In spite of everything Elliot had done for Bjorn, there was still considerable distance between the two. Lancaster didn’t spend much time at the Den, and on the few occasions they crossed paths rarely catered to extensive conversation. Despite this, the young vampire had come to admire a great deal the d’Artois patriarch. There was a bond that had been formed in the absence of blood connection, but that was open to further development.
“No! I haven’t seen the boat,” he said, disbelief and amusement brightening his youthful features. It was a dangerous thing to mention boats around Norwegians. Slipping his hands into his cardigan’s pockets, Bjorn approached. “What kind of boat you got? What’s wrong with it?”
“No! I haven’t seen the boat,” he said, disbelief and amusement brightening his youthful features. It was a dangerous thing to mention boats around Norwegians. Slipping his hands into his cardigan’s pockets, Bjorn approached. “What kind of boat you got? What’s wrong with it?”