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Re: HR Slave (people) Auctions 2016

Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 00:50
by Lincoln King
Definitely think do to the nature of the forums lately, and activity levels, allowing more than 24 hours is definitely a good idea. A lot of people didn't even know they were on, so maybe more promotion too? I made a point of mentioning it in multiple places and trying to bump discussion of it to draw in a little more attention, if you perhaps had the Necro staff doing this or even just volunteers it might have helped.

Agreed with Pi, people are going to miss out on either more money (not so much an issue) or more diverse RP options because of the limit, some people said "damn I didn't even see it, I would've bid on Kas!" for example.

Re: HR Slave (people) Auctions 2016

Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 09:16
by Pi dArtois
Yeah, I think set a future deadline. And then that gives people lots of time to bid. :D

Also for the next one, I suggest it's a good idea to create IC rules and OOC rules. And only post the IC rules in the RP forum and OOC rules in a thread like this. Although it's not much, your character will be receiving RPP for those OOC posts and those forums are now giving full RPP per post.

It might make this a little neater as far as rules are concerned.

Re: HR Slave (people) Auctions 2016

Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 10:10
by Aaron Hunter
Lovin' the extensions!

Many thanks :)

Could the cap situation be clarified, please, as there still seems to be some confusion judging by the bids being placed? Is it still $5k cap up to $50k, then it can go up to $10k, or is it now uncapped?

Re: HR Slave (people) Auctions 2016

Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 13:56
by Robin Little
Robin could still do with some bids. >.>

Re: HR Slave (people) Auctions 2016

Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 18:14
by Amaranthia
The bidding cap has been completely removed for this auction. There's just not enough participation to warrant it.

Re: HR Slave (people) Auctions 2016

Posted: 06 Jul 2016, 11:28
by Pi dArtois
I"m away now, until Sunday my time (Saturday Eastern). Which means I should be around for the auction end, but alas, life is getting a bit busier one week out of next semester starting.

:D Ciao til later.

Re: HR Slave (people) Auctions 2016

Posted: 08 Jul 2016, 18:22
by Derek (DELETED 8130)
Amaranthia wrote:The bidding cap has been completely removed for this auction. There's just not enough participation to warrant it.

Are you referring to this cap?
Bid caps are still in effect! The MAXIMUM raise you can make is 5K
Does that then mean than in the following example:
Amaranthia wrote:
If someone breaks the 5k bid raise rule, go ahead and treat it like they made the highest bid they could and follow accordingly.

Amara bids 1k
Liz bids 15k
Amara bids 7k, since Liz could only have really bid 6k by the rules.
...if the auction ended then and there Liz would win with 15k?
Or are you referring to another cap, in which case Amara would win with 7k?

Re: HR Slave (people) Auctions 2016

Posted: 08 Jul 2016, 18:24
by Amalea
Liz, if there's no bid caps (as current) given Amara's bid was lower.

Amara would have won, if the bid cap was in effect.

But for this auction, bid caps have been removed :)

Re: HR Slave (people) Auctions 2016

Posted: 08 Jul 2016, 18:28
by Derek (DELETED 8130)
Amalea wrote:Liz, if there's no bid caps (as current) given Amara's bid was lower.

Amara would have won, if the bid cap was in effect.

But for this auction, bid caps have been removed :)
Okay. I got confused. All cleared. Thanks.

Re: HR Slave (people) Auctions 2016

Posted: 10 Jul 2016, 02:23
by Amaranthia
Thanks Lea <3 Yup :) Exactly what she said. Also a reminder, this ends tomorrow :)