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Re: Loved with purpose and beyond measure

Posted: 13 Nov 2016, 18:45
by Noelle
Meara noticed she had just missed Alex as she wandered out. Sigh

Xerxes avoided the flowers as he made his way to the bride and groom saying, "Congratulations. You deserve each other." It wasn't said in malice, but more like a statement of fact. He'd even go as far as to say they were perfect for each other, which would make them a perfect pair. "I can't stay long, but it was a pleasure. Moreso for you than me, I'm sure. Enjoy your shared eternity." He smiled, and though it seemed to have just been stuck onto his face like a sticker, he meant what he said.

Enzo Dragomir looks at the envelope and then at Cristiana, touched by the thoughtfulness "Thank you for this kindness, it is appreciated."

Cristiana nodded her head, once toward him and once toward Mortll. "Anything for you both."

Enzo Dragomir lays a hand on his man childe's shoulder for a long moment "I am glad that you came Xerxes. I will meet with you soon... I am proud of you son."


Mortll grabs two blood filled chalices from the bar and hands one to Enzo


Ariadne glanced at the hand. She was still learning the proper rules of etiquette, especially when it came to men. Her understanding was that the appropriate thing to do in this situation was to place her hand in his upturned hand. She did so with little hesitation.

Absinthe finally gathered up some courage. She approached Rowan and bowed her head, "You're name, sister?" She spoke, her voice was very faint, soft yet melodic.


Enzo Dragomir takes the chalice from his wife and then looks once more at his son. "I would have you meet my sire, the head of the dragons before you depart."

Noelle spoke into Mortll and Enzo's mind 'Congratulations you two. Take care of each other. I must go."

Rowan blinked up Absinthe, having bent down to shake some wayward flower petals loose. "Oh, sorry for my rudeness. It's Rowan. Our sire told me your name would be Absinthe? Would that be correct?"

Doc 's fingers closed over hers, and gave her hand a squeeze. "Thank you for coming with me." Doc then settled back to people watch.

Mortll spoke back to Noelle "Thank you much sis i'll talk to you soon "

Cristiana gets antsy standing there. She wrapped her arms about herself hiding the small twitch from being to close to people. Stepping away, she bite down on her lip, eyes squeezed shut and mentally counted to calm herself down. She really hoped no one would notice, she was retreating closer and closer to the exit mindless of her movements.

Xerxes looked at Enzo, felt the weight of his palm, took in his words, and found it surprising that no one had called him 'son' before this moment. His brow quirked, but he didn't speak about it. That was a can of worms he'd rather sort through in private, by himself. Instead, he looked around to spot the man Enzo had been whispering to earlier, quite sure that was the person he referred to. "It would be my pleasure."

Enzo Dragomir walks Xerxes the short distance around the table to Nikolae. "Sire, this is my son Xerxes. Childe, this is your grandsire, progenitor of dragons, Nikolae Dragomir."

Absinthe Absinthe's cheeks turned a pale pink color, her jade hues unintentionally dashing away and towards the left as she nodded her head, "Yes, that is right."

Ariadne pulled a bottle of blood from the hidden pocket in her cloak and set it on the table in front of him. "You know I'll come if you ask. "

Rowan blinked slowly as she saw the other vampire blush. Odd, but oddly fitting as well. Mentally shrugging, she stood up to her full height and gestured to where Nikolae and the others were. "Want to come mingle a bit?"

Xerxes held a hand out to Nikolae, expectant and openly probing with those blue eyes of his. "It's an honor to finally meet the father of dragons."

Mortll walked over to Mordechai "So when are you going to bite the bullet?'


Re: Loved with purpose and beyond measure

Posted: 13 Nov 2016, 19:08
by Ariadne
Nikolae roused himself and tossed the glitter he'd been waiting on. He looked from Enzo to the other. "Yes, splendid, little prince." He spoke to his childe, and grasped the younger male's hand firmly. Maybe only a tiny bit too firmly. "Welcome to the family, Xerxes."

Absinthe nodded her reply. She folded her hands in front of her. She was not yet comfortable in this new world both of land and existence, and it may be that it would take some adjusting before she would be.

Meara wandered her way to where she saw the familiar faces of Doc and Ari. "Good to see you again." She gave them each a nod of her head and a smile.

Enzo Dragomir nods toward Azraeth with another smile, the love he feels for his sire and brother easily seen in that moment "And that is Az, my older brother. If you get in trouble, call him, not me." he jokes.

Doc looked at her for a long moment. "I do. But I never want you to think I take you for granted." He then turned to grin at Meara, "Hey Kid.. Have a seat.. Ari brought Hooch..."

Cristiana in an effort to keep calm, she began to pick up the very human trait of biting the skin around her nails, yet no skin was straggling instead the teeth drew blood, which was a whole other level of comfort. She kept away from the group, the mass of people, biting her nails.

Rowan shrugged a shoulder and wandered over to Nikolae and the others, narrowly avoiding the glitter. She grinned at seeing Xerxes introduced to their grandsire.

Meara grinned and pulled up a chair to sit in. "Thank you."

Enzo Dragomir calmly brushes off the glitter and avoids stepping on a horned dragon as he does "Good colour choice for glitter Sire. Matches my tux."

Absinthe followed her sibling to the others and looked between the new faces.

Nikolae winked dotingly to his childe. "Of course. I'm nothing if not stylish." He chuckled and nodded to Rowan when the girl approached.

Ariadne leaned over to Doc and whispered while eyeing the other female. "Who is she?"

Cristiana didn't bother to wipe away the blood that dribbled down her chin, dripping onto the very pretty gauze dress she'd been wearing ( ... -N9367.htm )

Xerxes flashed his teeth in a smile to hide the flinch of pain in his hand. He responded by tightening his own grip, resulting in him not being able to feel his hand at all, but he ignored it in favor of thanking the man for his welcome all while glitter caught his periphery, sticking to his sire. Perhaps until his first anniversary.

Xerxes looked to the one called 'Az'. "I'll keep that in mind. I hear uncles are favored over father's, anyway," he joked back.

Enzo Dragomir then looks at Xerxes again "We shall meet this week childe. I have much to teach you."

Absinthe drew her lower lip into her mouth as she stood beside Rowan and looked up at the dragon, Nikolae, then to Xerxes. Then back at Rowan.

Rowan grinned at Nikolae and hugged him impulsively, just like she had done to Enzo earlier. This was the vampire who had affectionately placed flowers in her hair. She held much esteem for him.

Enzo Dragomir Absinthe my beauty, this is your grandsire Nikolae Dragomir, and of course your brood mate Xerxes.

Enzo Dragomir I am prolific this month it seems.

Nikolae released Xerxes' hand with a wink. "All the Dragons are stunning." He returned Rowan's hug gently and nodded to Absinthe. "Welcome to the family, Absinthe."

Doc looked at Ari, "That's Kid.. um.. Meara.. from the Murder thing that went down.. You were there.. You summoned her.. to the Wunderbar.. jeeze woman.. I thought my memory was fucked.."

Cristiana grabbed a napkin and wrapped it around her hand, not aware of how badly she had bitten into her finger. It would be healed in a moment, but the familiar twitching was back. She was doing her best not to seem as out of place as she felt. Her eyes scanned the room, looking for something, she wasn't quite sure. Looking to Nikolae, and calm he seemed to be in the mix of things. She tried to relax, but it was not there.

Re: Loved with purpose and beyond measure

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 20:09
by Xerxes (DELETED 8819)
Meara nodded as she listened intently to the elder. "I understand. Thank you. I'll have to find a holster for bot dress and everyday occasions."

Enzo Dragomir smiles toward Meara, happy to see the childe of Alexandrea out and about again.

Xerxes observed his blushing brood sibling and said, "You haven't been here long, either, have you? What brought you to Harper's Rock?"

Doc , seeing Ari was busy people watching, he leaned toward Meara to say, "There are companies out there that make purses and stuff .. just for that.. the wellarmedwoman.. check that website out. I bought Chain a couple from there.. woman likes to carry a ******* cannon everywhere she goes.."

Enzo Dragomir glances around as if Doc's mentioning BnC's name could suddenly summon the devil. He was on good terms with her... but that was last month's mood.

Absinthe shook her head to Xerxes's first question, "No, it wasn't in my plans to stay here either. I was looking for family here, but the search was a dead end."

Meara made a mental note to check that out. "Who or what is chain?" She asked, curious.

Doc "oh... Right.. You don't know about Chain..." He paused. "Chain.. is my.. " he visibly fortifies himself.. "...wife"

Xerxes said, "Unfortunate. Are they still missing?" Xerxes said to Absinthe.

Meara ooh okay *she nodded in understanding with the nickname now.*

Absinthe nodded again though she looked much more calm, "Indeed, though, I might guess that humans do not survive this place for very long so there's no knowing if the search is pointless or worth continuing."

Tiamat entered the building and worked her way to a quiet spot

Enzo Dragomir looks at doc "Oh gods now he's done it. Don't say her name out loud please. She has the ears of a bat."

Doc gave Meara a look of ultimate approval. She did not require more information. She took what he said and ... DROPPED IT. The gods were smiling on him.. until... Enzo blurted out at him. 'What the **** IZZO... Shut it!"

Meara glanced back between Enzo and Doc and proceeded to chuckle. This must've been a bad lady and was why Doc was more sweet on Ari to her observations.

Enzo Dragomir unfolds into a chair with a sound flop and picks up his whiskey tumbler to take a hefty drink of it and almost chokes laughing "Many pardons, I will refrain from intoning upon her beauty."


Doc looked at Ari and then Meara, coughing discreetly. "Sorry man.. You know how your words conjure the beast..."

Xerxes smiled. "No, they don't, do they? It was a pleasure to meet you, Absinthe. I'll be seeing you and the others again soon." He held out a hand to her, flexing his fingers once to work out the bones Nikolae nearly cracked.

Doc gave Izzo a knowing look. The Chain wanted to castrate Enzo at .. best.

Mortll spots Tiamt with a smile she walks over to the woman expecting a grumble

Re: Loved with purpose and beyond measure

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 22:38
by Rowan
Enzo Dragomir takes pity because damn... the man had been run over by the BnC for fucks sake and grins as he lights a sobranie, passing the black case toward Doc. He got off with being randomly pacified when she was about... he wasn't pushing ****.

Absinthe took the hand and shook it with a firm grasp, though small and timid. She knew how to give a good handshake. "It was nice," she agreed.

Meara decided that avoiding that woman was by far the best choice.

Doc took the proffered fag, lit it and took a drag while saying to Meara, "Izzo.. likes to **** me over..."

Rowan saw Meara nearby and practically skipped over to her, plowing into Meara's back when she tripped over something on the floor.

Amalea blinked as her ears picked up bits and pieces of the conversations floating around. Apparently she had missed quite a bit over the past few months. Hell, she still wasn't quite sure what kind of chaos had been unleashed in the city, just that things seemed to be strained at best. She looked around, only recognizing a few of those present.

Meara steadied herself as she felt her chair slide, pressing her ribs into the edge of the table. "Easy Rowan... How are you doin?"

Enzo Dragomir inhales his own black cigarette and lets the smoke curl around him before responding "I do not, I only want the best for you... it just happens to be amusing most of the time as well."

Enzo Dragomir leans forward and pats meara's hand, "Doc is the best friend a man could ask for. Trust that. But ... amusing things seem to follow him ... '

Doc blew out the smoke in an aside, before taking another draw, holding it, saying to Meara again, "Izzo is a ******* ********.. and likes to see me suffer.." As he then exhaled. "Best thing I ever did.. was let him marry the she-devil"

Tiamat spotted Mortll and nodded to her. "You'll be happy to know that you'll be getting discounts on supplies now."

Xerxes , having already said his partings to the bride and groom, tipped his head to Absinthe, and headed for the door. The wedding was splendid, but now it was time to get back to work.

Meara glanced back and forth between the males. "To me, being new to the area, you both appear to love being the thorn in each others side."

Rowan clung to the chair, tiny thorny dragon clinging to a strand of hair for dear life. "Wondering if I've been cursed by something today as I seem to be tripping and getting bashed everywhere." She righted herself and nodded respectfully to Doc before looking back at her friend. Really, Meara was possibly her best friend, all considering. "It's been awhile since I've seen you around, sorry for hitting your chair."