You're the blood of my blood
- Trahir Trahison
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- Joined: 16 Apr 2015, 19:09
- CrowNet Handle: Ahab
- Location: Looking over your shoulder
Re: You're the blood of my blood
His family was alive. Mother, father, sister. He wasn't. He'd died on the floor of a basement in April. March hadn't gone out like a lamb. It had been freezing. When he had awoken, the thirst was the only heat his body knew and he'd near ripped the hair out of his own head tugging it out of the frozen pool of blood he'd been laying in. He'd erased his memories. Why? If his family was alive it made no sense for him to do that. Surely it had contributed to his sense of detachment from humanity, possibly from his emotions. Why would he have wiped his own memories?
Gears started turning in the Killer's mind.
"If she is here looking for me, then other family members likely know she is here. Killing her would attract more scrutiny. If she finds me, then that could pose a whole list of other problems. Not the smallest of which being explaining why I have had a sudden growth spurt over the last year. That doesn't happen with adult homo sapiens."
He runs the tip of his index finger around the rim of the glass before him in thought. He doesn't know where he picked up the habit but he's noticed he does it a lot while thinking through problems. Usually personal ones. That alone is a very human tell... fidgeting.
"Find out what you can. I'll need some information before I make a decision. The only options I see are either meeting her, turning her, or giving her proof her brother is indeed dead."
Gears started turning in the Killer's mind.
"If she is here looking for me, then other family members likely know she is here. Killing her would attract more scrutiny. If she finds me, then that could pose a whole list of other problems. Not the smallest of which being explaining why I have had a sudden growth spurt over the last year. That doesn't happen with adult homo sapiens."
He runs the tip of his index finger around the rim of the glass before him in thought. He doesn't know where he picked up the habit but he's noticed he does it a lot while thinking through problems. Usually personal ones. That alone is a very human tell... fidgeting.
"Find out what you can. I'll need some information before I make a decision. The only options I see are either meeting her, turning her, or giving her proof her brother is indeed dead."
Tribulation brings enlightenment...

- Mortll
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- CrowNet Handle: The DragonLady
Re: You're the blood of my blood
Mortll chuckled "You do realize that proving that you are dead would probably either mean killing you or Trusting someone that you don't particularly get along with don't you ? "she said thinking of Doc " It seems you have went through a personality transplant as well ... it sometimes happens when people are turned. Our blood plays tricks on us in terrible ways sometimes . People have become mute , insane , developed things such as skin and monstrous visages that keep them in the dark and shadows not being able to participate in society. Any amount of unusual things happen to those we turn. You seem to be one of those cases "Your sister is expecting a smiling fun loving cuddly brother that she adores Instead she will get hard and stone cold you .... Your not exactly the cuddly type my dear " A slight smile creeped upon her face with that last statement. It was actually one of the things she liked about Mr Trahison

Andre Broussard, Seva Soryimova, Grace Batton, Natsuko, Tiamat, Shay Sylvar
- Trahir Trahison
- Registered User
- Posts: 762
- Joined: 16 Apr 2015, 19:09
- CrowNet Handle: Ahab
- Location: Looking over your shoulder
Re: You're the blood of my blood
"It would mean trusting someone who has turned their back on me. That doesn't mean I wouldn't be able to trust her." Trahir looks to the glass before him thoughtfully, his finger withdrawing from the rim, instead joining the others to grasp it lightly by the stem and bring it to his lips, draining the glass.
"With the help of certain people though, the incident could be made to appear on the up and up. A body, a death certificate, and the peaceable elimination of this... girl. It would take some work. But it is entirely possible with the abilities we have at our disposal and the connections to the mortal world."
He sets the glass down. Looking up from the table to Mortll he asks, "And who said I'm not the cuddly type?"
"With the help of certain people though, the incident could be made to appear on the up and up. A body, a death certificate, and the peaceable elimination of this... girl. It would take some work. But it is entirely possible with the abilities we have at our disposal and the connections to the mortal world."
He sets the glass down. Looking up from the table to Mortll he asks, "And who said I'm not the cuddly type?"
Tribulation brings enlightenment...

- Mortll
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- Posts: 2923
- Joined: 09 Jun 2011, 06:05
- CrowNet Handle: The DragonLady
Re: You're the blood of my blood
"Ive hired the girl at the Voodoo as a daytime waitress ... are you really sure you want to kill your blood ... she may be more of a asset than a liability if you work this thing properly. If I were you I would at least meet her aren't you at least one bit curious as to where you came from ? Why you were even here ? What you were ? That girl has all those answers. And I guess the general population is wrong your just so damn cuddly I could just squish your cheeks " Mortll wore a **** eating grin on her face with that last statement. She knew the man sitting before her still did not trust her. She half expected that he didn't quite know what to think of her .
Being predictable was never her strong suit . Except when it came to work and relaxation .
Being predictable was never her strong suit . Except when it came to work and relaxation .

Andre Broussard, Seva Soryimova, Grace Batton, Natsuko, Tiamat, Shay Sylvar
- Trahir Trahison
- Registered User
- Posts: 762
- Joined: 16 Apr 2015, 19:09
- CrowNet Handle: Ahab
- Location: Looking over your shoulder
Re: You're the blood of my blood
Hired her as a waitress. Of course Mortll had hired her. That way she could find out more and would have something hanging over Trahir's head. It made sense now. Perhaps she would end up handing the girl, his sister, over to Doctor Nilson. Trahir suspected she had done that with he himself. It was a major point of contention between them. The elephant in the room. If she had been willing to betray him, why would she voluntarily tell him? Thus there had been no point in asking her about it. Harper Rock had it's secrets, but not as many as people liked to think.
The barrage of questions go unanswered for the moment. Trahir is curious but he is going to take a lesson from the page of the cat who was killed for it's own inquisitive nature. He instead remarks on a later comment. "The general populace is usually wrong. Especially in Harper Rock." He remains seated next to Mortll, sitting back and putting an arm over the back of the couch behind her.
His fingers brush a stray lock of hair away from her face. "So you've told me about my sister. You've offered to aid her and you have given her a job. That puts you in a position of trust with her. It puts you in some position of control over me I suppose. You could help me or you could try and harm me through her little quest for knowledge. What are you expecting from me? What is your end game?"
The barrage of questions go unanswered for the moment. Trahir is curious but he is going to take a lesson from the page of the cat who was killed for it's own inquisitive nature. He instead remarks on a later comment. "The general populace is usually wrong. Especially in Harper Rock." He remains seated next to Mortll, sitting back and putting an arm over the back of the couch behind her.
His fingers brush a stray lock of hair away from her face. "So you've told me about my sister. You've offered to aid her and you have given her a job. That puts you in a position of trust with her. It puts you in some position of control over me I suppose. You could help me or you could try and harm me through her little quest for knowledge. What are you expecting from me? What is your end game?"
Tribulation brings enlightenment...

- Mortll
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- Posts: 2923
- Joined: 09 Jun 2011, 06:05
- CrowNet Handle: The DragonLady
Re: You're the blood of my blood
"You know to be honest thoughts of using this girl to my mind ...Then it occurred to me why The only reason I told Doc about your blackmailing Dom was because Dom was so new to all of this vampire thing ... Ive talked to her about you The girl has no chance of getting hurt by you. So that concern of mine is all settled . So I pretty much have no reason or want to have a advantage over you . I just thought it would be better to know where the girl was and how to maybe reign in her curiosity if she has a job that's time shes not out plastering fliers up with your face on them." she paused a moment. She was looking for the right way to say that she actually liked the man without giving his over inflated ego any more fuel than it needed .

Andre Broussard, Seva Soryimova, Grace Batton, Natsuko, Tiamat, Shay Sylvar
- Trahir Trahison
- Registered User
- Posts: 762
- Joined: 16 Apr 2015, 19:09
- CrowNet Handle: Ahab
- Location: Looking over your shoulder
Re: You're the blood of my blood
"Blackmailing generally requires that I stood to gain something by holding something over another's head. I gained nothing. Both Dominique and I suffered during that time, both both came out the stronger for it. I wasn't hurting her." He pauses for a moment. There was the explosion... He chooses not to bring that up. "I was helping her to understand what she is. Which she does."
Trahir keeps his eyes on Mortll, his arm still around her over the back of the couch. ""So, in this situation with my sister, what do you think I should do?"
He knows what he wants to do. He knows what it makes sense to do. He also has a good inclination of what he actually ~will~ do. They are three completely different things though. Trahir normally does as he wants to. It's been a downfall of his on numerous occasions and if he were being brutally honest with himself his sense of what should be is skewed. He is a creature of desires and lusts and finds it hard not to pursue them when they arise. It's so rare for him to feel anything. It drives him to extremism.
Trahir keeps his eyes on Mortll, his arm still around her over the back of the couch. ""So, in this situation with my sister, what do you think I should do?"
He knows what he wants to do. He knows what it makes sense to do. He also has a good inclination of what he actually ~will~ do. They are three completely different things though. Trahir normally does as he wants to. It's been a downfall of his on numerous occasions and if he were being brutally honest with himself his sense of what should be is skewed. He is a creature of desires and lusts and finds it hard not to pursue them when they arise. It's so rare for him to feel anything. It drives him to extremism.
Tribulation brings enlightenment...

- Mortll
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- Posts: 2923
- Joined: 09 Jun 2011, 06:05
- CrowNet Handle: The DragonLady
Re: You're the blood of my blood
"Blackmail means you use something to control a situation to get people to do as you wish not what they would do themselves as well. That is what you were doing... so Yes I had my concerns Dom is someone special. There are few people I actually like in this city. Stubborn to a fault yes and I understand the necessity to resort to such a thing with her ... but I had my concerns. I very much could have used this little situation to find a advantage... People looking for you ... More than one ... both children disappear ... Parents and authorities think its more than just a rebellious son then ... More scrutiny and more people looking. You cant control a whole world Mr. Trahison no matter how much you try." she leaned forward and grabbed the bottle of innocence pouring herself another glass.
She studied Mr Trahison He was handsome in a sort of pretty boy muscle bound look at me way Mortll had never quite fancied that type other than a bit of eye candy . Mr Trahidon had proven himself to be more than just that . It was to be seen if he ever trusted her enough again for a real friendship , for now this tense relationship would have to suffice . "So how do you think you are going to handle this Mr Snuggle bunny " Mortll cracked a grin at her own little joke .
She studied Mr Trahison He was handsome in a sort of pretty boy muscle bound look at me way Mortll had never quite fancied that type other than a bit of eye candy . Mr Trahidon had proven himself to be more than just that . It was to be seen if he ever trusted her enough again for a real friendship , for now this tense relationship would have to suffice . "So how do you think you are going to handle this Mr Snuggle bunny " Mortll cracked a grin at her own little joke .

Andre Broussard, Seva Soryimova, Grace Batton, Natsuko, Tiamat, Shay Sylvar
- Trahir Trahison
- Registered User
- Posts: 762
- Joined: 16 Apr 2015, 19:09
- CrowNet Handle: Ahab
- Location: Looking over your shoulder
Re: You're the blood of my blood
His eyes are drawn to the thick, pure, untainted liquid funneling from the bottle to slosh into the glass before her. Even without the scent of the coppery blood filling the air, the consistency of the deep red fluid would be a dead giveaway as to what it was. His thirst niggles at the back of his throat. Nothing remotely uncommon about that. Lately he's noticed it is always there, a subtle yearning right after a feeding, a ravenous cavern yearning to be filled when left unsatisfied for even the briefest of times. He wants to close his eyes, to focus on the words Mortll speaks. This matters. It's important. He needs to be focused, alert. It's difficult.
As usual he manages. Difficult has thus far been the sum of his brief existence as one of Harper Rock's living impaired citizens. "We are young. Youth intercedes where wisdom, coming from age would step back and observe. Your apology is accepted. Don't interfere with my machinations again. I have not given you cause to do so by interfering with yours."
Trahir looks up from her glass finally, the liquid within having settled. His mood has not though. He says nothing for the moment. The verbal acknowledgment of his suspicions has him grasping for control. He wants to backhand her across the room. He wants her teeth and fangs clattering on the floor in front of him. He is in her dwelling. She is the hostess. It would be rude to spill blood when invited into her home. That and he needs her. For the moment.
"How am I going to handle this...? Can I trust you enough to tell you? 'Upon what other ears would my words alight? Those lips that beg the question, though beautiful, conceal a jagged and venomous tongue.' I can't remember which opera the verse is from. The man delivered the line with the wrong inflection though so it stuck in my memory. "
He remains where he was, not moving, his eyes now watching her. "I'm disappointed in your betrayal Mortll. I gave you a secret of mine, you gave me one in return. You exploited mine and caused me harm. Should I be the bigger... person?"
As usual he manages. Difficult has thus far been the sum of his brief existence as one of Harper Rock's living impaired citizens. "We are young. Youth intercedes where wisdom, coming from age would step back and observe. Your apology is accepted. Don't interfere with my machinations again. I have not given you cause to do so by interfering with yours."
Trahir looks up from her glass finally, the liquid within having settled. His mood has not though. He says nothing for the moment. The verbal acknowledgment of his suspicions has him grasping for control. He wants to backhand her across the room. He wants her teeth and fangs clattering on the floor in front of him. He is in her dwelling. She is the hostess. It would be rude to spill blood when invited into her home. That and he needs her. For the moment.
"How am I going to handle this...? Can I trust you enough to tell you? 'Upon what other ears would my words alight? Those lips that beg the question, though beautiful, conceal a jagged and venomous tongue.' I can't remember which opera the verse is from. The man delivered the line with the wrong inflection though so it stuck in my memory. "
He remains where he was, not moving, his eyes now watching her. "I'm disappointed in your betrayal Mortll. I gave you a secret of mine, you gave me one in return. You exploited mine and caused me harm. Should I be the bigger... person?"
Tribulation brings enlightenment...

- Mortll
- Registered User
- Posts: 2923
- Joined: 09 Jun 2011, 06:05
- CrowNet Handle: The DragonLady
Re: You're the blood of my blood
"Exploited my *** I had nothing to gain from you being harmed ... You want the truth you are nothing to me ... You bought my time at a auction and you are ******* with someone that I actually do care about ... You want me to care for you then you give me something worth caring about. So far you intrigue me but as far as manipulating you I did no such thing you offered those things up freely. This isn't some school yard and we aren't 12. You imagine ive done you some slight because Doc took exception at how you were treating his Childe .... You **** with one of my creations by holding something over their head I'm quite sure I would take exception too ... Its my job to teach them the ways of this world ... Not yours. You are too assuming and you think your the **** Mr Trahison .... Something this sister of yours isn't going to recognize. I've bought you a small amount of time and let you know where to find her. This is your problem Its going to be up to you to solve it ."
She placed her glass back on the table "Mr Trahison if I were you id contact the girl sooner than later or you might find your face plastered on a Billboard or worse the local News Channel "
She placed her glass back on the table "Mr Trahison if I were you id contact the girl sooner than later or you might find your face plastered on a Billboard or worse the local News Channel "

Andre Broussard, Seva Soryimova, Grace Batton, Natsuko, Tiamat, Shay Sylvar