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Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal
Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 18:30
by Doc
Enzo Vaughn wrote:Dragonal is a major Marketing firm with many pathed humans in its employ and on the board. Any board member would be of service to this.
Did Doc just get Voluntold?
Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal
Posted: 24 Jul 2016, 01:54
by Zodiac
Zodiac might be willing to assist-depending on what is actually going to be needed. She is a semi public figure in some esoteric circles involving the living and not so living types, and if anyone remembers the thread a couple years back where vampires were working to debunk the idea of themselves via the media, she was on a TV talk show. So yes, some experience in this, but her char make up has her very worried right now all things considered.
Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal
Posted: 24 Jul 2016, 02:34
by Enzo Dragomir
Only if Doc wants in

I'm working on a varied amount of projects toward this end, but if you need my help I will.
I'll need some Doc time helping find my 'Ad Campaign' face. It'll be a riot xD good times.
Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal
Posted: 24 Jul 2016, 02:42
by Doc
Good times! Good times! XD
Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal
Posted: 24 Jul 2016, 02:50
by Enzo Dragomir
I should note I mean 'behind the charrie' good times. Just in case lmao
I've been geared and ready for this since I started dragonal. Excited is mild a word.
Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal
Posted: 24 Jul 2016, 02:54
by Kaspar
Habren Ashe wrote:Politically influential vampires would also be good, as well as those in the public eye already or with media savvy. Initially we'd thought elders/lineage leads, but I'm all for including anyone who is interested!
Elders were thought of because, though this game has grown and the community become incredibly varied, its those elders and first gens who, I suppose, initially "started" the mess and would have a pretty big stake in trying to help clean it up the best they can to avoid another apocalypse. Habs in particular went on a siring spree when she was first awakened, turning anyone she fed upon without killing, because she was out of her mind. She's got some responsibility for the exposure, she figures.
So yes - tl; dr version: pretty much anyone with media savvy, influence, or a stake/responsibility for and to building favorable public opinion, definitely!
Elders are far less influential, in fact, some might argue they haven't been since right at the start. Branching off happened fairly quickly, people choosing not to acknowledge their larger lineage and this lead to further separations. If you are speaking to lineage heads, rather than elders, there are some more active but even then a lot of them have sort of disappeared or aren't as active publically.
In terms of media/publicly influential you've got a lot more to choose from, and already a few people putting their hands up (which hadn't been acknowledged, just Cash poking for another Elder

), and another planning thread where Enver is proposing book deals and media tours.
Maybe you guys should chat about it? The two ideas could marry.
As I say, if you go in the direction of media then there are a few of us with famous relations, or famous characters who are up for assisting but definitely agree that leaning away from the elder idea might you get more interaction. I still think it would be cool to see Elders actually come back and acknowledge the mess that this has become, whether they own up to their part in or blame the "youth of today", but catching them and getting them to do so might be difficult. A thread with Elders discussing, then Habren and Mircea deciding to go off on their own and get a message out via the media, working with the vamps influential in the larger world would make total sense. I'd like to read that!
Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal
Posted: 24 Jul 2016, 04:46
by Leonie von der Marck
Ah, no... the two sets are different. I don't think the Elders are influential at all past what stories they might have to bring to the table, and their past experience. But the way Habren sees this is, she was in part responsible for the initial holocaust. She is in part responsible for the current failure and exposure. She, and the other Elders, are responsible for the existence of all other vampires alive right now, including the upstanding ones and the reckless ones. So to that end, they're responsible for generating favorable public opinion now that the cat is out of the bag. Its, to her, a sort of gift/boon they can offer to their childer and progeny, and try to keep them safe and alive.
But influential vampires, other lineage leaders, people with a stake in a favorable outcome (pretty much all vampires if you look at it from a self-preservation standpoint), plus Elders, would make for a hell of a story. A hell of a publicity stunt to garner public favor.
(PS this is Habs' player.

Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal
Posted: 24 Jul 2016, 10:02
by Mircea
Niko isn't an elder >.> Just a young lineage head with some degree of influence (I think?)
We're not just looking at the vampires who're hundreds of years old, but those with influence for a variety of reasons. The elders know how it all went wrong beforehand and have the weight of history to bring to the table. And who are, yes, the people the buck ultimately stops with, having sired (whether recklessly or not) the current population of vampires, directly or through their progeny. They have, in Mircea's mind at least, a responsibility to stand up, be counted, and do what damage control they can.
The modern day lineage heads have, arguably, greater abilities to relate to the vampires around now, since there isn't the huge gap in age and experience that there is with the elders, so they would potentially be better able to relay thoughts and opinions to both the modern vampire and the modern human.
And then there are those, vampire and human alike, who have contacts within or experience with the media, who bring an understanding and savvy to the situation that others might be lacking.
We absolutely know - and so do Mircea and Habren - that, while we could run with this alone, it will be made infinitely better by collaborating with a broad spectrum of vampires, humans and players, who all have different things to bring to the table.
Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal
Posted: 24 Jul 2016, 15:28
by Azraeth
I can't really give much in the way of tips here, because my perspective could skew the way people play things, and influence how vampires choose to tackle what is ultimately a public relations issue. However, if anyone needs me, just let me know!
Azraeth can represent Dragomir, and as a member of Dragonal, he can aid with anything there as well.
I'd personally like to see threads go up as soon as possible. Everyone doesn't have to work together. Individuals or groups, or any number of different factions (or bloodlines) might have their own agendas and might want to spin vampirism in their own way. So I can't wait to see things get into motion!
I'll link Brandy to this thread to see if she's interested in participating.
Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal
Posted: 24 Jul 2016, 15:38
by Nikolae
I've been a tiny bit busy launching my lineage in Blood and doubling up on classes, but Path is still my heart. <3 I have been considering how to deal with the latest change in Path for the last few days, because I have a couple things to deal with regarding it. First and foremost of course is how Nikolae will react with his Dragomir. Does he take them into hiding to protect them? Or does he go out and swagger around town like nothings changed? (probably the latter if I'm honest). But then I have to throw in Nemesis, Niko's ARES alter-ego. Nemesis was more or less predicting this shitstorm months ago, and he and ARES should most certainly have a part to play. So do I have Niko out himself as Nemesis? Or have the two act separately still? I'm not really sure still, to be honest. There are a lot of uniquely amazing writers in ARES, though, just as their are incredible writers in Dragomir. So I kind of want to be greedy and wallow in all their words. >_> I'm gonna figure out how to do that one way or another.
In the meantime, though, I would be happy to volunteer Niko's time to his long-lost Mircea and dark-witch Habren for plottings.

If any of my Dragomir or ARES brethren have any ideas too, please post them on the boards!