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Re: Day of Restoration: Festival at Redheart Arena
Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 02:13
by Skylar
I was having too much fun to see Beverly approach, and even as Ali says hello, I’m giggling away at what she’d said before.
“One at time eh? I can handle that. Though it’s kinda unfair making me choose between my sister and my… hmm…”
I look at Nate, with an impish grin.
“Do I start calling you my brother or is that going to ruin your fantasy later when you dream about me?”
I hip bump the kid and keep him close.
“Fine. One at time and since Ricky’s not here. I’m gonna choose the baby of the family. You can have your turn later Alley Cat. I know where you live.”
I’m having so much fun, I almost forget about the drink in my other hand.
Re: Day of Restoration: Festival at Redheart Arena
Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 02:24
by Nate Hawthorne (DELETED 5464)
With every comment his cheeks grew redder and he didn't know how to respond so drew further and further in to his shell while Skylar and Ali seemed to almost bicker over him. The words they used were almost drowned out by the implications and possible meanings and the fear that, somehow, he was the butt of the joke. He trusted Ali enough to believe that she wasn't doing that and these were her friends and so maybe they wouldn't either, but it was not too dissimilar to high school when he had been teased and bullied by those he thought were friends. He looked at Dhara, hoping for another intervention by her. "So, how did you get tangled up with all of this?" He gestured haphazardly towards his sister and his brother's girlfriend.
Re: Day of Restoration: Festival at Redheart Arena
Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 02:32
by Dhara
Her amber eyes focused soley on Nate, tuning out Ali and Skylar for a time as he directed a question directly to her. She grinned at him and canted her head. Her accent was that unique blend of German and Italian, and she knew how to project her voice so he could hear her, even over the crowd. Being a performer had it's perks. "Well," She began slowly, "Ali and I ended up sharing a flat in Corvidae. And then Ric sort of... came over unannounced once. I haven't seen him since and I am okay with that." She smiled to take any sting from her words. She didn't like Ric and she never would. "As for Skylar... she just kind of showed up one day, and then another day. And another and another." She chuckled softly. "Kind of like a stray cat. You give it food... or booze... and it keeps coming back."
Re: Day of Restoration: Festival at Redheart Arena
Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 02:43
by Skylar
I pretend I’m offended by Dhara’s comment but it’s kinda true, I am a stray, or was. Turning my attention back to the youngest Hawthorne, I wave my glass in front of his face.
“Sure you don’t want some handsome? I’d let you have a taste the way we did back when I was to college, but I’m kinda taken, so that would get us both in trouble. Not that your brother seems to give a flying **** what I do most days. I swear I could tongue the hockey team and he’d probably just tell me I drink too much.”
It kinda irks me that Ric never seems possessive or jealous over me. I mean I don’t want him to be a jerk about it but seriously nothing? But at times I don’t even know if the guy likes me. It’s infuriating.
Re: Day of Restoration: Festival at Redheart Arena
Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 02:50
by Busty StClaire
"Hello Aliyah, I am well, and you?" She had always been polite, and was learning that even though she felt ten times as strong as she had been before her death, she was a fledgling, in all that it entailed, politeness was the name of the game. "I just came in to see what a festival was, and met skylar soon after I arrived."
Re: Day of Restoration: Festival at Redheart Arena
Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 02:51
by Aliyah
Aliyah's mouth drops open in shock at the way she was talking to Nate. It was impossible to decide how to wanted to react to the woman's words, though she considered dragging the blonde away from the youngest Hawthorne sibling. The poor kid was barely out of high school, and here she was throwing around tonsil hockey. "Really, Sky? My little brother does need to hear about your tongue and where you can put it," she sighed, shooting her the bird quickly, though it was mostly in good spirits.
Her hold on Dhara tightened and she offered the woman a bright smile, "Dhara and I tend be a package deal most of the time, Nate. You will probably see her around quite a bit," she said, loosening her hold so that Dhara could move away if she chose to. The fact they no longer lived together sort of made the time they did have important. Dhara was the calm, where Sky was the storm. Each of them good for the different situations in her life.
Beverly's reply made her nod in the woman's direction, "I am doing pretty well, myself."
Re: Day of Restoration: Festival at Redheart Arena
Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 03:02
by Skylar
I don’t take offence at being flipped off, I giggle and poke my tongue out at Aliyah.
“Better to talk about where it can go in general, than where it’s been recently, right?”
I can’t stop myself from cracking up with laughter. I’m having such super fun I barely even realise what the time is or the fact that I might actually have to get my arse up on stage soon. Still, I have time, else Dillon would be pulling me away and I still haven’t seen hide nor hair of him.
“I bought you a drink.”
I tell Beverly this, as I turn my attention to her.
“But then I ran into this lot. This one.”
I squeeze Nate.
“Literally. So I offered him your drink and then Dhara.”
I gesture to the white haired beauty.
“Well she drank it. So… yeah… It’s the thought that counts though, right?”
Re: Day of Restoration: Festival at Redheart Arena
Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 03:12
by Dhara
"Depends on the thought." She quipped at Sky, giving the newcomer, Beverly, a welcoming smile. "I'm Dhara. It is nice to meet you." She said to the woman, then turned her attention to Nate. The poor guy was being harassed and harried by Skylar and Ali seemed to be getting annoyed. "Indeed we are a package deal. Ali is like the sister I never had." She squeezed the woman close and looked around for a moment. "Nate, do you want to get a water or something? Walk around a bit before Skylar performs?" She was offering him an escape, but she wouldn't be offended if he said no. She, however, really could use a water. Or a juice. Something to get that lingering, increasingly offensive taste off her tongue.
Re: Day of Restoration: Festival at Redheart Arena
Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 03:23
by Busty StClaire
Beverly held up her water with a smile, "I have one Skylar, but thank you." The allurist smiled and nodded to the other pair in the group, she did not remember ever seeing them before, when suddenly she realized that they had real heartbeats, not forced ones, and slowly she began to back away. "I am Beverly she whispered as she wondered why there were humans talking as if they knew Skylar and Aliyah
Re: Day of Restoration: Festival at Redheart Arena
Posted: 24 Mar 2015, 03:36
by Aliyah
Any experienced vampire would be able to pick up on the hesitation Beverly displayed as she came to understand just what Dhara and Nathan were. Aliyah's face immediately softening, though her muscles were tense should she need to react quickly. It wasn't that she was worried about, she was worried about her human best friend and younger brother.
"'s okay..." she whispered, slipping her arm from Dhara. "This is my best friend, and Nate is my younger brother. Ric's and my younger brother..." she explained, hoping that it would get through to Beverly that these were not two humans to worry about, nor think of as a late night snack.
Sky and Ali simply wouldn't allow it, that much the blonde could say for sure.