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Re: Blood Thief Quest [Dual Class] Question
Posted: 08 Jul 2019, 07:49
by Myk
I like that!
Drinking the Vampire blood causes you to lose 1 blood or causes a wound.
I just generally like the idea of the quest mirroring how a Blood Thief becomes a BT.
Re: Blood Thief Quest [Dual Class] Question
Posted: 08 Jul 2019, 18:16
by Alexandrea
I really like that idea too. It 'feels' right.
Re: Blood Thief Quest [Dual Class] Question
Posted: 23 Jul 2019, 11:29
by Sullivan (DELETED 11708)
Please do this! x
Re: Blood Thief Quest [Dual Class] Question
Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 10:46
by Mike Barone
Levi DAmico wrote:The previous quest is based on knowing Vampires, which used to utilise the mechanic of having Vampire IDs in the PC's list. Since this no longer works (despite some of my characters - Myk - openly using powers like Telekinetic shield on multiple PCs), I guess we need a new quest.
So is this quest going to be fixed? If I had realized this was broken I would have started off as a BT again.
Re: Blood Thief Quest [Dual Class] Question
Posted: 31 Aug 2019, 18:11
by Mooncalf
Segreti wrote:I'd suggest if we change it, aside from what some people have said, just doing what they say they do in rp. Feeding on vampires, temporarily give them a blood thieves ability to feed, and then have them feed on 10 NPC vampires (such as in the sewers). The feeding maybe strengthens them, but also causes damage, until they've fed on 10 and thus completed the quest.
How are they going to feed on NPCs without fangs etc? I mean they kinda could... but we'd also need to change the 'trainer' who teaches people to become blood thieves, because they currently train people on a quid pro quo basis, in exchange for a list of possible food sources.
I think the simplest solution would be similar, but instead wanabe blood thieves use some kind of weapon they get from magic shops which siphons off some blood into sample vials after beating NPCs vampires, maybe? Then they exchange those vials for training, because the blood thieves find those samples useful for quick 10 minute surges of temporary power? Only problem there is that means creating usable items that PC blood thiefs can use to temporarily get some random powers from their NPC victims' sample vials. But I guess it's a cool addition to the game either way.
Is any of this crazy?
Re: Blood Thief Quest [Dual Class] Question
Posted: 31 Aug 2019, 19:12
by Segreti
Mooncalf wrote:Segreti wrote:I'd suggest if we change it, aside from what some people have said, just doing what they say they do in rp. Feeding on vampires, temporarily give them a blood thieves ability to feed, and then have them feed on 10 NPC vampires (such as in the sewers). The feeding maybe strengthens them, but also causes damage, until they've fed on 10 and thus completed the quest.
How are they going to feed on NPCs without fangs etc? I mean they kinda could... but we'd also need to change the 'trainer' who teaches people to become blood thieves, because they currently train people on a quid pro quo basis, in exchange for a list of possible food sources.
I think the simplest solution would be similar, but instead wanabe blood thieves use some kind of weapon they get from magic shops which siphons off some blood into sample vials after beating NPCs vampires, maybe? Then they exchange those vials for training, because the blood thieves find those samples useful for quick 10 minute surges of temporary power? Only problem there is that means creating usable items that PC blood thiefs can use to temporarily get some random powers from their NPC victims' sample vials. But I guess it's a cool addition to the game either way.
Is any of this crazy?
Actually this would be pretty cool, though it does sound like a lot of work on the programming side. And it would kind of make sense. Also don't they have to feed off of them without fangs anyway in rp when they get started? Nor do they even start with fangs as a power you have to buy that after you become a blood thief, and might not even ever bother if you don't intend on feeding by force. Though I see the point of how they'd actually manage it themselves, maybe they'd have to beat them in combat first? Like for the quest it opens up a "fight to feed" option when attacking npc vampires or something?
Although I'm all good with getting vials to be honest, I think that'd be really fun to rp with sometimes.
Re: Blood Thief Quest [Dual Class] Question
Posted: 31 Aug 2019, 19:22
by Alexandrea
one of the first pc blood thieves was Madison and she used to rp that she would take blood from a willing vampire and put it into vials to enjoy later.

I always thought that was very kewl.
I just would like to see something done, whatever you chose to do. It's a bit of a bummo for the players of wanna be bt's.

Re: Blood Thief Quest [Dual Class] Question
Posted: 16 Sep 2019, 21:15
by Myk
Levi DAmico wrote:The previous quest is based on knowing Vampires, which used to utilise the mechanic of having Vampire IDs in the PC's list. Since this no longer works (despite some of my characters - Myk - openly using powers like Telekinetic shield on multiple PCs), I guess we need a new quest.
The Sorcerer quest requires you to flee from 10 Mountain Lions.
The Paladin quest requires you to... I don't remember because I haven't seen a Beserker in eons.
So, perhaps you just come across Wild Vampires/Masterless Vampires/NPC Vampires and encourage them to hand-over blood?
You need to encounter 10 Vampires and successfully encourage them to handover their blood to complete the quest. That can be through a series of Charisma checks or MA/FA or Dexterity/Intel.
Is this not at all a viable suggestion without the introduction of additional game items?
You could just code it as a simple action-consequence job, like the others?
Re: Blood Thief Quest [Dual Class] Question
Posted: 06 Nov 2019, 01:27
by Sebastian (DELETED 11809)
I didn't want to start a new thread as my question is also about dual class - the sorcerer quest, fleeing from 10 mountain lions. Does this still work or am I doing something wrong? I stand in the square, unarmed, with the mountain lion. I try talking to it, bouncing in and out of the square. Any attempt at making physical contact kills it (with my bare hands? Really?) How do you observe it or even get it to chase you?I feel like an idiot sent to fetch water with a sieve.
(and thanks)
Re: Blood Thief Quest [Dual Class] Question
Posted: 06 Nov 2019, 01:54
by Alexandrea
It's the settings under your battle tactics I believe? You need to set it to have your Sebastian run away from all npcs asap. (I think, it's been a while) Try that AND be sure to unequip all weapons and turn off any/all powers.