A wondering one [open]

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Stryge (DELETED 7204)
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Joined: 05 Sep 2015, 01:13

Re: A wondering one [open]

Post by Stryge (DELETED 7204) »

Stryge looked contemplative, the smile still there, but more thoughtful. "Well Forsyth, that's a sadder story than mine. I rejected my maker; and brought a mess of trouble down on my head for it. But you, you didn't have much of a choice, did you buddy?"

Stryge was having a hard time thinking through the part Forsyth had told him about the fact that he and his sire were in a relationship. He could never imagine viewing Pi that way, through those lenses. Pi was a goddess. You didn't date a goddess, you asked for her blessings and strove for her favor. You worshiped her. But what the heck, he was in no position now to reject things he didn't understand. His whole existence had turned into one big conundrum, dead but still alive, bleeding black and casting no shadow. What a brave new world that has such creatures in it. He had met other vampires, whose gifts were different than his own. He wondered what remarkable abilities Forsyth might possess.

He continued, "I don't know what kind of state I'd be in 9 months on in Harper Rock without help, or nary a sire to guide me. But I'd say you're doing a helluva lot better than I probably would've in your shoes. But there ain't no reason to be out there on your own like that." Stryge rose and looked around the quiet chamber. If there was anyone about tonight besides Forsyth and himself, they were ghosts, and Stryge didn't know that there was much he'd be able to do about that. But for now all was exactly as quiet as you'd expect a church at midnight to be. Stryge hated to cut the conversation short, but he still had a few more things on his to-do list for the night, mostly b&e's.

"I think the coast is clear. If you play it smart, and don't go scuffling with any more bouncers, you should be able to make it back to home without acquiring any more of those scars we both seem to have a penchant for. I gotta say, I enjoyed meeting you Forsyth. You ever want to look me up, you just come on down to Bunk Backpackers. I got a room right above Lancasters Pub. And while you're at it, if you ever need a hand, or someone to talk to, while you're sorting out this thing with your missus, I'd be happy to put in a good word with Pi and Lancaster. In spite of the fact that they're vamps, or maybe because if it, hell I don't know," Stryge chuckled, "they're probably too of the nicest folks I know."

He tipped an imaginary cowboy hat to the Romanian. "You just let me know. You know where to find me now. Either way, I figure our paths will cross again." And with that Stryge slipped into the shadows of the dark church and disappeared completely from sight.
Am I more than you bargained for yet? I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear.
Cause that's just who I am this week.
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