It's The Little Things (Aliyah)

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Re: It's The Little Things (Aliyah)

Post by Roderic »

I wasn't sure what sort of reaction I was going to get with Aliyah after I told her what I did, but I guess I didn't expect this sort of reaction. I let her say her piece and get a picture of some people I've never seen shoved in my chest. I obviously struck some sort of chord, even if she seems to say she doesn't give a crap about her family, and in a roundabout way-me. Unintentionally, but I still struck it.

Women in Harper Rock were all insane. Emotionally insane. I let her leave, letting her think she got the last word in and that she stormed off and won some sort of family battle I'm not sure of. I count to six, push open the fire door and head down the stairs. I can run a mile under five minutes. I'm sure I could beat an elevator down less than two handfuls of staircases. Not like I need to focus my breathing technique. Being dead had its perks. This being one of them.

I hit the bottom of the cement staircase and open the door. The elevator doors are still closed, so I don't waste any time bringing Daegal to me with a simple command. He's never pleased to be summoned away from his post, but I rarely call the wraith to do anything for me and me alone. "There will be a girl. A blonde coming through those elevator doors. Follow her. Report back to me in a couple nights. You'll know where I'll be."

"Girl. Blonde. Follow. Report." The wraith whispers, through what always seems to be a mouthful of water. I never think much of it. He's never failed me before and I like our short conversations. I step back as the doors ping open and Ali appears in a typical pissed off female sense. Her strides angry and fast, hair bouncing everywhere. I watch her leave before I turn, head back up the stairs and start cleaning my supplies. I had a lot to think on and someone to contact. I might be wrong. Maybe I wasn't related to her. I know I can be wrong. It's occasionally happened, but it does happen. If I am, that means one less crazy female I have to ever associate with.
By Adan
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