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Re: Canon Q&A With David
Posted: 04 May 2014, 10:12
by Alexandrea
Thanks, Jenny. I appreciate that. :)
I did read what you had written before but haven't logged into the archive as Suzette to see if that is all there. As Suzette was removed from that board (just double checked, Suzette was removed or the Broussard board went byebye) I am pretty sure I won't be able to see anything. And have looked at Emmanuel's CS a load of times.
I just want to get some word from the big boss if I should refrain from writing or doing anything that goes against what he might still have planned. And Suz has attempted on a few occasions to speak to Yeketerina, with limited results that went no where.
So it's more a question of what can I NOT write... iyswim?
Re: Canon Q&A With David
Posted: 15 May 2014, 21:08
by Mooncalf
Alexandrea wrote:Thanks, Jenny. I appreciate that. :)
I did read what you had written before but haven't logged into the archive as Suzette to see if that is all there. As Suzette was removed from that board (just double checked, Suzette was removed or the Broussard board went byebye) I am pretty sure I won't be able to see anything. And have looked at Emmanuel's CS a load of times.
I just want to get some word from the big boss if I should refrain from writing or doing anything that goes against what he might still have planned. And Suz has attempted on a few occasions to speak to Yeketerina, with limited results that went no where.
So it's more a question of what can I NOT write... iyswim?
I can't think of anything that's out of bounds, as long as Jen agrees it makes sense for the family history. Obviously, it has to make sense with what's already been established for them, but other than that I don't see a problem with creativity on the subject.
Re: Canon Q&A With David
Posted: 21 May 2014, 19:13
by Zoey Jane
This might have already been asked, so I'm sorry if this is a repeat...
When Mystics come back from the dead and inhabit another body, is it a dead human body, or a living human body? If dead--recently deceased? As in dead with the past few hours, or recently buried?
Re: Canon Q&A With David
Posted: 21 May 2014, 22:26
by Robert Pratt
It's alive and the new 'inhabitant' takes over and pushes the old one out and aside and kills it.
Re: Canon Q&A With David
Posted: 22 May 2014, 01:28
by Alexandrea
Awhile back, The David said humans have been leaving. Have our characters noticed this or is that not ic knowledge?
Also if I killer is beheaded and someone sticks the head in a jar to keep, what happens when the killer leaves the shadow realm?
~I have a picture of headless bodies walking around in my head~

Re: Canon Q&A With David
Posted: 25 May 2014, 18:10
by Every
If a summoner were to summon the wraith of another dead vampire on grid with permission from the player, and then the wraith would be deleted after sometime, would it still be possible to bring that specific character back? Or would that character be dead for good?
I hope that makes sense. o.0
Re: Canon Q&A With David
Posted: 25 May 2014, 18:24
by Robert Pratt
I know it's possible, and allowed, to summon wraiths of deleted vamps so long as you get the permission of the player. If that's of use?
Re: Canon Q&A With David
Posted: 25 May 2014, 22:06
by Shamus
Alexandrea wrote:Awhile back, The David said humans have been leaving. Have our characters noticed this or is that not ic knowledge?
Also if I killer is beheaded and someone sticks the head in a jar to keep, what happens when the killer leaves the shadow realm?
~I have a picture of headless bodies walking around in my head~

I'm not too sure about the first question. But on the second one, I would imagine that it would grow back painfully slow as the vampire gets closer and closer to coming back. That of course would probably cause some difficulties to them coming back.
Mooncalf wrote:Suzette wrote:Sorry if this was asked before and I missed it. Did look but am only human... lol.
If a killer's body is cremated how to they come back?
It was answered before, yes.
"Paths are not quite as different from one another as some might assume. In essence, a killer is still a spirit made flesh, same as a shadow is. As such, a killer whose body is utterly destroyed would find it more difficult to return to life (and the process might take longer, roleplay-wise), but failing the ability to re-possess their own bodies, a killer would return to life in the same way a necromancer does (being the path's neighbour).
"Their rebirth is similar in this way; they return as little more than husks, and gradually build back to their full human visage.""
This is where I pull my thought process from. Where the Killer would have to regrow as the body is not completely destroyed... The head, the body, or a new body from scratch? I'd be at a loss on that one, but would love to see the ideas that people would have for it.
Re: Canon Q&A With David
Posted: 30 May 2014, 21:30
by Wendigo
What differences exist between the RPP power "Blood Memories" and the Telepath ability "Read Memories" other than the obvious (e.g., you have to drink blood to use Blood Memories). Are the experiences any different in terms of how they're experienced by the vampire using the power?
Re: Canon Q&A With David
Posted: 30 May 2014, 21:41
by Robert Pratt
What happens to parts of the vampiric body that are removed from the body as a whole?
Blood taken by blood thieves.
Blood splatter from wounds.
Severed limbs.
Parts removed via torture/accident/for fun/etc.
Basically, any part of the vampire, removed from the whole. What happens to it?