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Re: A new book, a new beginning

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 12:28
by Aura
Dear Dairy,

Lots have gone on today. Lots have gone on in general. I am tired of looking like the bad guy for simply voicing my opinion when asked. Don’t like what you might hear, don’t ******* ask. Sounds simply enough doesn’t it? God damn people are stupid; don’t bring out your personal business if you don’t want people knowing about it... But, that was over and done with awhile ago... Now, we must push on and learn from it.... I hope people learn from their mistakes otherwise people won’t be as forgiving if the same things happens one, two or three times more.

Can you believe he is back? Finally... He is home, home where he belongs. I was surprised to see his new face. It was very handsome too, if I’m being 100% brutally honest. He and I talked a little while and then I took him home to meet Blanc, he seemed to react well to the snake at least until he threw it off his lap and fell backwards over the couch.

Aura paused a moment to laugh at the memory of him falling backwards of the couch, his face was priceless as he bared his fangs at the snake in return

He finally worked up the courage to hold the snake; he seemed to deal with it just fine. He seems like his old self, even asked if he could stab me – Of course I said yes, anything he wishes. I don’t know what’s going to happen between he and I... It’s been so long since we last saw each other let alone spoke to one another... I’m scared I might do something wrong, do something to force him away from me like before – Then again there were two people in one body last time. What can I say we are complicated?

What else is there to do? I went clubbing, finally! Arg it felt so good to put on a pair of short shorts and a halter. I went out with two wonderful friends of mine and had a blast! What can I say, she can grind away! I met a guy there, he is such a sweetheart, so kind and nice and... perfect. Needless to say he and I are going to be friends forever.

Sebby was injured; I dragged him to my hideaway and talked to him while he settled down on the couch. I ever gave him the opportunity to see shifter side; I changed into a snow leopard and curled up next to him – He is one of two that have been that side of me. Sebby kissed me too... Took me by surprise and completely off guard; I am going to blame the head wound he had until he is fully healed and ready to explain himself.

Vaughn came over and hit me. Thank god. We are back to normal he and I after months of being separated. I think it’s time for things to finally fall back into place, and I’m happy. Friends are coming back, family is waking up and I even saw my sire for the first time in months. I got to curl up in his arms and sleep, of course in the morning he didn’t wake up after... But his voice, and his arms were enough. He’s the best.

I’ve cut half my cell contacts in half. I hope people don’t expect me to call them after months of not speaking or they’ll know exactly what I think of them... fingers crossed!

Time to make breakfast, feed the fish, take the dog for the walk and start in the garden! We’ll see who stops by today – Kind of excited.


Re: A new book, a new beginning

Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 20:31
by Aura

I might be ona sugar high but it's like I made some very important changes and... I just... snapped back into the life I lost ages ago!

I have so much baking to catch up on... And cooking... and movie nights, and brotherly bonding, and sisterly snuggles and sirely lovins!

You know what... I think I need to go to a club... and dance, **** where is Scratch when you need him. He was always the best dancing partner, EVER. Well maybe not ever... but pretty damn close.

So much to do, so little night left... Let's make a to do list.

-Pounce on Snickers
-Ice cupcakes
-Lick Zandra
-Tackle Sebastian
-Attacking Silver
-Get dressed for clubbing
-Go to the beach
-Swing at the park
-Wish on a star
-Attack someone special with my lips and leave them looking attacked by a cheerleading squad, yay pink lipstick.
-Jump on my bed
-Make smores
-Blaring music and wake up all the humans around me
-Dance around in boxers
-Crash for the night now completely exhausted.

Sounds good, let's bake!

Re: A new book, a new beginning

Posted: 31 Mar 2012, 20:22
by Aura
Dear Dairy,

Did you know, it's easier to just... run away? Let's see how good people are at finding those who don't wish to be found.

It's time to hide.



Re: A new book, a new beginning

Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 19:02
by Aura
Dear Dairy,

My hiding skills are lacking... I've been found a few times... Damn.

Regardless, I love them all. Every single person who has managed to find me... They are all pieces to my broken soul.

I can't stop staring at a picture Vaughn drew for me... Every time I see it I crack a smile and laugh. Boy got some crazy mad artistic skills.

Got into an arguement last night... He's insane Diary, completely... and utterly insane.


Re: A new book, a new beginning

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 11:33
by Aura
Dear Diary,

So... I am Happy.


Re: A new book, a new beginning

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 13:18
by Aura

Dear Diary,

I know something you don’t know! Okay, SO! Lots have gone on no joke. One, I know a huge, enormous secret that I can’t share at all, not even a little clue to. I know, Mal, knows and Micah knows. We are all in to plot against X’s fiancé Zandra... Oh it’s going to be brilliant, I’m looking forward to her surprise maybe 3 or 4 weeks down the line but until then I’ll taint you with my secret...

On a side note Zandra and I went shopping yesterday for dresses. Her wedding dress is beautiful, I love it. It was a tie between dress 2 and dress 9. Both were equally as gorgeous but Zandra sent out a picture to Micah and he was the deciding vote... Dress 2 it is! After that she was looking for a wedding dress for me... Me! I don’t ever see myself getting married, even though it is my dream too... But I found a beautiful short pink cocktail dress that would look good on me for the wedding. I’m so excited, a wedding!

-Aura clipped in the picture of the dress-

Erik likes it... Who is Erik... Well, Erik is a man I met at the Dark Eden grand opening. After the event we went for a walk and got talking and ever since then it’s been a daily routine to see each other at least once. He’s a really sweet guy, and strong, family oriented, and very compassionate. Only thing is, he can’t eat... Who am I going to share my cupcakes with?! Oh well, more for me.

Zandra met him yesterday, we bumped into him after dress shopping and things seemed to go smoothly, he volunteered himself to be the date to Zandra’s wedding and told me he was going to pick out a suit right away... Didn’t even have time to say it wasn’t for another few weeks at least. He seems interested in becoming more so quickly, like very quickly. I told him friends for right now and I’m glad he took the time to step back and understand. Right now, friend zone!

What else happened... I ran into the forest, a long, long way in and got attacked by a Fae, it ripped opened my throat, but regardless I had to run over to the QT zone and kill my grandchilde for being stupid and hitting people. They are in the realm now, let’s hope they come back wiser if not, I can’t protect them...
Back to me getting hit by the beast, Stefano came over and bandaged me up. Sewed my throat back together and wrapped some gauze around my neck to stop the bleeding. He stayed on my couch and watched over me while I slept in Zandra’s arms last night. I’ve missed her so much – Another girls night is needed very soon. I know Stef takes good care of me when I’m hurt… He is truly amazing…

Things with Erik are subject to change… and quickly depending on his actions. We’ll see… This could be good, guess i'll have to let thing play out... If he hurts me, if he lies - I can't get hurt, I just can't.

Re: A new book, a new beginning

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 22:19
by Aura
Dear Diary,

I'm finished. To much has been lost, my heart included. I told you so, all men are alike regardless if they say otherwise.


Re: A new book, a new beginning

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 13:18
by Aura
Dear Diary,

It’s been a day or so since I last wrote in you and the reason is I was under maximum security alert. After I was told what happened I bolted into the forest to think and to get away from Silver after he brought me the news. Go figure I got attacked again, and how ironic they aimed at my heart. Replacing one pain with another might be what I need to get over this.

When someone opens up to you the way he did it’s a sign he wanted me, wanted an us. But I guess I was wrong about that. He even wanted to be my date to Zandra’s wedding... Not going to happen, ever. Over my dead body will that man ever get close enough to even look at me through those deceitful eyes again. The moment I found out I told him I wanted nothing to do with him anymore, I hope he got the picture what he did was truly shallow, cruel and in turn the opposite of what he told me he was like; I guess that makes him a liar too.

Etienne summoned me back to his apartment, and I got out... He summoned me back and I got out again, I’m a sneaky girl when it comes to escaping placed I don’t want to be... I saw him last night. Mhmm, diary, I saw him and you know what, I drank from him too. To get some of his blood in my system was, in one word summed up, extraordinary. It gave me the little boost of confidence I needed to get through at least the night to move onto day two after situation pond scum exploded in everyone’s face.

I think you can tell by my writing this is a little anger behind it at the moment, don’t worry with the help of the many people who offered support I’ll be better in no time. I owe my hopefully speedy recovery to Etienne, Liza, Stefano, Micah, Silver, Zandra, and Cai. OH, DIARY, my god! I almost forgot Brae, my cupcake man of all cupcake men is back! Silver brought him to me last night while I was out and, and, and, it was a wonderful gift! I didn’t think with the wounds I have I could of bolted into anyone’s arms faster. Those are the only people I’ve managed to come across after I was put into lock down. I hope I get to see a few others like Hel, and Scratch, and Vaughn, and wait, on another unrelated completely random side note guess who I spoke to... No, it wasn’t Scratch, it wasn’t Placidus, it was Rocklin! I know right, Rocklin of all people stopped by yesterday and decided to say hello... I was stunned yet somewhat happy at the fact he took the time to say hello after his “coma.” Maybe we’ll get to talk more, who knows.

Okay, so where was I... people I wanted to see right. Uhm, let’s continue from Vaughn, so Vaughn, Zwei, Snickers, Riley One, maybe Zodi if she isn’t too busy, Velveteen? I dunno, haven’t seen that woman since I left Ty, and it doesn’t seem like she wants to see me either. I’ll live. Uhm, Ryland! I have to see Ryland, because he is my Ry and he is one of the closest people to me. I can tell him everything and know no matter what he’ll be there... Awesome, brother. After writing them down down and looking at all the names that have my back it's... Nice. Most of them are male, which is okay because males are the best sort of support. They always say the right thing to calm me down, and then they say stuff like, “Who hurt my Aura!” or “What’s his name!” It makes me laugh at the fact they are all that protective of me... I’m grateful, I really am. Plus, boys are less dramatic, and the less drama in my life the better. AMEN TO THAT. Buuuuut, I do have some pretty kick *** girls involved in my life, Zandra, Liz, Zodi... Awesome, awesome girls.

Okay... What else... OH! I totally and completely flour-fied Liza and Eti’s kitchen... Buhahaha, was making cupcakes and my balance wasn’t so great and WHOOSH, flour cloud x like 10. I haven’t laughed so hard in awhile it was a ***** to clean up, I was mopping for HOURS, flour just absorbs that **** like SHAM WOW, only white and in powder form.

Stefano is staying now! Happy dance, happy dance. He said he has to look after me, which is... a nice thought because god knows I need someone else telling me what to do other then my own brain but I’m just excited to get to put our lives back together. He can try to clean up his and I can try to move forward with mine. Sounds fair, right? RIGHT!

3 more days of healing, I’m going to try to job along the water line tonight. I miss the outside and if I can convince Eti and Liza to let me go I will make me outdoor time last. Eti let me go see Stefano last night at the bottom of Beta Towers and that was fun, but when summoned I had to head back... Sadly.

Let’s hope for a jog tonight!

OH, AND, DIARY. Zandra gave me a new kitten, it’s the cutest, more tiny little furry thing ever! I named him Minx, since he is going to be a lady killer. Making girls both feline and vampire melt at his cuteness. So, let’s count how many animals I have in m zoo

1. Storm – Given to me by Micah
2. Jasper – A gift to myself from me
3. 13 gold fish – Me for my homes
4. Blanc – My Black Eyed Leucistic Ball Python
5. 5 koi fish – For my pond
6. Minx – My cute new mini kitten given by Zandra

Side note: I think I MIGHT just garden today...

Side note two: I get to meet more DC... so, house party time?!


Re: A new book, a new beginning

Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 18:10
by Aura
Just a word to warning anything used from my IC cell status or my diary is considered CROSSING. All knowledge given here or anywhere else where you character ISN’T INVOLVED is also considered crossing.
Please STOP crossing.


Dear Diary,

I ran from Braeden the other day, fled like a scared chicken with my head cut off going in any direction but the direction I needed to be which was in his arms. I can’t even stand to have a male touch me. I couldn’t shake someone’s hand to meet them, I couldn’t listen to anyone talk I zoned them out... Thing are not going well at all. People just assume **** around me when it comes to that man I once knew.

What I did:
I didn’t kiss him.
I didn’t let him bite me.
I reminded him daily he was a married man.
I said I was scared for any form of a relationship.

What he did:
He kissed me.
He asked me if he could bite me because he swore I tasted sweet.
He told me told me daily he was going to leave his wife the moment he got a chance to talk to her.
He told me to try for him, and to trust him.

Someone looked into my memories and managed to pull these things out. They know I did not lie, or do anything wrong...

erik.stryker (15/04/2012 4:11:24 PM): "Fine", Erik moves forward and pushes the hair from her face. His lips meet hers again. His eyes closed he keeps them pressed to hers for a moment, and pulls her bottom lip as he parts from her.
Aura Driscol (15/04/2012 4:14:33 PM): -She didn't move her lips, she didn't return the kiss, she simply sat there still- Erik you are married... Im not kissing a married man... -She lowered her eyes- I'm not like that.

As long as my friends and family know I did nothing wrong, I guess that is all that matters now... I know people would only believe so much, but I can also only trust so many after this, which is z.e.r.o. I trust no one, not a soul. I can play the part of trusting those I’ve loved and cherished for so long but deep down I think they know I doubt them.

The outside world is no longer for me... I shall stay indoors and shield myself from anything and everything. I have my animals, that is all that matters to me now, them and their well being.


Re: A new book, a new beginning

Posted: 21 Apr 2012, 14:08
by Aura
Dear Diary,

First off let me start by saying something.
Blood not in the literal sense but more emotional... Jesus Crist it was an emotional bumpy *** ride yesterday.

Alright, so let me just say this. I got my store. I was the first to own a store and my dreams of baking for a living are coming true slowly but surely. It’s called Cupcake Corner and it’s one of the corner stores located by the large center tree. People I’ve come to love and share my life with are opening businesses beside mine and just the city is finally coming together. If anything these shops will hide our identities, humans are silly creatures, if they see us working, earning money and doing what is known as the social norm our tracks might be that much more covered and hidden.

I know there are blood thieves out there now, I’ve killed a few. Vial creatures they are, and did I mention stupid? If there is one way for us to get caught it’s for us to give them blood. We can earn money other ways... Stupid people, stupid vampires... Arg that just fries my ***.

Now for the juicy bits... I was tried, hell I still am tired from everything going on but I went to Lizzie last night – Eriks wife. Holy **** talk about scared shitless. Even though I knew I did nothing wrong still facing her was a terrifying thought. I had no idea what Erik had told her and I didn’t even know if she knew about me. .. So, I sent her a text and to my surprise she answered. Great, now I had to go meet her right? We met up at the cafe by Honeymead station and she was the first to arrive and I soon joined her. We talked for awhile actually, about what happened and how we both felt on the situation we were both currently going through. I told her I was sorry and she actually said she was sorry for me... I don’t see why, but the repercussions of Erik’s actions had indeed harmed my reputation... Don’t think I don’t know what people have been saying.

I offer her a chance to read my memories, to poke around in my thoughts to prove myself to her of my innocence and she believed me. Every word I told her she knew I was telling the truth. I cannot express how utterly refreshing that was, to sit down and have a conversation with someone and TRUST them. I trusted her, I did. I offered my friendship to her, and she accepted. No one deserves to go through this type of stuff alone, no one. I’ve locked myself away for days because I was scared to be around anyone. I told her I felt like I didn’t have permission anymore to be around anyone, that if I was they would think badly of me (because most of my friends are male) and that now, even if I wanted to date I don’t have permission for that either. She told me to take my time and oh hell am I ever. She is a wonderful woman, truly sweet and in turn gentle and kind. I understand the anger she must be feeling and even offered to have her vent on me; she declined of course but the offer still stands if she needs someone to just explode on I’ll be there for her. I will, you don’t turn your back on people you know.

I feel a lot better after speaking with her; I feel more at ease and calm. Now that my wounds are healed I ever went out hunting and won every battle against the Feral vampires and Mooncalf’s... They are still ugly creatures; arg gives me the creeps every time I see one.

I will have to talk to you later, I feel like doing some gardening and maybe even, dare I say it... painting!
