The Musings of Keara Aithne

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Keara Aithne
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

23rd March 2015

Today a new holiday is. Day of Restoration. Wonder I must at the name. Odd seems it does for upon this day. More fitting date the anniversary of the storm would be. There a ball was. In Nightmode. Vampires only. Glad I was for this to attend. The chances afforded I was for, for him to dress. Such clothing I wear not. Usually. Happy I was for Lorde there to see. Xian too. Though evening for me ruined was when his mistake into my field of vision did walk. Concreted it did for me what happened had. My powers responded thusly. The one that Enver likes not, for the cure sometimes to his liking is not. Trusted around it I cannot be. Know this now for certain I do. Wish I do that seen it I had not. That I it could ignore. Think perhaps I do, that this now impossible is.


Went I did to a raid. Aptly timed it was. Needed I did for such a distraction to have. Only… Refused he did for me to join. Angry he was. Angry for something days said was. Something that forgotten I had. Told Lorde I did, that love her as my own I do. This true was. Said it before I had not. Said he did that stated it need not be, but wrong he was. Still believe that I do. Argued we did. Over it. Over her. Announced her he did upon my boards. Congratulations inappropriate seem. Say that I shall not. Our issues our own are. Talked we did. Argued. Said that already I have, but necessary I think it was. Things now better do seem. Clearer. Calmer. Communicate well at times we do. If try we do. Even if arguing hurts does. Even if forgets he does for me to comforts. Know now I do that time our relationship heal shall. Knew it before I did, but now believe I do that he this to does see. Allow his mistake I shall not for us to separate.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

24th March 2015

Refused today I was not. That positive sign is. Right I am. Weather this we shall. Though now new problem face we do. Said he did that with Sandy talk I must. Talk of boundaries. Understood I did not. At first. Thought I did that speaking he was of space. Of property. Thought I did that Sandy into our cell uninvited had been. That grave mistake on her part would have been. But worse the true reason was. Touched him she did. Know I do not how but inappropriate I believe it to be. Enver asked did if she an escort was. So free with her affection she may not be. Not with My Love. Want I do not for her to kill. So good with the puppies she is. But allow her near my husband I cannot. Try I shall for my instinct to curb. Much strength from Nox required for this to do shall be.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

25th March 2015

Victorious in this raid we were. Not that matters it does to me. Only… Enjoy I do for with the Matriarch myself to battle. Most satisfying it is, for one such as her to slay. Well known by now I’m sure it is, that enjoy a challenge I do. Enver knows this. Certain of this I am. So pleased I am. Pleased that Nox happiness once more unto me delivered has. Knew I did that forsaken I had not been. Hardships test us do. Dark there always must be for the light to balance. Too much of Helios’ light seen I have. Through Enver. He my true companion is. Tested we have been. Tested for to see that worthy of another we are. Seeing this now I am. Know I do not why struck me before that did not. Adore you I do My Love.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

28th March 2015

Tried I did for good to be. Swear upon my blood I do, and upon all that under moon and sun that holy is. Only… Forgive her I could not. Said she did that she nothing wrong did do. Imitated her actions that she upon my husband practiced did. But Enver so convincing was. Liked it he did not. Seen I have others that him this way did treat. Complain then he did not. Though then my actions swifter were. Thankfully. Noticed that has not been. Though perhaps now written it has been, betrayed my own secret I have. Matters not. Like I do not that behaviour. Gone now she is.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

29th March 2015

Summoning him of late I have been. Reaction perhaps to the one that exist should not. Complained he did not, but noted it was. Told him I did that he mine is. Said this many times before I have and likely remind him I shall for eternity. No inequality is there in my ownership. He mine is, as I his am. To one another gave ourselves we did. And refuse I shall for from him parted by my own will to be. Told I was for calmer to be. Or words to that effect. Required more summoning he said it did, for him mine to be. Disagreed I did. Known I should have that teasing he was but of late, more… insecure been I have. Think I cannot of the possibility that he to another could belong.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

31st March 2015

Knows he does that issues having I am. Honesty the only cure is. Complete honesty. Truths that in some ways measured can be. Found I have that fallen upon old habits I have. Into his memories prying I have been. Into her’s too. Knows this he does though. So that a shock for him shall not be when reads this he does. If reads this he does. Noted I did that she in the sun sitting has been. Decision had I then for to make. Whether told Enver this I did not. Better was for him to tell. Honesty promised one another we did. Expect him for honest with me to be, if honest with him I am not. Also. Bad for our kind it is, for attention to ourselves thusly to draw. Went he did for her to see. For care of her to take and for her to advise. While liked I did not the feeling that left with I was while gone he was, gone long he was not. Directly to me he did return. Hope I do that this easier with time become shall. Missed him I did. Though miss him to some extent I always do when parted we are. Even if feel him with me I do.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

2nd April 2015

Taken I have another thrall. Serge his name is. Found him I did in Elmworth. Working for a family he was, but his services no longer required by them was. First question this was that Enver asked did. Where came from he did. Matters not though. Matters only that he his function can fulfil. Butler before he was. Now he an assistant of sorts is. His duty it is for care of the puppies to take. And for items for us to procure. Think I do that handle this he can, but see we shall. Want I do not for another again so soon to enthral.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

4th April 2015

Enver unhappy earlier this eve was. No reason had he for so to feel. Family from the attic come and go do. Want that we do. Allowed there they would not be if desired their company we did not. Wanted he did for us alone to be. Understand that I do. Remind him perhaps I must that we other places do own. Mattered not though. Able we were for those around us to ignore. Unthinkable such an act last year would have been. Strange it is for to think that so comfortable in his arms I could become. Trust my family though I do. Think I do not that they e’er harm upon us shall wish. Though perhaps so long in the attic in the future they may not stay. If that happens does. Speak with Enver I must. Inappropriate our behaviour may be. See we shall.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

5th April 2015

Enver at times quite adventurous can be. Playful too. Restraints bought he did. Though easily escapable they are. Says he does that pretend I must that escapable they are not. That do I can. Demonstration gave me he did. Surprised me a lot of late he has. Think I do that trying he is for our issues to repair. But this our issue is not. Our attraction to one another faltered not when broke his word he did. Mind I do not though such attention. This my tactic not so long ago was. Wanted I did for things between us to right. Try so hard he need not. Adore him I do. Adore him I always shall.

Strange turn this evening did take. Lorde home did return and panicked she was. Help required she did for a photographer to find. While worry I do for her safety, since caught feeding she was, trust I do that resolve this we shall. Continue I shall for his identity to find now that I his image have. And attempt I shall for an evidence of her for to find before spread it can be. More than that now, we cannot do.[/font][/size]
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

6th April 2015

Interesting suggestion Enver today did make. Suggested he did naked Tuesdays. Though his idea only half explained was. Think I do that misunderstood him I must have. This as a family activity works not. Want I do not for my family so to see. Think I do not that wish they would for me thusly to see. But... Work for us it also would not. Rules have we for our cell already. So… Strange this suggestion is. After this, another gift given I was. It a toy is not. I think. Though know I do not how I it should name? Food? It a flavour has. Described it as a lipstick I think he did, but make-up it is not. Interesting though it is. Enver always the best gifts does give. Though truly, require more than him I do not. He enough for me is.
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