Death Itself Was Undone [VDM]
- Posts: 105
- Joined: 13 Apr 2016, 16:18
- CrowNet Handle: FireFlower
Re: Death Itself Was Undone [VDM]
Mirella passed out the wine glasses, smiling pleasantly. And then she uncorked the wine herself with her teeth, dropping the cork to the ground carelessly before pouring the red contents into the glasses. Then, holding the bottle to her side, she raised her own. "The power of the von der Marcks cannot be denied, Judah. So many of us in one place, in the same place so many have gathered over the centuries...this place is the font. The beginning. We are the overflow into the world," she said. She usually wasn't quite so poetic, but tonight was a night for flowering words and prose.
She found herself regretting that she had never bothered to learn German. Instead, she'd devoted herself to her mother's birth tongue, Gaelic, leaving the German to her sisters, who were both fluent and spoke often in a mixture of German and gibberish. Their twin language, they called it. The notion alone made Mirella glad she'd only had the one child.
At the thought, her brown eyes flashed over to where Adam was, smiling gently as she observed the way Louise played with him. He wasn't interested in the current performer, at all. In fact, she knew, his eyes kept wandering over to where she had grouped with her cousins. Looking away, she breathed a sigh. "I can't keep lying to him. To everyone. I know, I know, tonight's not about me. But...I want your opionions, guys. Is it selfish to want my son?"
She found herself regretting that she had never bothered to learn German. Instead, she'd devoted herself to her mother's birth tongue, Gaelic, leaving the German to her sisters, who were both fluent and spoke often in a mixture of German and gibberish. Their twin language, they called it. The notion alone made Mirella glad she'd only had the one child.
At the thought, her brown eyes flashed over to where Adam was, smiling gently as she observed the way Louise played with him. He wasn't interested in the current performer, at all. In fact, she knew, his eyes kept wandering over to where she had grouped with her cousins. Looking away, she breathed a sigh. "I can't keep lying to him. To everyone. I know, I know, tonight's not about me. But...I want your opionions, guys. Is it selfish to want my son?"

- Judah Marck
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- CrowNet Handle: JudeTheDude
Re: Death Itself Was Undone [VDM]
Jude sipped at his wine, pleased with the toast, it was surprising from Mirella but it impressed him. The others seemed to follow suit, the often aloof Gregor brushing a hand to Lou's shoulder, giving a nod to Jude and Ella before he slipped away pulling phone from pocket. No doubt a call to discuss the progress of his move, a thought that secretly thrilled Jude. He'd longed to have the man closer for years, to be able to keep a closer eye on his young and secretly troubled cousin. His attention didn't drift long on those thoughts, however, as Mirella brought the discussion to her son. "I..." He was interrupted by a bright arrival, Alisa appearing and drawling his name like it were honey on her tongue. ****. He was pinned beneath the green eyed gaze, the beautiful German woman had a way of capturing attention and he cleared his throat, offering her a bright grin with a barely concealed edge of mischief. "Ah, meine liebchen Alisa, glad you could make it." He greeted cheerily before leaning over to kiss Ella's cheek, muttering. "Hold that thought... We will discuss this more later, tonight is going to change everything Firebug. Everything." His whisper had a weight to it, a tenseness that rarely lasted when he conversed with her.
He detached himself after foisting his wine glass off once more, this time into Louvel's large and capable hand, moving forwards to sweep Alisa into his arms. His embrace though thorough in it's affection was careful so as not to spill her wine or crumple the red dress that dripped over her frame. "You look incredible, and i'm so glad you made it all this way, I know it is a long trip." He lowered a set of twin kisses to her cheeks, his hand following to tuck beneath her chin, tilting her face so he could look at her better. "You remember Ella, mm? And you would have met Louvel when we were only children, he's certainly grown since then." He winked, urging her forward with the gentle press of a hand to lower back, inviting her into their circle. "This is Alisa, our German cousin, all the way from Munich, she-...." Bitches, the word hit his ears, again halting his speech. "I'll be right back."
With a little twitch he stepped back from his gathered group, turning on his heel to eye the dark haired woman that walked in like she owned the place. Jude gave a low whistle, the sound almost closer to a sigh. "Lord, have mercy." He muttered under his breath, even as a slow grin began to curve his lips, the lower of which he'd captured between his own teeth, pinching the flesh as his chocolate brown eyes took her in. She was a problem child, but he had a soft spot for the Lioness of the lineage, for Leonie.
Crossing the short distance to where she had made her entrance Jude snatched Leonie up in one of his infamously warm hugs, as he did with Alisa, lowering kisses to her face as naturally as breathing. "Lioness, you are looking very demure, I admit to being both shocked and impressed. So how is it that something about presence it utterly sinful? Hm?" He laughed, giving the arm about her waist a light flex of muscle to squeeze her close. "Thank you, for coming... Want to say hey to some cousins?" He queried, a brow raised as if challenging her to say no. Surely, she knew better than to squash Jude's enthusiasm. He chuckled heartily, drawing her around to his side and effectively forcing her along towards the others. "And THIS, is Leonie. Our very own Lioness, and all around pain in the ***. We love her, play nice." He teased the group, taking his wine glass back from Louvel and pressing it to his lips, the man almost purring with satisfaction at the group that surrounded him.
This was his heaven, only one more person's presence could've made it more perfect.
He detached himself after foisting his wine glass off once more, this time into Louvel's large and capable hand, moving forwards to sweep Alisa into his arms. His embrace though thorough in it's affection was careful so as not to spill her wine or crumple the red dress that dripped over her frame. "You look incredible, and i'm so glad you made it all this way, I know it is a long trip." He lowered a set of twin kisses to her cheeks, his hand following to tuck beneath her chin, tilting her face so he could look at her better. "You remember Ella, mm? And you would have met Louvel when we were only children, he's certainly grown since then." He winked, urging her forward with the gentle press of a hand to lower back, inviting her into their circle. "This is Alisa, our German cousin, all the way from Munich, she-...." Bitches, the word hit his ears, again halting his speech. "I'll be right back."
With a little twitch he stepped back from his gathered group, turning on his heel to eye the dark haired woman that walked in like she owned the place. Jude gave a low whistle, the sound almost closer to a sigh. "Lord, have mercy." He muttered under his breath, even as a slow grin began to curve his lips, the lower of which he'd captured between his own teeth, pinching the flesh as his chocolate brown eyes took her in. She was a problem child, but he had a soft spot for the Lioness of the lineage, for Leonie.
Crossing the short distance to where she had made her entrance Jude snatched Leonie up in one of his infamously warm hugs, as he did with Alisa, lowering kisses to her face as naturally as breathing. "Lioness, you are looking very demure, I admit to being both shocked and impressed. So how is it that something about presence it utterly sinful? Hm?" He laughed, giving the arm about her waist a light flex of muscle to squeeze her close. "Thank you, for coming... Want to say hey to some cousins?" He queried, a brow raised as if challenging her to say no. Surely, she knew better than to squash Jude's enthusiasm. He chuckled heartily, drawing her around to his side and effectively forcing her along towards the others. "And THIS, is Leonie. Our very own Lioness, and all around pain in the ***. We love her, play nice." He teased the group, taking his wine glass back from Louvel and pressing it to his lips, the man almost purring with satisfaction at the group that surrounded him.
This was his heaven, only one more person's presence could've made it more perfect.

- Louvel von der Marck
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- CrowNet Handle: Matador
Re: Death Itself Was Undone [VDM]
A brief brush across Lou’s shoulder couldn’t be fully placed. Like a breeze that was gone too soon but sweet enough to remember. That alone was effective enough that it pulled him back to the front and center. Well as much of a center as one could be while Judah was standing in the spotlight casting his glowing glory across those that were naturally drawn to his charismatic presence. Someone had to entertain the masses. Louvel found his hand holding onto a glass that wasn’t his but he obviously seemed handy enough to serve such a purpose. A twitch of the left corner of his mouth sent his lips dancing briefly upward in a curious amusement perhaps. Or maybe it was due to something entirely different? Time would tell.
The minutes that Louvel stood there ticked away loudly at the back of his brain. So this was it. It was going to happen and not entirely how he pictured it. Figures. Martin would be chuckling if he was standing in the shadows watching.
"Well, isn't this the typical Louvel ******** at it’s finest." There was the sound of his ex's annoying and mocking voice that only the Keeper could hear. “That's right just bend over a little farther. They are waiting.”
A sip from his glass of wine did little to banish the constant pain in his *** any further to the back of his thoughts. **** Martin. Hell, **** a few more too now that his mind was rambling. Louvel winked at the first one to look at him. Tibet was calling again. He was just putting it on hold until the family fun fest was complete.
Change. God help those who still actually believed there was no hope left. It was coming through like a freight train and there wasn’t a thing Lou could do about it but watch the events unfold. Leave it to Judah to stick his hand into the family nest and shake it hard enough to have more than a few von der Marcks come tumbling out from their planes, trains and automobiles. He watched and listened to the introductions as the collar around his neck seemed to shift from the fine linen it was supposed to be made out of into some harsh wool that was not meant to be at the back of anyone’s neck. Another sip of wine was swallowed with the hope of the evening finally getting started as his mossy orbs took in those introduced.
Well, now at least someone with a knack for seeing a few how they really were was finally speaking up. He felt the weight of his wine glass lessen considerably quick and while plotting where to find a refill he raised it and nodded to Mirella who really said something just as profound as Leonie.
Play nice?
Leave it to Judah to start a party then just as quickly try shutting it down. An empty glass in his sun soaked hand shot up perfect timing or not.
“Schenkt ein, trinkt aus, schenkt ein, trinkt aus!” Yes, that ought to lighten things considerably and if not he would smooth it over. “Welcome home.” Indeed it was time to refill his glass and there was no time like the present which he took advantage of and went about doing just that.
The minutes that Louvel stood there ticked away loudly at the back of his brain. So this was it. It was going to happen and not entirely how he pictured it. Figures. Martin would be chuckling if he was standing in the shadows watching.
"Well, isn't this the typical Louvel ******** at it’s finest." There was the sound of his ex's annoying and mocking voice that only the Keeper could hear. “That's right just bend over a little farther. They are waiting.”
A sip from his glass of wine did little to banish the constant pain in his *** any further to the back of his thoughts. **** Martin. Hell, **** a few more too now that his mind was rambling. Louvel winked at the first one to look at him. Tibet was calling again. He was just putting it on hold until the family fun fest was complete.
Change. God help those who still actually believed there was no hope left. It was coming through like a freight train and there wasn’t a thing Lou could do about it but watch the events unfold. Leave it to Judah to stick his hand into the family nest and shake it hard enough to have more than a few von der Marcks come tumbling out from their planes, trains and automobiles. He watched and listened to the introductions as the collar around his neck seemed to shift from the fine linen it was supposed to be made out of into some harsh wool that was not meant to be at the back of anyone’s neck. Another sip of wine was swallowed with the hope of the evening finally getting started as his mossy orbs took in those introduced.
Well, now at least someone with a knack for seeing a few how they really were was finally speaking up. He felt the weight of his wine glass lessen considerably quick and while plotting where to find a refill he raised it and nodded to Mirella who really said something just as profound as Leonie.
Play nice?
Leave it to Judah to start a party then just as quickly try shutting it down. An empty glass in his sun soaked hand shot up perfect timing or not.
“Schenkt ein, trinkt aus, schenkt ein, trinkt aus!” Yes, that ought to lighten things considerably and if not he would smooth it over. “Welcome home.” Indeed it was time to refill his glass and there was no time like the present which he took advantage of and went about doing just that.

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Re: Death Itself Was Undone [VDM]
Just after Leonie’s grand entrance was made (and really, if she hadn’t made one, those who knew her would likely consider her ill), she swept a glass of champagne off a tray, about to take a sip, when clear hazel eyes (helped along by a good deal of Visine) took in a familiar figure. A slow smile spread across her features in response to his.
“Judah!” she called brightly, just before he enveloped her in one of his trademark embraces. Her arms slid smoothly around her favorite cousin as she returned his kisses. He was perhaps the one person she knew of who worked past – or flat-out ignored - her superficial exterior, and dug right in to the (usually long dormant) true Leonie. So rapidly did he work, Leonie rarely realized there was a genuine grin adorning full ruby lips, as opposed to the frigid, false one that appeared at many a stuck-up social gathering.
“Well, you just never know who’ll be in attendance, Jude,” she replied to the 'demure' comment with an over-exaggerated roll of her eyes and a fresh grin for him. “Don’t want to shame or outrage any of the elders into strokes, hmm?” she all but purred at him, one hand running down the length of the velvet frock. Always the flirt, even if she knew he could see right past it. Had always seen right past it to the downright resilient and solid presence that lay beyond the layers of self-doubt and poor confidence she’d long since learned to conceal. Brash, bold, irreverent had become her obvious outer shell, but they covered a laundry list of insecurity brought on by her immediate family… as well as a secret only Judah had ever effortlessly pulled from her lips, after a few drinks too many at one of their random meet-ups somewhere on the East Coast.
“But,” she added with a wink, “one can’t escape one’s true nature. Sinful is as sinful does.”
The arm coiled around her waist was insistent, leaving no room for a refusal, but not something that made her feel trapped or obligated – a typical sense that had created in Leonie an outright disdain for any sort of meaningful relationship. Sure, she’d had a few, but she was pushing 30 and to her parents’ dismay, was no closer to marriage or even continuing the family lineage than she was at 20. Yes, Judah was pure magic – he effortlessly had her relaxed, with her guard nearly dropped, and swept her off to a loose-ringed group. As he introduced her as a pain in the ***, she had a sudden, childish urge to hip-check him, but instead only gave a light nudge to the ribs before her gaze moved to each of the gathered faces, some familiar but not seen for years, since they were children. A fresh smile curved her lips, a genuine one, if reserved for once. This was no ordinary gathering of snobby socialites or self-obsessed jet-set kids. This was family, blood. No matter who Leonie was to 98% of the people who knew her, the bone-deep sense of loyalty to her people had never been shaken, even it wasn’t often expressed.
“Hi,” she said brightly, though the play nice, she figured, was mostly directed at herself. She knew well she could be quite a handful, never took much of anything seriously, and loved finding ways to stir the pot, but the gatherings – mostly – saw a toned-down version of the Lioness. Though even she had to admit that ‘toned-down’ was still pretty over-the-top when she really got going.
Yet Judah seemed to know the sort of devotion she held, secretly, for the blood; he’d caught up with her weeks before and hand-delivered the invitation to this year’s Summoning, something that had surprised her, definitely – mainly because it had never happened before. The invite to the annual gathering was mailed or couriered (well, back in the day… but not for ages, she remembered), and they had grown quiet… boring, almost. Certainly nothing more than a reunion – but she remembered clearly how he had almost made it seem… Compulsory. Her presence was required, but Judah knowing Leonie well, did not present it in such a way, more in a way that saw her wanting to be in attendance. Feeling as if she needed to be there. Such quiet manipulation came from a loving place, she knew, once she knew herself to be manipulated, but it somehow never rankled her when he wielded it upon her.
The elders usually had their own sort of grown-up get-together. As her hazel-hued gaze scanned the room, briefly, truly taking it all in, she saw precious few of those same older family members present. While it wasn’t exactly unexpected for the reunion to be sparse as ever, she noted it as strange that the usual faces, the ones who could be counted upon year after year, were missing. Her eyes narrowed slightly in curiosity, wondering where they were. It was something she’d have to ask Judah about later, if there was a moment.
But for now, it was time to mingle and try to reacquaint herself with people she hadn’t seen in a decade (or two.) And as the words that followed the traditional Oktoberfest song were uttered, Leonie raised a brow and grinned, lifting her glass to the blonde man who looked so familiar, yet she could not place. So it was angling to be that kind of a party. How refreshing!
“Prost?” she added, as a question, as she lifted her glass and drained it in one go, flashing a quick look at Judah to ensure she wasn't already pushing the envelope.
“Judah!” she called brightly, just before he enveloped her in one of his trademark embraces. Her arms slid smoothly around her favorite cousin as she returned his kisses. He was perhaps the one person she knew of who worked past – or flat-out ignored - her superficial exterior, and dug right in to the (usually long dormant) true Leonie. So rapidly did he work, Leonie rarely realized there was a genuine grin adorning full ruby lips, as opposed to the frigid, false one that appeared at many a stuck-up social gathering.
“Well, you just never know who’ll be in attendance, Jude,” she replied to the 'demure' comment with an over-exaggerated roll of her eyes and a fresh grin for him. “Don’t want to shame or outrage any of the elders into strokes, hmm?” she all but purred at him, one hand running down the length of the velvet frock. Always the flirt, even if she knew he could see right past it. Had always seen right past it to the downright resilient and solid presence that lay beyond the layers of self-doubt and poor confidence she’d long since learned to conceal. Brash, bold, irreverent had become her obvious outer shell, but they covered a laundry list of insecurity brought on by her immediate family… as well as a secret only Judah had ever effortlessly pulled from her lips, after a few drinks too many at one of their random meet-ups somewhere on the East Coast.
“But,” she added with a wink, “one can’t escape one’s true nature. Sinful is as sinful does.”
The arm coiled around her waist was insistent, leaving no room for a refusal, but not something that made her feel trapped or obligated – a typical sense that had created in Leonie an outright disdain for any sort of meaningful relationship. Sure, she’d had a few, but she was pushing 30 and to her parents’ dismay, was no closer to marriage or even continuing the family lineage than she was at 20. Yes, Judah was pure magic – he effortlessly had her relaxed, with her guard nearly dropped, and swept her off to a loose-ringed group. As he introduced her as a pain in the ***, she had a sudden, childish urge to hip-check him, but instead only gave a light nudge to the ribs before her gaze moved to each of the gathered faces, some familiar but not seen for years, since they were children. A fresh smile curved her lips, a genuine one, if reserved for once. This was no ordinary gathering of snobby socialites or self-obsessed jet-set kids. This was family, blood. No matter who Leonie was to 98% of the people who knew her, the bone-deep sense of loyalty to her people had never been shaken, even it wasn’t often expressed.
“Hi,” she said brightly, though the play nice, she figured, was mostly directed at herself. She knew well she could be quite a handful, never took much of anything seriously, and loved finding ways to stir the pot, but the gatherings – mostly – saw a toned-down version of the Lioness. Though even she had to admit that ‘toned-down’ was still pretty over-the-top when she really got going.
Yet Judah seemed to know the sort of devotion she held, secretly, for the blood; he’d caught up with her weeks before and hand-delivered the invitation to this year’s Summoning, something that had surprised her, definitely – mainly because it had never happened before. The invite to the annual gathering was mailed or couriered (well, back in the day… but not for ages, she remembered), and they had grown quiet… boring, almost. Certainly nothing more than a reunion – but she remembered clearly how he had almost made it seem… Compulsory. Her presence was required, but Judah knowing Leonie well, did not present it in such a way, more in a way that saw her wanting to be in attendance. Feeling as if she needed to be there. Such quiet manipulation came from a loving place, she knew, once she knew herself to be manipulated, but it somehow never rankled her when he wielded it upon her.
The elders usually had their own sort of grown-up get-together. As her hazel-hued gaze scanned the room, briefly, truly taking it all in, she saw precious few of those same older family members present. While it wasn’t exactly unexpected for the reunion to be sparse as ever, she noted it as strange that the usual faces, the ones who could be counted upon year after year, were missing. Her eyes narrowed slightly in curiosity, wondering where they were. It was something she’d have to ask Judah about later, if there was a moment.
But for now, it was time to mingle and try to reacquaint herself with people she hadn’t seen in a decade (or two.) And as the words that followed the traditional Oktoberfest song were uttered, Leonie raised a brow and grinned, lifting her glass to the blonde man who looked so familiar, yet she could not place. So it was angling to be that kind of a party. How refreshing!
“Prost?” she added, as a question, as she lifted her glass and drained it in one go, flashing a quick look at Judah to ensure she wasn't already pushing the envelope.

- Posts: 105
- Joined: 13 Apr 2016, 16:18
- CrowNet Handle: FireFlower
Re: Death Itself Was Undone [VDM]
Mirella smiled at Leonie. The fireeater barely remembered the cousin except from the annual gatherings. "Prost," she finally said, taking a delicate sip and never letting her eyes stray from Judah's face. He was the family member she was closest to, the one who was always in the background for her. The one who was always there for her.
A moment later, her eyes drifted again, to her son, to Adam. The boy was playing tag with his caretaker for the evening, occasionally stumbling, but never falling. He'd inherited his mother's grace, for certain. For that, Mirella was grateful. At least he wasn't the klutz her sisters were.
Then she refocused on Leonie and the others, grinning broadly. "Well, Judah. We're all gathered here, like you wanted. Now can you tell us exactly why not everyone is here?"
A moment later, her eyes drifted again, to her son, to Adam. The boy was playing tag with his caretaker for the evening, occasionally stumbling, but never falling. He'd inherited his mother's grace, for certain. For that, Mirella was grateful. At least he wasn't the klutz her sisters were.
Then she refocused on Leonie and the others, grinning broadly. "Well, Judah. We're all gathered here, like you wanted. Now can you tell us exactly why not everyone is here?"

- Judah Marck
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- Joined: 12 Apr 2016, 03:19
- CrowNet Handle: JudeTheDude
Re: Death Itself Was Undone [VDM]
Judah grinned at Louvel, lifting his glass and echoing Leonie's "Prost", ensuring he met each of their gazes before sipping at his wine, revelling in the taste of it. There was a strong feeling of love and joy bubbling up inside of him threatening to burst forth as he looked between them, pride over the people they had become. He loved each of them for their own reasons, and needed them here for the same. Mirella drew his attention back to the topic at hand, to the reason he had brought them specifically to the manor, to their ancestral home. "Ah, that time of the night is it?" His mirth slipped somewhat, the more serious, passionate historian Judah shining through as he turned to study Louvel. He needed the man's strength, his warm dependency and immovable serenity in that moment. He'd already spilled the bulk of the details to Louvel and Gregor, having the pair help him locate and open the room beneath the house, the one that was on the ancient blueprints only recently recovered.
It was awe inspiring.
The preparations hadn't been easy, and they were still missing a few key items. "Alright... You are right, my sweet Ella, I should inform you all of what exactly is going on." He took a steadying breath, urging them all into a tighter circle, finishing his wine in two impressive gulps before discarding it on a passing tray. Arms free he tucked one around Lou's back, the other pulling Leonie towards his chest, keeping the wayward woman close by. He trusted Mirella wouldn't have any issue slipping closer to Lou, nor Alisa to any of them, so there they stood, waiting. "Alaric..." He said the name with reverence, a weight to it. "The ritual to restore him to life, some of you may have heard whispers of it, but it is real. It is has failed in the past, it was the original reason most of these gatherings occurred other than just family bonding and keeping check on us all." He admitted, while he appeared calm, there was something feverish in the back of his gaze, the man's face animated as he spoke. "It is my belief that they were missing elements, elements which we may have discovered. There a few things i'm unsure about, but between us I believe we can figure it out. We need to have people who will be able to step into the family roles, even if just for tonight, those of you with abilities. With power, with strong will and determination. I've chosen you, above others, because I believe you will be able to do it. I TRUST you to do it."
He took a breath, it was shaky at best, Jude steadying himself before continuing. "I will do what I can to help, but while I have knowledge I am no ritualist, no sorcerer. Some of you are, aren't you?" He smiled fondly, glancing at each of their faces, "Or at the very least you know of it. Yes, you hold power. The others here will be told soon, we require their energy on our familial land to make this work. I've chosen those who are faithful, true believers in the von der Marck's, in Alaric. Those who WANT this, not just the most powerful in blood but in heart. In soul. This I will tell them, but you, you are all the keys to success. Each of you has an important task... So... Will you pledge yourself to our service? Will you do all that is necessary to bring him back to us? Our great father." At some point Gregor had drifted closer, his blonde head appearing, towering above. He gave a sharp nod of agreement, he'd already heard this, already pledged himself to the cause. For everything Gregor was or was not, he was a von der Marck, a true von der Marck and Jude's expression said as much, there was love radiating from him as he met that icy blue gaze before it once more slipped from him. Each set of eyes was met by his own, chocolate brown, shining with meaning. "Will you?"
It was awe inspiring.
The preparations hadn't been easy, and they were still missing a few key items. "Alright... You are right, my sweet Ella, I should inform you all of what exactly is going on." He took a steadying breath, urging them all into a tighter circle, finishing his wine in two impressive gulps before discarding it on a passing tray. Arms free he tucked one around Lou's back, the other pulling Leonie towards his chest, keeping the wayward woman close by. He trusted Mirella wouldn't have any issue slipping closer to Lou, nor Alisa to any of them, so there they stood, waiting. "Alaric..." He said the name with reverence, a weight to it. "The ritual to restore him to life, some of you may have heard whispers of it, but it is real. It is has failed in the past, it was the original reason most of these gatherings occurred other than just family bonding and keeping check on us all." He admitted, while he appeared calm, there was something feverish in the back of his gaze, the man's face animated as he spoke. "It is my belief that they were missing elements, elements which we may have discovered. There a few things i'm unsure about, but between us I believe we can figure it out. We need to have people who will be able to step into the family roles, even if just for tonight, those of you with abilities. With power, with strong will and determination. I've chosen you, above others, because I believe you will be able to do it. I TRUST you to do it."
He took a breath, it was shaky at best, Jude steadying himself before continuing. "I will do what I can to help, but while I have knowledge I am no ritualist, no sorcerer. Some of you are, aren't you?" He smiled fondly, glancing at each of their faces, "Or at the very least you know of it. Yes, you hold power. The others here will be told soon, we require their energy on our familial land to make this work. I've chosen those who are faithful, true believers in the von der Marck's, in Alaric. Those who WANT this, not just the most powerful in blood but in heart. In soul. This I will tell them, but you, you are all the keys to success. Each of you has an important task... So... Will you pledge yourself to our service? Will you do all that is necessary to bring him back to us? Our great father." At some point Gregor had drifted closer, his blonde head appearing, towering above. He gave a sharp nod of agreement, he'd already heard this, already pledged himself to the cause. For everything Gregor was or was not, he was a von der Marck, a true von der Marck and Jude's expression said as much, there was love radiating from him as he met that icy blue gaze before it once more slipped from him. Each set of eyes was met by his own, chocolate brown, shining with meaning. "Will you?"

- Louvel von der Marck
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- Posts: 247
- Joined: 08 Apr 2016, 11:41
- CrowNet Handle: Matador
Re: Death Itself Was Undone [VDM]
Deep. While the contact of bodies reminded him he was not standing alone on some solitary edge something was there tugging at the layers within. A darkness that the world he conquered was denied access to. It belonged to him alone and perhaps to those around him for the moment. While pieces of him that were jagged and questionable were on the rise as the spoken words continued he held it all down with the press of a mental thumb. Now was not the time. Louvel may have presented as one of those who had little to no difficulty dealing with any negatives of reality, but like any other person walking the planet he did. He just was that familiar in containing them opting for proper timing instead. The glass in his hand was warm and empty much like the air the drifted near his body. A longing for that to change seeded itself but it wasn’t up to him and he resigned to it. It was another one of those matters that was beyond his power to change. Some were destined to return from the bowels of near ruin and others it appeared were destined to take the first exit their eyes set on never fully returning. Those loved and lost danced their way through his mind and disappeared.
The Keeper’s jaws tightened so that the rows of his brilliant whites were compacted by the building pressure while the knots of muscle danced where all was hinged together. His head dipped slowly so that his mossy orbs found the level that had him appearing focused on each one of the handful of family filling the bodies linked by Judah’s physical attempt at gathering for effect. The importance of what he was saying was coupled with the efforts he applied. Louvel’s peripheral frame included all as he set his attention on the one and only Judah. Judah, his cherished brother. The fallen family saint could grin even if the world as they had known it to be was melting. And that is exactly what it was doing. Hell had a hand in what was being proposed. There was no question in Louvel’s mind. No heavenly god would take part in what would soon be taking place. Alaric returning was and there was a confirmation in those uncertain depths he felt stirring.
Trust. He was reminded of the one who taught him the meaning of the word.
“And the moment will come. You will know.” The whispers of Mara’s voice were strained in the back of his head rising to the front as he continued to watch Judah ask for those to pledge to the cause. He could not fully understand when she first said it to him years ago. How was he to wrap his mind around it all? The sorcerer she revealed, the expectation for him to step beyond the the world beneath his feet and enter another realm of being. To embrace what she said he was entrusted to do. “This is what we are, Louvel. What we have been born to do. Each of us. The blood will call for us all to rise beyond simply existing. The power is in the blood and in the hearts that keep it flowing. It cannot fail.”
Louvel’s palm pressed enough against the back of Judah that when his jaws softened to speak it was felt as it was meant to. He would pledge. He was signed up for the job by the one woman who should have been beside him guiding him through what would be expected. Not that he was not prepared. Because he was. She had made sure he would be. He felt her in the laughter of the children playing in the distance, in warmth that came from the closeness of family around him. Mara von der Marck had fulfilled her duty and left the legacy of what she knew with her only son the Keeper and the sorcerer.
“I will.” When Louvel von der Marck said those words they were like a vow to whatever they were applied to. He would die before he failed to make it happen. “You have my word, brother.” A firm pat landed at the back of Jude’s shoulder when his hand lifted and then clamped down and stayed put. Judah may be knocking on hell’s door but by no means was he going to do it alone.
The Keeper’s jaws tightened so that the rows of his brilliant whites were compacted by the building pressure while the knots of muscle danced where all was hinged together. His head dipped slowly so that his mossy orbs found the level that had him appearing focused on each one of the handful of family filling the bodies linked by Judah’s physical attempt at gathering for effect. The importance of what he was saying was coupled with the efforts he applied. Louvel’s peripheral frame included all as he set his attention on the one and only Judah. Judah, his cherished brother. The fallen family saint could grin even if the world as they had known it to be was melting. And that is exactly what it was doing. Hell had a hand in what was being proposed. There was no question in Louvel’s mind. No heavenly god would take part in what would soon be taking place. Alaric returning was and there was a confirmation in those uncertain depths he felt stirring.
Trust. He was reminded of the one who taught him the meaning of the word.
“And the moment will come. You will know.” The whispers of Mara’s voice were strained in the back of his head rising to the front as he continued to watch Judah ask for those to pledge to the cause. He could not fully understand when she first said it to him years ago. How was he to wrap his mind around it all? The sorcerer she revealed, the expectation for him to step beyond the the world beneath his feet and enter another realm of being. To embrace what she said he was entrusted to do. “This is what we are, Louvel. What we have been born to do. Each of us. The blood will call for us all to rise beyond simply existing. The power is in the blood and in the hearts that keep it flowing. It cannot fail.”
Louvel’s palm pressed enough against the back of Judah that when his jaws softened to speak it was felt as it was meant to. He would pledge. He was signed up for the job by the one woman who should have been beside him guiding him through what would be expected. Not that he was not prepared. Because he was. She had made sure he would be. He felt her in the laughter of the children playing in the distance, in warmth that came from the closeness of family around him. Mara von der Marck had fulfilled her duty and left the legacy of what she knew with her only son the Keeper and the sorcerer.
“I will.” When Louvel von der Marck said those words they were like a vow to whatever they were applied to. He would die before he failed to make it happen. “You have my word, brother.” A firm pat landed at the back of Jude’s shoulder when his hand lifted and then clamped down and stayed put. Judah may be knocking on hell’s door but by no means was he going to do it alone.

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Re: Death Itself Was Undone [VDM]
Leonie’s gaze idly drifted to the cousin in costume - Mirella - as she raised a question the dark-haired woman had not really expected or considered. Sure, Judah had been pretty insistent that she be in attendance and despite her wayward and drifter-like nature, Leonie had made sure Melba knew it was imperative she make her way to Harper Rock in time to appease him… but it hadn’t quite occurred to her that there might be a reason why this visit was so important. Her gaze snapped back to the cousin she loved best as he acquiesced, clearly the glue who held them all together, the common link to people she otherwise would likely have never met again since they all grew up.
Judah drew her close as her brows drew slightly together, as a change in his energy could be all but tasted on the air. A telltale feeling of mild anxiety tiptoed down her spine, and then – that name.
What? Why?!
A chill quickly followed as a rushing sound filled her head and her ears, almost blighting out the rest of what Judah had to say. Before she could stop herself, she was drawing in a sharp breath, doing her best to keep from shaking her head to rid it of that sound, to keep the ”NO!” from rising automatically to her lips. A hand pressed to her chest, trying to calm the thudding that could be easily felt beneath.
The name alone held weight – Alaric – A name her father had mentioned, in stories when she was young. Stories cleverly disguised as twisted fairy tales and blood-soaked folklore, spooky family legends meant to thrill her on various occasions throughout her life. Never once had he made her think they were based in any sort of truth, but as the murmured German words came back to her, filtering through the memories, warring for prominence over the rushing that faded out to a dull, thudding echo of a man’s screams, a shiver overtook her at the first inkling they might be true. Her composure was shaken, she knew, as she felt the color drain from her face, and as she swallowed hard, her lively, irreverent facade slipping slightly at the very thought.
Her mind tiptoed back to a night, years before, where they’d met up at someone’s ridiculously over-the-top bash for some dumb milestone or another – for all she remembered, it had been to celebrate a new private jet, or something equally frivolous – but it had been so indescribably wonderful to have someone she knew, who knew her, there to party. It was a rare Leonie they all saw that night, someone laid back and carefree as ever, but with a refreshing sense of realness that was often lacking behind the shiny lacquer of high-end makeup and designer outfits. Life flowed through her that night, as intoxicating as the liquor they swallowed like water, relaxing her in a way that was usually missing in those settings. No, Leonie often attacked each social gathering like a job, or like something to be conquered with a get-down-to-business-or-get-out sort of mentality. But that night, it was really, truly her enjoying the unexpected company in the lush surroundings only the very rich could ever find tedious and boring.
Hours later, after they’d caught up and had more than a few drinks to loosen their tongues, the conversation had turned to family. Not just their immediate families - subjects that had been spoken of idly and danced around so as to avoid nasty memories, for her at least - but instead the subject became the yearly Summonings and the old faces always there. Why they were there, and what the elders were up to. They all had their theories, of course, fed by whispers from those who maybe knew more than others, but Leonie really only had the old stories to go on. Talk had turned next to strange abilities, things born of the von der Marck blood and never spoken of above a whisper, things that were often dismissed by the younger generations as more legend to be brushed off like dust. Jude seemed a bit more pragmatic to her in general, but thinking back on it now, there had been a moment she'd wondered just how much he believed, an almost comforting thought that had led her to let slip a whisper of her own.
Drunkenly, her lips had moved close to his ear, where she’d murmured the long-held secret of the strange things she’d done and seen and heard with a simple statement, before she'd moved on to slightly more detail. The odd, inexplicable abilities reared their heads at unexpected times and usually under extreme stress… the most notable the night she’d learned one of her family’s most disgusting, disturbing deeds and a terrified, beyond-pissed-off Leonie had somehow set fire to her grandfather’s study with no more than an intense thought. There had been other moments like it, but nothing had ever compared to that, to her grandfather and father standing there, agape, as instead of getting understandably angry or fearful, they instead exchanged what Leonie recalled as almost knowing looks. She didn't remember much after, since she'd turned tail and booked it for her own suite of rooms, but that moment was forever etched upon her memory.
The fire had been quickly extinguished with little damage, at least, and though her father had tried to talk with her about it, Leonie had instead packed up and adamantly requested to be sent back to boarding school early, a request her mother had immediately, happily seen to without care or question. Her daughter was a teen by then, no longer an adorable accessory to dress up and take around with her before foisting her off on her nanny, and the woman was increasingly stressed by the physical reminder she wasn’t a 20-year-old trophy wife any longer. Banishing her children sooner allowed her to remain lost in her youthful delusions and that time, Leonie was only too happy to oblige.
She had, somewhere in the rambling, told Judah to never speak of it to anyone, to forget she’d said a word. She had tried forgetting, herself, but it wasn’t exactly a memory that could be vanquished… especially if the others couldn’t be. And now here they were, Judah’s gaze landing uncomfortably on her face as he spoke of power. She repressed another shiver as she was again forcibly reminded of the things she had tried to stuff down deep and never think about again, as a feeling of stark betrayal slithered through her. It took more of a concerted effort not to shove her cousin away and turn on her heel and leave, especially as he spoke of trust… and though a wave of sickening heat washed over her, twisting her gut in a nauseating roll, she decided to stay put and hear him out. There was no indication he’d told anyone else… but she wasn’t sure she could let go of the fact he had clearly not forgotten one of her closest held secrets and instead intended to use it.
Crimson nails tightened on the man’s arm as she struggled with the onslaught of information, of emotions, fears, worries that accompanied each word that sank in past the panic. She was not a true believer of this supposed great father; all she’d ever heard were the stories from her father, and sometimes her grandfather. How on earth did that make her worthy of being needed? Why in hell, when she outright and firmly denied any strange abilities she might possess, would he think she - irresponsible and selfish beyond measure - would do any good there?
Finally, she drew another breath, and after a brief struggle managed to gather her thoughts into something that made more sense. She would never turn her back on her blood - another thing Judah knew and seemed to be using - even if she wasn't certain she could fulfill the requested need, but she needed things answered first, needed more information.
“But why? To what end? Judah…” came the almost helpless whisper, a trailing off that spoke volumes all on its own.
Judah drew her close as her brows drew slightly together, as a change in his energy could be all but tasted on the air. A telltale feeling of mild anxiety tiptoed down her spine, and then – that name.
What? Why?!
A chill quickly followed as a rushing sound filled her head and her ears, almost blighting out the rest of what Judah had to say. Before she could stop herself, she was drawing in a sharp breath, doing her best to keep from shaking her head to rid it of that sound, to keep the ”NO!” from rising automatically to her lips. A hand pressed to her chest, trying to calm the thudding that could be easily felt beneath.
The name alone held weight – Alaric – A name her father had mentioned, in stories when she was young. Stories cleverly disguised as twisted fairy tales and blood-soaked folklore, spooky family legends meant to thrill her on various occasions throughout her life. Never once had he made her think they were based in any sort of truth, but as the murmured German words came back to her, filtering through the memories, warring for prominence over the rushing that faded out to a dull, thudding echo of a man’s screams, a shiver overtook her at the first inkling they might be true. Her composure was shaken, she knew, as she felt the color drain from her face, and as she swallowed hard, her lively, irreverent facade slipping slightly at the very thought.
Her mind tiptoed back to a night, years before, where they’d met up at someone’s ridiculously over-the-top bash for some dumb milestone or another – for all she remembered, it had been to celebrate a new private jet, or something equally frivolous – but it had been so indescribably wonderful to have someone she knew, who knew her, there to party. It was a rare Leonie they all saw that night, someone laid back and carefree as ever, but with a refreshing sense of realness that was often lacking behind the shiny lacquer of high-end makeup and designer outfits. Life flowed through her that night, as intoxicating as the liquor they swallowed like water, relaxing her in a way that was usually missing in those settings. No, Leonie often attacked each social gathering like a job, or like something to be conquered with a get-down-to-business-or-get-out sort of mentality. But that night, it was really, truly her enjoying the unexpected company in the lush surroundings only the very rich could ever find tedious and boring.
Hours later, after they’d caught up and had more than a few drinks to loosen their tongues, the conversation had turned to family. Not just their immediate families - subjects that had been spoken of idly and danced around so as to avoid nasty memories, for her at least - but instead the subject became the yearly Summonings and the old faces always there. Why they were there, and what the elders were up to. They all had their theories, of course, fed by whispers from those who maybe knew more than others, but Leonie really only had the old stories to go on. Talk had turned next to strange abilities, things born of the von der Marck blood and never spoken of above a whisper, things that were often dismissed by the younger generations as more legend to be brushed off like dust. Jude seemed a bit more pragmatic to her in general, but thinking back on it now, there had been a moment she'd wondered just how much he believed, an almost comforting thought that had led her to let slip a whisper of her own.
Drunkenly, her lips had moved close to his ear, where she’d murmured the long-held secret of the strange things she’d done and seen and heard with a simple statement, before she'd moved on to slightly more detail. The odd, inexplicable abilities reared their heads at unexpected times and usually under extreme stress… the most notable the night she’d learned one of her family’s most disgusting, disturbing deeds and a terrified, beyond-pissed-off Leonie had somehow set fire to her grandfather’s study with no more than an intense thought. There had been other moments like it, but nothing had ever compared to that, to her grandfather and father standing there, agape, as instead of getting understandably angry or fearful, they instead exchanged what Leonie recalled as almost knowing looks. She didn't remember much after, since she'd turned tail and booked it for her own suite of rooms, but that moment was forever etched upon her memory.
The fire had been quickly extinguished with little damage, at least, and though her father had tried to talk with her about it, Leonie had instead packed up and adamantly requested to be sent back to boarding school early, a request her mother had immediately, happily seen to without care or question. Her daughter was a teen by then, no longer an adorable accessory to dress up and take around with her before foisting her off on her nanny, and the woman was increasingly stressed by the physical reminder she wasn’t a 20-year-old trophy wife any longer. Banishing her children sooner allowed her to remain lost in her youthful delusions and that time, Leonie was only too happy to oblige.
She had, somewhere in the rambling, told Judah to never speak of it to anyone, to forget she’d said a word. She had tried forgetting, herself, but it wasn’t exactly a memory that could be vanquished… especially if the others couldn’t be. And now here they were, Judah’s gaze landing uncomfortably on her face as he spoke of power. She repressed another shiver as she was again forcibly reminded of the things she had tried to stuff down deep and never think about again, as a feeling of stark betrayal slithered through her. It took more of a concerted effort not to shove her cousin away and turn on her heel and leave, especially as he spoke of trust… and though a wave of sickening heat washed over her, twisting her gut in a nauseating roll, she decided to stay put and hear him out. There was no indication he’d told anyone else… but she wasn’t sure she could let go of the fact he had clearly not forgotten one of her closest held secrets and instead intended to use it.
Crimson nails tightened on the man’s arm as she struggled with the onslaught of information, of emotions, fears, worries that accompanied each word that sank in past the panic. She was not a true believer of this supposed great father; all she’d ever heard were the stories from her father, and sometimes her grandfather. How on earth did that make her worthy of being needed? Why in hell, when she outright and firmly denied any strange abilities she might possess, would he think she - irresponsible and selfish beyond measure - would do any good there?
Finally, she drew another breath, and after a brief struggle managed to gather her thoughts into something that made more sense. She would never turn her back on her blood - another thing Judah knew and seemed to be using - even if she wasn't certain she could fulfill the requested need, but she needed things answered first, needed more information.
“But why? To what end? Judah…” came the almost helpless whisper, a trailing off that spoke volumes all on its own.

- Posts: 105
- Joined: 13 Apr 2016, 16:18
- CrowNet Handle: FireFlower
Re: Death Itself Was Undone [VDM]
The implication of bringing Alaric back was that death itself wasn't even a barrier for the family. That the legends were true. That all of it was true. Every little story her father had told Mirella and her sisters when they were younger, the dumbed down versions, segued into the first time they'd heard the full story, to now. Everything had happened for a reason.
Even little Adam, and her choice to let him go, had been for a reason. Even - no, she dared not even think his name here, surrounded by people who thought she'd had a boyfriend, not a one night stand.
"I'll stand with you, Judah," she said softly, staring at her feet before letting her brown eyes turn back, again, to Adam. The little boy was playing, so happily. He had no idea that his mother was agreeing to do something so potentially dangerous. He only knew her at Aunt Ella, the family member who was always around but was never quite part of the unit. Oh, how she wanted to change that.
She couldn't yet.
Returning her attention to Judah, she smiled. "It's about time this family's stagnation ended."
Even little Adam, and her choice to let him go, had been for a reason. Even - no, she dared not even think his name here, surrounded by people who thought she'd had a boyfriend, not a one night stand.
"I'll stand with you, Judah," she said softly, staring at her feet before letting her brown eyes turn back, again, to Adam. The little boy was playing, so happily. He had no idea that his mother was agreeing to do something so potentially dangerous. He only knew her at Aunt Ella, the family member who was always around but was never quite part of the unit. Oh, how she wanted to change that.
She couldn't yet.
Returning her attention to Judah, she smiled. "It's about time this family's stagnation ended."

- Judah Marck
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- CrowNet Handle: JudeTheDude
Re: Death Itself Was Undone [VDM]
Lou's pledge, while no great surprise, made him swell with pride. It was what his darling mother had been preparing him for, the strength of power that he had inherited from Mara. He bristled with it, it shone from him like some beacon, Judah could see it shimmering beneath is skin and he wanted to see it unleashed. Perhaps he had gone mad, gone too far from all this time with his nose in books, his head down studying and researching.
Leonie's reaction was also of little surprise to him, her shock and the recoiling wounded him slightly, he had hoped she might embrace a higher purpose but he knew her secrets and how they frightened her. "It is alright, Leonie, you... You don't have to, however, the reason is that this is OUR purpose. It is what we have... All this information, all this research and time spent seeking. It is why roles were created, gifted and passed down the family line. It was all to bring him back to us, such a selfish purpose and yet with such great meaning. Can't you imagine it? No, I suppose you can't... Oh, sweet Lioness you must think i'm mad." The aching throb of his heart reminded him of how impossible this would be without her, how much he needed that wild woman's strength, the blood of her line. She was the final link, and she was so important to him not just for this but because he loved her. He wanted her to stand with him, with them.
Alisa was silent, and Mirella seemed to be considering her choice. It was made, he knew, but she had to pretend to choose, to consider her son. This was for him, it was for all of them, the von der Marck's. She gave her pledge and his grin broke free once more, collecting her hand in his and bringing it to his lips. "Knew you would, Firebug." There was now just two, just two who had to decide.
"I am to make my announcement to the rest of the family, of what we need of them, please... Take this time to think, to consider if you will aid us in this task. You feel it, don't you, Leonie? Feel the power of this place. Touch the ground, touch it and breathe deep. Let it rise up and take hold of you, let yourself touch fingertips to the skin of your family, brush against a cheek. You will feel it there, the blood is strong and it is ours. We can do this. I believe we can, and to what end? To fulfilling our lifelong purpose. To restoring our great name under a worthy leader and taking back what is OURS by right." He stroked the back of his fingers down the side of the woman's face in a gentle caress, capturing dark strands of hair and depositing them over her shoulder. "Please, be my strength, you have it in you." His lips brushed hers in a brief kiss, an urgency to it albeit entirely chaste. "Please." He echoed the sentiment one final time before departing to make his announcement.
Leonie's reaction was also of little surprise to him, her shock and the recoiling wounded him slightly, he had hoped she might embrace a higher purpose but he knew her secrets and how they frightened her. "It is alright, Leonie, you... You don't have to, however, the reason is that this is OUR purpose. It is what we have... All this information, all this research and time spent seeking. It is why roles were created, gifted and passed down the family line. It was all to bring him back to us, such a selfish purpose and yet with such great meaning. Can't you imagine it? No, I suppose you can't... Oh, sweet Lioness you must think i'm mad." The aching throb of his heart reminded him of how impossible this would be without her, how much he needed that wild woman's strength, the blood of her line. She was the final link, and she was so important to him not just for this but because he loved her. He wanted her to stand with him, with them.
Alisa was silent, and Mirella seemed to be considering her choice. It was made, he knew, but she had to pretend to choose, to consider her son. This was for him, it was for all of them, the von der Marck's. She gave her pledge and his grin broke free once more, collecting her hand in his and bringing it to his lips. "Knew you would, Firebug." There was now just two, just two who had to decide.
"I am to make my announcement to the rest of the family, of what we need of them, please... Take this time to think, to consider if you will aid us in this task. You feel it, don't you, Leonie? Feel the power of this place. Touch the ground, touch it and breathe deep. Let it rise up and take hold of you, let yourself touch fingertips to the skin of your family, brush against a cheek. You will feel it there, the blood is strong and it is ours. We can do this. I believe we can, and to what end? To fulfilling our lifelong purpose. To restoring our great name under a worthy leader and taking back what is OURS by right." He stroked the back of his fingers down the side of the woman's face in a gentle caress, capturing dark strands of hair and depositing them over her shoulder. "Please, be my strength, you have it in you." His lips brushed hers in a brief kiss, an urgency to it albeit entirely chaste. "Please." He echoed the sentiment one final time before departing to make his announcement.