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Posted: 13 Jan 2018, 18:29
by Storyteller
==========AUTOMATED POST==========

Azraeth attempted to perceive something about Alexandrea, but the attempt was a failure!

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 15 Jan 2018, 20:25
by Charles Crafter
Question regarding the paladin path rp wise.

I've pretty much gotten my answer on how to treat their abhorrence of vampires. Just in case though I put it up in "A variety of questions" on the help and advice section.

But how about how the thing itself fits

Does every paladin have the issue that is listed on the wiki as them all eventually beginning to abhor or hate vampires? Including ones who dual classed into it?

Whether it is or isn't, wouldn't it make sense for this to be a role-play curse? Because it directly effects the characters personality and I honestly have basically been treating it as a "Paladins curse" of sorts, since that's really what it is.

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 19 Jan 2018, 14:42
by Azraeth
Every wrote:If a vampire takes on its meaner things form, is it possible for a doppelgänger to do the same?
I'm happy to leave this one up to the writer's discretion. For example, a doppelganger made while someone is in an animal form may be shaped like an animal if that character is particularly animalistic and tied to said form. A vampire who spends all of their time as a wolf, for example, may see themselves as more animal than 'human' and that could be reflected in their doppelganger.

I think what I'm getting at is that the doppelganger is like a fragment of the shadow, so it's going to sort of naturally reflect them in a way. Exactly how people choose to play that is up to them.

As long as people know that it's purely cosmetic, and that the doppelganger can still be identified as belonging to the master, I'm fine with people being a little creative about their approach.

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 19 Jan 2018, 14:55
by Azraeth
Abel Riese wrote:
So, morgues are usually associated with government and/or medical establishments, but I noticed that the Harper Rock Morgue is privately owned. I'm curious about who - if anyone - maintains the graveyards (in cherrydale and QZ). Also would like to know who maintains the mausoleum -- or did, historically, anyway. How long has the mausoleum been there, and was it sealed off around the same time as the QZ?
The graveyard in the QZ is privately owned, and likely hasn't been maintained since it was fenced off. Prior to that, I'd say it was probably maintained by the city, or at least fell under strict regulations that any private owner would have had to abide.

Cherrydale's graveyard is much older, historic potentially. So I imagine the crypts themselves are maintained by surviving family (Or the grid owner), and the grounds themselves are managed through some third party through the local government.

And yeah, the Mausoleum was sealed off as part of a chapter consequence. I would say whoever ran the church probably took care of both the Mausoleum and the Old Town Graveyard historically.

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 19 Jan 2018, 14:58
by Azraeth
Roderic wrote:
Every wrote:If a vampire takes on its meaner things form, is it possible for a doppelgänger to do the same?
Suddenly curious due to this question, do dopples even get powers?
Cause that would make me get mastery....
They have a couple of specialized powers and Hide in Shadows.

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 19 Jan 2018, 15:10
by Azraeth
Charles Crafter wrote:Question regarding the paladin path rp wise.

Does every paladin have the issue that is listed on the wiki as them all eventually beginning to abhor or hate vampires? Including ones who dual classed into it?
I'd say yes, as classes and paths are slightly different. A vampire's base path is chosen based on who they are at the time of their turning, and they only ever display the traits of that path unless they have the Pathfinder power.

Whereas classes are more about the choices a character makes. And if a character chooses to get the rune tattoos, they are going to sort of naturally get that instinctive abhorrence. Though they could fight it or combat it in a number of ways.

Whether it is or isn't, wouldn't it make sense for this to be a role-play curse? Because it directly effects the characters personality and I honestly have basically been treating it as a "Paladins curse" of sorts, since that's really what it is.
Yes and no. It's really in the same category, to me, as the Path curses. For example, Shadows can't normally cast shadows - though they can if they concentrate on doing so. Similarly, the hatred of vampires is something that can be overcome. So yes, it's a 'Paladin Curse' after a sort. However it's not really a roleplay curse per se, because those really can't be overcome. For example, a human with a severed limb cannot undo said severed limb. Roleplay curses have more permanence in that way. They can't be ignored really at all, and represent a very severe drawback to a character.

Mind you.

If someone wanted to write that their Paladin absolutely and completely hates all vampires and is disgusted by them; that's also their prerogative, but that's the writer's choice.

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 19 Jan 2018, 17:45
by Charles Crafter

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 31 Jan 2018, 22:58
by Abel Riese (DELETED 8904)
[RE: Fadebeast Progenitor]
[RE: Vampiric Scarring]

If a vampire had vampiric scarring, could it be possible for a vasectomy to work in the case of fadebeast progenitor? Since it involves cutting and sealing, and a scar forming across the vas deferens... is it possible to assume that it couldn't heal? From the description, it appears only exterior scars remain (as if it the curse only affected keratin and skin cells), but usually the body will -- at some microscopic level (pardon my lack of med school experience here) -- traces of the healing within the body itself (like you'd see in bones and CT scans). Would it be a stretch?

Otherwise, what are some other ways to (possibly down the line) counter measures to progenitor?

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 31 Jan 2018, 23:32
by Azraeth
I'm inclined to say that in normal circumstances, a vampire male who is unable to produce sperm (for whatever reason) could not make a fadebeast - because genetic material is required to make a fadebeast.

However, Fadebeast Progenitor specifies that contraception and preventative measures don't work - so I'm thinking specific to that case, even if they don't produce sperm, a fadebeast would still be possible at the same ratio as to if they were whole. Though the exact reason for that would be an obvious mystery.

Re: Canon Q&A With Storytellers

Posted: 01 Feb 2018, 06:51
by Abel Riese (DELETED 8904)
Thank you. I should have taken a second look at the wiki page as there is mention of it Sterility on the part of a vampire or human parent will not hinder the creation of a Fadebeast. However, the necessary components for a fade beast to grow are: a mother's womb, a father's DNA. My bad.

So, follow up questions sorry not sorry Josh

...the impregnation and gestation of a fadebeast is not an entirely physical process.
1a - What would it look like in an ultrasound?
1b - Would there be a bump? Is it freakish Twilight-style swelling?
1c - Would a human mother test positive on a pee stick considering the spirit nature of a fadebeast?
2 - When a Fade Beast leaves its mother's womb, it is not full sized, but will be significantly large than one would guess based on the pregnancy, this is due to the spiritual aspect of the Fadebeast. What is a full sized fadebeast as big as? What size would this be? Could it potentially grow as it exists, 'gathering' shadow mass so to speak of? Or would it come all parts 'assembled' from the womb?

I'm gearing up to write a pretty graphic, tragic solo thread, and it will involve an impregnated human dying, and I'm trying to get a better feel as to what I could and couldn't write leading up to and during the actual birthing scene.