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Re: source codes and daily random hack.

Posted: 28 Dec 2014, 20:57
by Alexandrea
Yeah, it is SO random. I've never seen that many source codes (as in the screenie) in a B&E. And I've done more than a few, lol.

Re: source codes and daily random hack.

Posted: 29 Dec 2014, 03:33
by Momento
Cassandra wrote:Ah, okay.

Is this the place to recite my faithful pet peeve of the randomness being too random in this game?

Kill the randomness.

Make things have a range dependent upon the stat points put into it. Maybe start at a 10% chance and cap it at a 50% chance. And for the love of god someone please advocate a range for systems. At hacking 15 i dont ever want to see 10 $400 systems in a row and yet i do all the time. Srsly. fixxxx itttttt.

Re: source codes and daily random hack.

Posted: 03 Jan 2015, 06:20
by Sundial
Mordechai wrote:
Sundial wrote:Day before yesterday only 2 codes in 14 BnE's, though. I agree on the randomness being too random.
lmfao... *huggz* i wasnt trying to be mean or rude, but everytime something nice is brought up, the game is 'updated' and the nice things go away. I know you script as much or more than i was just trying to save us both :D
I totally thought about how everytime we talk about codes on the forum they are "scarceified" @-) too, & wished I zipped it.