Silence of Dragons (OPEN)
- Tiamat
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- CrowNet Handle: Goddess of Babylon
Re: Silence of Dragons (OPEN)
Tia barely noticed Mortll returning from the back. What she did notice was the sound of crashing tables and dishes, she didn’t bother turning around at the sound. She mere placed a hand over her face and shook her head. She turned around to see Seiji laying on the floor surrounded by tables, dishes, and food.The hand stayed up against her mouth as she motioned some of the other staff over to begin cleaning up.
She first approached the waitress who had been delivering the soup. “Tell your table that we’re sincerely sorry for this mishap, and that I’ll personally be paying for their entire meal,” she ordered with a hand on the woman’s shoulder. Then She turned her attention to Seiji and the woman who had called her over. She reached under the man’s armpits and lifted him up and pushed him into the booth as gently as possible.
She took care to examine the boy. He was pale as though he had been ill. She noticed a small drop of crimson on his collar. She lightly scratched at it. She moved her hand to her face. she made it look as though she was in thought. She could smell the blood from his clothing on her finger. She motioned for another server to come over to the table.
“Sofia, please get Miss Snow another salad, and also whatever food Seiji here wants with a large glass of Juice. I’ll be picking up the tab for this table as well.”
“Of course Tia,” She replied as she moved off to the side. With that taken care of, Tiamat approached last area of the Seiji Disaster. She carefully knelt down and picked up the soggy remnants of the woman’s sketch book.
“I apologize for the inconvenience tonight. I’ll personally pay for a replacement book for you, as well as picking up your tab for tonight’s meal.” She set the book down on a food tray and left it on the woman’s table. She turned around and noticed Mortll standing nearby. “If you’ll pardon me miss, I’ll return to check up on things.”
She then walked across the the room to her boss. Her expression grew darker as she got closer. “Em, can I speak to the office, please,” she pointed off past the restrooms and kitchen were, “Now.”
She first approached the waitress who had been delivering the soup. “Tell your table that we’re sincerely sorry for this mishap, and that I’ll personally be paying for their entire meal,” she ordered with a hand on the woman’s shoulder. Then She turned her attention to Seiji and the woman who had called her over. She reached under the man’s armpits and lifted him up and pushed him into the booth as gently as possible.
She took care to examine the boy. He was pale as though he had been ill. She noticed a small drop of crimson on his collar. She lightly scratched at it. She moved her hand to her face. she made it look as though she was in thought. She could smell the blood from his clothing on her finger. She motioned for another server to come over to the table.
“Sofia, please get Miss Snow another salad, and also whatever food Seiji here wants with a large glass of Juice. I’ll be picking up the tab for this table as well.”
“Of course Tia,” She replied as she moved off to the side. With that taken care of, Tiamat approached last area of the Seiji Disaster. She carefully knelt down and picked up the soggy remnants of the woman’s sketch book.
“I apologize for the inconvenience tonight. I’ll personally pay for a replacement book for you, as well as picking up your tab for tonight’s meal.” She set the book down on a food tray and left it on the woman’s table. She turned around and noticed Mortll standing nearby. “If you’ll pardon me miss, I’ll return to check up on things.”
She then walked across the the room to her boss. Her expression grew darker as she got closer. “Em, can I speak to the office, please,” she pointed off past the restrooms and kitchen were, “Now.”

- Posts: 51
- Joined: 01 Mar 2015, 12:09
Re: Silence of Dragons (OPEN)
A sense of soft and warmth covered Seiji, comforting almost as determined hands guided him away from gravity’s clutches and into a more proper seating. There was something against his face, clearing away bits of something that made his eyes burn and his vision blur, and gradually things began to slip into focus again. The first thing he became aware of in this state was a gaggle of faces, some familiar and some not. His eyes drifted over each with a delirious sort of puzzlement, like one who woke from a long and deep dream state. Tia was already moving away, but a face he wasn’t sure of was there, and he had to try a few times before he could force the name out questioningly.
“Sil..?” His gaze drifted to follow hers, and when he saw the damaged notebook and heard Tia’s comment an abject sort of horror crossed his face. “Oh my god did I- I’m so sorry I-” he blurted out sharply, getting to his feet. A wave of dizziness hit him like a brick wall and he sagged back into his seat, covering his face with both hands. Mumbled apologies were covered by his palms, slipping between his fingers in a low sort of groan.
A large glass of some sort of drink was pressed into his hands suddenly, and he mumbled something incoherent as he accepted it, his shoulders sagging with an embarrassed sort of guilt. After some digging around his pockets he produced a small bottle of iron pills and dropped two into his palm before replacing the bottle. Both pills were downed one at a time, and finally he built up the courage to look over at Winter. “I’m sorry.. Did I.. Was it bad?” he asked, looking between Winter and Sil like he was expecting to be told he’d just committed mass genocide.
“Sil..?” His gaze drifted to follow hers, and when he saw the damaged notebook and heard Tia’s comment an abject sort of horror crossed his face. “Oh my god did I- I’m so sorry I-” he blurted out sharply, getting to his feet. A wave of dizziness hit him like a brick wall and he sagged back into his seat, covering his face with both hands. Mumbled apologies were covered by his palms, slipping between his fingers in a low sort of groan.
A large glass of some sort of drink was pressed into his hands suddenly, and he mumbled something incoherent as he accepted it, his shoulders sagging with an embarrassed sort of guilt. After some digging around his pockets he produced a small bottle of iron pills and dropped two into his palm before replacing the bottle. Both pills were downed one at a time, and finally he built up the courage to look over at Winter. “I’m sorry.. Did I.. Was it bad?” he asked, looking between Winter and Sil like he was expecting to be told he’d just committed mass genocide.
- Posts: 66
- Joined: 16 Feb 2015, 07:41
Re: Silence of Dragons (OPEN)
Seiji looked as if he were vanishing away like a dissipating ghost. He did remember Silhouette and she smiled widely as he mentioned her name. She'd thought she'd been long forgotten and hearing her name from another was bittersweet.
She shook her head at his guilt and her smile dropped as she noticed his tablets. He was taking medication? They looked similar to a supplement she'd had to take in her human days and she hoped, with a deep sadness toward the alternative, that he was not a walking meal.
"Nothing terrible's happened, just some tipped food." She slid the tray with her soggy sketchbook into the booth seat beside her, inconspicuously. "Are you feeling okay?" Silhouette watched his eyes, which seemed unfocused as if he were coming out of a dream.
She reached out and felt one of his lanky hands, pressed the back of her hand to his forhead, and then to a cheek. He seemed warmed but Silhouette wondered if it was only out of embarrassment. If the spot of blood was from feeding, he ought to have been cold... and Silhouette began eyeing the restaurant until she was fixated on the two women walking away.
She shook her head at his guilt and her smile dropped as she noticed his tablets. He was taking medication? They looked similar to a supplement she'd had to take in her human days and she hoped, with a deep sadness toward the alternative, that he was not a walking meal.
"Nothing terrible's happened, just some tipped food." She slid the tray with her soggy sketchbook into the booth seat beside her, inconspicuously. "Are you feeling okay?" Silhouette watched his eyes, which seemed unfocused as if he were coming out of a dream.
She reached out and felt one of his lanky hands, pressed the back of her hand to his forhead, and then to a cheek. He seemed warmed but Silhouette wondered if it was only out of embarrassment. If the spot of blood was from feeding, he ought to have been cold... and Silhouette began eyeing the restaurant until she was fixated on the two women walking away.

- Mortll
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- CrowNet Handle: The DragonLady
Re: Silence of Dragons (OPEN)
[The following is a live chat role play ]
Mortll: Mortll had made it back to the bar and was about to resume her seat when all hell broke loose. Seiji had made his way out into the dining room just to cause a minor public disaster. Mortll cringed as she heard the tray hit the floor and the exclamations from several of the guests at the commotion that had ensued. She turned to Sam and told him to give free drink passes to all the waitresses to be passed out to all the tables for free drinks on their next visit. Mortll turned and headed toward the kalamity but Tiamat cut off her progress demanding that she speak to her ... Mortll looked at her and nodded reluctantly leaving the young man in the company of others .Tiamat: She half heard the second woman speaking to Seiji. It seemed she knew the boy. She glanced back to make sure he was being well cared for. Stepping around Mortll, she glided her way though the restaurant and to the office. Once they were in the room with door closed, Tiamat turned back around to face her boss. "Tell me Mortll, did you have a hand in that out there," she questioned as she took a long deep breath. Her hand rested on the edge of the desk as she attempted to control the anger that had been building up.
Mortll: Mortll smiled and shrugged her shoulders 'Didn't expect him to pass out and trash half the restaurant apparently he's lost more than a pint of blood today. Call the paramedics and have him looked over by a doctor and call the our risk assessment person for our insurance they will want a report and statements since it was such a public accident and your friend tastes pretty good i know why you keep him around. "
Tiamat: Her nonchalant attitude added more fuel to the fire inside Tia. A delicate hand slammed against the wall violently as her face went from its usual color to nearly blood red. a scream burst from the petite's woman mouth as she began yelling at her boss. She was so enraged that she didn't realize her words were in the mesopotamian language of her past life. "Are you goddamned insane woman?! Did you not see the condition he was in before you assaulted him?! What in the Nine Hells did you think was going to happen?! He was just going to shrug it off like a ****ing mosquito bite?! Do not ever talk to me about self control when you clearly haven't figured this **** out yourself!" She only vaguely aware that others could possibly be hearing the noise coming from the office.
Mortll: Mortll raised a eyebrow when the screaming woman in front of her seemed to stop the yelling . "Are you quite done ?"
Tiamat: She paused and stared at Mortll, her jaw clenched so tightly you could nearly hear her teeth grinding together. She took a deep breath to control the urge to begin screaming at Mortll a second time."," she asked barely moving her lips as she spoke quietly. Her body was still shaking with rage. "You can call the insurance and clean up your mess. There will be no doctors getting involved. I'm not going to explain how someone lost blood without hurting themselves. Unless you want to exposed as a blood drinking lunatic.

Andre Broussard, Seva Soryimova, Grace Batton, Natsuko, Tiamat, Shay Sylvar
- Tiamat
- Registered User
- Posts: 144
- Joined: 13 May 2013, 04:15
- CrowNet Handle: Goddess of Babylon
Re: Silence of Dragons (OPEN)
[The following is a live chat role play ]
Mortll: Mortll smiled. “Sit down, call the boy a Dr. Apparently he means a lot to you, or you wouldn't be losing it and yelling at me in i don't know what the **** language that was . Second, people lose blood all the time unexplainably, so get him some help.If you don't want him being some random vampire’s chew toy or lunch, I would suggest you either lock him up or consider turning him. She looked at the woman levelly "I'm a monster I know what I am. I don't give a rat’s *** if he walks out of this restaurant and ******* dies.Hell, I don't give a rat’s *** about him at all, except that you seem to care about him, and since you do It's your responsibility to protect him from the monsters in this city There are many many that will do a lot worse than drinking a little blood.So it's up to you to do something about it ."Tiamat: "My problem, is that you did it here, in this place. You should have been smart enough to know something like that disaster was going to happen. He was already out of his skull from getting bitten once. A blind monster could have seen that. Instead, you decided to exhibit the self control of Robert. You want to bite him, fine. But do not be this stupid about it
Mortll: Mortll just smiled "I give you a lot of latitude with this place because you are good and i pay you well. I clean up my own messes. Hell i may even clean up a few of yours. But never forget, This is My Place" With that she got up and exited the office and texted Aviana the details of the accident and asked her to please call risk assessment for her. You pay someone 900 bucks a day it seems like you could get them to make a simple phone call. But, she could understand why the woman was upset. Mortll had played with her toy. Mortll stopped by the table that Seiji was sitting at she handed him her card. "If you need a Dr or paramedic, it is on me just have the hospital send the bill to this address and tell them that you had a accident here at Dragons Lair. It will all be taken care of. I do hope you feel better "
Tiamat: She growled as Mortl left the office. "You're the one who begged me to come back," she snarled out to the empty room, "I also leave no messes to be cleaned up." She sat down at the desk and opened her purse. She removed a small thumb drive, and a smart phone with earbuds. She played music as she powered up the computer and began hacking into other businesses. She needed to use this time to relax before setting foot back out in the main room. "Damn that arrogant woman," she cursed under her breath.

- Posts: 29
- Joined: 28 Oct 2015, 19:12
Re: Silence of Dragons (OPEN)
Winter was concentrating on Sinji when she heard the yelling all she heard though was the language that was a dead language coming from the back it was a bit muffled but she could tell it was old. She could also tell it was from Tia so she would watch that one. Right now though her attention was going to be on Sinji and how he was doing. She watched him take the Iron pills and knew he was anemic the orange juice would help him then that and some protein but the young man did not look like he would eat meat.
She smiled at him softy yep she would probably have a soft spot for the young man but that was because he reminded her of her younger brother that she lost. He was her best friend and she keep him in her heart when he had past. He was one of the few that believed in her work and told her to go look for the things she was looking for. When he died she did it because he had said she should. Before that though she was not going to leave him he was to sick for her to do that and she did not want him to be alone. "My name is Winter. Would you like a peanut butter sandwich if they make them here. I think the protein in it might help you out."
She had ignored about her food and drink though when a new cup of hot tea had been brought she was grateful something about tea was a comfort to her. Even as a child it had been. She watched as the woman gave Sinji a card and then left but looked back to see about Tia she would go look for the woman in a minute after she was sure that Sinji was okay. She did not know his name but she was going to make sure he was fine.
She smiled at him softy yep she would probably have a soft spot for the young man but that was because he reminded her of her younger brother that she lost. He was her best friend and she keep him in her heart when he had past. He was one of the few that believed in her work and told her to go look for the things she was looking for. When he died she did it because he had said she should. Before that though she was not going to leave him he was to sick for her to do that and she did not want him to be alone. "My name is Winter. Would you like a peanut butter sandwich if they make them here. I think the protein in it might help you out."
She had ignored about her food and drink though when a new cup of hot tea had been brought she was grateful something about tea was a comfort to her. Even as a child it had been. She watched as the woman gave Sinji a card and then left but looked back to see about Tia she would go look for the woman in a minute after she was sure that Sinji was okay. She did not know his name but she was going to make sure he was fine.
- Posts: 51
- Joined: 01 Mar 2015, 12:09
Re: Silence of Dragons (OPEN)
Taking a small sip of water, Seiji thought about how to answer Sil's question. Was he okay? Constant, frequent blackouts like this? Losing track of time? It just seemed to be getting worse each day, but one look at Sil's anxious eyes and he knew he couldn't bring himself to lay such thoughts on her shoulders. With a wavering smile, he answered. "Yeah, I.. I'm alright. Sorry. I just... I should probably have taken these sooner," he spoke as he shook the bottle of pills in a lighthearted fashion. The action was ill-timed, though, as his fingers didn't have the strength to avoid accidentally losing his grip, causing the bottle to roll quite a distance away. Wincing, he ran a hand over his face, mumbling what was probably his tenth apology as of late.
He thought he could hear some yelling, and he glanced in the office direction, puzzled. A moment later Mortll had passed him a card, which he managed not to drop with a good deal of difficulty. "Oh.. uh.. thanks.." he mumbled, completely baffled. The woman had a familiar face, but already he couldn't recall where he'd seen her. All that he knew was a settling unease that hung in the pit of his stomach the moment their fingers touched, and he couldn't help but flinch back just a small bit. Watching her leave, he felt dazed and confused until Winter's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
"I- I'm Seiji," he offered back in a surprised sort of tone. He moved to shake her hand, accidentally offering the card instead. Laughing sheepishly, he pocketed the card before trying the action a second time. "I'm fine, really.. but thanks for the offer. I uh.. I didn't um.. are you alright?" The hand moved, rubbing the back of his head. At least, now, a spark of his usual lightheartedness shone through. "I uh.. I don't really eat peanut butter much. My mother was allergic and it always gets stuck to the roof of my mouth." He opened his mouth and gestured upwards briefly. Sometimes Seiji truly resembled a sort of accident-prone puppy. This was one of those many times.
He thought he could hear some yelling, and he glanced in the office direction, puzzled. A moment later Mortll had passed him a card, which he managed not to drop with a good deal of difficulty. "Oh.. uh.. thanks.." he mumbled, completely baffled. The woman had a familiar face, but already he couldn't recall where he'd seen her. All that he knew was a settling unease that hung in the pit of his stomach the moment their fingers touched, and he couldn't help but flinch back just a small bit. Watching her leave, he felt dazed and confused until Winter's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
"I- I'm Seiji," he offered back in a surprised sort of tone. He moved to shake her hand, accidentally offering the card instead. Laughing sheepishly, he pocketed the card before trying the action a second time. "I'm fine, really.. but thanks for the offer. I uh.. I didn't um.. are you alright?" The hand moved, rubbing the back of his head. At least, now, a spark of his usual lightheartedness shone through. "I uh.. I don't really eat peanut butter much. My mother was allergic and it always gets stuck to the roof of my mouth." He opened his mouth and gestured upwards briefly. Sometimes Seiji truly resembled a sort of accident-prone puppy. This was one of those many times.
- Posts: 66
- Joined: 16 Feb 2015, 07:41
Re: Silence of Dragons (OPEN)
There was yelling from the distance and Silhouette knew it had to involve what happened to Seiji. Someone did feed on him and they weren't supposed to. She could just make out some of the shouting over the rest of the murmurs of the restaurant. The blonde was offering peanut butter sandwiches to Seiji but appeared focused on something miles away. Was she listening to the argument? Sil couldn't tell if perhaps this woman was also a vampire, or another human in the dark about Harper Rock's night life.
A cool, collected woman approached Seiji and, in the most stoic manner, handed him a card that he of course fumbled before introducing himself to the mystery blonde. Silhouette watched momentarily as the woman slinked away like a predator. She oozed the most unnerving traits of a vampire. The smooth, ruthlessness that most people came to fear. She broke away from her focus to rejoin the two before her. In the midst of their introductions, she only felt it would be right to add her name to the draw
"I'm silhouette" she offered a greeting to the concerned stranger. "Maybe sandwiches are a bad idea all together. I remember a hilarious story involving Seiji and sandwiches... monster sandwiches." Silhouette chuckled and met Seiji's eye's waiting for him to remember something of this incident.
"You do need to try and eat something though. Anything in particular?" Her concern was more evident than even she'd wanted to let on. Silhouette felt like Seiji really was her first friend in quite a while, regardless of his tendency to drag her into chaos. Seeing him drained of everything his is was causing her to nearly tremble with anger. She was still relieved to see him perking just a little at least.
A cool, collected woman approached Seiji and, in the most stoic manner, handed him a card that he of course fumbled before introducing himself to the mystery blonde. Silhouette watched momentarily as the woman slinked away like a predator. She oozed the most unnerving traits of a vampire. The smooth, ruthlessness that most people came to fear. She broke away from her focus to rejoin the two before her. In the midst of their introductions, she only felt it would be right to add her name to the draw
"I'm silhouette" she offered a greeting to the concerned stranger. "Maybe sandwiches are a bad idea all together. I remember a hilarious story involving Seiji and sandwiches... monster sandwiches." Silhouette chuckled and met Seiji's eye's waiting for him to remember something of this incident.
"You do need to try and eat something though. Anything in particular?" Her concern was more evident than even she'd wanted to let on. Silhouette felt like Seiji really was her first friend in quite a while, regardless of his tendency to drag her into chaos. Seeing him drained of everything his is was causing her to nearly tremble with anger. She was still relieved to see him perking just a little at least.

- Posts: 29
- Joined: 28 Oct 2015, 19:12
Re: Silence of Dragons (OPEN)
Winter had heard the words from Sinji and then Sil and nodded. "If your mom was allergic maybe you are as well you never know. It is nice to meet you both though this is a bit of a strange way to meet them." She watches them both and seeing that they both know each other she smiles "I am going to find Tia. I want to make sure everything is okay. Sinji please take care of yourself you remind me of my little brother he was my very best friend in the world and I miss him so. Please take good care of yourself okay."
She got up from the table and took her hot tea with her towards the back rooms looking for Tia. She walks past the bathrooms and sees the office looking in seeing Tia she knocks on the door. Poking her head in she smiles at the woman "Hey Tia. I know I am probably not supposed to be back here but was wondering if you where okay I heard the yelling and some sounded like it was in an old language I had been studying."
She got up from the table and took her hot tea with her towards the back rooms looking for Tia. She walks past the bathrooms and sees the office looking in seeing Tia she knocks on the door. Poking her head in she smiles at the woman "Hey Tia. I know I am probably not supposed to be back here but was wondering if you where okay I heard the yelling and some sounded like it was in an old language I had been studying."
- Posts: 51
- Joined: 01 Mar 2015, 12:09
Re: Silence of Dragons (OPEN)
If he was embarrassed before, Seiji looked mildly mortified at the mention of sandwich related catastrophe's. He covered his face with his hands and shook his head, but a hint of laughter seeped between his fingers. "Don't remind me... I wore half that sandwich..." He lowered his hands again and smiled faintly at Sil. It felt good to have an old, familiar face around. It revitalized him in a way. Seeing Winter leave, he seemed thoughtful on her parting words. "I have a little sister," he murmured self-consciously, as if he'd meant it as a reply but had hesitated at the last minute.
Shaking his head, he turned his eyes back to Sil. "I-I'm fine, really. I'll be fine, but thankyou.. um.." He fidgited. "How have you bee doing?"
Shaking his head, he turned his eyes back to Sil. "I-I'm fine, really. I'll be fine, but thankyou.. um.." He fidgited. "How have you bee doing?"