As soon as he’d stumbled out of that place again, he’d thrown up all over the nice clean grass. This was back when he was human, when he’d had something of substance in his gut to throw up. It was that place that mostly plagued his nightmares, regardless of how his life had changed since then.
As much as he hadn’t wanted there to be a fuss, when he looked down at his leg he knew that Maddison was, in part, right. He wouldn’t bleed to death, but if he let it go his leg might soon be coated and someone else might notice. Someone else might call an ambulance, or some such thing. And Robin would have to explain that he was a vampire, and it was fine. And who knew how that would go down?
So he found himself in the bathroom, mumbling incoherently as he dropped his pants and ignored the looks he got. He couldn’t avoid fuss. One punter first laughed at Robin’s bloody predicament before going pale in the face, stumbling out of the bathroom to go find Robin a first aid kit. The bartender even ended up in the bathroom with them, helping Robin to get the butterfly stitches securely in place over the wound, which was then properly covered with a sticky bandage, over which the cloth bandage was wrapped. Yeah, Robin knew he was forgetting something. ******* band aids.
When he returned to the pub proper, he didn’t know what he felt seeing Maddison dancing with some other guy. It was bound to happen eventually, right? He assumed, at first, that it was consensual. He was about to turn away and head back to the bar when he saw Maddison brush the hands away. The hint wasn’t taken.
Pushing his way through the crowd, Robin placed a hand on the other guy’s shoulder, offering a congenial smile as he tried to insert himself between Maddison and the intruder.
”Sorry I took so long…” he said to Maddison, making it clear that she was with him. Robin assumed that the other guy would get it, and would walk away. He dropped his hand from the guy’s shoulder, and stupidly turned his back on him.