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Re: The Withered Mind | Doc |

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 21:45
by Kamikaze
Tilting her head, Shizuka took it all in, the good, the bad, and the ugly. She listened to the man word for word, her eyes focused on him, never blinking. The reality of the city's situation seemed to explain her situation, which she felt a bit of comfort in. Everything at the moment seemed to be as shattered as she was. With Kamikaze as the protector, it made sense. Kamikaze was brave, almost recklessly so, but she did so with no malice nor hatred. None of the personalities were. Of course, they did have the tendency to get caught up with emotions, which may have been interpreted as malicious thoughts and hatred, but it was just raw and unchecked emotion. Leaning back, in her seat, Shizuka let out a few curses words free in her native tongue, before she slumped. A lot of responsibility seemed to be shoved into her hands, with keeping the mental peace, with helping the whole entity running smoothly with three drivers. It didn't make sense, but in a sense it did. What the man was talking about, it all clicked. Perhaps she was a bit crazy, though it wasn't a disability. It was a unique characteristic that defined her, that she needed to embrace, or that's at least how she thought of it. Looking to Charles, Shizuka took a useless breath in, then released, before leaning forward, her hair covering her face a bit.

I do favor education, and would love to learn as much as I can from the spirits. With these breaches, though, it worries me. Do we know what started this, and how to perhaps fix it? Or are we doomed to let the situation get worse? I have seen terrible things in the Shadows, and I would not want this realm to turn into it.

The third personality, the guiding light, seemed to peek through the eyes of the host, observing, softening the facial expression. She wanted to meet Doc, without being interrupted, without interrupting any of the others. She wanted to try to explain what she would do, to help bring the three to a consensus, to help mitigate the disorder within the mind, to help contain the spirits' words in paper form. With a softer look, the third voice introduced herself with a smile.

I do apologize, for not introducing myself, since you have met both Shizuka and Kamikaze. I do not go by any name of a sort, though Three would work just fine. Having gone by Shizuka in flesh, and being born again into Kamikaze through death, the three of us have never really seen eye to eye on much, but I have at least seen the good that the other two do, when they have given you information dealing with our situation, and seeking help. I believe we were still within the Shadows, when we felt the disturbance, the ruptures, the tears in the veil. There is already so much terror in the world, in our not so humble city, that this calamity is just... not fair on the denizens, both vampiric and non. I do wish there was something I could do, to patch these tears, to help with this chaos... Maybe the spirits of old and new may be able to guide me to the truth, to find a way to fix this... but I'm afraid to get my hopes up. And I do not mind that this situation will not go away altogether. I've embraced the spirits, and will not be so quick to cast them out.