one that worked. Nim hoped to take care of it. He had planned on buying one but when he looked at the price, he about fell over. That kind of money would buy a lot of candy.
He was offered a room again, but there wasn’t something about having a bedroom that he was wary of. He really didn’t like being alone, which was why he had hanged out at the bank. There was always people there. At the nut house though…he liked the padded room even though it meant they just forgot about him for days, no food, no water but the good part, no tests being ran on him. If he was in his ‘room’, he would be taken out of it and have things done to him. He much rather be in a big room and stay in the corner with the plants.
Nimmy made himself as small as he could in the corner, covering his head.
No one will ever love you. You are just a burden on everyone you meet..
He took out the phone, trying to distract himself. Hit list? When he looked at it, he saw the nice lady on there. He wasn’t sure how the nice lady and the mean lady got along, he wondered if she knew she was mean. Whore? He had no idea what that was, must be bad to be on a hit list. He closed the browser, it had taken him an hour to figure all that out. And another hour to figure out he could play games on the phone. “Candy!” he said, seeing a game called Candy Crush.
Re: Nimmy's Ramblings
Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 11:46
by Nimrod
Nim didn’t have a clue about the things going on, he had been hanging out with his lady friends for awhile, then Oria showed up with candy. He grinned happily and snacked on it, then Morgan gave him carrot cake from Alexandrea. He hadn’t had cake in awhile. Now his face was covered in cake, his hands were sticky. He walked off to get cleaned up then went to the bank to see how Mikey was coming along with his plant robot but he saw the robot boy going somewhere else. He hurried off after him, he wasn’t sure why Mikey was going after someone but it must be serious. “I help Mikey!” he yelled, he took out his sword, though he only planned on distracting the person Mikey was facing but when he ran forward, he tripped over the rug and his word went flying right into the person’s head. Nim at on the floor, staring wide eyed. “I…hum…oh…” he said, “Vampy? So they will heal.” He said, he fell backwards onto the floor. He would have freaked out if he had killed someone, even if they were a vampire. He got up and took his sword and left with Mikey.