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Re: Wake the Shadow [Dragomir]

Posted: 02 Apr 2016, 19:16
by Azraeth
Enzo was the first to arrive. Az didn't know very much about him if he was being honest, just what little he had gleaned from CrowNet, and in their few casual conversations. What he knew about the new dragon was that Enzo was into some sort of publishing business. Marketing the man had said? Unsurprising really, because Az got feelings of elegance and class from Enzo, paired with modern and expensive tastes. To Azraeth, Enzo seemed like the sort of guy who, given enough time, could buy or sell anyone he wanted. And the seneschal of the Dragomir had no problem with helping him get to that point. Mr. Scratch had been like that. Ambitious. Always chatting away with Az, scheming, planning, plotting a better world for himself. So the dragon understood the personality, respected it even.

"So bro, who's bringing the refreshments?"

"You know, if I'm honest, I didn't even think of that. This is why you should never let me plan a party." He murmured with a toothy smile that showed off a little bit too much ivory. The first time they had met, Az had embraced the man. A message. You are one of us. When Enzo tugged him into that fond embrace, he was happy to return it, giving a firm pat on the other man's back, right against shoulder before they pulled apart. "The Necropolis is right across the street, so we might go there." Though Nikolae hated the Necropolis. What very few people knew about Nikolae was that the man could hold grudges for a long time. Four...or was it five years before, a Dragomir had been attacked there by the owner. Nikolae had yet to forgive the establishment, even though Az was a fond patron. But Niko had gotten his revenge at some point, as he usually did.

He was about to launch into some plans to go and get a 'bite to eat', when the doors opened once more and he caught sight of Cordelia. His most newly turned. He found himself watching her, making sure in those first few seconds, that she was alright. Uninjured. All sorts of things liked to attack blood suckers. It was only when she got to the altar that he returned her smile, and watched the exchange between her and Enzo. He didn't see the point in interrupting. The entire point of the little get together had been to give people a chance to properly meet. CrowNet was good for swift exchanges, but it was no replacement for actual gatherings.

"Cordie, you look fantastic tonig-" He was cut short when the door pushed open yet again, and Az caught sight of a face he hadn't seen in some time. He almost expected to see Perry with her. It seemed as if the two had always been together in the past. But the dark haired, fair skinned Dragomir didn't come in with Merry. Azraeth buried a brief pang of woe at that. He wasn't about to focus on what he didn't have, when there was so much right there in front of him. It seemed the dress code for the night was black and Az was the only one who hadn't gotten the memo. Ironic, considering his usual style was monochromatic, dull, and dark. But he had read somewhere that orange brought out the blue in one's eyes, and he had begun to experiment with different things, trying to find his own signature style.

"Merry, it's wonderful to see you." He said as he moved to stand, his feet touching the ground as he hopped off of the altar to move closer. He felt fingertips touch his skin and he leaned in so he could press a kiss against her cheek. Fond. Affectionate. Brief. As if to say The past is the past, and time doesn't really change a dragon.

Nikolae arrived in a flourish of flamboyant movements that brought him closer and closer. Az rarely got to see his sire really enjoy himself. Nikolae had been good to Harper Rock, but Harper Rock had not been good to him, or at least, that was how Azraeth saw it. Too soon after turning, the progenitor of the Dragomir had been crushed under the burden of duties that no one man should have been forced to deal with. There had been chaos, and pain, and anger, and death. In some ways, those things had taken away pieces of Nikolae. Had hardened him. Made him darker, more akin to the shadow which he really was.

"You don't need him." Asher had once said.

"He is everything to me." Had been the response. Yes. Az could have moved on, could have done his own thing. Nikolae probably wouldn't have even held it against him. But the thing that Asher had never really understood was loyalty. There had been numerous parties in the past who had attempted to divide the pair. They had failed because one part getting rid of the other would have been like the left hand slicing off the right. What was that belief Superbia had touted to the Daughters of Destiny? One flesh abiding. That philosophy hadn't come from the Worthington; it had come from the Dragomir. Ultimately, it had come from Nikolae.

And so Az watched as the maker of everything they were, the creature who was responsible for everyone in the Temple, came closer. Basket in hand. Basket? Gifts were being passed around.

"I didn't know gifts were required."

"I wouldn't worry too much about it, Cordie. Nikolae has a habit of surprising us with gifts. He once gave me a living baby to take care of." A smile. That had been an interesting few days. Eventually, Az had gotten it back to its parents. But Nikolae was often very much like an ancient dragon who had risen from slumber. He didn't really think the way most people did. He was a touch anachronistic. A touch crazy.

"Thank you, sire. Is. That a basket full of fingers?" His brows furrowed as he tried to get a look inside. Lips pursed. He was used to having to follow along behind Nikolae when the man went out in public. Baskets full of fingers. Missing babies. Honestly, Az was surprised Nikolae didn't turn up at banks covered in blood, trying to make deposits and withdrawals.

"Enzo has reminded me I forgot to account for refreshments, by the way." He said. "Normally I would say we should go to the Necropolis, but I think maybe tonight we should go have a little bit of fun at an establishment filled with a little" Because when you got Dragons together, you couldn't really expect them to sip tea, and chitter away at each other about their days. Blood was what bound them and blood was what needed to be shed.

"I hear there's a rave going on in the slums." Nobody would hear the screams. Or if they did, they would assume it was just another turf war. That was the beautiful thing about an escalating crime rate. People didn't blink twice at all the violence. Made it easier to blend. Made the ugly come out.

"Anyone peckish?"
Okay folks, posting order going into round two is: Azraeth (current post), Enzo, Cordelia, Merry, Nikolae.

Anyone who still wants to enter can. Wherever they enter in the post order is where they will stay for the rest of the thread.

If they move along to the rave, Az will leave behind his wraith to give any late shows directions to the 'party'.

Also, people can feel free to make 'spin off' threads set as private conversations between characters during this thread, or set after the thread is over. That way people can get their share of private character interaction.

Will do my best to keep things rolling in a timely fashion. <3!!

Re: Wake the Shadow [Dragomir]

Posted: 02 Apr 2016, 20:16
by Enzo Dragomir
Fingers? Enzo's already raised brow flew even further up toward his hairline. Az said fingers... he narrowed his gaze and really looked into the basket and yes, he was seeing some digits. Finger sandwiches? Ladyfingers? Finger food? Enzo covered his mouth to keep the chortle from escaping. He was only partially successful and moved to clear his throat. Azraeth had apparently seen it all with their Sire and had moved on, the enigmatic baby comment sealed it.

Enzo blinked a few times, his own attached fingers adjusting his watch under his cuffs as he gathered he was correct about Merry being of the elder set. He suddenly wanted to know more of her, help him know more of himself. He turned his smile toward her before looking over at Cordelia. He would have to make sure he was more available at work for her, perhaps even drinks during a break in clients. He wasn't even sure what path she was so he supposed he would have to feel things out.

At mention of the rave in the slums Enzo blanched inwardly at what was going to be the end of his favourite suit, until he remembered he had a change of clothes in his car for impromptu visits to the gym. All the best tasting women went there. That workout high was definitely transferable.

He stood back up then and smiled, "That sounds perfect Az, I'm game with anything that involves devolving." He waited to see then if changing would be necessary or if any of the others had different ideas. It was always a view into a person to see what sort of place they frequented. It spoke volumes. While he waited for them to suss out a destination he continued to look around the temple itself.

Well he remembered the stained glass windows, each a face he should know but sadly that likelihood was slim. Long gone most of the family. He supposed it went with what they were, what Harpers Rock was. A climactic ending to everything the world thought proven. That wasn't to say he thought the masquerade should come down. He most definitely was for secrecy, just look at his background. He just didn't have much hope that should things continue there was any realistic hopes of it.

Problems for another night he told himself as his eyes locked with that damned glass wolf. It actually took effort not to snarl back. Forever equated with the pain of his death it was sheer force of will that forced him to look over the other panels and continue listening to the others. Again he thought to himself it didn't matter where they went, it was an opportunity for him to know his Sire better. His family. He wanted to know what he felt so protective about... blood to blood, mind to mind, he could feel them. Now he wanted to know them.

Re: Wake the Shadow [Dragomir]

Posted: 02 Apr 2016, 20:35
by Requiem (DELETED 7830)
Of, course Joline makes her way into the temple fashionably late as always and glanced around noting a few people some she knew others she did not. She was the quiet one and remain quiet and alone for now while everyone else was chatty with each other.

(I apologise in advance I'm not all that great with posting)

Re: Wake the Shadow [Dragomir]

Posted: 02 Apr 2016, 22:02
by Cordelia
"Hmm. Well then."

Cordelia straightened her jacket, clicking one heel against the floor as she looked around, catching sight of the latest arrival for just a moment before caramel eyes returned to Azraeth. A rave. "Aw, and I just fed," she whined slightly. You could eat more, you know. Not much, maybe two ravers, the hunger insisted. "Maybe, if someone has a sniper rifle, I can perch somewhere and keep them penned for the rest? Threaten them that way..."

She knew she could do it. She'd only handled a sniper rifle once, when her ex boyfriend had taken her to the firing range and asked for something with a little more kick for her to try. She had loved the rush of power it lent her, and wanted to feel it again.

It had helped that she'd made the marks she'd aimed for every time.

Re: Wake the Shadow [Dragomir]

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 06:15
by Merry (DELETED 7994)
Merry relaxed somewhat as Azraeth returned the show of familial intimacy, of recognition and let her know in that one fleeting moment she was welcome. Relief began to work it's way through her, reaching to the very tips of her fingers and toes, making her feel a renewed energy. As long as Nikolae didn't burn her alive for failing to keep their Perry close she would be fine, she would make this work. Enzo was handsome and he seemed to know it, turning on her with those flashing smiles and fond words. That wasn't something Meredith usually responded to, if anything it was a sign to run far, far away for charming men tended to find their deaths at her touch or try to steal her away from the world. Yet he seemed harmless enough, and she firmly reminded herself that this was no time to dwell on past events or fear what COULD happen, she must focus on what was happening right now.

The smiles were returned, she even let herself laugh at Azraeth's comments regarding Nikolae, leaning around Enzo to peek into the basket of fingers. "He really brought fingers, oh, Nik you really do know how to spoil." Sharing a small glance with the others, as if to say "let us humour him". Her interest in Cordelia was interrupted by a new arrival, though as the woman remained quiet and to herself Merry once more spoke to the group. "A... Rave? I'm not sure I know what this is. I like to dance, will we be dancing? If it's dark I think it will be ok, but I warn you it has been a time since i've surrounded myself with humans. I might need a... Uh," her hand waved in the air, rolling on her wrist as she tried to think of the word, "Amice? Prieten bun..."She clicked her tongue in a tsking sound, raising her triumphantly as the word finally came to mind. "Buddy, da?" She exclaimed rather proudly, "A buddy, yes maybe someone will be my buddy? Tell me if I am not fitting in. Like that movie, the Finding Nemo? Exit buddy."

Re: Wake the Shadow [Dragomir]

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 17:58
by Nikolae
Nikolae was pleased at the reaction to his gifts. He worked hard to acquire the things he doted on his beloved Dragons - when there were Dragons awake and around to dote upon at any rate. He flashed another charming smile and set the basket onto the alter with a firm thump. Then he turned to face the rest of the room, gracing the quiet Requiem with a small smile in greeting. He knew the girl wasn't likely to speak - she was quiet when she wasn't off shooting at people for reasons he still didn't quite understand. Ah well, the young learned best when fending against the opportunistic sharks on their own. And how amusing that the death of a Dragon still garnered so very much attention from the peons in this little town.

"How good to see you again, Merry. Always great when a slumbering Dragon wakens. I hope you didn't obtain any cobwebs." He paused, odd slitted eyes twinkling with mirth and playfulness. "Definitely hope there aren't any cobwebs in certain places." He laughed, a low sound that poured out of him like caramel.

His gaze slid toward the female he didn't recognize save for the air that she must surely be of his blood. His ears caught murmurings of her name and he flashed a charming smile. "Welcome to the Dragomir, Cord." He murmured, lifting a hand to waggle fingers elegantly in her direction. It really was fantastic to see more of their ilk filling the city streets.

The Dragon fished into the basket to retrieve the finger with the pretty bauble on it, and stood upright to approach his youngest childe. He offered the digit with a flourish to the man, all but beaming with pride. "For you, my growing warrior childe." He spoke with a nod then glanced around as his first borne spoke.

"A rave?" He shrugged and pursed his lips. "Why not? So long as nobody lights the place on fire. I just bought these boots." He chuckled and shook his head. Boots were always being destroyed mucking through the sewers or the blood and guts of kills. Or other things he dared not think about.

Re: Wake the Shadow [Dragomir]

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 19:05
by Requiem (DELETED 7830)
Joline smiled as she was acknowledged by her creator. Those who look upon her may assume she does not speak at all but she does in so many ways, she spoke quietly to her father telepathy wise. "Evening daddy." She said to him, while glancing to the newest childe of his and didn't really show any sort of expression. It was more like a dead stare with her red dragon eyes searching into his soul.

Re: Wake the Shadow [Dragomir]

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 00:22
by Yvette Marie

Yvette had fully intended to arrive early, or at least on time. Then Mackinsey began arguing with her about what she should wear, how she should wear her hair,and other things she considered unimportant. She lost her temper, throwing things at him and asking him which of them was still alive. Unused to her developing temper, he began to sulk and wouldn't come out. It had taken nearly an hour for her to get him to stop, and she refused to leave him behind. Then, on the way to the temple she'd gotten lost, distracted by art in a gallery window. Her fingers tingled, and she had a longing to go back home and grab her paints. Mackinsey reminded her (peevishly, still upset at her for throwing a picture frame through his abdomen- it didn't matter that he couldn't feel it) that she could not refuse an invitation from her new family. Therefore, with reluctant feet carrying her onward, she'd finally arrived.

Yvette pushed open the door and wandered in, closing it behind her. Her eyes took in those around her, recognizing only one, but vaguely recalling passing a few others on the streets. So many. Mackinsey, I can't. Too many, she thought, looking to her left. Mackinsey frowned and poked at her chest with a translucent finger, tutting at her. Yvette sighed, her eyes out of focus as the ghost moved his mouth. Finally nodding, she looked at the group again, and pushed from the door, stepping towards them.

"Now I may be able to put faces to names. I'm Yvette," she said. Her blue eyes flitted over each of them, before settling on Nikolae. "Hello Nikolae, sir." Curiously, she peered at the basket, her mouth parted slightly. "Been busy picking flowers, sire-mine? Such a lovely bouquet. So fragrant," she added in a lilting, dreamy tone. She looked around again, her eyes vaguely out of focus as the ghost beside her touched her hair. "Not now, Mackinsey,"she murmured. She smiled in a manner that she hoped was appealing, and not like she was touched in the head.

Besides her sire, there were two males and three females. Not as many as she had thought. She longed for her paints again as she looked at them. They were taller than she was, not that she minded much, but it would make it harder for her to have a good angle for a portrait. Perhaps she could have them sit. Lost in her thoughts, she rested her jaw against her hand as she gazed at each of them. "Beautiful flowers, plucked at perfect bloom. Preserved by fire from the sands of time."

She shivered, becoming cold, and as she looked down towards the floor at her feet she realized why. Not only had she picked inappropriate clothing (despite Mackinsey's protests), she'd lost her shoes between her home and the temple. Wiggling her toes against the floor, she laughed softly.

Re: Wake the Shadow [Dragomir]

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 15:12
by Azraeth
"That sounds perfect Az, I'm game with anything that involves devolving."

Perfect indeed. For their sort of bloodline at least. Oh. Azraeth could certainly pass for normal when he absolutely wanted to, but that could get boring. He had spent most of his time as a vampire trying to be as normal as possible to make up for the chaos that was the Worthington bloodline, and the flame that was the Dragomir. He was most often cast in the role of 'voice of reason', which was fine and dandy when he needed to make some sort of public announcement. But really. With the royal shithole that CrowNet had become, what was the point? That was one of the problems with being a vampire in the 21st century. Nobody took anything seriously, so CrowNet, where anyone could say anything anonymously, tended to be little more than a troll's paradise.

Except for when you got into the parts of it reserved for bloodline.

The point was that Az rarely got to act like a vampire, and he was looking forward to the opportunity. He offered a faint smile to Enzo, a nod as well. "I think it's settled then." He replied in a tone so subdued that the only way to tell what he was thinking was by looking into his eyes. His voice was soothing. Cool. Velvet. His gaze though. There was flame there, not just a spark but an inferno. Maybe something recently had brought him to the point where he felt like he needed to be more alive than he had in the past. Maybe he was just tired of all the restraint that came with being a vampire in Harper Rock. Or maybe some of Nikolae's insanity was finally filtering into his mind.

Not that anyone could tell, just by looking at him.

He noted, only from the corner of his gaze, that the Dragomir were joined by a new face. She had eyes like a sun about to go supernova, and those serpentine slits that said Dragon. She seemed quiet, and Az felt very little need to try and force her out of her shell. At least not until they were at the party. He did however give her a little wave, fingers briefly trailing through the air. Which was about the time a comment Cordelia made caught his attention. "Sniper?" He asked, intrigued. When they had met, she'd had a gun in her purse and had been more than happy to use it on someone who had attacked the pair on their way to the Temple. He had no clue she was that skilled though. "I insist you come with us. We can pick up some chains and padlocks, make sure all the exits are sealed before we go in. But I'm not letting you escape a little bit of bloody bonding." He said to her. Though her request for a new gun made Christmas a little easier

"A... Rave? I'm not sure I know what this is. I like to dance, will we be dancing?

He heard the voice and got a brief image that made him gaze towards Merry again. "You know I'm sure we could figure something out with the dancing. Like turning some of the other ravegoers into zombies. Reenactment of the Thriller music video anyone?" And then a pause. "Be back in a moment." He decided, abruptly blinking right out of existence. Or at least, that was probably how it looked to the people gathered. In truth, he was teleporting to a nearby all night store so he could purchase a messenger bag, and enough of the aforementioned padlocks and chains to make sure that nobody escaped their little Dragomir games.

All told he took about ten minutes.

The lady at the cash register gave him a funky look, but he just smiled at her.

Then he was back at the entrance of the Temple, tugging the large double doors open, to unleash the Dragomir onto the outside world. To the streets.

He had to move aside when someone new joined the group. Another face he didn't know. Though instinct told him that his sire must have been turning people again. Not that he blamed the man. There needed to be more Dragons, and there was really only one way to do that.

She introduced herself as Yvette.

And she seemed to have taken greatly after Nikolae in certain...ways.

She's insane. He decided. And smiled encouragingly to her. Well. That wasn't really too much of a problem in their bloodline. Nikolae acted like he was a dragon ripped out of some fantasy novel, forced into human flesh. "Where we're going, there will be plenty of opportunity to pick even more flowers. Nice to meet you, by the way. I'm Azraeth, but everyone calls me Az." He offered, before turning on his heel, gesturing towards the street. "Away we go!" He said, though he suspected Nikolae would take charge sooner rather than later. Be the conductor in their marching band of madness. "Rave is just down the street a ways. Flashing lights. Loud music. Can't miss it!" He called back behind him as he walked into the darkness, letting it fall over him like some kind of shroud.

People can move straight to the rave if they want/begin describing it, etc.

Welcome Requiem and Yvette to the posting order. Modified posting order is as follows: Azraeth (Current post), Enzo, Cordelia, Merry, Nikolae, Requiem, Yvette.

Merry's player is currently away, so feel free to skip her if she's not back by her post. However, the character is still there. Just assume she's gone quiet for the moment. <3

Dragomir may still join even though the location has changed. Az left behind his wraith to give directions!

Re: Wake the Shadow [Dragomir]

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 02:50
by Enzo Dragomir
Enzo curved his lips into a full smile as his sire did the dandy giving his gift to him. His flourish of the finger spread blood and chunky bits over his beard, but he was already wiping clean as he accepted the silver ring in the shape of a dragon. He threaded his handkerchief through the jewelry and pushed it onto his middle finger, admiring the gleam under the glow of the temples lights. "You do too much for us Sire, thank you." He reached out with the hand wearing the bauble and clasped Nikolae on the shoulder affectionately. His sire might be a bit unorthodox, a bit unconventional, but it beat the hell out of some of the megalomaniacal asshats he'd been meeting of late. Half the vampires running around were like low carb beer. All packaging and no taste.

Excusing himself he went to his car to get that change of clothes while the others mingled amongst themselves, passing the newest arrival on his way. He stopped and appraised her for a moment but she seemed deep in conversation with the air so he decided he wouldn't intrude. They had all night after all. He stepped aside for her and lifted a brow as he looked down at her bare feet... he had a few pairs of shoes in his boot from one night stands. He'd bring her some.

Grabbing his travel bag he headed back in, toward the back and slipped into something less comfortable. Jeans, white tee, his leather jacket that was custom made to his impressive size and still managed to look rakish. He didn't know what to expect with this family outing so he strapped his Montante to his back, checked his semi was holstered and knives in order. It was sometimes awkward to explain to a potential blonde happy meal what was going on under his clothes, but a well played use of credit card usually shut them up.

Done and ready he headed back to the door as Az got things underway, holding it open with a flourish for the ladies.

Walking down the street he enjoyed the various sounds of merriment from his family, choosing to remain silent as they went. Absorbing the first feel of blooded unity he'd ever felt in his life, allowing it to brush over him with an absurd satisfaction. Even the sounds of truly horrid music pounding from their destination couldn't dim it, and in that moment they were kings.
