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Re: Breaking and Entering Loot

Posted: 15 Jun 2013, 05:23
by Wolffyn
No microwave... :(

Full results: Subject: Junk Yard Discussion

Re: Breaking and Entering Loot

Posted: 16 Jun 2013, 17:49
by Mircea
Mal's player very helpfully found me a microwave in a level 2 commercial building yesterday. I can't run my characters right now to confirm this absolutely, but now you have an idea of where to look.

Re: Breaking and Entering Loot

Posted: 16 Jun 2013, 18:17
by Monique (DELETED 725)
I'll do a run later to try to confirm.

Re: Breaking and Entering Loot

Posted: 16 Jun 2013, 18:49
by Asher
I can confirm it. They're in Sec1 and Sec2 Commercial buildings. I've found three.

Re: Breaking and Entering Loot

Posted: 16 Jun 2013, 18:55
by Elizabeth
I can confirm some of that too. Roderic just got 3 in a level 1 commercial today.

Re: Breaking and Entering Loot

Posted: 21 Nov 2013, 08:25
by Olive
Just as a note, there is a page on the wiki referencing this.

To Add:

Office Skyscraper security lvl 1
Sensitive documents
Motion sensor
Legal documents
Silver pen

Office Skyscraper security lvl 2
Source code
Motion sensor
Silver pen

Office Skyscraper security lvl 3
Computer parts
Motion sensor
Sensitive documents
Source code
Legal documents
Silver Pen
Printer Inks

Re: Breaking and Entering Loot

Posted: 05 Feb 2014, 22:25
by Ariadne

Re: Breaking and Entering Loot

Posted: 07 Feb 2014, 17:23
by Nelle
The wiki has been updated to reflect this information.

Also, I added microwaves to Commercial 0, 1 & 2's. Any further information regarding microwaves and where to find them would be very welcome.

Im also looking for how much rare chemicals sell for in shops as well as company secrets.

Y!M: colormecold

Re: Breaking and Entering Loot

Posted: 30 Jul 2014, 22:17
by Alexandrea
Where is that wiki page? >.<

Re: Breaking and Entering Loot

Posted: 30 Jul 2014, 22:23
by Reganleif