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Re: ♪ Let it all out ♪ (Closed)

Posted: 24 Jun 2015, 19:43
by Skylar
I let Myk keep a hold of the bunny. His thanks isn't really needed. It's just a trinket. I don't think he needs it wrapped or anything and honestly I'm not sure the sales woman's all that up to the task. I wouldn't trust her with anything fragile cos well, she looks like she's off her head and should probably close up shop. I'm honestly kinda glad when he just pocket's the thing. It's probably safer there.
I listen to Myk and I think he's kinda generous in his own way. He brushes off how stupid people are seems to agree with me. Kinda. He's not sure if he'd of bought the excuses but he's willing to admit that he might have. I seriously doubt Ric would have bought it. He's the suspicious sort. I'm pretty sure even as a human, he'd of found his way into the district to check it out. He's kinda good like that. It's half the reason we work as a couple, he's everything I'm not.
"True, true. I think we'd go mad if we questioned everything. I can't imagine questioning why the wind blows. How would you even answer that. I mean yeah science and stuff but that's like asking why I like music. I'd find that question pretty damn difficult to answer. It's like a part of me or something. Like a metaphorical limb or something. How do you explain what you do and don't like. Not that I like music. I love it. It really is like a limb to me. If I couldn't play guitar and sing I honestly don't know what I'd do with myself. You know? Do you have anything like that?"
I look the guy over. I kinda get the feeling that fashion might be his thing. Or lack of. Not that I can really judge or anything, my style's pretty straight forward. His style is... unique.
"Fashion maybe?"
Okay so I put that out there. I'm betting he has his days when he looks a litte more normal than he does right now. Dude might even pass for a woman. Like seriously pass for one, as in you don't question his gender at all but just assume he's a chick. Yeah. I can see that. He wouldn't need a dress neither. I bet he'd rock a pair of jeans and plain tee if he just reigned in the make-up a bit. He style wouldn't be my type, of course but man I bet he'd be stunning. Like Roxy. That chick confused the hell out of me the first time I met her and I'm really not into women.
Damn. I hope this telepath can't read minds because if he knew what I was thinking I might actually be embarrassed. Not that I wouldn't admit all that while off my nut. Or maybe even sober if my mouth decided to run away with itself. But yeah. I wouldn't want to upset the guy and dressed like that he does seem the sort that might be easily upset. Not that I think he'd show it. I mean you've gotta have some serious balls to leave the house dressed like that. But still. Just cos he seems all kinds of confident doesn't mean he is. Lord knows I'm not as confident as I make out. Ric's seen it. He knows.
I make sure my hands aren't clinging on to any jewellery I haven't paid for yet and pick up my guitar case. I'm not sure if Myk's ready to leave yet but either way it's a good idea for me to be ready to move and not to walk out of here with something I shouldn't. Not that I wouldn't return later and pay for it later. But still, I don't want the hassle.
"So you need anything here? I kinda feel like I'm distracting you from achieving your shopping goal."

Re: ♪ Let it all out ♪ (Closed)

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 10:15
by Myk
A science question! Myk’s eyes smiled at the opportunity to flex his grey matter, but his mouth remained a steady line. He wouldn’t say anything about why the wind blows, that it’s about air pressures, temperature, equilibrium, what-have-you. He likely could have talked her ear off on such a simple subject, but, Skylar seemed to definitely be more the type for talking than listening. Besides, he didn’t think she actually wondered why the wind blew; she told him, actually, she didn’t care to ask. So it was just as well that the Telepath had kept his mouth closed and, moreover, Skylar had changed the subject within the blink of an eye. Myk couldn’t sooner focus on one question about why the wind blew before a question of her personal preferences came up, followed by a lengthy explanation of why she didn’t just like music, she loved it – it was like a limb. As if it weren’t already too easy to make the Telepath’s mind swirl and twirl and whirl, Myk felt dizzy at this sudden change in subject, this abrupt onslaught of indigestible information. He sensed a twinge in his right temple, the muscles in his brow growing taut and causing one pewter eye to twitch. Myk blinked sharply, repeatedly, in order to conceal it, but he soon realised how ineffective it might have been since Skylar was looking directly at him. She’d asked him a question and expected an answer; anxiety piled atop his vertigo.

“I…” he mumbled before being cut off. “Fashion?” he parroted back and looked down at his attire.

Truth be told, Myk was so consumed by external stimuli that he had forgotten what he looked like. He had no reflection now, nothing with which to scan his exterior and be reminded of his appearance every time he passed by something shiny. It was really hard on his ego and because he was quite vain, it was a difficult pill to swallow when he realised that even he could overlook himself regardless of how much he should have stuck out. Orange and black stared back at him, stopping high on his thighs where bone-white skin continued across shapely legs and down into the cutest little shoes to match his outfit. Myk smiled, satisfied still that he had chosen well tonight, but then again, he hadn’t managed to get what he’d come here for. It was no one's fault exactly; he was picky and there wasn't much that he could work with here. Pewter eyes moved across the room, surveying the spiral of clothes yet again before looking back at the shop keeper. Something dark glistened in those dull shades of grey and brown and Myk looked across to Skylar with a devilish grin.

“D’you ever wonder if it occurs to these people,” he said, or rather purred, eyes turning on the stoned cashier. “The danger? The danger they could be in if they lose their wits? I mean… how would they be able to defend themselves…”

Myk couldn’t be sure what Skylar’s persuasion was, whether she was the type of Vampire that indulged in her baser urges or shunned them with some assumed piousness, but it would be fun to find out. The Telepath was perfectly aware that he had not answered her question about anything he felt a strong connection to, and he was certainly mindful of the fact that the tone of their world had changed now. From a state of blissful and casual civility, Myk had potentially transported them into a world of deviance. It all depended on how Skylar would react…

Re: ♪ Let it all out ♪ (Closed)

Posted: 01 Jul 2015, 20:30
by Skylar
I kinda feel like I've confused the guy. It's not a difficult question. Right? What he's into. If he likes fashion. I mean he's certainly not a follow of fashion but he could be a trend setter. Not that I really see this look catching on but, he must like it. I see him give himself the once over and smile. He must be satisfied by what he sees. I guess that's the appeal of my style. You don't need to give yourself the once over when you generally wear jeans and t-shirt. I'm no trend setter but that's fine by me. I like my wardrobe, small that it is.
I'm a little thrown by his change of topic. It kinda makes sense considering we were talking about the quarantine zone and all that but still, it's a dark twist. I might as well be talking to Ric. I'd of thought someone so out there would prefer more abstract conversations. Though I guess - if I thought about it - this is kind of abstract.
"It's not just them. I'm right there with them."
My sense of self-preservation seems to have taken a permanent holiday. Admitting you can't fight your way out of wet paper bag is fine when you're chatting with family and friends but it's not really something you should admit to a stranger. Yes. I make awesome melee weapons, but I only know the basics on how to handle them. Ric gave me a crash course. But yeah. I'm no battle babe.
"I'm not really into all that kinda stuff. You know. The whole darker side of what we are. Well. I am. But I'm not. I'm no battle babe. But damn if i don't enjoy the sight of my guy giving into his. It's like watching some kind of dance or something. What's the saying... poetry in motion? Something like that. Do you go in for all of that?"
My words may be a bit guarded. I don't mind talking about vamp stuff in front of people but I do try to keep it to a minimum and I prefer to talk in code if I can. The trick to that though, is getting the other person to understand you. Ric and Ellie get me. I think. But then they're used to me. Myk... not so much.
I discretely look him over gain. I can't imagine him going all Bruce Lee on something but then he does kind of look like he's stepped out of a child's nightmare. He reminds me of that clown in that Stephen King movie, It. That clown used to terrify me; Myk not so much. He has more of a catwalk look about him. To me at least. I think he'd look quite a home walking the runway.

Re: ♪ Let it all out ♪ (Closed)

Posted: 03 Jul 2015, 15:46
by Myk
Pewter eyes shifted over to Skylar in a side-ways glance, holding her in an ambiguous gaze. Her words were a curious admission and his overly cautious mind insisted that it was a trap she was setting rather than any careless declaration on her part. Myk, as a whole, wasn’t sure if he was convinced, but it didn’t matter; he would take her at her words alone. It wasn’t like the air felt particularly charged with mischief – nor anything else for that matter. It was a strange and unexplainable fact that Myk felt utterly apathetic in Skylar’s presence. It seemed as though they had nothing in common, nothing to share and subsequently get excited about. There was nothing to get particularly aggressive about or compete over either. Myk hadn’t spoken much, not in comparison to Skylar at any rate, but whatever subjects were brought up were either quickly dismissed or quickly deflated. Nothing seemed to spark a fire for both of them and Myk began to wonder why they were still a pair.

Despite the lengthy monologue running in Myk’s head, it only took a moment before Myk was staring at the Human instead of Skylar. His focus drifted between various points on her body; her neck, her chest, her abdomen and then down to her legs and feet. He considered Skylar’s question as he did this, was he the type to indulge his dark cravings? Well, of course he was, but, did that mean he was particularly proud of himself when he did? That was the real question. In his apathetic state he wouldn’t be able to answer because morals don’t really come into consideration when you feel nothing at all; no excitement, no grief, no way to mark a conscience. It all depended on his mood, Myk concluded and he subsequently began to voice his thoughts like Skylar might listen, understand or give a ****.

“It really does depend on my mood…” he purred, his tone sounding empty. He blinked slowly as he watched the cat, then turned his attention to the Human once again. “Take now for instance. I could slit her throat and not feel a thing. Though… Maybe on another night it might make me sick to even think that way... Then again, on others… well… it may even excite me.”

Myk paid no mind to the slow realisation forming on the young female’s face, nor the hackles rising on the cat at the woman’s sudden movement as she began to retreat up the stairs. Myk turned to face Skylar to check her reaction, his head canting toward the right, his features vacant like a doll.

“Do you think that’s odd? Terrifying? Damnable?”

Re: ♪ Let it all out ♪ (Closed)

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 21:26
by Skylar
Okay, I could definitely be talking to Ric for the lack of emotion he's expressing as he's taking about offing someone. I can't really blame Ric for that though, he's an emotional vortex at the best of times. I really should get scared by the guy, not turned on. When Myk admits he might actually enjoy it some nights I'm not sure how I feel. I'm pro-life. I am. For vampires, humans and animals alike. I don't count zombie creatures in that. I mean... they're frickin' zombies. Zombies don't have feelings... Do they?
Nope. I'm not hoping on the carriage of that particular train of thought. No way. No how.
I kinda get what Myk's saying but I get it for a different reason. I'm like a stereotypical allurist I'm sure. My emotional PMS is insane. So what can make me squeal with joy one minute might make cry with sadness the next. Still. I'm not sure I've got that type of darkness in me. Really. My only choice is how I handle those who do. I could get all sanctimonious and **** but I don't. Each to their own. Who am I to tell anyone that killing things is bad. I mean really. It's not like I'm actually going to step in and do anything. Okay. So maybe I might. If I knew someone involved. ****. Does that make me a bad person?
"Odd? No. Terrifying? Perhaps. But then there's a bit of demon in everyone isn't there? Damnable? Maybe. Guess that depends on your religious beliefs and ****. As far as I can tell there really isn't an eternal hell awaiting us no matter what we do. There's just now. You know?"
Maybe he does. Maybe he doesn't. I've not been to the Umbra myself. Ric seems to speak of it quite favourably, like it's his favourite holiday destination or something. I get the feeling it's not all that great myself and I'm not exactly excited by the prospect of finding out. But even if we go there, we can get back. So. Yeah. Really all we have is the here and now. Thankfully I've always lived my life like that was the reality anyways. I mean, yeah, we have like eternity ahead of us but damn if I don't want to go planning for the future. Maybe one day. But that's really more Ric's style than mine. I'm still kinda learning what I am and enjoying the ride. Being a vampire rocks. I wonder if I should say that. Then I do. Kinda.
"Do you like your life as it is now? Or do you kinda wish you were... you know... normal. I ask cos, I kinda think this whole new life thing rocks. Drawbacks and all."

Re: ♪ Let it all out ♪ (Closed)

Posted: 07 Jul 2015, 09:43
by Myk
Her reply was as vague as answers go, but Skylar at least bothered to answer him rather than walk away. Things had gotten weird, quickly, and it was his fault entirely. Pewter eyes caught movement as he listened to Skylar though, considering her observations and question weakly as he found something new to play with. The Human was on the move, but froze the instant Myk had set his eyes on her. She really wasn’t doing well to not provoke his predatory instincts. The black cat meanwhile had leapt off its perch, slipping past Myk’s leg and toward the front of the store. Its escape was hampered by the door being closed so it stood there, its tale impatiently flickering as it yowled. Myk gave the cat his attention for about two seconds before looking at the mortal once again. There was a glimmer of conflict in his eyes because he wasn’t sure whether he should do as he could to resolve this situation, return it to its civility and serenity, or blow those sweet sentiments right out of the water. It was anyone’s guess as to what Myk might have done if he were alone, but as it happened, there was an angelic voice in his ear, at his side, asking him if he ever wanted to be normal.

“By normal I suppose you mean Human,” he stated, flickering those enigmatic eyes to her. “By which you must mean mortal, being capable of dying, because, let us face it, that is all that really separates us from what we were. These powers… these new feats of strength and speed and sensitivity to light and sound are all very wonderful, but not particularly supernatural. The only thing that differentiates us from them,” he said, looking back to the mortal and casting his hand out; a bewitching hypnosis causing the woman to stop what she was doing. She froze, her eyes vacant, and Myk ignored her then to continue with what he was saying. “Is our inability to stay… well… dead. The thing we have to blame for that is the Dark Place… or… Shadow Realm as most people call it. But, really it’s the Rift that allows us to return, which is the only thing that truly separates us from Humans, from the natural world, as a whole. While they die, return to the Earth, their souls ascending, we are stuck here... seemingly forever.”

Did he sound ungrateful? Perhaps, but that wasn’t the all-consuming truth of it. As much as he appreciated having all this extra time, this added security of time, he still looked into the distant future and mourned. No one could say that Vampire kind wouldn’t somehow make themselves mortal again, maybe close the Rift that had secured their position in this world, but to Myk it seemed unlikely. As much as the community bitched and complained about how the Dark Place was nothing more than a week-long imprisonment for bad deeds, that death and injury and deterrents were no longer feasible, Myk rather doubted that any of their efforts were truly in the pursuit of destroying the Rift. Immortality suited their egos pretty well and being Humans still, they were subject to irrationality and a fear of death. Whether urged by religious beliefs or merely survival instincts, it was rare that people were willing and happy to die and worked to destroy themselves consciously. Alas, it seemed to pursuit of closing that Rift was all his own…

“But here I am getting philosophical and utterly drab,” he said with a laugh. “Why don’t we do something fun, hmm? I believe it’s your turn to choose the activity.”

Re: ♪ Let it all out ♪ (Closed)

Posted: 15 Jul 2015, 23:20
by Skylar
I really don't agree with him when he basically says that us not dying is the only thing that separates us from what we used to be. I'm not sure I really like the how human-vampire divide. I mean I get it. There is a difference so it's kinda normal to think we're better than them but like... I've been human a hell of a lot longer than I've been a superhero and some of my best mates are 'only' human. I love the guys. I do. I wouldn't change them for anything in the world and I'd do almost anything to have Dillon back in my life but still, I'm a lot more than what I used to be. I am better than them. Not like personality wise. At least not any more than I already was before I like died and stuff, but like my strength. I swear I could lift a car single-handedly if I wanted to. I can carry so much **** it's insane. The guys haven't clocked that yet though. I'm pretty good about keeping that stuff hidden.
I realise my thoughts have side-tracked a little. Only they haven't. Not really. Myk admits we have powers and stuff and well, I think that separates us from humans more than the dying thing. I mean I may not have a pulse but I walk and talk and stuff. Man do I talk. I literally had to tether myself to guy that hardly ever speaks because I talk so much. That thought makes me smile. And with that I start yapping again.
"I kinda like the idea of being stuck here forever. So long as there's music to be played and songs to be sung and stuff I'm cool. I'm not so sure I'd like this forever after business if I couldn't still eat and drink though."
I realise I may have hit on a sore point and head for the door. I'm pretty sure I've been speaking quietly enough that the clerk can't hear me but you never know. I figure even if she hears us she'll mistake us for a couple of cosplayers or something since vampires seem to be all the rage these days.
"Do you still eat and drink and stuff? That's a my flavour thing right? It's not a common thing as far as I can tell and only those that are like me seem to be able to do it from what I've seen."
I'm not really sure where to head next. It's not like I had a plan. If it's my choice I'd probably just head for a bar or something. Well. It is my choice. He said as much but I can't exactly take us drinking if he can't join in. That's just kinda rude. So far as I know. some paces do serve alcohol but like... not every bar. And I'm sure as **** not outing myself by trying to order it in an unfamiliar place. That's just asking for trouble. And as much as I like trouble - or rather as much as trouble likes me - I'm not going looking for it.

Re: ♪ Let it all out ♪ (Closed)

Posted: 22 Jul 2015, 15:13
by Myk
Myk’s immediate reaction was to blink rapidly and stare, dumbstruck, when Skylar spoke at first. He had asked her where to go, what they should do next, and she had replied with a mention of liking the idea of being stuck here forever. Myk was very confused and suspected that something had happened – in the least it was some kind of miscommunication and at worst, well, he was imagining things again. Pewter eyes moved away from the blonde to examine the Human girl on the staircase. She was still there; her eyes dull, her mouth slightly agape with drool forming at the corner. The stoned female seemed frozen in time if not for the occasional slow blink and the gentle rise and fall of her chest. Myk stepped to the mortal, his back arching to lower his line of sight and stick his neck out there to get a little closer. The woman was completely oblivious, like she was under a spell. This seemed consistent with his memories, but Myk couldn’t be certain that he wasn’t imagining this entire thing still. Skylar hadn’t noticed when the Human woman had simply stopped in her tracks as if possessed – since she had been on the retreat at the mention of murdering her – and as Myk looked back to the blonde, Myk could already see that Skylar was making for the exit. It seemed like this was no big deal to her, like it was nothing special, or like it wasn’t really happening.

As Skylar stood there with her back to him, Myk heard her ask him something new before speaking once more on the subject of flavours. A terrible pain rushed to the front of Myk’s skull as though an invisible hand had reached through the back of his head to punch him between the eyes. The Telepath groaned, a hand coming up to rub the area; each slow, deep revolution of his fingertips into his brow helped to push the pain back and make it fade. Nevertheless, Myk could not escape this new and disorientating weightlessness that was rapidly coming over him. With one eye clenched shut, Myk looked out into the world again, seeking Skylar and the cat and the rest of the store to concrete their whereabouts, their existence. The black cat was pacing before the front door, mewling and arching its back for attention. Its slick tail twitched angrily, held high in the air and it looked at Skylar expectantly with those wide, green eyes. Was Skylar even aware of this feline? Did this cat even exist beyond the scope of Myk’s conception? All these questions made the Telepath feel like he was floating on air – the world around him seeming like a figment of his imagination.

All too suddenly, Myk felt the return of gravity; his eyelids grew heavy and the ground beneath was pulling him down. It was all he could do to stay conscious and upright. One slender, pale arm reached out for something stable; he gripped the counter top and forced his arm at an angle to hold himself up. His eyes were open, but for a long second, all Myk could see was the night sky; jet, abyssal darkness with a sprinkling of flashing stars. Myk took a deep breath then crooned, his voice trembling as slowly, his vision started to return. Somewhere in the back of Myk’s mind he knew the truth, he knew that – for whatever reason – these physiological occurrences were a result of his mental state. The influence the mind has on the body – and even on a semi-dead one – was no trifling matter. Mind and body are inextricably linked and the interaction between them can produce physical changes. How a Vampire’s body worked was something Myk didn’t fully understand as of yet as certain cause-and-affect scenarios played out exactly as the Law of Physics prescribed and yet many things did not. Myk was no scientist, no psychologist, but he knew enough about the world and how it worked that made him question his very existence.

After a few moments of just steady breathing, Myk felt confident enough to let go of his support and balance his own weight. He stepped away from the counter and then a few feet into the room toward Skylar. He wasn’t sure if she had noticed anything about his odd fainting session there, but he was happy to shrug it off and play as though nothing had happened if she hadn’t. He gave a glance toward the cat as he approached the door with the blonde Allurist, but ultimately ignored it. If the cat wasn’t real, it would only freak Skylar out if he paid any attention to it.

“Let’s go,” he said, opening the door, but allowing the Allurist to pass through first. “We’ll talk more outside.”

Re: ♪ Let it all out ♪ (Closed)

Posted: 27 Jul 2015, 00:52
by Skylar
The cat froze by the door as I reached for it and I kinda assumed that the beast was gonna make a break for it the moment it could fit through the gap. Which it did. The door pulled inwards and the cat leapt into action the moment it saw it's opportunity. I figure it's allowed out else it's owner would have said something or picked it up maybe. Blackie occasionally tries his hand at this kind of thing, especially if Ric's in and I'm coming in or going out. He never approaches the door when Ric's near it. Seriously. I have no idea how I went from living the single life to being undead, married and with a dog. Don't get me wrong. i ******* love my life but still, I never saw any of this coming.
I step into the street and look around. Myk hasn't said whether or not he can eat and drink so I'm guessing I need to avoid restaurants and bars. ****. I could really use a drink, even if it's just a soda, as singing tends to put a strain on the throat. As does all my yapping. You know I kinda have to wonder if Ric keeps my sweet cupboard stocked to keep me quiet. Not that I can't talk with my mouth full. I just prefer not to. Don't ask me why my thoughts went there. They just did. Something clicked for me. It happens.
I glance around to see what's nearby. I really don't need much of anything. I'm not a material possessions kinda girl. I have a place to sleep, a cupboard full of junk food, a fridge with blood and one sexy guy to share it all with. It's more than a girl could ask for. Okay. So maybe I could ask for space to hang stuff in the bedroom cupboard but that ain't gonna happen anytime soon and since I only really own a few dresses, they're just fine on the back of the bedroom door.
"Erm... yeah. Well I know you said I could choose our next stop but I really have nothing to do. I'm more one of the guys than one of the girls, so shopping... not really a priority for me."
I shrug. I want Myk to tell me more about his flavour and his superpowers. I kinda love learning about that stuff but he doesn't seem to be much of a talker and I'm really not sure if we should be talking about any of this stuff in public. Well, any more than we have done already. In fact it's probably about time for me to get home and take Blackie for a run. That dog has entirely too much energy at times and I need to wear him out a bit. Besides, it sucks for him to be stuck in that flat all day and all night. Though I guess I could go get him a treat. I do have money to burn after all.
"Though you know... if there's a pet shop around here, I guess it wouldn't hurt to swing by and pick up a pig's ear or something."
I forget to explain I have a boxer at home that would like chewing on the thing but I figure that's self-explanatory. Okay. So not the breed, but that I do in fact have a pet. I mean it's not like I chow down on that kinda thing myself. Though I do eat the jerky Ric makes. And I bet he has a spare bone or body part, animal of course, that I could give Blackie. Man. We could probably spoil the pup. I should probably talk to Ric about that. But until then, the pet shop stuff should do. It's worked up until now.

Re: ♪ Let it all out ♪ (Closed)

Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 10:40
by Myk
As the Allurist passed by him, pewter eyes couldn’t help but glance at the inky mass which had darted out of the door ahead of her. Still, he was convinced that Skylar had not seen him do such a thing so his insanity, for now, was still pretty much concealed. Myk took a short, sharp breath and then followed out behind her; the door left to swing closed on its own. They were confronted with the cold wind almost immediately and Myk felt his bared skin breakout in gooseflesh. He looked down his arms, marvelled momentarily at the texture of his white skin, but was quickly distracted by the uncertain warble of Skylar’s voice. Pewter eyes crept over to her, analysing her features and proposing reasons to himself why she might look the way she did, why she might say the things she had. There was a very definite chance that Myk was hallucinating again and this thought piled lead bricks inside his stomach. The Telepath hunched slightly and let loose a long, quiet breath which was meant to still him. A few of the lead bricks evaporated instantly and Myk straightened just enough to put on a smile.

“We don’t have to go shopping,” he crooned. “But if we do, I think a stiff drink to follow would be just the ticket.”

The Telepath’s smile looked exasperated then, as if he’d run a thousand paces on an empty stomach, on a brain that had not slept a wink in years. It wasn’t entirely noticeable seeing as how his skin was so very white with make-up, but Myk’s complexion had paled comparatively. What he needed was a distraction, something so intoxicating that it would rid his mind of the ability to chase these fanciful imaginings, to worry endlessly over them as well. A trip to this pet shop of hers for whatever necessities she required – though had yet to consider them until now – would do as a small respite from his mind’s fascinating, but he would certainly want more. He would need to speak at her pace now, to let his tongue spill thoughts and feelings that had drowned his brain, give it a chance to breathe. Skylar had become, perhaps, uncharacteristically quiet and if it was his meekness that had caused that then the Telepath had an immediate remedy…

“What type of pet is it?” he asked her as he began to walk off with no announcement, with no particular destination in mind. “Or are there many different types? I’m just wondering if we’re catering for a virtual zoo. I knew a woman once with fifteen cats… Can you imagine?” Myk looked back at her, his cheeks flushing lightly with a warmer smile. “Fifteen cats… And they all had names… Molly, Sue, Chagrin, Richard, Betty… I think there was a Lilly too. Fluffy, Snowdrop, Mittens, Alfred… I don’t know why she called one Alfred. Oh, and there was Blue, Peachy, Riley, Prince and Darling. The clowder was made up entirely of Exotic Shorthairs. They were all manners of colours though, some pure and some patchy, but they all looked very much the same in the end. I wonder how she managed to tell them apart for quite some time. And do you know what she said?” Myk paused just long enough to get a reaction. “She said…” Myk lowered the volume of his voice dramatically, leaning in as if to tell her a secret. “She can tell them apart by their scent. Imagine!” the Telepath cried, stepped back and stepping up his volume once more. “Cats don’t generally have a smell, not like most animals do, so imagine how close she must have been to each one to determine their individual scents?! Disgusting…”