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Re: Barrel Shortage?

Posted: 23 Jan 2016, 19:36
by CharlotteC
Barrels are a pain in the back end to find and upgrade... I have no problem with stocks though... I always find those and have no problem upgrading them..

Actions are crap shots too...

Also, I have noticed that hand guns are far easier to find than rifles or rapids...

Re: Barrel Shortage?

Posted: 28 Jan 2016, 15:10
by Reganleif
During the treasure hunt, Sun, Dande & Crimson picked up a ton of parts. What I noticed was that nearly all the Q 12+ gun parts were nearly 85% rapid fire stocks & actions. There were a bunch of barrels, most handgun, but they seemed to be lower quality, as a whole. None over Q 11, most being 10.

The sword parts are something that has driven me bonkers for a long time. During the treasure hunt, I would estimate that 60% of the sword parts picked up were Blunts. The division of heads, hilts & pummels were pretty even, though. Out of curiosity, I watched the auction for the next few days to see what others had found and it sure seemed like the "Blunt" were def the most gathered.

Sun has high tracking which is supposed to give a better chance of finding higher quality parts & weapons, whether they are pick ups or drops. But, honestly, Dande seems to have waay better luck than Sunny does.