Alexandrea me for two more days inspired has. Enver unhappy is. Understand that I do. Sensitive to the energies I am. Prefer I do for him about me to feel. Prefers he does that he my inspiration is. Natural think that I do for any relationship. Enver and I a little different are. Too possessive of the other perhaps. Again. Mind that I do not. See that behaviour in myself I do and try I can for it to control. Say the same for Enver I cannot. Not that complain for this I shall. Love I do that he so much for me does care.
Appraised by someone today I was. Blake. Waiting I believe he is for with me to duel. A part of a competition in the gauntlet we are. Like I do for with my own kind to spar. Friendly fighting so much better is. Wish I do not for another of my kind to that accursed realm e’er to send. So sparring for me perfect is.
Lorde fun in the castle is having. At least says as much she does. Enver asked me did if think I do that she drugs is taking. Think that I do not. The warrior in Enver not strong is, enjoys the violence as we do he does not. Well… Enjoys a certain amount of violence he does. But fighting his hobby is not. His hobbies more productive are.
Confused My love I have. So impressed with me he is not. Asking he is why always running from him I am. Mean I did not for him to insult. Meant I did for playful to be. Behave myself for a while I shall. Like I do not for from him parted to be, knows this he does. Knows my heart, as I his do know. Doubt me he should not. Especially in play. Run I do for caught to be. Though Enver strange is. Likes he does not the extremes. Bored easily he can be if little there is for his attention for to occupy. Conversely, likes he does not for too active to be. For too much energy to use. Balance he enjoys. In some ways like that I do but the extremes also for me are. Much energy I have and very still I can be. Still learning one another in some sense perhaps we are. Happier now think him I do though. Explained I did that I playful being was.
Appraised again I was. Impatient perhaps grows Blake does for with me to spar but time available I have not had. Well. That a lie is. Time I can almost always make but family first always must come. Competitions a priority for me are not. Prove myself I need not. Only entered the event I did for some fun to have. And for my skills to sharpen. Learn you can from others, if open to such things you are. Open I am.
Jealousy feeling I am. Better it is for my words here for to pen. Need to hear them My Love does not. Sure I am that still reads my words he does but there a need for conversation this time is not. Welcomed into the family Shya has been. Fully. Access has now she does to our home and to our family forum. Too enthusiastic Enver was in her welcome. At least think so I do. Think you would that he more sensitive to me would be. Knows he does that struggle I do for her here to have. For her connection to him to acknowledge. Say so I shall not. Wish I do not, for with him for over her again to argue. Tinkering now he is. Likes he does his toys. His gadgets. Good with his hands he is. Distracting myself from my jealousy now I am through these words to write. Go and watch him I shall. Like I do for him to observe. Never bored am I, when I this can do.
Three days now without the cloak of My love upon me I have been. Starting to upset me it is. Know I do that Alexandrea’s intentions noble are and yet asked her to stop I did. Enver as upset by events as I am is. He my muse is. My inspiration. My everything. If inspired I must be, by his hand it must be.
Competition over is. Appraised by Blake again today it was and found time I did for The Gauntlet to visit. Expected I did not for so far to go. Usually distracted I allow myself to become. Perhaps before so comfortable I was not, for with my kind even to spar. Focused this time I was. Think I do that Enver the difference is. Though had he with me been, distracted I likely then would have been. Mean I do that strengthened me he has. He my anchor is. Think I need not for my position in this world over to think. Know I do that this reality is. Mostly. Forget I still do if too long from my side he is. Thankfully today that the case was not.
Consider I should for in another lockbox to invest. Or perhaps storage unit for to purchase. Or perhaps for another apartment to buy. Enver a lot of possessions does have for to tinker with. Wondering I am if perhaps worried for this I should be. Term heard I have. Hoarder. Wonder I do if this term to him applied could be.
Shya today visited did. See her so much I do not. Possible is, that she here daily is and that see her I do not. Mind that so much I do not. Confession I suppose that is. For Enver’s sake wish her gone I cannot. Well. Wish it I can, but say or write it I should not. Wish I should not. Really. Complicated my feelings about that one are.
Enver and I more careful of others should be. Perhaps. Perhaps not. Too comfortable in our home we now are. Written this before I’m sure I have. One day say something someone shall. Though mind perhaps I shall not what said is. Before perhaps. But now not. For affectionate with Enver to be most natural is.
A silly boy my husband is. Mind his jealousy I do not. But mind it Peter does. Wrote peter did something that innocuous was. Thanked me he did, as inspired him I did. This two nights ago or so did happen. Today Enver threw our son did. No excuse is there for such behaviour. Not with one that likes it not. Peter the least violent of my blood is. At least believe as much I do. Likes he does not for to fight or argue. Sensitive soul he has. Result for Enver’s actions our own quarrel was. Fought with My Love I did. Though our fight to something sexual soon did turn. That our way is. Still. Knows better now he does. If known it before he had not. Which honestly suspect I do that knew he did what doing he was. His future actions my focus from this shall be. Mind I do not for with my husband to fight and prefer I would that he such issues to me did bring. No reason was there for jealous of our son to be. Never shall there reason be for him for jealous of any other to be. Learn this on a greater level he must.
My journal, the exploits of my family now seems to depict. Rarely do I anything scribe that about My Love or of ours is not. Reflecting on this I am as turn the pages I do. Happy this makes me does. My family my everything are. No more speak of missions. Of duty that is not my own. Happy in this new world I seem to be. Last that feeling shall. Even if mostly record I do what wrong has gone. All memories precious to me are. The bad and the good. These days more good than bad days having I am. Content with My Enver I am. More than content. Care I do not what do we do, so long as in his presence I can be. Today talk there was of the castle. Go there often I do not. Like I do not for with my own to fight. Though spared from the realm our kind can be. Need I do not for them to kill. Most interesting system have there they do, from what seen I have. Know I do not what agenda have they do, but suspect I do that they one do have. From one family they seem not to be. Wonder I do why Enver there wishes for to go. His skills with blade and projectiles so good is not. Worry I do that injured there he could be. Wish to think of that I do not. Like I do not for him injured to see. Try I shall for him to persuade for there not to go. Not until sure I am that he his own can hold I the worst happens does.
Too much time away from hoe of late spending I am. My reflexes many of our kind desires to test does. Catch most I think I do. Though say that with certainty I cannot, as know I do not those that successful in their endeavours are. Enver delights does in my form to touch. Often the excuse uses he does that he my pockets lighten must. Know better than that I do. But others no such reason have for so near me to be. Lucky they are that hurt them I do not, as my reflexes sometimes controlled cannot be and like I do not for by others touched to be.
Played with my husband this eve I did. Said nothing of my plans I did. In my shifted form to him I did came. Joined me he did. Like that I do. That we in animal form with one another play can. Freeing it is for as a creature to run. Wonder I do if a portal to the wilderness placed should be? Need we do somewhere where roam free we can. The attic no place for lions is. Especially since Enver so much to his animal form does give. Animalistic in all senses he is once he his mantle does shed. Perhaps this his way is. Allurist he is. Actor also. Passionate too. Understands his inner beast better than I perhaps he does.
Leif wishes does for the ways of a ritualist to learn. Asked she has if I tomes to her can give. Happy I am for her in this endeavour to support so making copies now I am that use she may. Rituals an art form are. Think I do that knows this she does. If not, learn it she shall. Hope I do that she prepared she is. Demi-fae unwilling servants are and strike out they shall, if they the chance have.