☠ Brand New Keyes ☠

Single-writer in-character stories and journals.
Rhett Keyes
Registered User
Posts: 559
Joined: 24 May 2015, 13:30
CrowNet Handle: Keyes2life

Re: ☠ Brand New Keyes ☠

Post by Rhett Keyes »

Everything is a go.
I've spoken (emailed) the doctor back and forth and we've discussed things in detail. We've discussed both issues-Hudson and then me being a vampire. There's really no way to not bring it up, and with the world knowing that there are vampires and that I will be living at a center, there was no way to beat around the bush. Anyways, I leave in two nights time and should be there sometime on Thursday, being I have to split the flight up and stop (still trying to master traveling during the daylight hours, but think that will never happen).
I don't know when, or even if I will be back.
He says these things take time and it depends on the severity of each individual basis. I'm not sure if he was telling me this to forewarn me that things might be more severe than I, or anyone realize, or if he just tells that to everyone. A sort of disclaimer.
Which, either is fine. I don't plan on coming back until I'm no longer a risk to others, or myself. Until Hudson is either gone, or controlled.
Which is why I gave both Sol and Dhara a severance package of sorts.
RetroKade is closed until I return, whenever that is. If they find other jobs, I'd understand.
Fingers crossed this only takes a few weeks.
Fingers crossed that it's not Hudson who should rightfully be behind the wheel of things.
Rhett out.
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