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Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 25 Jun 2018, 10:20
by Azraeth
That could potentially work, yeah. Bear in mind though that drugs in sufficient volume do impact vampires - they are just somewhat resistant to them, and those drugs wear off very very fast (something like 20 times as fast). So if a vampire has that amount of drugs in their system, they're probably going to get knocked on their *** too XD

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 25 Jun 2018, 20:22
by Aden-OCarrol
Good bit of meth last for few days. The main high last for hours and effects you for days after. Lsd the same you trip for 3 hours or to 6 or more if you get the good stuff. So the question is how was just like what a normal hit that a normal person would take that's a drug you not really affect you at all as vamp? Like nearly? Do I have take twice as much? How resistant am I?

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 25 Jun 2018, 21:54
by Azraeth
The same amount of drugs used on a vampire as on a human would last 20 times less on a vampire. Increasing the amount wouldn't necessarily make it last longer either, or be more intense. At some point it would be more likely to make a vampire feel sick. There's a bit of flexibility there though, depending on how you want to write it.

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 26 Jun 2018, 03:55
by Narla (DELETED 10434)
How does one properly play his or her character as a thrall in rp?

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 26 Jun 2018, 10:49
by Azraeth
From a technical standpoint - once you have the ability to make a thrall, you should be able to create a forum account for them via the settings page of their grid account (using the Account) tab. There will be a button there.

From there you can either let the thrall be played by someone else or play it yourself.

The log-in for the thrall on forum should be the same as the login for the character account associated with the person who is writing them. AND you should be able to add them to your list of linked character accounts on forum here.

As far as how you RP them, that depends largely on the type of thrall they are. You obviously have the freedom to flesh them out. Below are a few very basic things though for every thrall type:

Bewitched Human: How a human is enthralled is really up to the writer. For example, a human thrall could be played as a person who cares very deeply about their vampire master or someone who is terrified of them. Really as long as it's clear the vampire is in control, it's up to the writer(s) to determine the exact bond and story. Bewitched humans are all 'pure blood' humans, meaning that they have no supernatural powers and are pretty squishy.

Wraiths are shades of dead vampires. They appear as translucent shadows, and can become invisible at will - which means only those they want to see them are able to see them (unless a character has the Medium power or Intense Medium). They can only be a few years old unless you have the Ancient Wraith RP power - and the older they are, the more insane they are. A wraith is summoned and bound to the will of its master.

Trayonetic Wolf - Dead wolf infused with vampire blood - they look kind of like zombie wolves but they are smarter, and they're obedient to their master.

Enthralled Vampire - These are weaker vampires controlled by the particular mix of blood thief and paladin powers. In the case of enthralled vampires, they are being controlled against their will (in every case), which is part of why they are so weak. Otherwise, they are just like any other vampire, and you have the ability to flesh them out however you want aside from their forced servitude.

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 04 Jul 2018, 02:57
by Bjorn
Meaner Things Animal Form

How does the animal form get determined? Can it be played as a young animal (say, a pup) at first, and slowly matures as the character grown more adept at shifting / more powerful on grid? Or is it one form, at one particular (any) age, and it stays that way? This is for a non-killer path vampire.

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 04 Jul 2018, 10:57
by Azraeth
I think the very basic answer for that is that the user gets to choose what they turn into the first time, and then they are limited to that form (unless they have the required RP powers) forever. I believe I've seen some people write it in such a way that it's more similar to the way a vampire is Pathed - meaning that it's subconscious and based on their personality. Actually, that's exactly what I've done, in the past. In fact, it's still a choice in that case, just made by different parts of the brain.

All of which is to say that I don't mind shifters starting out at different ages in animal form. I think any aging would be very slow (by the standards of the animal), and the animal would obviously be the same species. So yeah, go ahead with that idea, if you like.

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 04 Jul 2018, 17:54
by Alexandrea
then an allurist who 'de-ages' could rp their animal from also becoming younger (slowly over a long long time of course)?

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 04 Jul 2018, 20:23
by Azraeth
I don't have an issue with that, no.

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 28 Aug 2018, 19:01
by Marisol
Can an allurist feel the emotions of spirits like they do humans? Or the emotion that has been left behind of a deceased individual?