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Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers
Posted: 29 Aug 2018, 17:49
by Azraeth
Marisol wrote:Can an allurist feel the emotions of spirits like they do humans? Or the emotion that has been left behind of a deceased individual?
I'm unsure what you mean exactly - Allurists feel the same emotions as humans, usually just in a heightened way. This does tend to make them more in tune with humans than other Paths, but they don't have any legitimately empathic abilities, if I'm remembering correctly.
There is an RP power called Enhanced Empathy, so it's possible that a person could combine that with either Intense Medium or Medium and sense emotions from spirits - though out of necessity - it would probably need to feel somewhat different to the way humans or vampires sense/handle emotion.
Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers
Posted: 29 Aug 2018, 17:52
by Marisol
Oh - yep, I actually read it wrong.

That's good to know.
The next part does answer my next question though. Thank you.
Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers
Posted: 14 Sep 2018, 22:55
by Tierney
What would happen to a vampire that has been submerged underwater for a long period of times, would they still have the same decay rate of a human corpse? Would they still remain intact, or would they prune? Odd question, I know.
Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers
Posted: 20 Sep 2018, 01:38
by Florence (DELETED 10551)
If a human partakes in all sorts of activities with a vampire, and said vampire drinks from them but doesn't have Remember my Kiss curse, does the human still remember that they were bitten and by who? Say it took place within a sexual context or a consensual one between familiars.
Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers
Posted: 20 Sep 2018, 16:42
by Azraeth
Tierney wrote:What would happen to a vampire that has been submerged underwater for a long period of times, would they still have the same decay rate of a human corpse? Would they still remain intact, or would they prune? Odd question, I know.
I don't think they would decay. They don't need to breathe, and the pressure differences aren't likely to have the same effects on them that they have on humans. I suppose it would be up to the individual writer as to whether they prune or not.
Also canon suggests (via Theodosia) that vampires can spend extended periods of time at the bottom of the ocean itself without any negative (physical) repercussions.
Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers
Posted: 20 Sep 2018, 16:51
by Azraeth
Florence wrote:If a human partakes in all sorts of activities with a vampire, and said vampire drinks from them but doesn't have Remember my Kiss curse, does the human still remember that they were bitten and by who? Say it took place within a sexual context or a consensual one between familiars.
I don't see why the vampire putting a human into a trance-like state wouldn't be voluntary.
Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers
Posted: 22 Sep 2018, 09:32
by Florence (DELETED 10551)
Thanks for the previous answer!
Code: Select all
Healing Touch 1
Heal a target's single non-critical wound immediately. Can't be used on yourself.
Healing Touch 2
Can be used on yourself or others.
When it says
target, does that have to be a supernatural creature or human with abilities?
What about non-human targets? Other mammals, non-mammals, etc.?
Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers
Posted: 22 Sep 2018, 11:34
by Azraeth
Healing touch should work on anything living/alive. It only doesn't work on the dead or undead - as it's basically qi the sorcerers are manipulating.
Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers
Posted: 11 Oct 2018, 14:54
by Alexandrea
Subject: Are Vampires Real?
Angelo Morgan wrote:But can anyone throw you from Honeymead into Wickbridge from inside a building?
Why IS it that anyone tossed out a window, anywhere... ends up in that one place? Is there a 'reason' or it's just one of those game mechanic things we can't really roleplay about?
Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers
Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 11:59
by Azraeth
Gameplay rather than canon/RP thing there. Not sure if it's intentional, but my guess is that it's like a banish tile, set to kick people to a specific location for ease of code. Could be wrong though.