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Re: Bitter Berries (Invite)

Posted: 20 May 2017, 21:24
by Elizabeth
The reply came as a surprise, but as Louvel explained himself, Elizabeth understood his concerns and the blonde woman appreciated it. While Elizabeth could afford new counters, the bakery had been open just a few weeks. Elizabeth did not want, or need any set backs so early in the business' life span. “Very well.” She concluded about the delivery and the pallets, as her blue eyes very carefully followed the human and his movements.

The was until he pointed to a corner and asked a question that had her wondering what he meant. Elizabeth looked at him, then the corner and decided it best to move around the counter, as if the counter would shield her private thoughts any more, or better. As if Louvel had some sort of super human abilities to do what any vampire who possessed telepath powers, could do. “That...would work nicely.” Elizabeth murmured, her orbs back on him as Elizabeth finished the train of thought. The smirk that threatened to appear was straightened while he put on his working gloves, Elizabeth thankful for the distraction.

Humanity was indeed interesting these last few weeks.
The thought reminded her to inquire about the set of questions upon her mind lately. “My doors?” Elizabeth asked, glancing to the doors he was asking about, before slowly nodding her head. “Yes, of course. Whatever needs to be done with the doors to get your berries in. Please do it.” With that, Elizabeth moved to the double set of ovens within her back bakery room and turned them on to preheat. Now that she had berries, or would have them, it was time to get to work. A final question had Elizabeth turning to face the human, her face comparable to stone. “I am, but I think the proper question is...are you, ready? They are, after all your berries and you are the one delivering them.”

Re: Bitter Berries (Invite)

Posted: 04 Jun 2017, 19:24
by Louvel von der Marck
Louvel found the question worthy of pausing in his turn of heels to exit the doorway. Something about the whole exchange had his sun drenched brow rising while holding back a grin that would say more than it really should. There was only one answer he deemed appropriate and he delivered it while stepping backwards.

“It looks like we are about to find out.” He eyed her a few seconds waiting to see if she had anything she would like to counter with.

In the silence that was left he took his leave and headed back out to where he had entered the shop. The weave of his fingers had the leather tightening around each digit as he stepped towards the service door that would reunite him with Buddy and his truck load of berries. Two feet perched on the edge of the delivery dock and he surveyed how the truck was positioned. It wasn’t rocket science but doing this delivery by hand versus mechanical assistance meant the ease of pulling them off the back bed one by one made all the difference in the world. All he needed was to have some mishap and bruise what he was carrying in.

“That close enough?” Buddy’s head popped out of the driver's door as he craned his neck just enough to make it possible. “I back up closer.”

Louvel was pulling the the latch and releasing the tailgate to drop down when the lights on the back of the truck flashed. A jerk forward had Louvel hopping and landing loudly on the metal beneath his boots. A sharp whistle halted the brief movement. Making sure it would stay put he knocked on the cab roof then worked his way around the pallets that filled the space in the back. Spreading his hands out and arms open wide he hooked his fingers into the top of the tier and pulled it down. Like a tightrope walker with a balancing bar he made his way back through the delivery door and into the nearby tart shop.

“Eins!” He announced with a grunt as he found the one corner was a little tighter than he anticipated as he navigated his way through. A shifting of the large wood had the berries in the boxes going at an angle. “And here they come. Going to get them in one or another. Where there is a will there is a way!”

He spoke too soon. The loud crack of wood unexpectedly snapping had his mossy orbs go shockingly wide as he was left to juggle numerous boxes so they didn't land on the ground. Suddenly the the hands that were so confident were lightning fast as the first pallet worth of fruit came towards him. That is when the truly bizarre took over leaving him speechless. Tendrils of fruit vine sprang free of the boxes and curled tightly around the wood still beneath his scrambling hands. Instead of losing a few of the boxes they were fastened together by his influence over the plants in general. If only he had such control over the spaces he was making his way through.

"That was close!" His hands released the mix of broken wood, fruit boxes covered in vines to the spot that was previously designated. "Might need a sharp pair of scissors to get at that first batch."

Re: Bitter Berries (Invite)

Posted: 09 Jun 2017, 13:49
by Elizabeth
The comment received a high raise of her eye brows, before Elizabeth watched the supernaturally enhanced human leave to get his berries for her order. She had appraised him while she had been staring at him, gathering what she could, about Alaric Von Der Marck's kin outside of her personal opinion of him and the conversations they had prior to this evening.

Elizabeth knew very little German. But what she did know, was the word he used and knew it to mean 'one.' Anything more than numbers in German was lost on Elizabeth, only knowing numbers given her years in a guild and her partner in crime, as most would call the woman, these days. She watched Louvel finagle with the large crate, before hearing his determination in his words, Elizabeth confident that he would be able to do it.

And so, the woman went about washing her hands, drying them and preparing to make the crusts for her tarts on the counter that was left free under Louvel's opinion on things. The sound of something cracking where he had been, drew Elizabeth's attention back to the human relation of Alaric, as she froze with the container of flower in both Elizabeth's delicate hands.

There was nothing she could do to stop what was happening. Berries started slipping out from the broken part of the crate, and they would be lost forever. She could not-would not, use any products that had fallen to the floor and had become bruised. Yet, the unexpected happen and it seemed as if he were taken aback by it too. Did he not know the influence he had over things? Vines molded together to ensure the safety of the berry companions within the crate. She pressed her lips together to keep from laughing, before Elizabeth moved to a cutting block and removing a pair of shears. Very slowly, and carefully, she started snipping at the vines, before she did laugh. "How very lucky, one is." She commented, while Elizabeth snipped away a few vines to allow him some more freedom from the grasp of the plants. "How long has one been able to..." Her eyes looked around for 'Buddy,' "To...sway things with one's berries?" Elizabeth asked quietly, still snipping away the vines that held the precious fruit.

Re: Bitter Berries (Invite)

Posted: 23 Jun 2017, 11:48
by Louvel von der Marck
“Funny that you should ask that.” Louvel stepped away and retracted his hands from the viney web once he was free to do so. “I first noticed it when working on the estate. It was subtle at first.”

His hands moved gently from beneath the vines that still visibly attempted their stretching to reach him yet again. A pause in his voice left his mossy orbs focusing on the plants responsible. A brush of his fingers as if to soothe the rising plants had an immediate response. A stillness came over the curious lengths and finally all was settled as if it was meant to be.

“I would find I was coming up with the botanical names for plants. The common ones were of no surprise. But soon I was recalling the uses for the plants upon first sight of them. Species I had never set eyes on or the requirements for their natural growth. Then it went further. I would look at a bud for example and it would be tight as it could be. Given time it would suddenly burst in full bloom and grow.” His eyes found her face briefly and a partial smile appeared to his lips but faded as if pulled back from wherever it came from. “I think it is in my blood. I often believed my mother could bring a petrified forest back to life if she was given enough time. She was so in tune with the earth, nature in general too.” His fingers found the collar of his torn shirt and adjusted it as if it needed it. He was pretty sure the last thing she wanted to hear about was Mara. “Back to work. I will leave you to that and get the last of the pallets.”

Louvel stepped towards the door and held up a finger to signal he would return. A relaxed stride carried him to the rear of his truck and soon he was carrying in another series of pallets that stayed far more stable in his hold than the previous one. He set them down with ease and stepped back. A glance to her left him curious. A sudden burst of white raspberry flowers formed around her hands holding the shears.

“Pardon their protest.” He chuckled. His hands lifted in the air as if he had nothing to do with it while stepping back. “Alright, two more left and I think your delivery will be complete.” The soft press of the soles of his work boots to the tile beneath had him briefly disappearing once again.

Re: Bitter Berries (Invite)

Posted: 25 Jun 2017, 23:22
by Elizabeth
Louvel spoke as if Elizabeth knew which estate, or where this estate was. And how long he had been working there. She only nodded her head and smiled. Regardless of not knowing, being that he had said what she suspected for some time, vocally, only could make Elizabeth smile. There was an odd sense of kinship in that moment, understanding now what had made her so...attracted to the human male. He could do what she had been able to do as a human and still could.

And while Elizabeth possessed the ability to do things with plants as well, it was not the same. She could prologue life, whereas he could affect that life force. The telepath listened to what Louvel was saying about being in his blood and the possibility that whatever he could do had stemmed from his mother. A curious raise of her brow formed as Louvel spoke about getting back to work, and leaving Elizabeth with her thoughts. "Of course." She nodded her head, then dipped it ever so slightly.

The burst of life that formed around her wrists and hands brought a surprised laugh from Elizabeth, her blue hues upon Louvel as he spoke. She twist her wrists a little, then pulled the berries free from around her wrists; carefully. They found their way back into the broken crate, the woman more intrigued than ever with the kin of Alaric. When he returned, she moved around the kitchen counter and leaned against it. "You said you think it is in your blood. Does that mean, by default that Alaric too might possess the same ability as thee?" It seemed to make sense, that was if Mara was a direct descendant of Alaric.

Re: Bitter Berries (Invite)

Posted: 26 Jun 2017, 17:34
by Louvel von der Marck
Louvel was not fully aware of what Alaric was truly capable of. What he knew of so far in the elders bag of tricks considerably out ranked the basics of having the power and influence to make some plants move. He gave it some thought as he set down the pallet of boxes and concluded anything could be possible but Otto couldn’t keep an air fern alive in his massive lavishly decorated offices much less charm them to do what he wanted.

Mara was the green thumb between his parents. Alaric being responsible for passing that on was pretty much a even possibility to either if it even came from him to begin with. Mara and Otto were both von der Marck’s at birth and descendants of Alaric’s. Adequate distance in their respective branches made it all legit. What Alaric had in his blood was a great question. Maybe he would ask if he got a chance to. Maybe not.

“Not sure to be honest. I imagine you would know a lot more about how those things work than I do.” His left hand pulled off the glove on his right so that the digits could connect with the subtle itch making it’s way across the back of his neck as he stood there. “I just figured that I came by it from the one who had a rare connection to the world around her.” The fact Mara had taught him more than he discussed with anyone really was going to be left unsaid as it always had been. He eyed her curiously as the other glove was removed and joined it’s match in his hand. “You have seen such before then?” He had a feeling Elizabeth had more awareness and experience than he could possibly fathom. It reminded him more and more of Alaric. Since she brought him up first Louvel figured it couldn’t hurt to ask her how well she knew the oldest member of his large and extensive family. The Keeper was protective of the elder and quickly realizing that the world that had harmed him once upon a time was still within reach. “Speaking of Alaric is it too forward to ask how you two became first became acquainted? Perhaps you mentioned it before and in such a case forgive me since I have forgotten.” He settled back against the flat surface of the wall and crossed his right boot over the other appearing comfortable while he waited for an answer.

Re: Bitter Berries (Invite)

Posted: 26 Jun 2017, 21:15
by Elizabeth
Elizabeth very well could assess all of Alaric's potential at the moment and other traits about him, if she wanted to. She had when he claimed he was part of Noble last year, but given time it was expected the male she 'inspected' for lack of a better word was far stronger than he was last year with other hidden traits that had come to light over the duration of a year. She nodded her head, and then vocally agreed. "I could ascertain such information, but I generally like to hear it first hand." If she really wanted to know, she would find out later, or ask Alaric himself, if they ever encountered the other again.

Again, there was a nod of her head at his question, and she moved to a hanging plant in the corner of the kitchen, where mint was growing. "I have in many of ways." She stated, before climbing the lower shelf of the metal counter to get some added height to pull the tiny basket down upon the counter closest to him. "When I was human-my father..." Elizabeth smiled warmly at the mention of her father, before continuing. "He worked the lands and no matter a drought, or wet, sloppy lands...we had a harvest every year." That was until his death, something she retained for herself. "He taught me when I was young...but not enough. I had an affinity for the earth as well growing up."

"It was not until I was an adult and had lands of my own..with other factors that I used what it was he taught me." Eliabeth's right hand moved to the basket where there was a path of mint that looked somewhat withered and dried. "I do not think I had ever possessed the degree of talent in which you have, but..." She crouched down to be eye length with the basket, her focus off Louvel and the story she told, concentrating on the mint that was near death's door. After a quick ruffling of the leaves, followed by a clicking of her tongue and gentle hum, the areas that seemed to be dead started perking up and matched that of the other areas of mint.

"It is not the same-nothing ever is when one is sired...but..." Elizabeth trailed off as she rose and then gathered the basket in her arms again. "Acquainted?" She asked with a tip of her head, before laughing softly. "We share the same sire it appears, and so, we are in essence, 'family.'" She moved back to the spot where the plant had been hanging and let it sit on the counter there. "I do not know much of him, other than he speaks German and French and our first and only encounter face to face, I had to speak French as my German is sorely lacking. I have not seen him since then-but that is not uncommon." The blonde haired telepath could go without seeing Antigony, or some of her own childre for a year or longer before they floated back into her life. It was the way things were it seemed and so she had gotten accustomed to it a few years ago. "He is well, yes?" Elizabeth asked, once again climbing the bottom shelving unit to replace the fresh mint plant.

Re: Bitter Berries (Invite)

Posted: 29 Jun 2017, 17:11
by Louvel von der Marck
“Yes, he is. Your next conversation will have far less barriers and will go as smoothly as ours is currently. ” Alaric had taken to the English language like a fish tossed into fresh water.


Louvel was reminded of the fact that shared blood was also a part of the immortality that claimed his ancestor centuries back. Just as Alaric was the progenitor for the von der Marck family he was also a member of the lineage that was responsible for ending his sunny days and indefinitely extending his existence. As hard as it was to wrap his mind around Alaric being weaved into a second line beyond the one he created of his own blood it was something he accepted. Asking too many questions would be about as considerate as rubbing salt into a bone deep wound that would never fully heal. Instead Louvel preferred to enjoy his relative’s company spending much of what time they had shared catching up in general. It had been a joint family effort to familiarize the elder with the modern world he was pulled into and rather unprepared for at that.

“Do you still have land you hold?” His eyes drifted to the specimen of weak mint that she impressively resurrected. He could taste it as he imagined a small sample being pressed between his fingers though he made no effort to move from the spot he was occupying. “I often wondered if others were as fortunate or organized before they were hunted down as Alaric was. Perhaps not.”

Louvel watched Elizabeth with a curious gaze. She, like Alaric, were rare indeed. Each had worlds within them that held the past and the wisdom that went with witnessing the passages of time. Of course there were gaps, holes in the volumes of their individual history, due to the time they were held hostage. It is what Louvel considered it to be which was unjust. They were survivors of the most unimaginable prison from what little he did hear about it. He figured no man should ask another to revisit his personal hell and the Keeper tried to be mindful of what he did enquire. It wasn’t that he didn’t care. He cared enough to take what had been shared with him as gold. He didn’t need to see the whole mine to prove it happened.

“Perhaps we should all get together one evening?” Louvel found standing there was effectively doing nothing when she was busy with the work needing her attention in the shop. His delivery was complete and her time was likely limited to the night hours just as it was with his elder. “When you are free and Alaric as well?”

Re: Bitter Berries (Invite)

Posted: 05 Jul 2017, 00:31
by Elizabeth
Louvel's beginning statement drew a curious look upon Elizabeth's facial features. A year, perhaps longer had gone by since she had seen Alaric, so it seemed unlikely that either did anything the other did as they had not encountered each other. Yet, Louvel seemed to think that beyond a shadow of a doubt; she and Alaric would meet again. Elizabeth only nodded her head, because she believed that if she and Alaric were to meet again, that it would go better than before. There would be more to converse about and she assumed that Louvel would have tried to impress upon Alaric, the English language.

"Land that I hold?" Elizabeth asked with a tip of her head, before she laughed a little. "I have property, yes...but no lands. Women were not afforded such things in earlier times. And those that were able to attain such things did so by favours to someone in a position of power. Something, I never indulged myself within." Her eyes looked around the kitchen area of the bakery. "My properties are only recently acquired. Anything that belonged to my sire's, sire...had been destroyed. When we escaped...we had nothing. Well and truly." That was not entirely true, but it certainly felt as if there had been nothing, given what Noble once possessed. "Trinkets, memories.." Her voice trailed off, recalling the few items that had been 'safe' during the fire, thanks to hidden areas within walls and fireplaces within the mansion.

"I am surprised and impressed that Alaric...well, that one is human." Elizabeth waved a hand over Louvel's physique quickly, implying that it was he and not Alaric that Elizabeth were talking about. "Your Alaric must have the willpower of a saint, in truth." The same could not have been said about Elizabeth. When she had come to learn that there had been a direct descendant of hers within Harper Rock...the woman had more or less 'hounded' the young woman to be sired by her. And now...hindsight was twenty-twenty, they say. Elizabeth would have not pressed the woman so hard, for she could not remember the last time in which she spoke to Emily.

"Oh. Well...I, I would not wish to impose upon you, your family or Alaric." Elizabeth replied to the invitation kindly, with a small smile. "But, if it is agreeable with them-all of them, then it is agreeable with me." Elizabeth stepped a little closer to Louvel, but stopped as soon as she could smell the sun within his skin and hair. Her eyes closed for a brief second, while she spoke. "Most my evenings are free. I spend a few hours here, and an hour in one of my other business endeavours, but other than that..." Elizabeth spent a day a week at Doc's bar playing piano, or she had, until this business venture had taken off very well. Now, at best, she was there every other week, for one night. "If all agree, then, one knows where to find me. But, do not press the issue, please. I understand any hesitation or reservations." Would Elizabeth allow a practical stranger within her familial walls? Most assuredly not. So no offense would be taken if the offer were rejected by most, and Alaric himself.

Re: Bitter Berries (Invite)

Posted: 07 Jul 2017, 21:52
by Louvel von der Marck
It was settled then. Her allowances for Alaric’s feelings on the matter conveyed a respect that he could genuinely appreciate. Maybe this proposed get together was even better than he considered. The comments on it being rather impressive that he was still human and Alaric could be a saint for such self-control surfaced in his afterthoughts and he didn’t hesitate to bring them to light. He nodded twice as he gave it his attention and not requiring a whole lot of time to come to the assumption she was referencing the dynamics and challenges that were understandably in play with the co-existence of vampire and humans. The von der Marck’s certainly represented the possibility that it could and did work. Blood could be given without anyone going into cardiac arrest. However, until Elizabeth voiced it, he had not given the subject much thought in recent months.

“I hold my elder in high regard.” Louvel wouldn’t have said it if it was not entirely true. Hsi expression was as serious as he was known to wear. “I believe he is a testament to the reaches a human and the creature within will go to overcome the shackles of the world around them. One that is arms up with their collective torches lit ready to tie to the pyre what they do not approve of, understand or have the capacity to fully fathom and set it on fire. Nothing small or great is ever that simple to obliterate. Certainly not a presence that had centuries to endure in a void that robbed him of the remaining joys he had left to claim. Vengeance is powerful and until that is achieved on the terms that satisfies the wronged there is risk that must be constantly considered. Alaric is a very rare exception. He is able to balance both and can separate mortal man from one another. We are not seen as those hands that sentenced him to the unthinkable. We are his blood, his family. And, yes, we confirm his will is strong.”

Louvel went quiet thinking of the vampire they discussed that could be anywhere at that particular moment. Lou didn’t look around for as if he could be found previously hidden in some distant corner eavesdropping. Alaric was far more respectful than that and it was another reason they all thought so highly of him. He had every reason to tear the world apart as soon as he rose but there was nothing more humbling Lou had been privy to than the patriarch of centuries old von der Marck blood drop to his knees beneath the dark sky above him. In that moment the Keeper witnessed the essence of a man who had been beaten, banished and abandoned to the cruel confines of time. Yet there he was no worse for wear back home to the very place he lost everything. Despite all that he had been through he had the strength to put his hands in the dirt and the courage to pick up where he left off. Louvel was honored to be a part of that.

“I shall speak with him and get back to you soon.” His mossy gaze took in her demeanor. The way she handled the topic that likely revived pain and loss that she too had to learn to balance with the modern world around her left him increasingly humble. He, in his own time, would rise to extremes and challenges but what the two of them endured before he was a presence in Mara’s womb still baffled him. No human likely could truly appreciate what they had to endure before they returned. “Until then if you have any issues with the quality of this shipment don’t hesitate to call.”

His hand lifted and delivered a partial wave and nod of his head as he stepped backward a couple feet then took his leave. Buddy was found outside waiting in the truck making a sub sandwich disappear with alarming rate as he opened the driver’s door. Buddy rolled up the wax paper wrapper that had held the meatballs that threatened to drop from the end of the bun. It’s usefulness was gone with the slow swallow that delivered the last bite of sandwich down to his bottomless gut.

“Sorry Boss.” He apologized with his round dimpled face wearing a faint show of pink brought on by being caught in the act. “I was trying to hold out till you got back. I can get you one if you are hungry? They are still open.”
“No, it’s cool.” Louvel shook his head as the driver’s door closed. Buddy was one hell of sweet guy. So much so he apologized for being hungry and feeding himself. “I got something at home waiting in the fridge. Been looking forward to it most of the day.” The truck rolled back with the cough of an engine that acted like making it back to that fridge was not a guarantee. “I will split it with you if it is still there and Birdee hasn’t found it.”
“Maybe we should still pick up something for you just in case.” Buddy knew whatever he had his hopes on was more than likely long gone. It was then that he found his boss looking at him as the truck carried them down the road leading them to the outskirts of the city.
"Yeah, you are probably right." He chuckled at the truth.