The Musings of Keara Aithne

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Keara Aithne
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

21st June 2015

Today a good day is. A good date is. Marks it does the day when My Love into this world was brought. His human life on this day begun was. He the best gift is that ever Thirty four years upon this earth been he has. T-shirt gave him I did. Difficult it is for to know what gifted to him should be. Has he does what needed is. Bought him also blood and champagne. Celebrated in private we did. While drink champagne I cannot. His vessel I could be, from which it drunk could be. Though plateau perhaps better choice of word would be. My body at his disposal was. Not that, that much of a gift is. That true most of the year is. But the use of champagne different was.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

24th June 2015

Routine my life become has. Little have I for over to write. Though saw Shya today we did. Helpful being she was. Fault her for that I cannot. Even if her name, her face, my heart still does aching cause. Change I cannot what done was. Only change I can, how handle my reaction to it I do. Unsure I am if Enver her again would sire, if he the choice given was. If knew he did the pain that causes me this connection does, like I would for to believe that spare me that he would.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

27th June 2015

Enver tinkering a lot of late is. Mind that I do not. Like I do for him to watch. Seems it does, that tinkers he does for two reasons. First reason that he the parts has. Tinker all the time he cannot, for he the parts requires does. The parts that Shya gave him did, almost gone now must be. Shame it is that the family so few items to him do give. But then so many thieves within our walls have we do not. Second reason that he annoyed is. If stressed My Love is, then tinkers he does. Think I do that relaxes him it does for such things to do. Try I must for parts for him to acquire. Not only need have we of more traps. But like I do not for him bored or stressed to see.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

29th June 2015

Think you would, that able I would be, for from my husband’s side for longer than a few hours to be. This the case now is not. Know I do not why. Leave him before I could. For the day even. Stayed I would in raids where follow me he could not. Difficult that was, but bearable. Today him to my side summoned after but a few hours I did. Stand his absence any longer I could not. Wonder I do if this due to our depended connection is. Or perhaps a side effect of his betrayal is. Illogical seems it does, that this by our bonding caused could be. Allowed that should have for more freedom. Know I do that he mine is. That I his am. Struggling I am for myself, in this, to understand.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

30th June 2015

Mabel today home did come. Admit I must that quite excited by this I was. See my childer so little I do. Understand that I do not. Love my family I do. Always happy I am for them to see. Independent my childer are, but like for more of them to see I would. Miss my blood I do. Enver a distraction is. Happy I am. But happier be I would, if I more time with my childer could spend.

Written in some time, over the puppies I have not. They all well are. Our bird too. Animals a joy are for around to have. The puppies so full of life and love are. From our emotions feed they do. Knew this I did, but never have I pets had for it to experience. Leeloo quite sweet is. Willing she is for with me to sit if upset I am. Cheers me up she does. They all their parts do play for my spirit to lift when necessary it is. Like I do for Enver with them too to watch. Pretends he does that annoy him they do, but loves them he does. Plays with them he does. Gizmo his favourite is. Understand that I do. He our first was. He Enver did choose for his master to be. Imagine I cannot his fate, had Enver him home to us had not brought.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

3rd July 2015

Noted it should be that like I do for shielded to be, for when fighting I am. Inspiration quite wonderful is, but shields more protection afford do. Though feel I do, more of my husband when inspired by him I am. Torn I am as to which power prefer I do. What certain of I am is that I learn must for shields to create. Useful that skill is and cast upon myself it may be. Rely then on my husband I need not. Though like I do for upon him to rely. Now confused myself I have. First see I shall if I the power can learn. Then worry as to when I the power use I shall.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

4th July 2015

Enver quite… masterful is. Like that trait I do. Balance in our relationship have we do. Though know I do not if others see that do. There times are, like today, when quite at his mercy I am. He most passionate is. Seductive. Adore him I do. After we our bodies did entwine. Danced we did. Quite enchanting then My Love is. So graceful be he can, when dances he does.


Learned I have how I a shield myself can create.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

5th July 2015

Shielded My Love today I did. Enver quite impressed was. Asked he did for more of my skills for to see. Laughed at that I did. Sure I am that he most of my skills seen has while we together have been. Told him I did that I no more skills had for to show, unless he wished for with me to fight. That invitation accepted was not. Likes My Love not to fight. If helped it can be.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

8th July 2015

Enver always suspicious of new faces is. Today asked he did for to know who with Peter was. The other day, asked he did who Mabel was. Of course tell him I do. When asks he does. Said he did that it good for Peter was, that he a new childe has. Agree perhaps I would but know I do not if Peter forgives himself does when he a life does take. Though possible it is that no life taken was. That trying he was for the life of another to extend. Like when he his employee did try to turn, even if unsuccessful that was. Sean nice is. Like I do when the younglings comfortable in our home do seem.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

11th July 2015

Leif informed us did that there a raid in the city was. Gangsters together banded had. Deal with them I do not. Always there are those that younger are, that the practice need. Better is that they skills against them do test. Save my energies I do for creatures that more formidable are. Attend most raids these days I do not. Prefer I do for with my family these days for to work if I in a raid do go. More interesting they are. With Enver then work I can.
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